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Last active June 12, 2020 13:40
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  • Save jwalton/7916168 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jwalton/7916168 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# A Dashing widget which shows an image.
# To use, in your dashboard.erb file:
# <li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="3" data-sizey="2">
# <div data-id="picture" data-view="BigImage" data-image=""
# style="background-color:transparent;"
# data-max="true"
# ></div>
# </li>
# You can update the image via a background job or API key. Whenever the image laods, the image
# will be resized to fit the dimensions of the widget. If `data-max="false"`, then the image
# will never be enlarged.
class Dashing.BigImage extends Dashing.Widget
endsWith = (str, suffix) -> str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) isnt -1
# Courtesy @mr-deamon
resizeImage = ($img, maxWidth, maxHeight, maximize) ->
width = $img.width()
height = $img.height()
delta_x = width-maxWidth
delta_y = height-maxHeight
if delta_x <= delta_y
$img.css("height", maxHeight)
$img.css("width", maxWidth)
getImageSize = ($img, done) ->
loadedHandler = ->
$ 'load', loadedHandler
done $img.width(), $img.height()
img = $img[0]
if !img.complete
# Wait for the image to load
$img.on 'load', loadedHandler
# Image is already loaded. Call the loadedHandler.
sleep 0, loadedHandler
sleep = (timeInMs, fn) -> setTimeout fn, timeInMs
ready: ->
container = $(@node).parent()
@maxWidth = (Dashing.widget_base_dimensions[0] *"sizex")) + Dashing.widget_margins[0] * 2 * ("sizex") - 1)
@maxHeight = (Dashing.widget_base_dimensions[1] *"sizey"))
draw this
onData: (data) ->
return if !@maxWidth or !@maxHeight
draw this
makeVideo = (url, type) ->
return $('
<video preload="auto" autoplay="autoplay" muted="muted" loop="loop" webkit-playsinline>
<source src="' + url + '" type="' + type + '">
draw = (self) ->
$el = $(self.node)
needResize = false
# Remove the old image
# Load the new image
imageUrl = self.get("image")
if endsWith imageUrl, ".mp4"
$img = makeVideo imageUrl, 'video/mp4'
else if endsWith imageUrl, ".gifv"
imageUrl = imageUrl[0...-5] + ".mp4"
$img = makeVideo imageUrl, 'video/mp4'
# Need to resize images to preserve aspect ration
needResize = true
$img = $('<img src="' + self.get("image") + '"/>')
$el.append $img
if needResize
# Resize the image
getImageSize $img, (width, height) =>
resizeImage $img, self.maxWidth, self.maxHeight, self.get 'max'
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sass declarations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$background-color: #4b4b4b;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Widget-image styles
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
div.widget-big-image {
padding: 0;
background-color: $background-color;
video {
width: 100%

A Dashing widget which shows an image.

To use, in your dashboard.erb file:

<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="3" data-sizey="2">
  <div data-id="picture" data-view="BigImage" data-image=""

You can update the image via a background job or API key. Whenever the image laods, the image will be resized to fit the dimensions of the widget. If data-max="false", then the image will never be enlarged.

This also supports imgur .mp4 and .gifv files.

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Anyone been able to get SVG's working properly? All I get is a layer, not the full image.

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@andrewsmhay: SVG is working without any issues for us.

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z00tv commented Jan 20, 2016

how do I update a image widget through API or background job?

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@jwalton same question as @z00tv how can I get to automatically reload the image through a background job?

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@z00tv @hostingnuggets this curl command works for me:

curl -d '{ "auth_token": "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "image": "image.jpg" }' \http://localhost:3030/widgets/WIDGET_DATA_ID_HERE

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stigert commented Aug 25, 2018

I can't get this widget to work. It just shows the image in the original size, without making it fit

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hello all, how can I use a localfile instead of a https:// ????

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jwalton commented Jun 12, 2020

You could, but the file would have to be present on whatever machine is viewing the dashboard, so I wouldn't recommend it. You can always use something like imgur to host the image, especially if it's not going to be viewed by thousands of people or anything. (I'm a little surprised to see someone is still using Dashing! Shopify hasn't exactly been maintaining it. You might want to look into something a bit more modern like Grafana?)

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