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Last active May 14, 2020 17:17
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Docker Toolbox for Windows and Windows Subsystem for Linux (aka Bash on Windows)
# This script installs and configures WSL to work with Docker Toolbox for Windows.
# 1. Install WSL (check out [bowinstaller]( for programmatic installation.
# 2. Run the contents of this script in Bash. (copy and paste works fine, no need to save)
sudo -sEH << 'EOM'
# Install the docker client and docker-compose
apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl ca-certificates
curl -sSL | sh
curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# Add the current user to the docker group.
usermod -aG docker $(id -un)
# Symlink /c/ to /mnt/c/ as Docker Toolbox is expects /c/ path mappings.
[[ ! -e /c/ ]] && ln -s /mnt/c /
#Set docker-machine to run on terminal start.
cat >> ~/.bashrc << 'EOM'
# Start the docker machine
export VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH='/c/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/'
pushd '/c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox/' > /dev/null
./ exit
# Get env variables from docker-machine, convert paths, ignore comments, and strip double quotes.
$(./docker-machine.exe env --shell bash | sed 's/C:/\/c/' | sed 's/\\/\//g' | sed 's:#.*$::g' | sed 's/"//g' )
popd > /dev/null
# Change /mnt/c/ to /c/ in current working directory path
cd $(pwd | sed 's/\/mnt\/c\//\/c\//')
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fishnux commented Oct 12, 2017

For some reason, when I use docker-compose, mounted volumes start with path "/mnt/c/", instead of "/c/", causing the volume to be improperly mounted (I think). Does anyone know a fix for this?

Here's my docker-compose.yml:

    image: nginx:latest
        - "8080:80"
        - ./code:/code
        - ./site.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/site.conf
web_1  | 2017/10/12 13:17:08 [crit] 1#1: pread() "/etc/nginx/conf.d/site.conf" failed (21: Is a directory)
web_1  | nginx: [crit] pread() "/etc/nginx/conf.d/site.conf" failed (21: Is a directory)

When using PowerShell, everything works fine.

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schenkj commented Oct 25, 2017

Could not read CA certificate "/home/schenkj/.docker/ca.pem": open /home/schenkj/.docker/ca.pem: no such file or directory when running docker ps on WSL.

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jwsloan commented Nov 19, 2017

This is great! This might be a newb question, but how do I handle this?

$ docker ps
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

Update... I'm now up and running thanks to this script as well as this gist, and possibly another link I can't find right now.

I think these are all the steps that got me the rest of the way:

I added these to .bashrc (.zshrc in my case):

export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=0                                         
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://$(cd /mnt/c && docker-machine.exe ip):2376

Then back in my terminal I ran these commands:

docker-machine.exe restart default
mkdir -p ~/.docker
ln -s /mnt/c/Users/John/.docker/machine/certs/ca.pem ~/.docker/ca.pem
ln -s /mnt/c/Users/John/.docker/machine/certs/ca-key.pem ~/.docker/ca-key.pem
ln -s /mnt/c/Users/John/.docker/machine/certs/cert.pem ~/.docker/cert.pem
ln -s /mnt/c/Users/John/.docker/machine/certs/key.pem ~/.docker/key.pem
docker-machine.exe upgrade

Finally I followed these instructions to get my DNS setup to use google's and

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strarsis commented Jan 16, 2018

There is a nice docker-env wrapper script that does the ENV/export conversion (well enough, had no issues yet):

I made a similar HOWTO (though inferior to this approach I think), maybe it is still helpful for you for fixing some other issues:

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austinkelleher commented Feb 1, 2018

I am also having trouble with volumes. The files are missing when using docker-compose up. Example:

version: '3'
    image: some/image
    build .
     - .:/usr/my-service
     - /usr/my-service/node_modules

Example Dockerfile:

FROM node:8.9.4-alpine

ENV HOME=/usr/my-service
RUN mkdir -p $HOME

ADD package.json $HOME
ADD package-lock.json $HOME

RUN npm install --silent



CMD npm run start:docker

Any ideas? /cc @fishnux @strarsis @jwilson8767

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A recent commit in docker toolbox breaks this. Two changes in this commit are problematic.

  1. They no longer hard-code the docker toolbox and docker-machine.exe paths. Simple fix is to do export DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH='/c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox' before calling ./ exit.
  2. On line 80 of the commit, they convert the exports to SETX syntax, which won't work in wsl. Not sure of a good fix for this. Personally, I just deleted the line from my, but I'd rather have a fix in my .bashrc without touching

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Unfortunately, uses a windows path to docker-machine.exe. I fixed it locally to use which to find the executable but then that exposed another issue: you cannot run docker-machine.exe commands without the variables set by docker-machine.exe --shell bash. So you can't run the command that sets the variables that you need to run the command.

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source <(docker-machine.exe env default --shell bash | sed 's?\\?/?g;s?C:/?/mnt/c/?g') run this before docker-compose.

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