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John Matthews jwmatthews

View GitHub Profile
- name: cloud-readiness
description: This ruleset detects logging configurations that may be problematic when migrating an application to a cloud environment.
description: HTTP session replication (distributable web.xml)
category: mandatory
- clustering
- name: cloud-readiness
description: This ruleset detects logging configurations that may be problematic when migrating an application to a cloud environment.
description: HTTP session replication (distributable web.xml)
category: mandatory
- clustering
time="2024-04-29T20:59:12Z" level=error msg="unable to parse all the rules for ruleset" error="unable to find ruleset.yaml\nunable to find ruleset.yaml\nunable to find ruleset.yaml" file=/opt/input/rules/
time="2024-04-29T20:59:41Z" level=info msg="provider does not have dependency capability" provider=builtin
time="2024-04-29T20:59:42Z" level=info msg="info rule not matched" rule=embedded-cache-libraries-01000
time="2024-04-29T20:59:42Z" level=info msg="info rule not matched" rule=embedded-cache-libraries-02000
time="2024-04-29T20:59:42Z" level=info msg="info rule not matched" rule=embedded-cache-libraries-03000
time="2024-04-29T20:59:43Z" level=info msg="info rule not matched" rule=embedded-cache-libraries-04000
time="2024-04-29T20:59:43Z" level=info msg="info rule not matched" rule=embedded-cache-libraries-05000
time="2024-04-29T20:59:43Z" level=info msg="info rule not matched" rule=embedded-cache-libraries-06000
time="2024-04-29T20:59:44Z" level=info msg="info rule not matched" rule=embedded-cache-librari
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:7ca2026bf3f7201550e4352f6162a681ca56397948099e05aeb4867732c39322
Copying blob sha256:d9e1f9b8fbef7c89a10cf482c1d4b3df4180d4c98e2b0f0d78759df934249317
Copying blob sha256:4b12565573ad9790765c28a34b8e0ef6e775d9b2db455a595d6559bc2fd39984
Copying blob sha256:da72c6866b09340b321e9966b41394800208b4704e20783be6b1d394290caed2
Copying config sha256:d4792fbc117f21826ebf305cf338b487a7d99769d6828c407e8c14951cfc26ec
Writing manifest to image destination
Error: unmarshalling into &define.InspectContainerData{ID:"8e2cbe7496bf4f456e1683a8a0a9ac07aeb465e420a11ba2ed73ad67e8cc7d99", Created:time.Date(2024, time.April, 29, 15, 54, 53, 74554924, time.Local), Path:"/usr/local/bin/windup-shim", Args:[]string{"convert", "--outputdir=/opt/shimoutput", "/opt/xmlrules"}, State:(*define.InspectContainerState)(0x14000492000), Image:"d4792fbc117f21826ebf305cf338b487a7d99769d6828c407e8c14951cfc26ec", ImageDigest:"sha256:71877349a3f68069a4ed
time="2024-04-29T19:36:58Z" level=error msg="error for list services retrying" error="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp connect: connection refused\"" logger=java provider=grpc
time="2024-04-29T19:37:01Z" level=error msg="error for list services retrying" error="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp connect: connection refused\"" logger=java provider=grpc
time="2024-04-29T19:37:04Z" level=error msg="error for list services retrying" error="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp connect: connection refused\"" logger=java provider=grpc
time="2024-04-29T19:37:07Z" level=error msg="error for list services retrying" error="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp connect: connection refused\"
jwmatthews / Prompt_ShippingService.txt
Created April 18, 2024 18:59
April 18 2024 - Example prompt for ShippingService
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>
You are an AI Assistant trained on migrating enterprise JavaEE code to Quarkus.
I will give you a JavaEE file for which I want to take one step towards migrating to Quarkus.
I will provide you with static source code analysis information highlighting an issue which needs to be addressed.
I will also provide you with an example of how a similar issue was solved in the past via a solved example.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# If you want to run with source only uncomment below
# SOURCE_ONLY="-m source-only"
# We are experimenting with modifying some of the default Kantra rules from:
# .
- name: cloud-readiness
description: This ruleset detects logging configurations that may be problematic when migrating an application to a cloud environment.
description: HTTP session replication (distributable web.xml)
category: mandatory
- clustering
+ cp -r /opt/input/source /tmp/source-code
+ sed -i 's|/opt/input/source|/tmp/source-code|g' /opt/input/config/settings.json
+ /usr/local/bin/konveyor-analyzer --provider-settings=/opt/input/config/settings.json --output-file=/opt/output/output.yaml --context-lines=100 --rules=/opt/input/rules/ '--dep-label-selector=(!' --verbose=4 '--label-selector=(( || || || || && || (discovery)' --dep-output-file=/opt/output/dependencies.yaml
time="2024-04-16T12:29:56Z" level=error msg="grpc unable to get info" error="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp [::1]:42615: connect: connection refused\"" logger=java provider=grpc
time="2024-04-16T12:29:59Z" level=info msg="Caps found" caps="[{\"Name\":\"referenced\",\"Input\":{},\"Output\":{}},{\"Name\":\
- request:
body: '{"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "# Java EE to Quarkus Migration\n\nYou
are an AI Assistant trained on migrating enterprise JavaEE code to Quarkus.
I will give you an example of a JavaEE file and you will give me the Quarkus
equivalent.\n\nTo help you update this file to Quarkus I will provide you with
static source code analysis information highlighting an issue which needs to
be addressed, I will also provide you with an example of how a similar issue
was solved in the past via a solved example. You can refer to the solved example
for a pattern of how to update the input Java EE file to Quarkus.\n\nBe sure