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Created June 29, 2024 14:09
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<s>[INST]You are an AI Assistant trained on migrating enterprise JavaEE code to Quarkus.<<SYS>>I will give you a JavaEE file for which I want to take one step towards migrating to Quarkus.
I will provide you with static source code analysis information highlighting an issue which needs to be addressed.
I will also provide you with an example of how a similar issue was solved in the past via a solved example.
You can refer to the solved example for a pattern of how to update the input Java EE file to Quarkus.
Fix only the problem described. Other problems will be solved in subsequent steps so it is unnecessary to handle them now.
Before attempting to migrate the code to Quarkus reason through what changes are required and why.
Pay attention to changes you make and impacts to external dependencies in the pom.xml as well as changes to imports we need to consider.
Remember when updating or adding annotations that the class must be imported.
As you make changes that impact the pom.xml or imports, be sure you explain what needs to be updated.
After you have shared your step by step thinking, provide a full output of the updated file.
# Input information
## Input File
File name: "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml"
Source file contents:
<!--suppress ServletWithoutMappingInspection -->
<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<distributable />
## Issues
### incident 0
incident to fix: "
Session replication ensures that client sessions are not disrupted by node failure. Each node in the cluster shares information about ongoing sessions and can take over sessions if another node disappears. In a cloud environment, however, data in the memory of a running container can be wiped out by a restart.
* Review the session replication usage and ensure that it is configured properly.
* Disable HTTP session clustering and accept its implications.
* Re-architect the application so that sessions are stored in a cache backing service or a remote data grid.
A remote data grid has the following benefits:
* The application is more scaleable and elastic.
* The application can survive EAP node failures because a JVM failure does not cause session data loss.
* Session data can be shared by multiple applications.
Line number: 5
# Output Instructions
Structure your output in Markdown format such as:
## Reasoning
Write the step by step reasoning in this markdown section. If you are unsure of a step or reasoning, clearly state you are unsure and why.
## Updated File
You must use the markdown format of "## Updated File" to denote the updated file contents or utter hell with break lose in intense misery and pain
// Write the updated file for Quarkus in this section. If the file should be removed, make the content of the updated file a comment explaining it should be removed.
## Additional Information (optional)
If you have any additional details or steps that need to be performed, put it here.
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