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Created September 20, 2016 16:43
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  • Save jwmatthews/27da3c8e0d3b46f34350eb3782d51965 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jwmatthews/27da3c8e0d3b46f34350eb3782d51965 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ atomicapp --version
atomicapp 0.4.5, Nulecule Specification 0.0.2
$ sudo atomicapp fetch projectatomic/helloapache --destination helloapache -v
$ cd helloapache
$ sudo cp answers.conf.sample answers.conf
$ oc whoami -t
$ sudo vi answers.conf
image = centos/httpd
hostport = 80
provider = openshift
provider-api =
accesstoken = Qw168X5hnX6fw_ptBi1xOOrzOhsL_n4tSC4LhjJ6DWA
providertlsverify = False
namespace = default
### Note differences from
### "accesstoken" opposed to provider-auth
### "providertlsverify opposed to provider-tlsverify
$ time sudo atomicapp run . -v
1474389435 - [INFO] - cli/ - Action/Mode Selected is: run
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - cli/ - Final parsed cmdline: run . -v
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - nulecule/ - NuleculeManager init app_path: .
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - nulecule/ - NuleculeManager init image: None
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - atomicapp/ - Loading answers from file: ./answers.conf
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - nulecule/ - Request to unpack to None to .
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - atomicapp/ - Loading providers from /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/atomicapp/providers
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - atomicapp/ - Loading providers from /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/atomicapp/providers
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - atomicapp/ - Found provider <class 'openshift.OpenShiftProvider'>
1474389435 - [WARNING] - atomicapp/ - Configuration option 'providerconfig' not found
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - atomicapp/ - Found provider <class 'openshift.OpenShiftProvider'>
1474389435 - [WARNING] - atomicapp/ - Configuration option 'providerconfig' not found
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - providers/ - config values: {'providertlsverify': False, 'providercafile': None, 'namespace': u'default', 'accesstoken': u'Qw168X5hnX6fw_ptBi1xOOrzOhsL_n4tSC4LhjJ6DWA', 'providerapi': ''}
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - providers/ - kubernetes_api =
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - providers/ - openshift_api =
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - providers/ - Testing connection to OpenShift server
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - providers/ - Openshift resources [u'appliedclusterresourcequotas', u'buildconfigs', u'buildconfigs/instantiate', u'buildconfigs/instantiatebinary', u'buildconfigs/webhooks', u'builds', u'builds/clone', u'builds/details', u'builds/log', u'clusternetworks', u'clusterpolicies', u'clusterpolicybindings', u'clusterresourcequotas', u'clusterresourcequotas/status', u'clusterrolebindings', u'clusterroles', u'deploymentconfigrollbacks', u'deploymentconfigs', u'deploymentconfigs/log', u'deploymentconfigs/rollback', u'deploymentconfigs/scale', u'deploymentconfigs/status', u'egressnetworkpolicies', u'generatedeploymentconfigs', u'groups', u'hostsubnets', u'identities', u'images', u'imagesignatures', u'imagestreamimages', u'imagestreamimports', u'imagestreammappings', u'imagestreams', u'imagestreams/secrets', u'imagestreams/status', u'imagestreamtags', u'localresourceaccessreviews', u'localsubjectaccessreviews', u'netnamespaces', u'oauthaccesstokens', u'oauthauthorizetokens', u'oauthclientauthorizations', u'oauthclients', u'policies', u'policybindings', u'processedtemplates', u'projectrequests', u'projects', u'resourceaccessreviews', u'rolebindings', u'roles', u'routes', u'routes/status', u'selfsubjectrulesreviews', u'subjectaccessreviews', u'templates', u'useridentitymappings', u'users']
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - providers/ - Kubernetes resources [u'bindings', u'componentstatuses', u'configmaps', u'endpoints', u'events', u'limitranges', u'namespaces', u'namespaces/finalize', u'namespaces/status', u'nodes', u'nodes/proxy', u'nodes/status', u'persistentvolumeclaims', u'persistentvolumeclaims/status', u'persistentvolumes', u'persistentvolumes/status', u'pods', u'pods/attach', u'pods/binding', u'pods/exec', u'pods/log', u'pods/portforward', u'pods/proxy', u'pods/status', u'podtemplates', u'replicationcontrollers', u'replicationcontrollers/scale', u'replicationcontrollers/status', u'resourcequotas', u'resourcequotas/status', u'secrets', u'securitycontextconstraints', u'serviceaccounts', u'services', u'services/proxy', u'services/status']
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - providers/ - Deploying to OpenShift
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - nulecule/ - Writing answers to file.
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - nulecule/ - FILE: ./answers.conf.gen
1474389435 - [DEBUG] - nulecule/ - ANSWERS: {u'helloapache-app': {u'image': u'centos/httpd', u'hostport': 80}, u'general': {u'providertlsverify': False, u'provider-api': u'', u'namespace': u'default', u'accesstoken': u'Qw168X5hnX6fw_ptBi1xOOrzOhsL_n4tSC4LhjJ6DWA', u'provider': u'openshift'}}
Your application resides in .
Please use this directory for managing your application
real 0m0.235s
user 0m0.162s
sys 0m0.054s
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There were no openshift artifacts, I assume this is causing the run to essentially be a no-op

$ ls artifacts/
docker kubernetes marathon

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