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Created January 17, 2017 17:37
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////Dungeonmap class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RLNET;
using RogueSharp;
namespace Roisto.Core
// Our custom DungeonMap class extends the base RogueSharp Map class
public class Dungeonmap : Map
// Returns true when able to place the Actor on the cell or false otherwise
public bool SetActorPosition(Actor actor, int x, int y)
// Only allow actor placement if the cell is walkable
if (GetCell(x, y).IsWalkable)
// The cell the actor was previously on is now walkable
SetIsWalkable(actor.X, actor.Y, true);
// Update the actor's position
actor.X = x;
actor.Y = y;
// The new cell the actor is on is now not walkable
SetIsWalkable(actor.X, actor.Y, false);
// Don't forget to update the field of view if we just repositioned the player
if (actor is Player)
return true;
return false;
// A helper method for setting the IsWalkable property on a Cell
public void SetIsWalkable(int x, int y, bool isWalkable)
Cell cell = GetCell(x, y);
SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, cell.IsTransparent, isWalkable, cell.IsExplored);
// This method will be called any time we move the player to update field-of-view
public void UpdatePlayerFieldOfView()
Player player = Game.Player;
// Compute the field-of-view based on the player's location and awareness
ComputeFov(player.X, player.Y, player.Awareness, true);
// Mark all cells in field-of-view as having been explored
foreach (Cell cell in GetAllCells())
if (IsInFov(cell.X, cell.Y))
SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, cell.IsTransparent, cell.IsWalkable, true);
// The Draw method will be called each time the map is updated
// It will render all of the symbols/colors for each cell to the map sub console
public void Draw(RLConsole mapConsole)
foreach (Cell cell in GetAllCells())
SetConsoleSymbolForCell(mapConsole, cell);
private void SetConsoleSymbolForCell(RLConsole console, Cell cell)
// When we haven't explored a cell yet, we don't want to draw anything
if (!cell.IsExplored)
// When a cell is currently in the field-of-view it should be drawn with ligher colors
if (IsInFov(cell.X, cell.Y))
// Choose the symbol to draw based on if the cell is walkable or not
// '.' for floor and '#' for walls
if (cell.IsWalkable)
console.Set(cell.X, cell.Y, Colors.FloorFov, Colors.FloorBackgroundFov, '.');
console.Set(cell.X, cell.Y, Colors.WallFov, Colors.WallBackgroundFov, '#');
// When a cell is outside of the field of view draw it with darker colors
if (cell.IsWalkable)
console.Set(cell.X, cell.Y, Colors.Floor, Colors.FloorBackground, '.');
console.Set(cell.X, cell.Y, Colors.Wall, Colors.WallBackground, '#');
/////End of this class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Roisto.Core;
namespace Roisto.System
public class CommandSystem
// Return value is true if the player was able to move
// false when the player couldn't move, such as trying to move into a wall
public bool MovePlayer(Direction direction)
int x = Game.Player.X;
int y = Game.Player.Y;
switch (direction)
case Direction.Up:
y = Game.Player.Y - 1;
case Direction.Down:
y = Game.Player.Y + 1;
case Direction.Left:
x = Game.Player.X - 1;
case Direction.Right:
x = Game.Player.X + 1;
return false;
if (Game.DungeonMap.SetActorPosition(Game.Player, x, y))
return true;
return false;
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