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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Extension.SCRIPT = ".cs"
DirectoryPath.AUTO_CREATING_CONSTANTS = "Assets/Scripts/Constants/AutoCreating/"
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Linq;
/// <summary>
/// 定数を管理するクラスを生成するクラス
/// </summary>
public static class ConstantsClassCreator
private static readonly string[] INVALUD_CHARS =
" ", "!", "\"", "#", "$",
"%", "&", "\'", "(", ")",
"-", "=", "^", "~", "\\",
"|", "[", "{", "@", "`",
"]", "}", ":", "*", ";",
"+", "/", "?", ".", ">",
",", "<"
private const char DELIMITER = '_';
private const string STRING_NAME = "string";
private const string INT_NAME = "int";
private const string FLOAT_NAME = "float";
/// <summary>
/// 定数を管理するクラスを自動生成する
/// </summary>
/// <param name="className">クラスの名前</param>
/// <param name="classInfo">なんのクラスか説明するコメント文</param>
/// <param name="variableDic">定数名とその値をセットで登録したDictionary</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">定数の型、stringかintかfloat</typeparam>
public static void Create<T> (string className, string classInfo, Dictionary<string, T> valueDic)
string typeName = null;
if(typeof(T) == typeof(string)){
typeName = STRING_NAME;
else if(typeof(T) == typeof(int)){
typeName = INT_NAME;
else if(typeof(T) == typeof(float)){
typeName = FLOAT_NAME;
Debug.Log (className + Extension.SCRIPT +"の作成に失敗しました.想定外の型" + typeof(T).Name + "が入力されました");
Dictionary<string, T> newValueDic = new Dictionary<string, T> ();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, T> valuePair in valueDic) {
string newKey = RemoveInvalidChars(valuePair.Key);
newKey = SetDelimiterBeforeUppercase(newKey);
newValueDic [newKey] = valuePair.Value;
int keyLengthMax = 1 + newValueDic.Keys.Select (key => key.Length).Max ();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ();
builder.AppendLine ("/// <summary>");
builder.AppendFormat ("/// {0}", classInfo).AppendLine ();
builder.AppendLine ("/// </summary>");
builder.AppendFormat ("public static class {0}", className).AppendLine ();
builder.AppendLine ("{");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, T> valuePair in newValueDic) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (valuePair.Key)) {
string EqualStr = String.Format("{0, " + (keyLengthMax - valuePair.Key.Length).ToString() + "}", "=");
builder.Append ("\t").AppendFormat (@" public const {0} {1} {2} ", typeName, valuePair.Key, EqualStr);
if (typeName == STRING_NAME) {
builder.AppendFormat (@"""{0}"";", valuePair.Value).AppendLine ();
else if (typeName == FLOAT_NAME) {
builder.AppendFormat (@"{0}f;", valuePair.Value).AppendLine ();
else {
builder.AppendFormat (@"{0};", valuePair.Value).AppendLine ();
builder.AppendLine ("}");
string exportPath = DirectoryPath.AUTO_CREATING_CONSTANTS + className + Extension.SCRIPT;
string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName (exportPath);
if (!Directory.Exists (directoryName)) {
File.WriteAllText (exportPath, builder.ToString (), Encoding.UTF8);
AssetDatabase.Refresh (ImportAssetOptions.ImportRecursive);
Debug.Log (className + Extension.SCRIPT + "の作成が完了しました");
/// <summary>
/// 無効な文字を削除します
/// </summary>
private static string RemoveInvalidChars(string str)
Array.ForEach(INVALUD_CHARS, c => str = str.Replace(c, string.Empty));
return str;
/// <summary>
/// 区切り文字を大文字の前に設定する
/// </summary>
private static string SetDelimiterBeforeUppercase(string str)
string conversionStr = "";
for(int strNo = 0; strNo < str.Length; strNo++){
bool isSetDelimiter = true;
if(strNo == 0){
isSetDelimiter = false;
else if(char.IsLower(str[strNo]) || char.IsNumber(str[strNo])){
isSetDelimiter = false;
else if(char.IsUpper(str[strNo - 1]) && !char.IsNumber(str[strNo])){
isSetDelimiter = false;
else if(str[strNo] == DELIMITER || str[strNo - 1] == DELIMITER){
isSetDelimiter = false;
conversionStr += DELIMITER.ToString();
conversionStr += str.ToUpper() [strNo];
return conversionStr;
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