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Created October 11, 2018 13:45
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Install docker

sudo apt install

Create Dockerfile


FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update 

RUN apt-get install -y gcc make g++ 

Create (build) an image

sudo docker build -t mitsos .

Show all images

sudo docker images

Create a container and run it!

sudo docker run -i -t mitsos

Create a container and run a specific BASH command

sudo docker run -t mitsos /bin/bash -c "ls -la /root"

Deattach from a container:

ctrl-p ctrl-q

SHOW all containers

sudo docker ps -a

Reattach to a running container

sudo docker attach 03a0d9c58ada

Copy a file to a running container

sudo docker cp myfile 03a0d9c58ada:/root/myfile

Copy a from from a running container

sudo docker cp 03a0d9c58ada:/root/HELLO ./

Share a directory from local in the container

sudo docker run -i -v /home/ubuntu/mydata:/mydata -t mitsos

IMPORTANT The container can write to the files

Delete an exited container

sudo docker rm edb7389e52f4

Run a command in a running container

sudo docker exec -i -t afe3b21735a0 ls -l

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