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Last active October 21, 2022 08:15
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# ./ --BAM /gpfs1/well/gsk_hla/bam_output/AA02O9Q_Z2.bam --graph PRG_MHC_GRCh38_withIMGT --sampleID NA12878Direct
use warnings;
use strict;
use FindBin;
use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Cwd qw/getcwd abs_path/;
$| = 1;
my $this_bin_dir = $FindBin::RealBin;
my $_BAM;
my $graph;
my $sampleID;
my $qsub;
my $samtools_bin;
my $bwa_bin;
my $java_bin;
my $picard_sam2fastq_bin;
my $workingDir_param;
my $maxThreads = 1;
my $moreReferencesDir;
my $extractExonkMerCounts;
my $longReads = 0;
my $testing = 0;
GetOptions (
'BAM:s' => \$_BAM,
'graph:s' => \$graph,
'sampleID:s' => \$sampleID,
'qsub:s' => \$qsub,
'workingDir:s' => \$workingDir_param,
'samtools_bin:s' => \$samtools_bin,
'bwa_bin:s' => \$bwa_bin,
'java_bin:s' => \$java_bin,
'picard_sam2fastq_bin:s' => \$picard_sam2fastq_bin,
'maxThreads:s' => \$maxThreads,
'moreReferencesDir:s' => \$moreReferencesDir,
'extractExonkMerCounts:s' => \$extractExonkMerCounts,
'longReads:s' => \$longReads,
'testing:s' => \$testing,
if ($extractExonkMerCounts)
warn "--extractExonkMerCounts 1: This feature is experimental and unlikely to work on your machine";
die unless(-e '../exonkMerExtraction/GRCh38.forkMers');
die unless(-e '../exonkMerExtraction/exonCoordinates_manual.txt.forExtraction');
unless((not $longReads) or ($longReads eq 'ont2d') or ($longReads eq 'pacbio'))
die "Please specify --longReads ont2d or --longReads pacbio";
my %paths_ini;
my $paths_ini = $this_bin_dir . '/paths.ini';
if(-e $paths_ini)
open(INI, '<', $paths_ini) or die "Cannot open $paths_ini";
next unless($_);
$_ =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
next if($_ =~ /^\s+$/);
die "Invalid line format in $paths_ini -- expect all lines to be either empty or key=value pairs" unless($_ =~ /^(.+)=(.*)$/);
my $id = $1;
my @alts = split(/,/, $2);
$paths_ini{$id} = \@alts;
$samtools_bin = find_path('samtools_bin', $samtools_bin, 'samtools');
$bwa_bin = find_path('bwa_bin', $bwa_bin, 'bwa');
$java_bin = find_path('java_bin', $java_bin, 'java');
$picard_sam2fastq_bin = find_path('picard_sam2fastq_bin', $picard_sam2fastq_bin, 'picard');
my $FASTQ_extraction_command_part1;
if($picard_sam2fastq_bin =~ /SamToFastq\.jar$/)
$FASTQ_extraction_command_part1 = qq($java_bin -Xmx10g -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -jar $picard_sam2fastq_bin);
elsif($picard_sam2fastq_bin =~ /picard-tools$/)
$FASTQ_extraction_command_part1 = qq($picard_sam2fastq_bin SamToFastq);
elsif($picard_sam2fastq_bin =~ /picard\.jar$/)
$FASTQ_extraction_command_part1 = qq($java_bin -Xmx10g -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -jar $picard_sam2fastq_bin SamToFastq);
elsif($picard_sam2fastq_bin =~ /picard$/)
$FASTQ_extraction_command_part1 = qq($picard_sam2fastq_bin SamToFastq);
die "I can't interpret the specified Picard command: $picard_sam2fastq_bin";
my $previous_dir = getcwd;
chdir($this_bin_dir) or die "Cannot cd into $this_bin_dir";
die "Binary ../bin/HLA-LA (from $this_bin_dir) not there!" unless(-e '../bin/HLA-LA');
my $cmd_test = qq(../bin/HLA-LA --action testBinary);
system($cmd_test) and die "HLA*LA test command $cmd_test failed";
chdir($previous_dir) or die "Cannot chdir into $previous_dir";
print " test\n\n";
print "\t", "samtools_bin", ": ", $samtools_bin, "\n";
print "\t", "bwa_bin", ": ", $bwa_bin, "\n";
print "\t", "java_bin", ": ", $java_bin, "\n";
print "\t", "picard_sam2fastq_bin", ": ", $picard_sam2fastq_bin, "\n";
exit 0;
my $working_dir;
if($paths_ini{workingDir}[0] and not defined $workingDir_param)
$working_dir = $paths_ini{workingDir}[0];
$working_dir =~ s/\$HLA\-LA\-DIR/$this_bin_dir/;
unless(defined $workingDir_param)
die "\n\nPlease specify a working directory via --workingDir.\n\nOutput for sample with ID \$sampleID will go a correspondingly named sub-directory of the working directory.\n\nFor example, if --workingDir is /path/working, and --sampleID is mySample, then the output will go into directory /path/working/mySample.\n\n";
$working_dir = $workingDir_param;
unless(-d $working_dir)
die "\n\nSpecified working directory $working_dir is either not present or not a directory.\n\nYou might have specified an invalid path via --workingDir.\n\n";
$working_dir = abs_path($working_dir);
unless($sampleID =~ /^\w+$/)
die "Please use only alphanumeric characters - \\w+ - for --sampleID";
my $working_dir_thisSample = $working_dir . '/' . $sampleID;
print "\n\n";
print "Identified paths:\n";
print "\t", "samtools_bin", ": ", $samtools_bin, "\n";
print "\t", "bwa_bin", ": ", $bwa_bin, "\n";
print "\t", "java_bin", ": ", $java_bin, "\n";
print "\t", "picard_sam2fastq_bin", ": ", $picard_sam2fastq_bin, "\n";
print "\t", "General working directory", ": ", $working_dir, "\n";
print "\t", "Sample-specific working directory", ": ", $working_dir_thisSample, "\n";
print "\n";
unless(-d $working_dir_thisSample)
mkdir($working_dir_thisSample) or die "Cannot mkdir $working_dir_thisSample";
my $samtools_version = `$samtools_bin --version` ;
die "Can't parse samtools version output" unless($samtools_version =~ /samtools ([\d\.]+)/);
$samtools_version = $1;
my $samtools_version_numeric = $samtools_version;
if($samtools_version_numeric =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/)
$samtools_version_numeric = $1 . '.' . $2 . $3;
#unless($samtools_version_numeric >= 1.3)
# die "I need samtools >=1.3";
#my $BAM = File::Spec->abs2rel($_BAM);
my $BAM = $_BAM;
print "1343 BAM: $BAM \n";
unless(-e $BAM)
die "BAM (or CRAM) $BAM (inferred from input $_BAM) not existing" unless(-e $BAM);
unless((-e $BAM . '.bai') or (-e $BAM . '.crai'))
die "File $BAM does not appear to be indexed";
my $full_graph_dir = $GRAPHDIR . '/' . $graph;
my $known_references_dir = $full_graph_dir . '/knownReferences';
unless(-e $full_graph_dir)
die "Graph directory $full_graph_dir not found - valid graph names are subdirectories of the graphs directory in the HLA-LA root";
unless((-e $full_graph_dir . '/sequences.txt') and ((-e $full_graph_dir . '/extendedReferenceGenomePath.txt') or (-e $full_graph_dir . '/extendedReferenceGenome/extendedReferenceGenome.fa')) and (-d $known_references_dir))
die "Graph directory $full_graph_dir does not seem to be complete - does this directory specify a valid graph for HLA-LA?";
# get index for this BAM
my $command_idxstats = qq($samtools_bin idxstats $BAM);
my $command_idxstats_output = `$command_idxstats`;
die "Didn't get a sensible output from command $command_idxstats";
my %BAM_idx;
my @BAM_idx_contigOrder;
my @idxstats_lines = split(/\n/, $command_idxstats_output);
foreach my $l (@idxstats_lines)
my @l_fields = split(/\t/, $l);
die unless(scalar(@l_fields) >= 1);
die if(exists $BAM_idx{$l_fields[0]});
$BAM_idx{$l_fields[0]} = $l_fields[1];
push(@BAM_idx_contigOrder, $l_fields[0]);
my @files_references = glob($known_references_dir . '/*.txt');
die "No known reference files in knownReferences ($full_graph_dir)?" unless(@files_references);
my $additional_references_dir = $this_bin_dir . '/additionalReferences/' . $graph;
if(-e $additional_references_dir)
my @additional_files_references = glob($additional_references_dir . '/*.txt');
push(@files_references, @additional_files_references);
if($moreReferencesDir and (-e $moreReferencesDir))
my $mD = $moreReferencesDir . '/' . $graph;
if(-d $mD)
my @even_more_files_references = glob($mD . '/*.txt');
push(@files_references, @even_more_files_references);
my @compatible_files;
my %extractContigs_complete_byFile;
my %extractContigs_partial_byFile;
foreach my $f (@files_references)
open(F, '<', $f) or die "Cannot open $f";
my $F_firstLine = <F>;
my @firstLine_fields = split(/\t/, $F_firstLine);
my @expected_firstLine_fields = qw/contigID contigLength ExtractCompleteContig PartialExtraction_Start PartialExtraction_Stop/;
die "Incorrect header for $f ($#firstLine_fields vs $#expected_firstLine_fields)" unless($#firstLine_fields == $#expected_firstLine_fields);
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#firstLine_fields; $i++)
die "Incorrect header for $f" unless($firstLine_fields[$i] eq $expected_firstLine_fields[$i]);
my $n_contigs = 0;
my $n_contigs_matching = 0;
my $line = $_;
next unless($line);
my @line_fields = split(/\t/, $line, -1);
if((exists $BAM_idx{$line_fields[0]}) and ($BAM_idx{$line_fields[0]} == $line_fields[1]))
# print "Mismatch $line_fields[0] - $line_fields[1] - " . $BAM_idx{$line_fields[0]} . "\n";
die if(($line_fields[2]) and (($line_fields[3]) and ($line_fields[4])));
if($line_fields[0] eq '*')
$extractContigs_complete_byFile{$f}{$line_fields[0]} = 1;
$extractContigs_partial_byFile{$f}{$line_fields[0]} = [1, $line_fields[1]];
if(($line_fields[3]) and ($line_fields[4]))
die if($line_fields[0] eq '*');
die "Coordinate field $line_fields[3] has non-numeric characters" unless($line_fields[3] =~ /^\d+$/);
die "Coordinate field $line_fields[4] has non-numeric characters" unless($line_fields[4] =~ /^\d+$/);
$extractContigs_partial_byFile{$f}{$line_fields[0]} = [$line_fields[3], $line_fields[4]];
if(($n_contigs_matching == $n_contigs) and ($n_contigs == scalar(@BAM_idx_contigOrder)))
push(@compatible_files, $f);
if(scalar(@compatible_files) == 0)
die "Have found no compatible reference specifications in $known_references_dir - create a file for this BAM file and try again.";
if(scalar(@compatible_files) > 1)
die "Found more than one compatible reference file in $known_references_dir - a duplicate?\n\n".Dumper(\@compatible_files);
my $compatible_reference_file = $compatible_files[0];
my @refIDs_for_extraction;
foreach my $refID (@BAM_idx_contigOrder)
next if($refID eq '*');
die if((exists $extractContigs_complete_byFile{$compatible_reference_file}{$refID}) and (exists $extractContigs_partial_byFile{$compatible_reference_file}{$refID}));
die unless((not defined $extractContigs_complete_byFile{$compatible_reference_file}{$refID}) or ($extractContigs_complete_byFile{$compatible_reference_file}{$refID} eq '0') or ($extractContigs_complete_byFile{$compatible_reference_file}{$refID} eq '1'));
push(@refIDs_for_extraction, $refID);
push(@refIDs_for_extraction, $refID . ':' . $extractContigs_partial_byFile{$compatible_reference_file}{$refID}[0] . '-' . $extractContigs_partial_byFile{$compatible_reference_file}{$refID}[1]);
die "No contigs for extraction specified in $compatible_reference_file?" unless(scalar(@refIDs_for_extraction));
my $target_extraction = $working_dir_thisSample . '/extraction.bam';
my $target_extraction_mapped = $working_dir_thisSample . '/extraction_mapped.bam';
my $extraction_command = qq($samtools_bin view -bo $target_extraction_mapped $BAM ).join(' ', @refIDs_for_extraction);
print "Extract reads from ", scalar(@refIDs_for_extraction), " regions...\n";
if(system($extraction_command) != 0)
die "Extraction command $extraction_command failed";
my $target_extraction_unmapped = $working_dir_thisSample . '/extraction_unmapped.bam';
my $extraction_command_unmapped = qq($samtools_bin view -b -f 4 $BAM > $target_extraction_unmapped);
print "Extract unmapped reads...\n";
print "extraction_command_unmapped=$extraction_command_unmapped\n";
print "BAM: $BAM\n";
if(system($extraction_command_unmapped) != 0)
die "Extraction command $extraction_command_unmapped failed";
unlink($target_extraction) if (-e $target_extraction);
my $extraction_command_merge = qq($samtools_bin merge $target_extraction $target_extraction_mapped $target_extraction_unmapped);
print "Merging...\n";
if(system($extraction_command_merge) != 0)
die "Merge command $extraction_command_merge failed";
my $mv_command = qq(mv $target_extraction_mapped $target_extraction);
if(system($mv_command) != 0)
die "Move command $mv_command failed";
my $index_command = qq($samtools_bin index $target_extraction);
print "Indexing...\n";
if(system($index_command) != 0)
die "Index command $index_command failed";
my $target_FASTQ_1 = $working_dir_thisSample . '/R_1.fastq';
my $target_FASTQ_2 = $working_dir_thisSample . '/R_2.fastq';
my $target_FASTQ_U = $working_dir_thisSample . '/R_U.fastq';
my $target_FASTQ_U_split = $working_dir_thisSample . '/R_U.fastq.splitLongReads';
my $FASTQ_extraction_command = qq($FASTQ_extraction_command_part1 VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT I=$target_extraction F=$target_FASTQ_1 F2=$target_FASTQ_2 FU=$target_FASTQ_U 2>&1);
print "Extract FASTQ...\n\t$FASTQ_extraction_command\n";
my $FASTQ_extraction_output = `$FASTQ_extraction_command`;
#if(($FASTQ_extraction_output =~ /Exception/) or ($FASTQ_extraction_output !~ /net.sf.picard.sam.SamToFastq done/))
if(($FASTQ_extraction_output !~ /picard.sam.SamToFastq done/))
die "Picard output: \n\n" . $FASTQ_extraction_output . "\n\nExtraction command $FASTQ_extraction_command $! \n\nAbort because the Picard FASTQ extraction process might have failed. I think so because I could not find the string 'picard.sam.SamToFastq done' in the Picard output.\n\n";
die "You activated --longReads, but the two files $target_FASTQ_1 and $target_FASTQ_2 (which store paired-end reads) are not empty - this is weird, and I will abort." unless(((-s $target_FASTQ_1) == 0) && ((-s $target_FASTQ_2) == 0));
unless((-s $target_FASTQ_U) > 0)
die "You activated --longReads, but my attempt to extract long unpaired reads from the specified input BAM failed. Abort.";
open(INLONG, '<', $target_FASTQ_U) or die;
open(OUTLONG, '>', $target_FASTQ_U_split) or die;
my $readID = $_;
die unless(substr($readID, 0, 1) eq '@');
my $sequence = <INLONG>; chomp($sequence);
my $plus = <INLONG>;
my $qualities = <INLONG>; chomp($qualities);
die unless(substr($plus, 0, 1) eq '+');
die unless(length($sequence) == length($qualities));
if(length($sequence) < 50000)
print OUTLONG $readID, "\n", $sequence, "\n", "+\n", $qualities, "\n";
my $runningI = 0;
die unless(length($sequence) == length($qualities));
my $thisPart_readID = '>rP' . $runningI . substr($readID, 1);
my $extractionLength = (length($sequence) > 50000) ? 50000 : length($sequence);
print OUTLONG $thisPart_readID, "\n", substr($sequence, 0, $extractionLength), "\n", "+\n", substr($qualities, 0, $extractionLength), "\n";
substr($sequence, 0, $extractionLength) = '';
substr($qualities, 0, $extractionLength) = '';
die "You didn't activate --longReads, but the two files $target_FASTQ_1 and $target_FASTQ_2 (which store paired-end reads) are empty - this is weird, and I will abort." unless(((-s $target_FASTQ_1) > 0) && ((-s $target_FASTQ_2) > 0));
#if(system($FASTQ_extraction_command) != 0)
my $mapAgainstCompleteGenome = ($extractContigs_complete_byFile{$compatible_reference_file}{'*'}) ? 1 : 0;
#$mapAgainstCompleteGenome = 0;
die if($longReads);
die unless(-e '../exonkMerExtraction/GRCh38.forkMers');
die unless(-e '../exonkMerExtraction/exonCoordinates_manual.txt');
my $command_extraction = qq(perl --sampleID $sampleID --outputDirectory $working_dir_thisSample --referenceGenome ../exonkMerExtraction/GRCh38.forkMers --exonCoordinates ../exonkMerExtraction/exonCoordinates_manual.txt --FASTQ1 $target_FASTQ_1 --FASTQ2 $target_FASTQ_2 --bwa_bin $bwa_bin --samtools_bin $samtools_bin --maxThreads $maxThreads);
print "Now executing: $command_extraction\n";
system($command_extraction) and die "Command $command_extraction failed\n";
my $host = hostname();
# my $MHC_PRG_2_bin = (($host =~ /rescomp/) or ($host =~ /comp[ABC]/)) ? '../bin_cluster3/HLA-LA' : '../bin/HLA-LA';
# my $MHC_PRG_2_bin = '../bin/HLA-LA';
# my $MHC_PRG_2_bin = '/HLA-LA/bin/HLA-LA';
my $MHC_PRG_2_bin = '/usr/local/bin/HLA-LA';
my $previous_dir = getcwd;
chdir($this_bin_dir) or die "Cannot cd into $this_bin_dir";
die "Binary $MHC_PRG_2_bin not there!" unless(-e $MHC_PRG_2_bin);
my $command_MHC_PRG = qq($MHC_PRG_2_bin --action HLA --maxThreads $maxThreads --sampleID $sampleID --outputDirectory $working_dir_thisSample --PRG_graph_dir $full_graph_dir --FASTQU $target_FASTQ_U_split --FASTQ1 $target_FASTQ_1 --FASTQ2 $target_FASTQ_2 --bwa_bin $bwa_bin --samtools_bin $samtools_bin --mapAgainstCompleteGenome $mapAgainstCompleteGenome --longReads $longReads);
print "\nNow executing:\n$command_MHC_PRG\n";
if(system($command_MHC_PRG) != 0)
die "HLA-LA execution not successful. Command was $command_MHC_PRG\n";
chdir($previous_dir) or die "Cannot cd into $previous_dir";
sub find_path
my $id = shift;
my $supplied_value = shift;
my $forWhich = shift;
if(defined $supplied_value)
die "Command-line supplied value/file for parameter $id not existing" unless(-e $supplied_value);
return $supplied_value;
if(exists $paths_ini{$id})
foreach my $alternative (@{$paths_ini{$id}})
if(-e $alternative)
return $alternative;
my $which_output = `which $forWhich`;
$which_output =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
if($which_output and (-e $which_output))
return $which_output;
die "I couldn't figure out a path for ${id}. Order of precedence: check for parameter --${id}; check paths.ini in $this_bin_dir for a key named $id; parse, if command string defined, the output of the command 'which ${forWhich}' ('which ' means that the command string is not defined).";
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