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Last active April 21, 2022 03:56
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Comparison of debuggers icons for steps debugging

Debugger tools

Debuggers and icons meaning.



  1. Resume script execution until the next breakpoint if any
  2. Step over line of code
  3. Step into line of code
  4. Step out of line of code
  5. Step (not documented)
  6. Deactivate breakpoints (not documented)
  7. Pause on exceptions (not documented)

Firefox/Gecko Documentation


  1. Resume script execution until the next breakpoint if any
  2. Step Over
  3. Step In
  4. Step Out
  5. Deactivate breakpoints
  6. General debugger Settings

Safari/WebKit Documentation


  1. Disable/Enable All breakpoints
  2. Resume/Continue/Pause script Execution
  3. Step Over
  4. Step Into
  5. Step Out
  6. Step

Some comments

  • Safari Step Into is a lot more detailed than Edge and Firefox, by stepping through all the steps into a function.
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