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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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ParisWeb 2015 - Talk ideas

ParisWeb 2015 - Talk ideas

What are the things that could be addressed at Paris Web 2015? 10th anniversary. I will add little by little what comes to my mind.

How To Contact Web sites?

Sometimes sites are broken. There is for helping to record, but what are the techniques for finding the right contacts? Learn how to find contacts on Web site. What is working, not working, maximize the chances to get the issue fixed. It's not 100% bullets proof, but it helps a lot to be more effective.


What is it? What it does? Is there anything I need to do on my Web site to activate HTTP2?

My personal RustyWeb

How do I create a system for keeping a local copy of everything I browse and create my own little Web archive.

For a long time the only free (i'm unaware of commercial ones) implementation of a web archival replay software has been the Wayback Machine (now Openwayback). It's a stable and mature software, with a strong community behind. To use it you need to be confident with the deploy of a java web application; not so difficult, and documentation is exaustive. But there is a new player in the game, pywb, developed by Ilya Kramer, a former Internet Archive developer. Built in python, relatively simpler than wayback, and now used in a pro archiving project at Rhizome.

I'm doing this so I can visit web pages even after they've disappeared from the web (which shouldn't happen but often does due to careless and/or clueless information providers), and also so I can see what I was working on at any time in the past.

Now imagine that the browser becomes such a tool. Exactly the same way that Time Machine keeps time slices of a disk, we could keep an history of our browsing that we could navigate. When reaching a page, there is a feature in the browser chrome, which gives all the time you have accessed the page and an actual copy of this page. It doesn't necessary needs to be a working copy of the page. It could be a simple snapshot of it.

Memento wants to make it as straightforward to access the Web of the past as it is to access the current Web. If you know the URI of a Web resource, the technical framework proposed by Memento allows you to see a version of that resource as it existed at some date in the past, by entering that URI in your browser like you always do and by specifying the desired date in a browser plug-in.

Je pense de plus en plus à me constituer mon archive : Au moins avec les pages que je mets en favori, celles que je lie à partir de mon blog, les liens que j’enregistre dans Pocket, que je lis dans mon flux Twitter ou que j’y pose moi-même. Peut-être même que ça vaudrait le coup d’enregistrer tout ce qui passe dans mon historique de navigation.

OpenWayback is one key software that web archives worldwide use to 'play back' archived websites in the user's browser. IIPC members are working together to build a new open source version of Wayback to serve the ever-changing needs of the archiving community and of users.

Where does that element come from?

History for a couple of HTML elements. When and what was the discussions around them?

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