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Last active April 6, 2023 20:40
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class Developer
has_object :search_scorer, after_save_commit: :rebuild_later # Forward callback onto context object.
# From my gem.
# app/models/developer/search_scorer.rb
class Developer::SearchScorer < ActiveRecord::AssociatedObject
performs :rebuild # Adds `rebuild_later` to automatically generate a job to run the scoring calculation in.
def rebuild
record.update! search_score: new_score
def new_score
small, medium, large, x_large = 5, 10, 20, 30
score = []
score << medium if record.scheduling_link?
score << large if record.source_contributor?
score << x_large if record.recently_added?
score << medium if record.bio_length > 500
score << -large if record.bio_length < 50
score << large if record.profile_updated_at&.before? 1.months.ago
score << medium if record.profile_updated_at&.before? 3.months.ago
score << -medium if record.profile_updated_at&.after? 6.months.ago
score << large if record.conversations_count.positive? && record.response_rate >= Developer::HasBadges::HIGH_RESPONSE_RATE_CUTOFF
score << -large if record.conversations_count.positive? && record.response_rate <= Developer::HasBadges::LOW_RESPONSE_RATE_CUTOFF
# app/models/developers/search_score.rb
module Developers::SearchScore
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
small, medium, large, x_large = 5, 10, 20, 30
scores :scheduling_link?, by: medium, if: :present?
scores :source_contributor?, by: large, if: :present?
scores :recently_added?, by: x_large, if: :present?
scores :bio_length, by: medium, if: -> { _1 > 500 }
scores :bio_length, by: -large, if: -> { _1 < 50 }
scores :profile_updated_at, by: large, if: -> { _1&.before? 1.months.ago }
scores :profile_updated_at, by: medium, if: -> { _1&.before? 3.months.ago }
scores :profile_updated_at, by: -medium, if: -> { _1&.after? 6.months.ago }
scores :response_rate, by: large, if: -> { conversations_count.positive? && _1 >= HasBadges::HIGH_RESPONSE_RATE_CUTOFF }
scores :response_rate, by: -large, if: -> { conversations_count.positive? && _1 <= HasBadges::LOW_RESPONSE_RATE_CUTOFF }
before_save :recalculate_search_score
class_methods do
attr_reader :scorings
def scores(attribute, by:, **options)
(@scorings ||= []) << -> { by if instance_exec(public_send(attribute), &options.fetch(:if)) } }
def recalculate_search_score
self.search_score = self.class.scorings.filter_map(&:call).sum
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kaspth commented Apr 6, 2023

I wonder if the same scores could be a declarative approach to how each score contributes, then it is calculated fresh every time.

yeah, good point. I updated it to do that. Also added an alternate just because I was curious to see what it would look like modeled as a domain context object using a gem I've got for that.

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joemasilotti commented Apr 6, 2023

Oh, nice! I might be missing something, but how does this line work?

self.search_score = self.class.scorings.filter_map(&:call).sum

It keeps trying to call, for example, scheduling_link on the class, not the instance.

If I can get this to work with the existing tests then I'd love to merge it in!

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kaspth commented Apr 6, 2023

Yeah, it's a little finicky unfortunately. I fixed it up here joemasilotti/

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Amazing, thanks @kaspth!

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