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Last active June 2, 2020 10:23
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729_P1's log
C:\Users\Sooraj>adb logcat -c
failed to clear the 'main' log
C:\Users\Sooraj>adb logcat -s Unity
--------- beginning of main
06-02 15:47:56.271 27270 27270 I Unity : onResume
06-02 15:47:56.330 27270 27382 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xd80fa008
06-02 15:47:56.330 27270 27382 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xd80fa008
06-02 15:47:56.485 27270 27270 I Unity : windowFocusChanged: true
06-02 15:47:56.573 27270 27382 D Unity : Enabling Unity systrace
06-02 15:47:56.651 27270 27382 D Unity : [VFS] Mount /data/app/
06-02 15:47:56.789 27270 27382 D Unity : Loading player data from /data/app/
06-02 15:47:56.840 27270 27382 I Unity : SystemInfo CPU = ARMv7 VFPv3 NEON, Cores = 8, Memory = 2826mb
06-02 15:47:56.841 27270 27382 I Unity : SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 8 big (mask: 0xff), 0 little (mask: 0x0)
06-02 15:47:56.842 27270 27382 I Unity : ApplicationInfo version 1.16.31 build dd53a4c0-a186-4964-b59f-3017a48e8fa0
06-02 15:47:56.842 27270 27382 I Unity : Built from '2019.1/staging' branch, Version '2019.1.0f2 (292b93d75a2c)', Build type 'Development', Scripting Backend 'mono', CPU 'armeabi-v7a', Stripping 'Disabled'
06-02 15:47:56.881 27270 27382 D Unity : Mono path[0] = '/data/app/'
06-02 15:47:56.882 27270 27382 D Unity : Mono config path = 'assets/bin/Data/Managed/etc'
06-02 15:47:56.901 27270 27382 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized from /data/app/ (debug = 0)
06-02 15:47:56.903 27270 27382 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized network socket : 55466
06-02 15:47:56.904 27270 27382 D Unity : PlayerConnection initialized unix socket :
06-02 15:47:56.906 27270 27382 D Unity : Multi-casting "[IP] [Port] 55466 [Flags] 2 [Guid] 3823783423 [EditorId] 1638667046 [Version] 1048832 [Id] AndroidPlayer(Xiaomi_Redmi_6_Pro@ [Debug] 0 [PackageName] AndroidPlayer" to []...
06-02 15:47:56.906 27270 27382 D Unity : Started listening to []
06-02 15:47:57.146 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xd80fa008
06-02 15:47:57.147 27270 27382 D Unity : InitializeScriptEngine OK (0xd7f20f00)
06-02 15:47:57.148 27270 27382 D Unity : PlayerConnection already initialized - listening to []
06-02 15:47:57.299 27270 27382 D Unity : Loading player data from assets/bin/Data/data.unity3d
06-02 15:47:57.304 27270 27382 D Unity : PlayerInitEngineNoGraphics OK
06-02 15:47:57.304 27270 27382 D Unity : AndroidGraphics::Startup window = 0xd80fa008
06-02 15:47:57.304 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xd80fa008
06-02 15:47:57.386 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.2 RGB0 000 0/0
06-02 15:47:57.390 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Checking ES 3.2 support...
06-02 15:47:57.393 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] ES 3.2 support detected
06-02 15:47:57.393 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[1] ES 3.2 RGB16 565 0/0
06-02 15:47:57.393 27270 27382 D Unity : GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
06-02 15:47:57.408 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.2 RGB0 000 0/0
06-02 15:47:57.409 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[1] ES 3.2 RGB16 565 0/0
06-02 15:47:57.409 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0
06-02 15:47:57.413 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[9] ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0
06-02 15:47:57.413 27270 27382 D Unity : extension is supported with value 0
06-02 15:47:57.413 27270 27382 D Unity : extension is supported with value 1
06-02 15:47:57.413 27270 27382 D Unity : extension is supported with value 2
06-02 15:47:57.421 27270 27382 D Unity : ANativeWindow: (1080/2170) RequestedResolution: (0/0) RenderingResolution: (0/0) EGLSurface: (1080/2170)
06-02 15:47:57.465 27270 27382 D Unity : Renderer: Adreno (TM) 506
06-02 15:47:57.466 27270 27382 D Unity : Vendor: Qualcomm
06-02 15:47:57.466 27270 27382 D Unity : Version: OpenGL ES 3.2 V@269.0 (GIT@8e3df98, Ie4790512f3) (Date:04/11/18)
06-02 15:47:57.466 27270 27382 D Unity : GLES: 3
06-02 15:47:57.466 27270 27382 D Unity : GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr GL_OES_texture_compression_astc GL_OES_texture_npot GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_QCOM_alpha_test GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_sRGB GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_OES_sample_variables GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_mul
06-02 15:47:57.466 27270 27382 D Unity : tisampled_render_to_texture2 GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_EXT_debug_label GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_YUV_target GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_OVR_multiview GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_KHR_no_error GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_external_buffer GL_EXT_blit_framebuffer_params GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance
06-02 15:47:57.466 27270 27382 D Unity : GL_EXT_protected_textures GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_QCOM_texture_foveated GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_EXT_EGL_image_array GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation
06-02 15:47:57.539 27270 27382 D Unity : OPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL ES 3.2 graphics device ; Context level <OpenGL ES 3.2> ; Context handle -1060158848
06-02 15:47:57.556 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xd80fa008
06-02 15:47:57.562 27270 27382 D Unity : Requested framebuffer: resolution[1080x2170], rgba[8/8/8/8], depth+stencil[on], samples[2]
06-02 15:47:57.562 27270 27382 D Unity : Created framebuffer: resolution[1080x2170], rgba[8/8/8/8], depth+stencil[24/8], samples[2] (MSAA)
06-02 15:47:57.562 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xd80fa008
06-02 15:47:57.564 27270 27382 D Unity : Initialize engine version: 2019.1.0f2 (292b93d75a2c)
06-02 15:47:57.825 27270 27382 D Unity : Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
06-02 15:47:58.378 27270 27382 D Unity : - Completed reload, in 0.552 seconds
06-02 15:47:58.759 27270 27382 D Unity : PlayerInitEngineGraphics OK
06-02 15:47:58.765 27270 27382 D Unity : Found 43 native sensors
06-02 15:47:58.768 27270 27382 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.002396 / 0.00s ; BMI120 Accelerometer / BOSCH
06-02 15:47:58.778 27270 27382 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.002396 / 0.00s ; BMI120 Accelerometer / BOSCH
06-02 15:47:58.793 27270 27382 D Unity : Input: mapping [16:AXIS_GENERIC_1]
06-02 15:47:58.793 27270 27382 D Unity : Input: attaching joystick ["uinput-fpc"][0x00000001:0a2365ce4f51162539f3bf91469900de3a450172] at pos [0x01]
06-02 15:47:58.796 27270 27382 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xd80fa008
06-02 15:47:58.797 27270 27382 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xd80fa008
06-02 15:48:00.989 27270 27382 D Unity : UnloadTime: 55.697969 ms
06-02 15:48:01.045 27270 27382 D Unity : UUID: e8b3457aaff7c892 => e5cc28a6018f3256393583d4a9d3bfc7
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:01.388 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:01.535 27270 27382 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.002396 / 0.00s ; BMI120 Accelerometer / BOSCH
06-02 15:48:01.562 27270 27382 D Unity : Choreographer available: Enabling VSYNC timing
06-02 15:48:03.139 27270 27382 W Unity : The referenced script (Unknown) on this Behaviour is missing!
06-02 15:48:03.139 27270 27382 W Unity : UnityEngine.Resources:LoadAll(String, Type)
06-02 15:48:03.139 27270 27382 W Unity : UnityEngine.Resources:LoadAll(String) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Resources/Resources.bindings.cs:95)
06-02 15:48:03.139 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.GameSkinData:GetSharedSettingsObjectPrivate() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\GameSkinData.cs:20)
06-02 15:48:03.139 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.GameSkinData:get_gameSkin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\GameSkinData.cs:16)
06-02 15:48:03.139 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImageStyle:get_currentStyle() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\Styles\UIImageStyle.cs:25)
06-02 15:48:03.139 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImage:UpdateGraphic() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\UI\UIImage.cs:45)
06-02 15:48:03.139 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImage:Start() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\UI\UIImage.cs:26)
06-02 15:48:03.139 27270 27382 W Unity :
06-02 15:48:03.139 27270 27382 W Unity : [./Runtime/Scripting/ManagedReference/SerializableManagedRef.cpp line 197]
06-02 15:48:03.139 27270 27382 W Unity : (Filename
06-02 15:48:03.142 27270 27382 W Unity : The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '<null>') is missing!
06-02 15:48:03.142 27270 27382 W Unity : UnityEngine.Resources:LoadAll(String, Type)
06-02 15:48:03.142 27270 27382 W Unity : UnityEngine.Resources:LoadAll(String) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Resources/Resources.bindings.cs:95)
06-02 15:48:03.142 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.GameSkinData:GetSharedSettingsObjectPrivate() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\GameSkinData.cs:20)
06-02 15:48:03.142 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.GameSkinData:get_gameSkin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\GameSkinData.cs:16)
06-02 15:48:03.142 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImageStyle:get_currentStyle() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\Styles\UIImageStyle.cs:25)
06-02 15:48:03.142 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImage:UpdateGraphic() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\UI\UIImage.cs:45)
06-02 15:48:03.142 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImage:Start() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\UI\UIImage.cs:26)
06-02 15:48:03.142 27270 27382 W Unity :
06-02 15:48:03.142 27270 27382 W Unity : [./Runtime/Mono/ManagedMonoBehaviourRef.cpp line 333]
06-02 15:48:03.142 27270 27382 W Unity : (Filename: /Users
06-02 15:48:03.144 27270 27382 E Unity : A scripted object (script unknown or not yet loaded) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 56 bytes but expected 116 bytes)
06-02 15:48:03.144 27270 27382 E Unity : Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts?
06-02 15:48:03.144 27270 27382 E Unity : UnityEngine.Resources:LoadAll(String, Type)
06-02 15:48:03.144 27270 27382 E Unity : UnityEngine.Resources:LoadAll(String) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Resources/Resources.bindings.cs:95)
06-02 15:48:03.144 27270 27382 E Unity : IjsUiFramework.GameSkinData:GetSharedSettingsObjectPrivate() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\GameSkinData.cs:20)
06-02 15:48:03.144 27270 27382 E Unity : IjsUiFramework.GameSkinData:get_gameSkin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\GameSkinData.cs:16)
06-02 15:48:03.144 27270 27382 E Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImageStyle:get_currentStyle() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\Styles\UIImageStyle.cs:25)
06-02 15:48:03.144 27270 27382 E Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImage:UpdateGraphic() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\UI\UIImage.cs:45)
06-02 15:48:03.144 27270 27382 E Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImage:Start() (
06-02 15:48:03.741 27270 27382 W Unity : The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '<null>') is missing!
06-02 15:48:03.741 27270 27382 W Unity : UnityEngine.Resources:LoadAll(String, Type)
06-02 15:48:03.741 27270 27382 W Unity : UnityEngine.Resources:LoadAll(String) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Resources/Resources.bindings.cs:95)
06-02 15:48:03.741 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.GameSkinData:GetSharedSettingsObjectPrivate() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\GameSkinData.cs:20)
06-02 15:48:03.741 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.GameSkinData:get_gameSkin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\GameSkinData.cs:16)
06-02 15:48:03.741 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImageStyle:get_currentStyle() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\Scripts\Styles\UIImageStyle.cs:25)
06-02 15:48:03.741 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImage:UpdateGraphic() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\UI\UIImage.cs:45)
06-02 15:48:03.741 27270 27382 W Unity : IjsUiFramework.UIImage:Start() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\UIFramework\UI\UIImage.cs:26)
06-02 15:48:03.741 27270 27382 W Unity :
06-02 15:48:03.741 27270 27382 W Unity : [./Runtime/Mono/ManagedMonoBehaviourRef.cpp line 333]
06-02 15:48:03.741 27270 27382 W Unity : (Filename: /Users
06-02 15:48:06.047 27270 27448 D Unity : Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
06-02 15:48:06.411 27270 27382 D Unity : UnloadTime: 58.452343 ms
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:06.955 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.070 27270 27382 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'PhotonCryptoPlugin', native render plugin support disabled.
06-02 15:48:07.071 27270 27382 E Unity : Unable to find PhotonCryptoPlugin
06-02 15:48:07.089 27270 27382 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'PhotonSocketPlugin', native render plugin support disabled.
06-02 15:48:07.090 27270 27382 E Unity : Unable to find PhotonSocketPlugin
06-02 15:48:07.099 27270 27382 D Unity : Unable to lookup library path for 'PhotonEncryptorPlugin', native render plugin support disabled.
06-02 15:48:07.099 27270 27382 E Unity : Unable to find PhotonEncryptorPlugin
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:07.220 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity : IAP: IsInitialized : controller null ?True extensions null ? True : => member name: IsInitialized : => source line number: 132
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:IsInitialized() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:132)
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:Init(InitCallback) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:75)
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:Awake() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:60)
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:07.423 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity : IAP: Init _iapProducts length 1 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 83
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:Init(InitCallback) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:83)
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:Awake() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:60)
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:07.426 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.451 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityIAP Version: 1.22.0
06-02 15:48:07.451 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:07.451 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:07.451 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:07.451 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StandardPurchasingModule:Instance(AppStore)
06-02 15:48:07.451 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StandardPurchasingModule:Instance()
06-02 15:48:07.451 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:Init(InitCallback) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:84)
06-02 15:48:07.451 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:Awake() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:60)
06-02 15:48:07.451 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:07.451 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:07.451 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:08.234 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity : Notification Set 1.00:00:00 : => member name: SetAndroidLocalNotificationWithReward : => source line number: 149
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity : LocalNotificationHandler:SetAndroidLocalNotificationWithReward() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\LocalNotificationHandler.cs:149)
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity : LocalNotificationHandler:Start() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\LocalNotificationHandler.cs:69)
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:08.617 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity : CloseScreen MainMenuScreen tweening FalseforceClose True : => member name: CloseScreen : => source line number: 129
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity : UIScreen:CloseScreen(Boolean, ScreenTweenCallback) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIScreen.cs:129)
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:HideAllScreens() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:59)
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:49)
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:202)
06-02 15:48:08.638 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:Start() (at H:\Proj
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity : IntrScene InitApp : => member name: InitApp : => source line number: 203
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:203)
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:Start() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:31)
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:08.731 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity : SetGameMode mode Offline : => member name: SetGameMode : => source line number: 242
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:SetGameMode(PlayModes) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:242)
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:204)
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:Start() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:31)
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:08.736 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity : Playing Music 0.12 : => member name: Start : => source line number: 48
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity : SoundManager:Start() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\SoundManager.cs:48)
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:09.303 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:09.527 27270 27382 D Unity : System memory in use before: 41.9 MB.
06-02 15:48:09.873 27270 27382 D Unity : System memory in use after: 38.0 MB.
06-02 15:48:09.873 27270 27382 D Unity :
06-02 15:48:09.873 27270 27382 D Unity : Unloading 308 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 8604.
06-02 15:48:09.873 27270 27382 D Unity : Total: 345.455104 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.890729 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.789323 ms MarkObjects: 335.210312 ms DeleteObjects: 4.556355 ms)
06-02 15:48:09.873 27270 27382 D Unity :
06-02 15:48:09.908 27270 27382 I Unity : Using configuration builder objects
06-02 15:48:09.908 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:09.908 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:09.908 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:09.908 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreCatalogImpl:handleCachedCatalog(Action`1)
06-02 15:48:09.908 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass10_0:<FetchProducts>b__1(String)
06-02 15:48:09.908 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<Process>d__4:MoveNext()
06-02 15:48:09.908 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)
06-02 15:48:09.908 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:09.908 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs Line: 17)
06-02 15:48:09.908 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity : ShowScreenLoginScreen : => member name: CloseSplashScreen : => source line number: 463
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:CloseSplashScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:463)
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity : <ExecuteAfterTime>d__10:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\ExtensionUtils.cs:99)
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:10.636 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity : CloseScreen SplashScreen tweening FalseforceClose False : => member name: CloseScreen : => source line number: 129
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity : UIScreen:CloseScreen(Boolean, ScreenTweenCallback) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIScreen.cs:129)
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:ShowScreen(UIScreens, ScreenTweenCallback, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:85)
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:CloseSplashScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:464)
06-02 15:48:10.640 27270 27382 I Unity : <ExecuteAfterTime>d__10:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : OnEnable True Camera.main.aspect 0.4976959
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : TableLayoutGroupDuelLayout:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\TableLayoutGroupDuelLayout.cs:29)
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.GameObject:SetActive(Boolean)
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:ShowLoginScreenButtons() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:367)
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:<CloseSplashScreen>b__95_0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:472)
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass17_0:<ShowScreen>b__2() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIScreen.cs:88)
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : LeanTween:update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\LeanTween\LeanTween.cs:440)
06-02 15:48:11.399 27270 27382 I Unity : LeanTween:Update() (at H:\Pr
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : IAP: OnInitialized***1 : => member name: OnInitialized : => source line number: 215
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:215)
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.754 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H L
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : Remove Ads (Skip-Bo) : => member name: OnInitialized : => source line number: 221
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:221)
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.756 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Lin
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : Remove Ads from the game permanently : => member name: OnInitialized : => source line number: 222
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:222)
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:11.758 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : ₹350.00 : => member name: OnInitialized : => source line number: 223
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:223)
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:11.760 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : : => member name: OnInitialized : => source line number: 224
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:224)
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.762 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : hasReceipt? True : => member name: OnInitialized : => source line number: 225
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:225)
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.764 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity : IAP: IsInitialized : controller null ?False extensions null ? False : => member name: IsInitialized : => source line number: 132
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:IsInitialized() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:132)
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:238)
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:229)
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:11.769 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:Chec
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : IAP: RestorePurchases True
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:238)
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:229)
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:11.771 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity : IAP: IsInitialized : controller null ?False extensions null ? False : => member name: IsInitialized : => source line number: 132
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:IsInitialized() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:132)
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:240)
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:229)
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:11.773 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:Chec
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : Restore now. Contents Length: 1
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestoreNow() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:249)
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:243)
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:229)
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:11.781 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extensi
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : Restore now. Contents receipt: UnityEngine.Purchasing.ProductMetadata availableToPurchase True id
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestoreNow() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:259)
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:243)
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:229)
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:11.786 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasin
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : Receipt is valid. Contents:
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestoreNow() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:274)
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:243)
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:229)
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.167 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.U
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : productID
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestoreNow() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:277)
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:243)
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:229)
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.170 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.Unit
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : purchaseDate 10/15/2019 10:34:25
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestoreNow() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:278)
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:243)
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:229)
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.219 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extens
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : transactionID GPA.3309-9343-6108-87135
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestoreNow() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:279)
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:243)
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:229)
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.222 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : Validated restore purchase
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestoreNow() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:294)
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:243)
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:229)
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:OnInitialized(IStoreController)
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:CheckForInitialization()
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.224 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.Un
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity : IAP: GiveItem : productID didRestore True : => member name: GiveItem : => source line number: 357
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:GiveItem(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:357)
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestoreNow() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:296)
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:243)
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:229)
06-02 15:48:12.231 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Pur
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox.cs HideLoadingScreen : => member name: HideLoadingScreen : => source line number: 184
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:HideLoadingScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:184)
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:GiveItem(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:373)
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestoreNow() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:296)
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:RestorePurchases() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:243)
06-02 15:48:12.240 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:OnInitialized(IStoreController, IExtensionProvider)
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : Receipt is valid. Contents:
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:164)
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs)
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:ProcessPurchaseIfNew(Product)
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:12.340 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:167)
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs)
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:ProcessPurchaseIfNew(Product)
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:12.342 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : 10/15/2019 10:34:25
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:168)
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs)
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:ProcessPurchaseIfNew(Product)
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:12.343 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : GPA.3309-9343-6108-87135
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:169)
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs)
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:ProcessPurchaseIfNew(Product)
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:12.345 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : Validated purchase
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:182)
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs)
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:ProcessPurchaseIfNew(Product)
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:48:12.347 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : IAP: ProcessPurchase : localizedTitle Remove Ads (Skip-Bo) : => member name: ProcessPurchase : => source line number: 185
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:185)
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs)
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:ProcessPurchaseIfNew(Product)
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.349 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.Unity
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : IAP: GiveItem : productID didRestore True : => member name: GiveItem : => source line number: 357
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:GiveItem(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:357)
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:187)
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs)
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:ProcessPurchaseIfNew(Product)
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:OnProductsRetrieved(List`1)
06-02 15:48:12.352 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(Stri
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox.cs HideLoadingScreen : => member name: HideLoadingScreen : => source line number: 184
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:HideLoadingScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:184)
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:GiveItem(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:373)
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : IAPManager:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\IAPManager.cs:187)
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.StoreListenerProxy:ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs)
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.PurchasingManager:ProcessPurchaseIfNew(Product)
06-02 15:48:12.355 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purch
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityIAP Promo: Clearing promo product metadata
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(String, Object)
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Promo:ProvideProductsToAds(HashSet`1)
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Promo:ProvideProductsToAds(JSONStore, IStoreCallback)
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.JSONStore:OnProductsRetrieved(String)
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.<>c__DisplayClass4_0:<OnProductsRetrieved>b__0()
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.UnityUtil:Update()
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 48)
06-02 15:48:12.377 27270 27382 I Unity :
--------- beginning of system
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity : SelectAvatar 3 : => member name: SelectAvatar : => source line number: 759
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:SelectAvatar(Image, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:759)
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass94_0:<SetupGuestAvatars>b__0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:436)
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent.cs:166)
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent/UnityEvent_0.cs:58)
06-02 15:49:03.374 27270 27382 I Unity : Unit
06-02 15:49:04.526 27270 27270 I Unity : windowFocusChanged: false
06-02 15:49:10.587 27270 27270 I Unity : windowFocusChanged: true
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity : SubmitUserName 3 name Rithsh name.Length 6 : => member name: SubmitUserName : => source line number: 715
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:SubmitUserName(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:715)
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:SubmitUserName() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:701)
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent.cs:166)
06-02 15:49:11.655 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent/Unity
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity : playerName-> Rithsh : => member name: playerName : => source line number: 83
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayerProfile:set_playerName(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\PlayerProfile.cs:83)
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:SubmitUserName(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:723)
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:SubmitUserName() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:701)
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent.cs:166)
06-02 15:49:11.660 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.Unity
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity : CloseScreen LoginScreen tweening FalseforceClose False : => member name: CloseScreen : => source line number: 129
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity : UIScreen:CloseScreen(Boolean, ScreenTweenCallback) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIScreen.cs:129)
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:ShowScreen(UIScreens, ScreenTweenCallback, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:85)
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:<SubmitUserName>b__104_0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:724)
06-02 15:49:12.098 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass18_0:<CloseWindow>b__2() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\A
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity : LoginAsGuest : => member name: LoginAsGuest : => source line number: 948
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:LoginAsGuest() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:948)
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:Login(LoginType) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:199)
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c:<SubmitUserName>b__104_1() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:724)
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity : UIScreen:ShowScreen(ScreenTweenCallback) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIScreen.cs:106)
06-02 15:49:12.357 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:ShowScreen(UIScreens, ScreenTweenCallback) (at H
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity : Got PlayFabID: B35C527BD179B394loc count 1 : => member name: LoginAsGuest : => source line number: 975
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:<LoginAsGuest>b__73_0(LoginResult) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:975)
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0`1:<MakeApiCall>b__1() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabHTTP.cs:202)
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0:<MakeApiCall>b__0(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabWWW.cs:141)
06-02 15:49:14.977 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<PostPlayFabApiCall>d__2
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity : Got CountryCode: IN : => member name: LoginAsGuest : => source line number: 977
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:<LoginAsGuest>b__73_0(LoginResult) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:977)
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0`1:<MakeApiCall>b__1() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabHTTP.cs:202)
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0:<MakeApiCall>b__0(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabWWW.cs:141)
06-02 15:49:14.981 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<PostPlayFabApiCall>d__20:MoveNext() (at H:\Pro
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity : OnLoginEvent : True LoginType Guest isNewAccount False : => member name: OnLoginEvent : => source line number: 211
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:OnLoginEvent(Boolean, LoginType, Boolean, PlayFabError) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:211)
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:<LoginAsGuest>b__73_0(LoginResult) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:980)
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0`1:<MakeApiCall>b__1() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabHTTP.cs:202)
06-02 15:49:14.991 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0:<M
06-02 15:49:15.252 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.252 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.252 27270 27382 I Unity : Redirect: redirectconfig [ {"suspended":"false", "forceupdate":"false", "publishername":"businessboardgames", "bundleid":"", "skinIndex":"0", "targetstoreidandroid":"", "targetstoreidios":"1347684152"}, {"suspended":"false", "forceupdate":"false", "publishername":"Another company", "bundleid":"", "skinIndex":"1", "targetstoreidandroid":"", "targetstoreidios":"1347684152"}, {"suspended":"false", "forceupdate":"false", "publishername":"Another company", "bundleid":"", "skinIndex":"2", "targetstoreidandroid":"", "targetstoreidios":"1347684152"} ] : => member name: ProcessJson : => source line number: 60
06-02 15:49:15.252 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.252 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.252 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:15.252 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.252 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:15.252 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyar
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity : Redirect: targetplaystoreid : => member name: ProcessJson : => source line number: 61
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:ProcessJson(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:61)
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:40)
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:onPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:32)
06-02 15:49:15.256 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:ProcessPlayerDataPayLoad(GetPlayerCombinedInfoResultPayload) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Mana
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity : Redirect: suspended False : => member name: ProcessJson : => source line number: 62
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:ProcessJson(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:62)
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:40)
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:onPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:32)
06-02 15:49:15.260 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:ProcessPlayerDataPayLoad(GetPlayerCombinedInfoResultPayload) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManag
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity : Redirect: bundleID : => member name: ProcessJson : => source line number: 63
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:ProcessJson(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:63)
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:40)
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:onPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:32)
06-02 15:49:15.264 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:ProcessPlayerDataPayLoad(GetPlayerCombinedInfoResultPayload) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\Pla
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity : Redirect: forceupdate False : => member name: ProcessJson : => source line number: 64
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:ProcessJson(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:64)
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:40)
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:onPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:32)
06-02 15:49:15.268 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:ProcessPlayerDataPayLoad(GetPlayerCombinedInfoResultPayload) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabMan
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity : Redirect: gameSkinIndex 2 : => member name: ProcessJson : => source line number: 65
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:ProcessJson(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:65)
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:40)
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:onPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:32)
06-02 15:49:15.272 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:ProcessPlayerDataPayLoad(GetPlayerCombinedInfoResultPayload) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManag
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity : Redirect: publisher Another company : => member name: ProcessJson : => source line number: 66
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:ProcessJson(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:66)
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:40)
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity : GameRedirectSystem:onPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Msc\GameRedirectSystem.cs:32)
06-02 15:49:15.276 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:ProcessPlayerDataPayLoad(GetPlayerCombinedInfoResultPayload) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\Pl
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity : OnPlayfabSetupComplete. Continue to game True : => member name: OnPlayfabSetupComplete : => source line number: 513
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:513)
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:ProcessPlayerDataPayLoad(GetPlayerCombinedInfoResultPayload) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:461)
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:<LoginAsGuest>b__73_0(LoginResult) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:987)
06-02 15:49:15.294 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0`1:<MakeApiCall>b_
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox.cs HideLoadingScreen : => member name: HideLoadingScreen : => source line number: 184
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:HideLoadingScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:184)
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:ContinueToMainMenu() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:568)
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:516)
06-02 15:49:15.303 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:ProcessPlayerDataPayLoad(GetPlayerCombinedInfoResultPayload) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGa
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity : guest avatar id 3 : => member name: GetLocalPlayerProfileImage : => source line number: 1327
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:GetLocalPlayerProfileImage(Action`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:1327)
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayerProfile:GetLocalPlayerProfileImage(Action`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\PlayerProfile.cs:277)
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:ContinueToMainMenu() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:569)
06-02 15:49:15.314 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scr
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity : CloseScreen SplashScreen tweening FalseforceClose False : => member name: CloseScreen : => source line number: 129
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity : UIScreen:CloseScreen(Boolean, ScreenTweenCallback) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIScreen.cs:129)
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:ShowScreen(UIScreens, ScreenTweenCallback, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:85)
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:ContinueToMainMenu() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:571)
06-02 15:49:15.321 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\Ski
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity : SetupGameSpecificStats. gamesPlayedCount 776 : => member name: SetupGameSpecificStats : => source line number: 535
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c:<SetupGameSpecificStats>b__97_0(Boolean, String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:535)
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:GetLocalPlayerTitleData(String, Action`2) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:1063)
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:SetupGameSpecificStats() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:529)
06-02 15:49:16.169 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sath
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity : SetupGameSpecificStats. winCount 31 : => member name: SetupGameSpecificStats : => source line number: 552
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c:<SetupGameSpecificStats>b__97_1(Boolean, String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:552)
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:GetLocalPlayerTitleData(String, Action`2) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:1063)
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:SetupGameSpecificStats() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:546)
06-02 15:49:16.182 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnPlayfabSetupComplete(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\Ski
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity : SubmitStats : 31 : => member name: SubmitStatistic : => source line number: 1183
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:SubmitStatistic(String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:1183)
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayerProfile:set_winCount(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\PlayerProfile.cs:186)
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c:<SetupGameSpecificStats>b__97_1(Boolean, String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:553)
06-02 15:49:16.197 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:GetLocalPlayerTitleData(String, Action`2) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManag
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity : SubmitStats : 31 : => member name: SubmitStatistic : => source line number: 1183
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:SubmitStatistic(String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:1183)
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayerProfile:set_winCount(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\PlayerProfile.cs:187)
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c:<SetupGameSpecificStats>b__97_1(Boolean, String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:553)
06-02 15:49:16.209 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFabManager:GetLocalPlayerTitleData(String, Action`2) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManag
06-02 15:49:16.242 27270 27382 I Unity : OnGatherSuccess
06-02 15:49:16.242 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.242 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:16.242 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.242 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:16.242 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabDeviceUtil:OnGatherSuccess(EmptyResult) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Client\PlayFabDeviceUtil.cs:51)
06-02 15:49:16.242 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0`1:<MakeApiCall>b__1() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabHTTP.cs:202)
06-02 15:49:16.242 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0:<MakeApiCall>b__0(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabWWW.cs:141)
06-02 15:49:16.242 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<PostPlayFabApiCall>d__20:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabWWW.cs:210)
06-02 15:49:16.242 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (at /Users/builduser/buildslav
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity : playerName-> Rithsh : => member name: playerName : => source line number: 83
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayerProfile:set_playerName(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\PlayerProfile.cs:83)
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass70_0:<UpdateUserTitleDisplayName>b__0(UpdateUserTitleDisplayNameResult) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:893)
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0`1:<MakeApiCall>b__1() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabHTTP.cs:202)
06-02 15:49:16.375 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0:<MakeApiCall>b__0(String) (at H:\Projects
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity : UpdateUserAvatarURL success : : => member name: UpdateUserAvatarURL : => source line number: 918
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c:<UpdateUserAvatarURL>b__71_0(EmptyResult) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:918)
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0`1:<MakeApiCall>b__1() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabHTTP.cs:202)
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0:<MakeApiCall>b__0(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabWWW.cs:141)
06-02 15:49:16.508 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<PostPlayFabApiCall>d__20:MoveNex
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity : WeeklyLeaderboard SubmitStats Success : => member name: SubmitStatistic : => source line number: 1194
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass80_0:<SubmitStatistic>b__0(UpdatePlayerStatisticsResult) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:1194)
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0`1:<MakeApiCall>b__1() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabHTTP.cs:202)
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0:<MakeApiCall>b__0(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabWWW.cs:141)
06-02 15:49:17.478 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity : HighScoreLeaderboard SubmitStats Success : => member name: SubmitStatistic : => source line number: 1194
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass80_0:<SubmitStatistic>b__0(UpdatePlayerStatisticsResult) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PlayFabManager.cs:1194)
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0`1:<MakeApiCall>b__1() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabHTTP.cs:202)
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass19_0:<MakeApiCall>b__0(String) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\PlayFabSdk\Shared\Internal\PlayFabHttp\PlayFabWWW.cs:141)
06-02 15:49:17.578 27270 27382 I Unity : PlayFab.Intern
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity : Initialize status GoogleMobileAds.Api.InitializationStatus : => member name: Init : => source line number: 173
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity : <>c:<Init>b__48_0(InitializationStatus) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\AdsManager.cs:173)
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity : GoogleMobileAds.Api.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:<Initialize>b__0(IInitializationStatusClient) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\GoogleMobileAds\Api\MobileAds.cs:69)
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity : GoogleMobileAds.Android.MobileAdsClient:onInitializationComplete(AndroidJavaObject) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\GoogleMobileAds\Platforms\Android\MobileAdsClient.cs:113)
06-02 15:49:18.761 27270 27270 I Unity : System.Reflection.MonoMe
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity : Show Dialog : => member name: Show : => source line number: 128
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:Show(String, String, String, String, Callback, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:128)
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:CreateTutorial(Boolean, Action) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1493)
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:PlayOnlinePrivate() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1264)
06-02 15:49:25.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity : SetGameMode mode OnlinePrivate : => member name: SetGameMode : => source line number: 242
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:SetGameMode(PlayModes) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:242)
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:PlayOnlinePrivate() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1236)
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass150_0:<CreateTutorial>b__0(Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1505)
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity : Dialog:ButtonCallback(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\Dialog.cs:162)
06-02 15:49:27.459 27270 27382 I Unity : Dialog:<OnButt
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity : Show Dialog : => member name: Show : => source line number: 128
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:Show(String, String, String, String, Callback, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:128)
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:PlayOnlinePrivate() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1237)
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass150_0:<CreateTutorial>b__0(Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1505)
06-02 15:49:27.465 27270 27382 I Unity : Dialog:ButtonCallback(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Asset
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity : SelectPrivateRoomPlayersCount count 4 : => member name: SelectPrivateRoomPlayersCount : => source line number: 1312
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:SelectPrivateRoomPlayersCount(Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1312)
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall`1:Invoke(Single) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent.cs:207)
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.CachedInvokableCall`1:Invoke(Object[]) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent.cs:345)
06-02 15:49:32.401 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Ru
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity : SelectCardsCount 25 creating private game : => member name: SelectCardsCount : => source line number: 1162
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass126_0:<SelectCardsCount>b__0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1162)
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass18_0:<CloseWindow>b__2() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIWindow.cs:126)
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity : LeanTween:update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\LeanTween\LeanTween.cs:440)
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity : LeanTween:Update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\LeanTween\LeanTween.cs:369)
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:49:34.015 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Creating Private game : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass126_0:<SelectCardsCount>b__0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1163)
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass18_0:<CloseWindow>b__2() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIWindow.cs:126)
06-02 15:49:34.024 27270 27382 I Unity : LeanTween:update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\Le
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity : Connect To Photon IsConnectedAndReady False inLobby False : => member name: Connect : => source line number: 199
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Connect() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:199)
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass126_0:<SelectCardsCount>b__0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1165)
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass18_0:<CloseWindow>b__2() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIWindow.cs:126)
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity : LeanTween:update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\LeanTween\LeanTween.cs:440)
06-02 15:49:34.036 27270 27382 I Unity : LeanTween:Update() (at H:\
06-02 15:49:38.379 27270 27836 W Unity : PUN is in development mode (development build). As the 'dev region' is not empty (in) it overrides the found best region. See PhotonServerSettings.
06-02 15:49:38.379 27270 27836 W Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:38.379 27270 27836 W Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:38.379 27270 27836 W Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:38.379 27270 27836 W Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object)
06-02 15:49:38.379 27270 27836 W Unity : Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork:OnRegionsPinged(RegionHandler) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonUnityNetworking\Code\PhotonNetworkPart.cs:2312)
06-02 15:49:38.379 27270 27836 W Unity : Photon.Realtime.RegionHandler:OnRegionDone(Region) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\RegionHandler.cs:291)
06-02 15:49:38.379 27270 27836 W Unity : Photon.Realtime.RegionPinger:RegionPingThreaded() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\RegionHandler.cs:459)
06-02 15:49:38.379 27270 27836 W Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:<StartBackgroundCalls>b__0()
06-02 15:49:38.379 27270 27836 W Unity : System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart_Context(Object)
06-02 15:49:38.379 27270 27836 W Unity : System.Threading.Execution
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnConnectedToPhoton True IsConnectedAndReady True Game.playMode OnlinePrivate : => member name: OnConnectedToMaster : => source line number: 250
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnConnectedToMaster() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:250)
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.ConnectionCallbacksContainer:OnConnectedToMaster() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3728)
06-02 15:49:39.516 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnOperationResponse(OperationResponse) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingCli
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity : _CreatePrivateRoom dateTime 06/03/2020 05:31:42 roomName 424 DateTime.Now 06/02/2020 15:49:40 : => member name: _CreatePrivateRoom : => source line number: 2190
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:_CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2190)
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2166)
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnConnectAndReadyToCreatePrivateRoom(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1175)
06-02 15:49:40.458 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c:<OnConnectedToMaster>b__70_0() (at H:\Pro
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity : CreateRoom roomName 4244 maxPlayers 4 isVisible False : => member name: CreateRoom : => source line number: 2135
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:CreateRoom(String, Byte, Hashtable, String[], Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2135)
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:_CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2194)
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2166)
06-02 15:49:40.465 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnConnectAndReadyToCreatePrivateRoom(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\Sk
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnCreatedRoom : => member name: OnCreatedRoom : => source line number: 740
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:740)
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3795)
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:GameEnteredOnGameServer(OperationResponse) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2116)
06-02 15:49:41.719 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnOperationResponse(Operatio
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : ShowToastMessage Game created. : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:742)
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3795)
06-02 15:49:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:GameEnteredOnGameServer(OperationResponse) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGa
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnJoinedRoom rejoinedGameAfterDisconnection? False totalActivePlayers 1 isMasterClient True : => member name: OnJoinedRoom : => source line number: 763
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:763)
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3805)
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2909)
06-02 15:49:42.716 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Cli
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity : OnJoinedRoom 4244 UIState MainMenuScreen GameMode OnlinePrivate player localPlayerID 1 isMC True totalPlayers 1 : => member name: OnJoinedRoom : => source line number: 770
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:770)
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3805)
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2909)
06-02 15:49:42.883 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity : OnCreatePrivateRoom : => member name: OnCreatePrivateRoom : => source line number: 1270
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnCreatePrivateRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1270)
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:790)
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3805)
06-02 15:49:42.912 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\P
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox.cs HideLoadingScreen : => member name: HideLoadingScreen : => source line number: 184
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:HideLoadingScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:184)
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnCreatePrivateRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1271)
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:790)
06-02 15:49:42.916 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBal
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity : Show Dialog : => member name: Show : => source line number: 128
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:Show(String, String, String, String, Callback, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:128)
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity : VivoxVoiceManager:CheckForPermission() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\VivoxVoiceManager.cs:228)
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnCreatePrivateRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1274)
06-02 15:49:42.989 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\Photo
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerEnteredRoom totalActivePlayers 2 Game.totalPlayers 4 isMC True newPlayer.ActorNumber 2 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1135
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1135)
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:50:33.751 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalan
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity : NickName Rithsh UserId ac9e8c71-14dc-4899-a95a-3a5794bc3c92 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:50:33.757 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBas
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity : NickName Rakshith UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:50:33.761 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(St
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom 2 profile null? True : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1142
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1142)
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:50:33.765 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessa
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom new player : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1145
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1145)
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:50:33.769 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallb
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity : ShowToastMessage 2/4 Joined the game : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1147)
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:50:33.773 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBo
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 17 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 0 senderId 2 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 15:50:42.386 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity : ON_PLAYER_PAUSED isPaused True playerID -1 time 06/02/2020 10:20:42 : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1672
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1672)
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 15:50:42.490 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer:DispatchIncomingComman
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : player isNull? True senderID 2 currentPlayer player -1 : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1680
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1680)
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 15:50:42.497 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerLeftRoom IsInactive True _showingLoadingScreenAfterReconnection False totalPlayer 2 id 2 Game.totalPlayers 4 lastReceivedEvent 0 : => member name: OnPlayerLeftRoom : => source line number: 1175
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1175)
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3893)
06-02 15:50:49.145 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Pho
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerLeftRoom IsInactive False _showingLoadingScreenAfterReconnection False totalPlayer 1 id 2 Game.totalPlayers 4 lastReceivedEvent 0 : => member name: OnPlayerLeftRoom : => source line number: 1175
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1175)
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3893)
06-02 15:51:19.176 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Ph
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox.cs HideLoadingScreen : => member name: HideLoadingScreen : => source line number: 184
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:HideLoadingScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:184)
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1185)
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3893)
06-02 15:51:19.182 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Asse
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerEnteredRoom totalActivePlayers 2 Game.totalPlayers 4 isMC True newPlayer.ActorNumber 3 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1135
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1135)
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:29.598 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalan
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity : NickName Rithsh UserId ac9e8c71-14dc-4899-a95a-3a5794bc3c92 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:29.604 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBas
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity : NickName UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:29.609 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuff
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom 3 profile null? True : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1142
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1142)
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:29.614 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessa
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom new player : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1145
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1145)
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:29.619 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallb
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity : ShowToastMessage 2/4 Joined the game : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1147)
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:29.625 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBo
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerEnteredRoom totalActivePlayers 3 Game.totalPlayers 4 isMC True newPlayer.ActorNumber 4 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1135
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1135)
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:41.703 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalan
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity : NickName Rithsh UserId ac9e8c71-14dc-4899-a95a-3a5794bc3c92 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:41.713 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBas
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity : NickName Rakshith UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:41.722 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(St
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : NickName Dream UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:41.728 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(Strea
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom 4 profile null? True : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1142
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1142)
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:41.733 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessa
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom new player : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1145
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1145)
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:41.738 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallb
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity : ShowToastMessage 3/4 Joined the game : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1147)
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:41.744 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBo
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerEnteredRoom totalActivePlayers 4 Game.totalPlayers 4 isMC True newPlayer.ActorNumber 5 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1135
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1135)
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:42.960 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalan
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity : NickName Rithsh UserId ac9e8c71-14dc-4899-a95a-3a5794bc3c92 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:42.965 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBas
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity : NickName Rakshith UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:42.970 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(St
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity : NickName Dream UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:42.976 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(Strea
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity : NickName UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:42.981 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuff
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom 5 profile null? True : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1142
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1142)
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:42.986 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessa
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom new player : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1145
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1145)
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 15:51:42.990 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallb
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity : ShowToastMessage 4/4 Joined the game : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1147)
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:42.996 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBo
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Starting the game.. : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1162)
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 15:51:43.001 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity : LoadLevelWithDelay : => member name: LoadLevelWithDelay : => source line number: 1396
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:LoadLevelWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1396)
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:CloseRoomAndStartPrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2240)
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:43.065 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Joining the game : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:LoadLevelWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1397)
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:CloseRoomAndStartPrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2240)
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:43.068 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity : LoadGameScene : => member name: LoadGameScene : => source line number: 1413
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:LoadGameScene() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1413)
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:43.552 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:43.902 27270 27448 D Unity : Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
06-02 15:51:44.157 27270 27382 D Unity : UnloadTime: 169.903698 ms
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:44.195 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:44.378 27270 27382 D Unity : System memory in use before: 43.7 MB.
06-02 15:51:44.594 27270 27382 D Unity : System memory in use after: 43.8 MB.
06-02 15:51:44.594 27270 27382 D Unity :
06-02 15:51:44.594 27270 27382 D Unity : Unloading 2518 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 6343.
06-02 15:51:44.594 27270 27382 D Unity : Total: 215.789843 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.198333 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.530000 ms MarkObjects: 202.869218 ms DeleteObjects: 7.185365 ms)
06-02 15:51:44.594 27270 27382 D Unity :
06-02 15:51:44.703 27270 27448 D Unity : Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:44.817 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:46.052 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity : CloseScreen GameplayScreen tweening FalseforceClose True : => member name: CloseScreen : => source line number: 129
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UIScreen:CloseScreen(Boolean, ScreenTweenCallback) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIScreen.cs:129)
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:HideAllScreens() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:59)
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:49)
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity : GameSceneUIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\GameSceneUIController.cs:82)
06-02 15:51:46.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:Start() (at H:\Projects\
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Please wait : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity : GameSceneUIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\GameSceneUIController.cs:88)
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity : UIController:Start() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:31)
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:46.118 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.202 27270 27382 D Unity : System memory in use before: 43.8 MB.
06-02 15:51:46.458 27270 27382 D Unity : System memory in use after: 44.3 MB.
06-02 15:51:46.458 27270 27382 D Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.458 27270 27382 D Unity : Unloading 5 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 8385.
06-02 15:51:46.459 27270 27382 D Unity : Total: 256.181459 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.014427 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.803542 ms MarkObjects: 251.005677 ms DeleteObjects: 0.351302 ms)
06-02 15:51:46.459 27270 27382 D Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity : ^*^CreateGame OnlinePrivate isNewGame True : => member name: CreateGame : => source line number: 101
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:101)
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:46.466 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity : SendStartGameMessage................... : => member name: SendStartGameMessage : => source line number: 2269
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendStartGameMessage() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2269)
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:153)
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:46.470 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 0 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendStartGameMessage() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2273)
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:153)
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:46.476 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 1 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 1 senderId 4 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 15:51:46.831 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity : OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile count 2 isNewGame True totalActivePlayers 4 _punGameState JoinedGame : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2289
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2289)
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 15:51:46.851 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\Loa
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 1 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 1 senderId 3 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 15:51:47.006 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity : OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile count 3 isNewGame True totalActivePlayers 4 _punGameState JoinedGame : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2289
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2289)
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 15:51:47.010 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\Loa
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 1 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 1 senderId 5 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 15:51:47.015 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity : OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile count 4 isNewGame True totalActivePlayers 4 _punGameState JoinedGame : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2289
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2289)
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 15:51:47.019 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\Loa
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity : Joining order 1 : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2294
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c:<OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile>b__131_1(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Collections.Generic.List`1:ForEach(Action`1)
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 15:51:47.027 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Rea
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity : Joining order 3 : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2294
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c:<OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile>b__131_1(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Collections.Generic.List`1:ForEach(Action`1)
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 15:51:47.031 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Rea
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity : Joining order 4 : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2294
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c:<OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile>b__131_1(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Collections.Generic.List`1:ForEach(Action`1)
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 15:51:47.036 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Rea
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity : Joining order 5 : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2294
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity : <>c:<OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile>b__131_1(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Collections.Generic.List`1:ForEach(Action`1)
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 15:51:47.040 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Rea
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity : SetGameMode mode OnlinePrivate : => member name: SetGameMode : => source line number: 242
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:SetGameMode(PlayModes) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:242)
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:199)
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2352)
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:47.082 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity : DestroyGameInstance uiScreen GameplayScreen game is null ? True : => member name: DestroyGameInstance : => source line number: 374
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:DestroyGameInstance() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:374)
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:202)
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2352)
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:47.091 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity : Constructor --> stockPileCount 25 : => member name: .ctor : => source line number: 115
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:.ctor(Int32, Int32, PlayModes, Boolean, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:115)
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:203)
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2352)
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:47.181 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity : CreateOnlineGame networkPlayers 1 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 737
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:737)
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 15:51:47.196 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity : CreateOnlineGame networkPlayers 3 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 737
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:737)
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 15:51:47.199 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity : CreateOnlineGame networkPlayers 4 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 737
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:737)
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 15:51:47.201 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity : CreateOnlineGame networkPlayers 5 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 737
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:737)
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 15:51:47.204 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity : Found profile 0 actorID 1 networkPlayer?.ActorNumber 1 playerName Rithsh : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 755
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:755)
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 15:51:47.208 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGam
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity : CreatePlayerProfile using real profile from PhotonManager PlayerProfileCC _playerName Rithsh _playFabID B35C527BD179B394 _avatarID 3 _avatarURL _totalCoins 115 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 789
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:789)
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 15:51:47.215 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManage
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity : Found profile 2 actorID 3 networkPlayer?.ActorNumber 3 playerName Rakshith : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 755
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:755)
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 15:51:47.223 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoG
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity : CreatePlayerProfile using real profile from PhotonManager PlayerProfileCC _playerName Rakshith _playFabID 8DFB0A2210C20C4C _avatarID 3 _avatarURL _totalCoins 70 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 789
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:789)
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 15:51:47.225 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManag
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity : Found profile 3 actorID 4 networkPlayer?.ActorNumber 4 playerName Dream : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 755
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:755)
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 15:51:47.227 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity : CreatePlayerProfile using real profile from PhotonManager PlayerProfileCC _playerName Dream _playFabID 84B552F0C6DFE493 _avatarID 9 _avatarURL _totalCoins 170 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 789
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:789)
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 15:51:47.230 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity : CreatePlayerProfile avatarID 3 lastGamesGhost False : => member name: CreatePlayerProfile : => source line number: 283
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:CreatePlayerProfile() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:283)
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:PreparePlayer(Player, Int32, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:214)
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UISkipBoGame:PreparePlayersUI(Player[]) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UISkipBoGame.cs:301)
06-02 15:51:47.267 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:PrepareGameUI(Player[]) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity : Player.cs AddCardsToHand cards count 5 to player 0 hand count 0 : => member name: AddCardsToHand : => source line number: 234
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:234)
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.333 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UIPlayer.cs onCardAddedToHand 5 handCards count 0 player.playerType LocalPlayer playerID 0 : => member name: onCardsAddedToHand : => source line number: 1219
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onCardsAddedToHand(List`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1219)
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:238)
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 15:51:47.347 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\As
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity : onCardAddedToHand 5 player.playerType LocalPlayer added cardsCount 5 : => member name: onCardsAddedToHand : => source line number: 1260
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onCardsAddedToHand(List`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1260)
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:238)
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 15:51:47.359 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGa
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity : Player.cs AddCardsToHand cards count 5 to player 1 hand count 0 : => member name: AddCardsToHand : => source line number: 234
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:234)
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.372 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity : UIPlayer.cs onCardAddedToHand 5 handCards count 0 player.playerType Opponent playerID 1 : => member name: onCardsAddedToHand : => source line number: 1219
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onCardsAddedToHand(List`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1219)
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:238)
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 15:51:47.375 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Asset
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity : Player.cs AddCardsToHand cards count 5 to player 2 hand count 0 : => member name: AddCardsToHand : => source line number: 234
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:234)
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.394 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity : UIPlayer.cs onCardAddedToHand 5 handCards count 0 player.playerType Opponent playerID 2 : => member name: onCardsAddedToHand : => source line number: 1219
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onCardsAddedToHand(List`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1219)
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:238)
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 15:51:47.397 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Asset
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity : Player.cs AddCardsToHand cards count 5 to player 3 hand count 0 : => member name: AddCardsToHand : => source line number: 234
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:234)
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.407 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity : UIPlayer.cs onCardAddedToHand 5 handCards count 0 player.playerType Opponent playerID 3 : => member name: onCardsAddedToHand : => source line number: 1219
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onCardsAddedToHand(List`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1219)
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:238)
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 15:51:47.410 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Asset
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox.cs HideLoadingScreen : => member name: HideLoadingScreen : => source line number: 184
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity : DialogBox:HideLoadingScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:184)
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendTheGameInstanceToOtherPlayers(SkipBoGame) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2364)
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:824)
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 15:51:47.417 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Sk
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 2 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendTheGameInstanceToOtherPlayers(SkipBoGame) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2368)
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:824)
06-02 15:51:47.441 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:3
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 16 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendTheGameInstanceToOtherPlayers(SkipBoGame) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2369)
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:824)
06-02 15:51:47.473 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity : SBGM: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay 0.001 : => member name: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 488
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:488)
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2397)
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendTheGameInstanceToOtherPlayers(SkipBoGame) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2370)
06-02 15:51:47.512 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\As
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity : SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay 0.001 : => member name: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 524
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:524)
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56&)
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single)
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:489)
06-02 15:51:47.528 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Ass
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity : CancelHandleTurnEndedCallWhenMCSwitched : => member name: CancelHandleTurnEndedCallWhenMCSwitched : => source line number: 720
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:CancelHandleTurnEndedCallWhenMCSwitched() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:720)
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:525)
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56&)
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single)
06-02 15:51:47.534 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single) (at H:\Proje
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity : CreateOnlinePrivateGame Game totalPlayersCount 4 playMode OnlinePrivate stockPileCount 25 testingGame False : => member name: CreateOnlinePrivateGame : => source line number: 205
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:205)
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2352)
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 15:51:47.606 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay after delay playerTurnStarted playedCurrentTurn : => member name: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 530
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:530)
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
06-02 15:51:47.650 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.<>c:<.cctor>b__7_
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity : SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn _currentPlayerIndex 0 : => member name: SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn : => source line number: 850
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:850)
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:534)
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 15:51:47.656 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCal
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 5 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:SetTurn(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2404)
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:851)
06-02 15:51:47.662 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 5 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 5 senderId 1 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 15:51:47.825 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity : NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer playerIndex 0 : => member name: NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer : => source line number: 861
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:861)
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:494)
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1718)
06-02 15:51:47.835 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity : NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer _currentPlayerIndex 0 is AI False : => member name: NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer : => source line number: 867
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:867)
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:494)
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1718)
06-02 15:51:47.839 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEven
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity : SetTurn____________________0 : => member name: SetTurn : => source line number: 585
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:585)
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:874)
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:494)
06-02 15:51:47.847 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity : SetTurn turn 0 is AI ? False handCount 5 cardToGive 0 start turn delay 0 isMyTurn True playerTpe LocalPlayer _playerTurnStarted False : => member name: SetTurn : => source line number: 610
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetTurn>d__111:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:610)
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetTurn>d__111&)
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn(CancellationToken)
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:589)
06-02 15:51:47.874 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGa
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : SetTurn _playerTurnStarted True _id 0 : => member name: SetTurn : => source line number: 635
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetTurn>d__111:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:635)
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetTurn>d__111&)
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn(CancellationToken)
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:589)
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:874)
06-02 15:51:47.881 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPla
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 7 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMyTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2414)
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetTurn>d__111:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:641)
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetTurn>d__111&)
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn(CancellationToken)
06-02 15:51:47.889 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Proj
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : BackupOnlineGame : => member name: BackupOnlineGame : => source line number: 399
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:BackupOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:399)
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetTurn>d__111:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:678)
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetTurn>d__111&)
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn(CancellationToken)
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:589)
06-02 15:51:47.900 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Pr
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 7 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 7 senderId 1 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 15:51:48.043 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : ON_MY_TURN_BEGIN 0 : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1754
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1754)
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 15:51:48.049 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Pun.PhotonHandler:Dispatch() (at H:\P
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity : SetPlayedCurrentTurn _id 1 played False : => member name: SetPlayedCurrentTurn : => source line number: 802
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetPlayedCurrentTurn(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:802)
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:882)
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 15:51:48.061 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGam
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity : SetPlayedCurrentTurn _id 2 played False : => member name: SetPlayedCurrentTurn : => source line number: 802
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetPlayedCurrentTurn(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:802)
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:882)
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 15:51:48.067 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGam
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity : SetPlayedCurrentTurn _id 3 played False : => member name: SetPlayedCurrentTurn : => source line number: 802
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetPlayedCurrentTurn(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:802)
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:882)
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 15:51:48.073 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGam
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity : *****OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin() Turn Begin 0***** currentPlayer 0 : => member name: OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin : => source line number: 888
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:888)
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1755)
06-02 15:51:48.079 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity : ^onMyTurnBegin******************************************* ID : Player id 0 name Rithsh playerType LocalPlayer isAI False isMyTurn True _didTimeout False avatarID 0 Game.tutorialStep 0 Player1 : => member name: onMyTurnBegin : => source line number: 1520
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onMyTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1520)
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:815)
06-02 15:51:48.097 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGam
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity : TogglePlayerCardsTouch True : => member name: TogglePlayerCardsTouch : => source line number: 1600
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:TogglePlayerCardsTouch(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1600)
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onMyTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1530)
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:815)
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:890)
06-02 15:51:48.108 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Ski
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity : InvokeOnTurnBegin Setting timer useMultiplayerTimer True isMyTurn True playerType LocalPlayer : => member name: InvokeOnTurnBegin : => source line number: 816
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:816)
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:890)
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 15:51:48.129 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(Event
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity : InvokeOnTurnBegin Setting timer useMultiplayerTimer True : => member name: InvokeOnTurnBegin : => source line number: 819
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:819)
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:890)
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 15:51:48.143 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipB
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity : CancelTurnTimer : => member name: CancelTurnTimer : => source line number: 1533
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:CancelTurnTimer() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1533)
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:822)
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:890)
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 15:51:48.149 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : HandleTurnTimers staring at 20 : => member name: HandleTurnTimers : => source line number: 752
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:752)
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start(<HandleTurnTimers>d__115&)
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:HandleTurnTimers()
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:823)
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:890)
06-02 15:51:48.174 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnN
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity : MoveCardToDiscardPile Card_ Rank 10 _isSkipBoCard False _deckID 0 _discardPileIndex 0 _handPileIndex -1 _cardDragSourceType DiscardPile uniqueID 33 hash 224248277 GetHashCode 584047906 : => member name: MoveCardToDiscardPile : => source line number: 279
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:MoveCardToDiscardPile(Card, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:279)
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1154)
06-02 15:52:08.829 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Script
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity : DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn HandleTurnTimers timer end : => member name: DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn : => source line number: 1162
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1162)
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:764)
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 15:52:08.837 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(Execut
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity : OnOnlineGameForceDiscard Card_ Rank 10 _isSkipBoCard False _deckID 0 _discardPileIndex 0 _handPileIndex -1 _cardDragSourceType DiscardPile uniqueID 33 hash 224248277 dropCellID 0 cardDragSourceType Hand : => member name: OnOnlineGameForceDiscard : => source line number: 528
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:OnOnlineGameForceDiscard(Card, Int32, CardDragSourceType) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:528)
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1163)
06-02 15:52:08.847 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity : TogglePlayerCardsTouch False : => member name: TogglePlayerCardsTouch : => source line number: 1600
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:TogglePlayerCardsTouch(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1600)
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<ReArrangeHandCards>d__81:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:896)
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutineManaged2(IEnumerator)
06-02 15:52:08.864 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) (at
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity : ReArrangeHandCards 4 : => member name: ReArrangeHandCards : => source line number: 899
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<ReArrangeHandCards>d__81:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:899)
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutineManaged2(IEnumerator)
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/MonoBehaviour.bindings.cs:91)
06-02 15:52:08.869 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:OnOnlineGameForceDiscard(Card, Int32, CardDra
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity : Photon OnValidDrop Card_ Rank 10 _isSkipBoCard False _deckID 0 _discardPileIndex 0 _handPileIndex -1 _cardDragSourceType DiscardPile uniqueID 33 hash 224248277 Hash 584047906 : => member name: OnValidDrop : => source line number: 2432
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnValidDrop(PUNMoveMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2432)
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1172)
06-02 15:52:08.877 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 8 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnValidDrop(PUNMoveMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2434)
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1172)
06-02 15:52:08.892 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Playe
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity : End turn 0 is AI ? False player count 4 delay 0.2 isMyTurn True : => member name: EndTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 537
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<EndTurnWithDelay>d__109:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:537)
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<EndTurnWithDelay>d__109&)
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:EndTurnWithDelay(Single, CancellationToken)
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1190)
06-02 15:52:08.907 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : CancelTurnTimer : => member name: CancelTurnTimer : => source line number: 1533
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity :
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:CancelTurnTimer() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1533)
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:765)
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 15:52:08.912 27270 27382 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
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