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Created June 2, 2020 10:56
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730_P1's log
C:\Users\Sooraj>adb logcat -c
C:\Users\Sooraj>adb logcat -s Unity
--------- beginning of main
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity : SetGameMode mode OnlinePrivate : => member name: SetGameMode : => source line number: 242
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:SetGameMode(PlayModes) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:242)
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:PlayOnlinePrivate() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1236)
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent.cs:166)
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent/UnityEvent_0.cs:58)
06-02 16:23:12.304 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.UI.Button:Press() (a
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity : Show Dialog : => member name: Show : => source line number: 128
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:Show(String, String, String, String, Callback, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:128)
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:PlayOnlinePrivate() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1237)
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent.cs:166)
06-02 16:23:12.312 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent/
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity : SelectPrivateRoomPlayersCount count 4 : => member name: SelectPrivateRoomPlayersCount : => source line number: 1312
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:SelectPrivateRoomPlayersCount(Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1312)
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall`1:Invoke(Single) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent.cs:207)
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.CachedInvokableCall`1:Invoke(Object[]) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent.cs:345)
06-02 16:23:18.550 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Ru
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity : SelectCardsCount 25 creating private game : => member name: SelectCardsCount : => source line number: 1162
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass126_0:<SelectCardsCount>b__0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1162)
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass18_0:<CloseWindow>b__2() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIWindow.cs:126)
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity : LeanTween:update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\LeanTween\LeanTween.cs:440)
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity : LeanTween:Update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\LeanTween\LeanTween.cs:369)
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:23:20.315 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Creating Private game : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass126_0:<SelectCardsCount>b__0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1163)
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass18_0:<CloseWindow>b__2() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIWindow.cs:126)
06-02 16:23:20.319 28959 29015 I Unity : LeanTween:update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\Le
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity : Connect To Photon IsConnectedAndReady False inLobby False : => member name: Connect : => source line number: 199
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Connect() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:199)
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass126_0:<SelectCardsCount>b__0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1165)
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass18_0:<CloseWindow>b__2() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIWindow.cs:126)
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity : LeanTween:update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\LeanTween\LeanTween.cs:440)
06-02 16:23:20.325 28959 29015 I Unity : LeanTween:Update() (at H:\
06-02 16:23:21.693 28959 30654 W Unity : PUN is in development mode (development build). As the 'dev region' is not empty (in) it overrides the found best region. See PhotonServerSettings.
06-02 16:23:21.693 28959 30654 W Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:21.693 28959 30654 W Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:21.693 28959 30654 W Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:21.693 28959 30654 W Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object)
06-02 16:23:21.693 28959 30654 W Unity : Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork:OnRegionsPinged(RegionHandler) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonUnityNetworking\Code\PhotonNetworkPart.cs:2312)
06-02 16:23:21.693 28959 30654 W Unity : Photon.Realtime.RegionHandler:OnPreferredRegionPinged(Region) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\RegionHandler.cs:251)
06-02 16:23:21.693 28959 30654 W Unity : Photon.Realtime.RegionPinger:RegionPingThreaded() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\RegionHandler.cs:459)
06-02 16:23:21.693 28959 30654 W Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:<StartBackgroundCalls>b__0()
06-02 16:23:21.693 28959 30654 W Unity : System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart_Context(Object)
06-02 16:23:21.693 28959 30654 W Unity : System.Threadin
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnConnectedToPhoton True IsConnectedAndReady True Game.playMode OnlinePrivate : => member name: OnConnectedToMaster : => source line number: 250
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnConnectedToMaster() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:250)
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.ConnectionCallbacksContainer:OnConnectedToMaster() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3728)
06-02 16:23:22.682 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnOperationResponse(OperationResponse) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingCli
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity : _CreatePrivateRoom dateTime 06/03/2020 04:32:22 roomName 226 DateTime.Now 06/02/2020 16:23:23 : => member name: _CreatePrivateRoom : => source line number: 2190
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:_CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2190)
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2166)
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnConnectAndReadyToCreatePrivateRoom(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1175)
06-02 16:23:23.675 28959 29015 I Unity : <>c:<OnConnectedToMaster>b__70_0() (at H:\Pro
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity : CreateRoom roomName 2264 maxPlayers 4 isVisible False : => member name: CreateRoom : => source line number: 2135
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:CreateRoom(String, Byte, Hashtable, String[], Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2135)
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:_CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2194)
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2166)
06-02 16:23:23.680 28959 29015 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnConnectAndReadyToCreatePrivateRoom(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\Sk
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnCreatedRoom : => member name: OnCreatedRoom : => source line number: 740
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:740)
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3795)
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:GameEnteredOnGameServer(OperationResponse) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2116)
06-02 16:23:24.720 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnOperationResponse(Operatio
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity : ShowToastMessage Game created. : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:742)
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3795)
06-02 16:23:24.734 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:GameEnteredOnGameServer(OperationResponse) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGa
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnJoinedRoom rejoinedGameAfterDisconnection? False totalActivePlayers 1 isMasterClient True : => member name: OnJoinedRoom : => source line number: 763
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:763)
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3805)
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2909)
06-02 16:23:24.743 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Cli
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity : OnJoinedRoom 2264 UIState MainMenuScreen GameMode OnlinePrivate player localPlayerID 1 isMC True totalPlayers 1 : => member name: OnJoinedRoom : => source line number: 770
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:770)
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3805)
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2909)
06-02 16:23:24.749 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity : OnCreatePrivateRoom : => member name: OnCreatePrivateRoom : => source line number: 1270
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnCreatePrivateRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1270)
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:790)
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3805)
06-02 16:23:24.757 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\P
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox.cs HideLoadingScreen : => member name: HideLoadingScreen : => source line number: 184
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:HideLoadingScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:184)
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnCreatePrivateRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1271)
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:790)
06-02 16:23:24.763 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBal
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity : Show Dialog : => member name: Show : => source line number: 128
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:Show(String, String, String, String, Callback, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:128)
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity : VivoxVoiceManager:CheckForPermission() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\VivoxVoiceManager.cs:228)
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnCreatePrivateRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1274)
06-02 16:23:24.772 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\Photo
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerEnteredRoom totalActivePlayers 2 Game.totalPlayers 4 isMC True newPlayer.ActorNumber 2 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1135
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1135)
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:23.469 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalan
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity : NickName Rithsh UserId 84334f58-7c22-4e92-a25b-83e8f76b2c47 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:23.476 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBas
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity : NickName UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:23.482 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuff
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom 2 profile null? True : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1142
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1142)
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:23.487 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessa
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom new player : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1145
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1145)
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:23.492 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallb
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity : ShowToastMessage 2/4 Joined the game : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1147)
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:23.497 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBo
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerEnteredRoom totalActivePlayers 3 Game.totalPlayers 4 isMC True newPlayer.ActorNumber 3 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1135
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1135)
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.175 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalan
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity : NickName Rithsh UserId 84334f58-7c22-4e92-a25b-83e8f76b2c47 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:24.187 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBas
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity : NickName UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:24.198 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuff
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity : NickName UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:24.203 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuff
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom 3 profile null? True : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1142
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1142)
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:24.208 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessa
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom new player : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1145
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1145)
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:24.213 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallb
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity : ShowToastMessage 3/4 Joined the game : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1147)
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.218 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBo
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerEnteredRoom totalActivePlayers 4 Game.totalPlayers 4 isMC True newPlayer.ActorNumber 4 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1135
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1135)
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.793 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalan
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity : NickName Rithsh UserId 84334f58-7c22-4e92-a25b-83e8f76b2c47 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:24.804 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBas
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity : NickName UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:24.815 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuff
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity : NickName UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:24.821 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuff
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity : NickName Rajesh UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:24.826 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(Stre
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom 4 profile null? True : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1142
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1142)
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:24.831 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessa
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom new player : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1145
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1145)
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 16:24:24.836 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallb
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity : ShowToastMessage 4/4 Joined the game : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1147)
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.842 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBo
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Starting the game.. : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1162)
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 16:24:24.848 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity : LoadLevelWithDelay : => member name: LoadLevelWithDelay : => source line number: 1396
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:LoadLevelWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1396)
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:CloseRoomAndStartPrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2240)
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:24.885 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Joining the game : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:LoadLevelWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1397)
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:CloseRoomAndStartPrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2240)
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:24.888 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity : LoadGameScene : => member name: LoadGameScene : => source line number: 1413
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:LoadGameScene() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1413)
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:25.388 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.473 28959 29136 D Unity : Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
06-02 16:24:25.562 28959 29015 D Unity : UnloadTime: 44.506562 ms
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:25.575 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.652 28959 29015 D Unity : System memory in use before: 45.3 MB.
06-02 16:24:25.853 28959 29015 D Unity : System memory in use after: 45.4 MB.
06-02 16:24:25.853 28959 29015 D Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.853 28959 29015 D Unity : Unloading 2522 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 6449.
06-02 16:24:25.853 28959 29015 D Unity : Total: 200.725990 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.060937 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.375209 ms MarkObjects: 188.502760 ms DeleteObjects: 6.779739 ms)
06-02 16:24:25.853 28959 29015 D Unity :
06-02 16:24:25.936 28959 29136 D Unity : Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:26.027 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:27.241 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity : CloseScreen GameplayScreen tweening FalseforceClose True : => member name: CloseScreen : => source line number: 129
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity : UIScreen:CloseScreen(Boolean, ScreenTweenCallback) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIScreen.cs:129)
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity : UIController:HideAllScreens() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:59)
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity : UIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:49)
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity : GameSceneUIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\GameSceneUIController.cs:82)
06-02 16:24:27.249 28959 29015 I Unity : UIController:Start() (at H:\Projects\
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Please wait : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity : GameSceneUIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\GameSceneUIController.cs:88)
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity : UIController:Start() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:31)
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:27.252 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.275 28959 29015 D Unity : System memory in use before: 45.3 MB.
06-02 16:24:27.528 28959 29015 D Unity : System memory in use after: 45.8 MB.
06-02 16:24:27.528 28959 29015 D Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.528 28959 29015 D Unity : Unloading 2 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 8493.
06-02 16:24:27.528 28959 29015 D Unity : Total: 253.297968 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.206093 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.617344 ms MarkObjects: 248.295260 ms DeleteObjects: 0.171719 ms)
06-02 16:24:27.528 28959 29015 D Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity : ^*^CreateGame OnlinePrivate isNewGame True : => member name: CreateGame : => source line number: 101
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:101)
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:27.533 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity : SendStartGameMessage................... : => member name: SendStartGameMessage : => source line number: 2269
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendStartGameMessage() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2269)
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:153)
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:27.535 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 0 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendStartGameMessage() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2273)
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:153)
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:27.538 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 1 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 1 senderId 4 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 16:24:27.945 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity : OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile count 2 isNewGame True totalActivePlayers 4 _punGameState JoinedGame : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2289
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2289)
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 16:24:27.952 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\Loa
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 1 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 1 senderId 3 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 16:24:28.313 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity : OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile count 3 isNewGame True totalActivePlayers 4 _punGameState JoinedGame : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2289
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2289)
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 16:24:28.319 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\Loa
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 1 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 1 senderId 2 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 16:24:28.854 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity : OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile count 4 isNewGame True totalActivePlayers 4 _punGameState JoinedGame : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2289
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2289)
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 16:24:28.862 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\Loa
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity : Joining order 1 : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2294
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity : <>c:<OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile>b__131_1(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Collections.Generic.List`1:ForEach(Action`1)
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 16:24:28.868 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Rea
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity : Joining order 2 : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2294
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity : <>c:<OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile>b__131_1(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Collections.Generic.List`1:ForEach(Action`1)
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 16:24:28.874 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Rea
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity : Joining order 3 : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2294
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity : <>c:<OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile>b__131_1(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Collections.Generic.List`1:ForEach(Action`1)
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 16:24:28.881 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Rea
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity : Joining order 4 : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2294
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity : <>c:<OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile>b__131_1(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Collections.Generic.List`1:ForEach(Action`1)
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2294)
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 16:24:28.887 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Rea
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity : SetGameMode mode OnlinePrivate : => member name: SetGameMode : => source line number: 242
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:SetGameMode(PlayModes) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:242)
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:199)
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2352)
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:28.928 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity : DestroyGameInstance uiScreen GameplayScreen game is null ? True : => member name: DestroyGameInstance : => source line number: 374
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:DestroyGameInstance() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:374)
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:202)
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2352)
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:28.930 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity : Constructor --> stockPileCount 25 : => member name: .ctor : => source line number: 115
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:.ctor(Int32, Int32, PlayModes, Boolean, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:115)
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:203)
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2352)
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:28.933 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity : CreateOnlineGame networkPlayers 1 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 737
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:737)
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.938 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity : CreateOnlineGame networkPlayers 2 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 737
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:737)
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.941 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity : CreateOnlineGame networkPlayers 3 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 737
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:737)
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.945 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity : CreateOnlineGame networkPlayers 4 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 737
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:737)
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.948 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity : Found profile 0 actorID 1 networkPlayer?.ActorNumber 1 playerName Rithsh : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 755
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:755)
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.951 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGam
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity : CreatePlayerProfile using real profile from PhotonManager PlayerProfileCC _playerName Rithsh _playFabID B35C527BD179B394 _avatarID 3 _avatarURL _totalCoins 115 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 789
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:789)
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.955 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManage
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity : Found profile 1 actorID 2 networkPlayer?.ActorNumber 2 playerName Dream : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 755
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:755)
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.958 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity : CreatePlayerProfile using real profile from PhotonManager PlayerProfileCC _playerName Dream _playFabID 84B552F0C6DFE493 _avatarID 9 _avatarURL _totalCoins 170 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 789
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:789)
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.962 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity : Found profile 2 actorID 3 networkPlayer?.ActorNumber 3 playerName Rakshith : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 755
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:755)
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.965 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoG
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity : CreatePlayerProfile using real profile from PhotonManager PlayerProfileCC _playerName Rakshith _playFabID 8DFB0A2210C20C4C _avatarID 3 _avatarURL _totalCoins 70 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 789
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:789)
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.968 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManag
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity : Found profile 3 actorID 4 networkPlayer?.ActorNumber 4 playerName Rajesh : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 755
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:755)
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.972 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGam
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity : CreatePlayerProfile using real profile from PhotonManager PlayerProfileCC _playerName Rajesh _playFabID 7948D65BF77B08A9 _avatarID 3 _avatarURL _totalCoins 90 : => member name: CreateOnlineGame : => source line number: 789
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:789)
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:204)
06-02 16:24:28.975 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity : Player.cs AddCardsToHand cards count 5 to player 0 hand count 0 : => member name: AddCardsToHand : => source line number: 234
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:234)
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:28.994 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity : UIPlayer.cs onCardAddedToHand 5 handCards count 0 player.playerType LocalPlayer playerID 0 : => member name: onCardsAddedToHand : => source line number: 1219
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onCardsAddedToHand(List`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1219)
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:238)
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 16:24:28.997 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\As
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity : onCardAddedToHand 5 player.playerType LocalPlayer added cardsCount 5 : => member name: onCardsAddedToHand : => source line number: 1260
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onCardsAddedToHand(List`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1260)
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:238)
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 16:24:29.004 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGa
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity : Player.cs AddCardsToHand cards count 5 to player 1 hand count 0 : => member name: AddCardsToHand : => source line number: 234
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:234)
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:29.016 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity : UIPlayer.cs onCardAddedToHand 5 handCards count 0 player.playerType Opponent playerID 1 : => member name: onCardsAddedToHand : => source line number: 1219
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onCardsAddedToHand(List`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1219)
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:238)
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 16:24:29.019 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Asset
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity : Player.cs AddCardsToHand cards count 5 to player 2 hand count 0 : => member name: AddCardsToHand : => source line number: 234
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:234)
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:29.030 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity : UIPlayer.cs onCardAddedToHand 5 handCards count 0 player.playerType Opponent playerID 2 : => member name: onCardsAddedToHand : => source line number: 1219
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onCardsAddedToHand(List`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1219)
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:238)
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 16:24:29.033 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Asset
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity : Player.cs AddCardsToHand cards count 5 to player 3 hand count 0 : => member name: AddCardsToHand : => source line number: 234
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:234)
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:29.044 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity : UIPlayer.cs onCardAddedToHand 5 handCards count 0 player.playerType Opponent playerID 3 : => member name: onCardsAddedToHand : => source line number: 1219
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onCardsAddedToHand(List`1) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1219)
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:AddCardsToHand(List`1, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:238)
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:821)
06-02 16:24:29.047 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Asset
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox.cs HideLoadingScreen : => member name: HideLoadingScreen : => source line number: 184
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity : DialogBox:HideLoadingScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:184)
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendTheGameInstanceToOtherPlayers(SkipBoGame) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2364)
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:824)
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:384)
06-02 16:24:29.052 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Sk
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 2 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendTheGameInstanceToOtherPlayers(SkipBoGame) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2368)
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:824)
06-02 16:24:29.063 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:3
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 16 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendTheGameInstanceToOtherPlayers(SkipBoGame) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2369)
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:824)
06-02 16:24:29.086 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity : SBGM: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay 0.001 : => member name: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 488
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:488)
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2397)
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendTheGameInstanceToOtherPlayers(SkipBoGame) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2370)
06-02 16:24:29.091 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:CreateOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\As
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity : SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay 0.001 : => member name: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 524
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:524)
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56&)
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single)
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:489)
06-02 16:24:29.095 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Ass
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity : CancelHandleTurnEndedCallWhenMCSwitched : => member name: CancelHandleTurnEndedCallWhenMCSwitched : => source line number: 720
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:CancelHandleTurnEndedCallWhenMCSwitched() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:720)
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:525)
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56&)
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single)
06-02 16:24:29.099 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single) (at H:\Proje
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity : CreateOnlinePrivateGame Game totalPlayersCount 4 playMode OnlinePrivate stockPileCount 25 testingGame False : => member name: CreateOnlinePrivateGame : => source line number: 205
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateOnlinePrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:205)
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:StartTheOnlinePrivateGameWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2352)
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 16:24:29.102 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay after delay playerTurnStarted playedCurrentTurn : => member name: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 530
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:530)
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
06-02 16:24:29.137 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.<>c:<.cctor>b__7_
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity : SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn _currentPlayerIndex 0 : => member name: SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn : => source line number: 850
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:850)
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:534)
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 16:24:29.140 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCal
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 5 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:SetTurn(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2404)
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:851)
06-02 16:24:29.145 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 5 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 5 senderId 1 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 16:24:29.290 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity : NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer playerIndex 0 : => member name: NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer : => source line number: 861
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:861)
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:494)
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1718)
06-02 16:24:29.297 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity : NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer _currentPlayerIndex 0 is AI False : => member name: NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer : => source line number: 867
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:867)
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:494)
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1718)
06-02 16:24:29.303 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEven
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity : SetTurn____________________0 : => member name: SetTurn : => source line number: 585
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:585)
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:874)
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:494)
06-02 16:24:29.309 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity : SetTurn turn 0 is AI ? False handCount 5 cardToGive 0 start turn delay 0 isMyTurn True playerTpe LocalPlayer _playerTurnStarted False : => member name: SetTurn : => source line number: 610
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetTurn>d__111:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:610)
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetTurn>d__111&)
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn(CancellationToken)
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:589)
06-02 16:24:29.317 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGa
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : SetTurn _playerTurnStarted True _id 0 : => member name: SetTurn : => source line number: 635
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetTurn>d__111:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:635)
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetTurn>d__111&)
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn(CancellationToken)
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:589)
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:874)
06-02 16:24:29.323 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPla
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 7 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMyTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2414)
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetTurn>d__111:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:641)
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetTurn>d__111&)
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn(CancellationToken)
06-02 16:24:29.331 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Proj
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : BackupOnlineGame : => member name: BackupOnlineGame : => source line number: 399
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:BackupOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:399)
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetTurn>d__111:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:678)
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetTurn>d__111&)
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn(CancellationToken)
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:589)
06-02 16:24:29.338 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Pr
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 7 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 7 senderId 1 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 16:24:29.484 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : ON_MY_TURN_BEGIN 0 : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1754
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1754)
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 16:24:29.491 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Pun.PhotonHandler:Dispatch() (at H:\P
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity : SetPlayedCurrentTurn _id 1 played False : => member name: SetPlayedCurrentTurn : => source line number: 802
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetPlayedCurrentTurn(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:802)
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:882)
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 16:24:29.499 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGam
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity : SetPlayedCurrentTurn _id 2 played False : => member name: SetPlayedCurrentTurn : => source line number: 802
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetPlayedCurrentTurn(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:802)
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:882)
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 16:24:29.506 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGam
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity : SetPlayedCurrentTurn _id 3 played False : => member name: SetPlayedCurrentTurn : => source line number: 802
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetPlayedCurrentTurn(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:802)
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:882)
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 16:24:29.512 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGam
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity : *****OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin() Turn Begin 0***** currentPlayer 0 : => member name: OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin : => source line number: 888
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:888)
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1755)
06-02 16:24:29.518 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity : ^onMyTurnBegin******************************************* ID : Player id 0 name Rithsh playerType LocalPlayer isAI False isMyTurn True _didTimeout False avatarID 0 Game.tutorialStep 0 Player1 : => member name: onMyTurnBegin : => source line number: 1520
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onMyTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1520)
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:815)
06-02 16:24:29.525 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGam
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity : TogglePlayerCardsTouch True : => member name: TogglePlayerCardsTouch : => source line number: 1600
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:TogglePlayerCardsTouch(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1600)
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onMyTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1530)
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:815)
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:890)
06-02 16:24:29.532 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Ski
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity : InvokeOnTurnBegin Setting timer useMultiplayerTimer True isMyTurn True playerType LocalPlayer : => member name: InvokeOnTurnBegin : => source line number: 816
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:816)
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:890)
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 16:24:29.539 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(Event
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity : InvokeOnTurnBegin Setting timer useMultiplayerTimer True : => member name: InvokeOnTurnBegin : => source line number: 819
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:819)
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:890)
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 16:24:29.543 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipB
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity : CancelTurnTimer : => member name: CancelTurnTimer : => source line number: 1533
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:CancelTurnTimer() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1533)
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:822)
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:890)
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:468)
06-02 16:24:29.549 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : HandleTurnTimers staring at 20 : => member name: HandleTurnTimers : => source line number: 752
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:752)
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start(<HandleTurnTimers>d__115&)
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:HandleTurnTimers()
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnBegin() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:823)
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnBegin(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:890)
06-02 16:24:29.554 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnN
--------- beginning of system
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity : MoveCardToDiscardPile Card_ Rank 6 _isSkipBoCard False _deckID 0 _discardPileIndex 0 _handPileIndex -1 _cardDragSourceType DiscardPile uniqueID 29 hash 534740868 GetHashCode 48844464 : => member name: MoveCardToDiscardPile : => source line number: 279
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:MoveCardToDiscardPile(Card, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:279)
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1154)
06-02 16:24:50.183 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity : DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn HandleTurnTimers timer end : => member name: DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn : => source line number: 1162
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1162)
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:764)
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 16:24:50.190 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(Execut
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity : OnOnlineGameForceDiscard Card_ Rank 6 _isSkipBoCard False _deckID 0 _discardPileIndex 0 _handPileIndex -1 _cardDragSourceType DiscardPile uniqueID 29 hash 534740868 dropCellID 0 cardDragSourceType Hand : => member name: OnOnlineGameForceDiscard : => source line number: 528
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:OnOnlineGameForceDiscard(Card, Int32, CardDragSourceType) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:528)
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1163)
06-02 16:24:50.197 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\S
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity : TogglePlayerCardsTouch False : => member name: TogglePlayerCardsTouch : => source line number: 1600
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:TogglePlayerCardsTouch(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1600)
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<ReArrangeHandCards>d__81:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:896)
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutineManaged2(IEnumerator)
06-02 16:24:50.205 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) (at
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity : ReArrangeHandCards 4 : => member name: ReArrangeHandCards : => source line number: 899
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<ReArrangeHandCards>d__81:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:899)
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutineManaged2(IEnumerator)
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/MonoBehaviour.bindings.cs:91)
06-02 16:24:50.213 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:OnOnlineGameForceDiscard(Card, Int32, CardDra
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon OnValidDrop Card_ Rank 6 _isSkipBoCard False _deckID 0 _discardPileIndex 0 _handPileIndex -1 _cardDragSourceType DiscardPile uniqueID 29 hash 534740868 Hash 48844464 : => member name: OnValidDrop : => source line number: 2432
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnValidDrop(PUNMoveMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2432)
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1172)
06-02 16:24:50.223 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 8 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnValidDrop(PUNMoveMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2434)
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1172)
06-02 16:24:50.018 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Playe
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity : End turn 0 is AI ? False player count 4 delay 0.2 isMyTurn True : => member name: EndTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 537
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<EndTurnWithDelay>d__109:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:537)
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<EndTurnWithDelay>d__109&)
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:EndTurnWithDelay(Single, CancellationToken)
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:DropCardFromHandToDiscardPileAndEndTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1190)
06-02 16:24:50.027 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : CancelTurnTimer : => member name: CancelTurnTimer : => source line number: 1533
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:CancelTurnTimer() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:1533)
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<HandleTurnTimers>d__115:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:765)
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 16:24:50.031 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : EndTurnWithDelay _playerTurnStarted False _id 0 : => member name: EndTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 549
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<EndTurnWithDelay>d__109:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:549)
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.<>c:<.cctor>b__7_0(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.234 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke() (at /Users
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 9 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMyTurnEnd(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2423)
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<EndTurnWithDelay>d__109:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:552)
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.243 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallbac
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 9 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 9 senderId 1 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 16:24:50.408 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity : *****OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd Turn End 0 ***** currentPlayer 0 : => member name: OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd : => source line number: 901
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:901)
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:480)
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1760)
06-02 16:24:50.421 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData)
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity : SetTurnStarted _id 0 started False : => member name: SetTurnStarted : => source line number: 808
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurnStarted(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:808)
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:903)
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:480)
06-02 16:24:50.428 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Asset
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity : SetPlayedCurrentTurn _id 0 played True : => member name: SetPlayedCurrentTurn : => source line number: 802
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetPlayedCurrentTurn(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:802)
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:904)
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:480)
06-02 16:24:50.434 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity : ^onMyTurnEnd******************************************* ID : 0 : => member name: onMyTurnEnd : => source line number: 1575
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onMyTurnEnd() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1575)
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnEnd() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:830)
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:905)
06-02 16:24:50.441 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Ski
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity : TogglePlayerCardsTouch False : => member name: TogglePlayerCardsTouch : => source line number: 1600
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:TogglePlayerCardsTouch(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1600)
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onMyTurnEnd() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1579)
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnEnd() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:830)
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:905)
06-02 16:24:50.448 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGa
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity : Despawing discardPile.Count 1 : => member name: DestroyUnlinkedCards : => source line number: 1015
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:DestroyUnlinkedCards() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1015)
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onMyTurnEnd() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1586)
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnEnd() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:830)
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:OnNetworkPlayerTurnEnd(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:905)
06-02 16:24:50.456 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity : Card Card_ Rank 6 _isSkipBoCard False _deckID 0 _discardPileIndex 0 _handPileIndex -1 _cardDragSourceType DiscardPile uniqueID 29 hash 534740868 is found in discard pile. Continuing......... : => member name: DestroyUnlinkedCards : => source line number: 1028
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:DestroyUnlinkedCards() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1028)
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onMyTurnEnd() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1586)
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:InvokeOnTurnEnd() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:830)
06-02 16:24:50.463 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.S
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity : TogglePlayerCardsTouch False : => member name: TogglePlayerCardsTouch : => source line number: 1600
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:TogglePlayerCardsTouch(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:1600)
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<ReArrangeHandCards>d__81:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:896)
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutineManaged2(IEnumerator)
06-02 16:24:50.470 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) (at
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity : ReArrangeHandCards 4 : => member name: ReArrangeHandCards : => source line number: 899
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<ReArrangeHandCards>d__81:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\UIPlayer.cs:899)
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutineManaged2(IEnumerator)
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/MonoBehaviour.bindings.cs:91)
06-02 16:24:50.477 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.UIPlayer:onMyTurnEnd() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipB
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity : SBGM: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay 1 : => member name: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 488
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:488)
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1761)
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 16:24:50.481 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMe
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity : SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay 1 : => member name: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 524
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:524)
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56&)
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single)
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:489)
06-02 16:24:50.486 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathy
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity : CancelHandleTurnEndedCallWhenMCSwitched : => member name: CancelHandleTurnEndedCallWhenMCSwitched : => source line number: 720
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:CancelHandleTurnEndedCallWhenMCSwitched() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:720)
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:525)
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56&)
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single)
06-02 16:24:50.491 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay(Single) (at H:\Proje
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay after delay playerTurnStarted False playedCurrentTurn True : => member name: SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay : => source line number: 530
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:530)
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
06-02 16:24:51.507 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.<>c:<.cc
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity : SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn _currentPlayerIndex 1 : => member name: SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn : => source line number: 850
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:850)
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:534)
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
06-02 16:24:51.517 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCal
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 5 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:SetTurn(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2404)
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:SetOnlineGameNextPlayerTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:851)
06-02 16:24:51.526 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetNextPlayerTurnWithDelay>d__56:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 5 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 5 senderId 1 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 16:24:51.703 28959 29015 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity : NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer playerIndex 1 : => member name: NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer : => source line number: 861
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:861)
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:494)
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1718)
06-02 16:24:51.710 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity : NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer _currentPlayerIndex 1 is AI False : => member name: NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer : => source line number: 867
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:867)
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:494)
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1718)
06-02 16:24:51.716 28959 29015 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEven
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity : SetTurn____________________1 : => member name: SetTurn : => source line number: 585
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:585)
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:874)
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:494)
06-02 16:24:51.722 28959 29015 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity : SetTurn turn 1 is AI ? False handCount 5 cardToGive 0 start turn delay 0 isMyTurn True playerTpe Opponent _playerTurnStarted False : => member name: SetTurn : => source line number: 610
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetTurn>d__111:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:610)
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetTurn>d__111&)
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn(CancellationToken)
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:589)
06-02 16:24:51.730 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : SetTurn _playerTurnStarted False _id 1 : => member name: SetTurn : => source line number: 635
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetTurn>d__111:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:635)
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetTurn>d__111&)
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn(CancellationToken)
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:589)
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGame.cs:874)
06-02 16:24:51.737 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:NetworkGameOnSetNextPl
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : BackupOnlineGame : => member name: BackupOnlineGame : => source line number: 399
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity :
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:BackupOnlineGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:399)
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.<SetTurn>d__111:MoveNext() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:678)
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(<SetTurn>d__111&)
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn(CancellationToken)
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.Player:SetTurn() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\Player.cs:589)
06-02 16:24:51.744 28959 29015 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGame:NetworkGameOnSetNextPlayer(Int32) (at H:\Pr
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