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Created June 2, 2020 11:53
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732_P1's log
C:\Users\Sooraj>adb logcat -c
C:\Users\Sooraj>adb logcat -s Unity
--------- beginning of main
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity : SelectPrivateRoomPlayersCount count 4 : => member name: SelectPrivateRoomPlayersCount : => source line number: 1312
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:SelectPrivateRoomPlayersCount(Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1312)
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall`1:Invoke(Single) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent.cs:207)
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.CachedInvokableCall`1:Invoke(Object[]) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEvent/UnityEvent.cs:345)
06-02 17:20:36.044 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Ru
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity : SelectCardsCount 25 creating private game : => member name: SelectCardsCount : => source line number: 1162
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass126_0:<SelectCardsCount>b__0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1162)
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass18_0:<CloseWindow>b__2() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIWindow.cs:126)
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity : LeanTween:update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\LeanTween\LeanTween.cs:440)
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity : LeanTween:Update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\LeanTween\LeanTween.cs:369)
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 17:20:37.750 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Creating Private game : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass126_0:<SelectCardsCount>b__0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1163)
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass18_0:<CloseWindow>b__2() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIWindow.cs:126)
06-02 17:20:37.758 2299 2376 I Unity : LeanTween:update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\Le
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity : Connect To Photon IsConnectedAndReady False inLobby False : => member name: Connect : => source line number: 199
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:Connect() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:199)
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass126_0:<SelectCardsCount>b__0() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1165)
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity : <>c__DisplayClass18_0:<CloseWindow>b__2() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIWindow.cs:126)
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity : LeanTween:update() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Plugins\LeanTween\LeanTween.cs:440)
06-02 17:20:37.769 2299 2376 I Unity : LeanTween:Update() (at H:\
06-02 17:20:39.215 2299 4494 W Unity : PUN is in development mode (development build). As the 'dev region' is not empty (in) it overrides the found best region. See PhotonServerSettings.
06-02 17:20:39.215 2299 4494 W Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:39.215 2299 4494 W Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:39.215 2299 4494 W Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:39.215 2299 4494 W Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object)
06-02 17:20:39.215 2299 4494 W Unity : Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork:OnRegionsPinged(RegionHandler) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonUnityNetworking\Code\PhotonNetworkPart.cs:2312)
06-02 17:20:39.215 2299 4494 W Unity : Photon.Realtime.RegionHandler:OnPreferredRegionPinged(Region) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\RegionHandler.cs:251)
06-02 17:20:39.215 2299 4494 W Unity : Photon.Realtime.RegionPinger:RegionPingThreaded() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\RegionHandler.cs:459)
06-02 17:20:39.215 2299 4494 W Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:<StartBackgroundCalls>b__0()
06-02 17:20:39.215 2299 4494 W Unity : System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart_Context(Object)
06-02 17:20:39.215 2299 4494 W Unity : System.Threadin
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnConnectedToPhoton True IsConnectedAndReady True Game.playMode OnlinePrivate : => member name: OnConnectedToMaster : => source line number: 250
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnConnectedToMaster() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:250)
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.ConnectionCallbacksContainer:OnConnectedToMaster() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3728)
06-02 17:20:40.214 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnOperationResponse(OperationResponse) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingCli
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity : _CreatePrivateRoom dateTime 06/03/2020 17:47:54 roomName 542 DateTime.Now 06/02/2020 17:20:41 : => member name: _CreatePrivateRoom : => source line number: 2190
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:_CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2190)
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2166)
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnConnectAndReadyToCreatePrivateRoom(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1175)
06-02 17:20:41.205 2299 2376 I Unity : <>c:<OnConnectedToMaster>b__70_0() (at H:\Pro
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity : CreateRoom roomName 5424 maxPlayers 4 isVisible False : => member name: CreateRoom : => source line number: 2135
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:CreateRoom(String, Byte, Hashtable, String[], Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2135)
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:_CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2194)
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:CreatePrivateRoom(Byte) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2166)
06-02 17:20:41.210 2299 2376 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnConnectAndReadyToCreatePrivateRoom(Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\Sk
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnCreatedRoom : => member name: OnCreatedRoom : => source line number: 740
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:740)
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3795)
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:GameEnteredOnGameServer(OperationResponse) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2116)
06-02 17:20:42.377 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnOperationResponse(Operatio
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity : ShowToastMessage Game created. : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:742)
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnCreatedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3795)
06-02 17:20:42.385 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:GameEnteredOnGameServer(OperationResponse) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGa
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnJoinedRoom rejoinedGameAfterDisconnection? False totalActivePlayers 1 isMasterClient True : => member name: OnJoinedRoom : => source line number: 763
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:763)
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3805)
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2909)
06-02 17:20:42.393 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Cli
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity : OnJoinedRoom 5424 UIState MainMenuScreen GameMode OnlinePrivate player localPlayerID 1 isMC True totalPlayers 1 : => member name: OnJoinedRoom : => source line number: 770
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:770)
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3805)
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2909)
06-02 17:20:42.399 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity : OnCreatePrivateRoom : => member name: OnCreatePrivateRoom : => source line number: 1270
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnCreatePrivateRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1270)
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:790)
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3805)
06-02 17:20:42.407 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\P
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox.cs HideLoadingScreen : => member name: HideLoadingScreen : => source line number: 184
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:HideLoadingScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:184)
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnCreatePrivateRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1271)
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:790)
06-02 17:20:42.413 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.MatchMakingCallbacksContainer:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBal
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity : Show Dialog : => member name: Show : => source line number: 128
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:Show(String, String, String, String, Callback, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:128)
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity : VivoxVoiceManager:CheckForPermission() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\VivoxVoiceManager.cs:228)
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:OnCreatePrivateRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1274)
06-02 17:20:42.494 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnJoinedRoom() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\Photo
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerEnteredRoom totalActivePlayers 2 Game.totalPlayers 4 isMC True newPlayer.ActorNumber 2 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1135
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1135)
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:00.842 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalan
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity : NickName Rithsh UserId 3bba1556-0ab0-4ca5-890b-8fec0429c1a8 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:00.851 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBas
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity : NickName Rakshith UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:00.856 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(St
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom 2 profile null? True : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1142
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1142)
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:00.862 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessa
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom new player : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1145
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1145)
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:00.867 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallb
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity : ShowToastMessage 2/4 Joined the game : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1147)
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:00.872 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBo
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 17 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 7 senderId 2 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 17:21:02.766 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity : ON_PLAYER_PAUSED isPaused True playerID -1 time 06/02/2020 11:51:02 : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1672
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1672)
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 17:21:02.773 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer:DispatchIncomingComman
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : player isNull? True senderID 2 currentPlayer player -1 : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1680
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1680)
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 17:21:02.779 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.
--------- beginning of system
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerLeftRoom IsInactive True _showingLoadingScreenAfterReconnection False totalPlayer 2 id 2 Game.totalPlayers 4 lastReceivedEvent 7 : => member name: OnPlayerLeftRoom : => source line number: 1175
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1175)
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3893)
06-02 17:21:12.686 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Pho
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerEnteredRoom totalActivePlayers 3 Game.totalPlayers 4 isMC True newPlayer.ActorNumber 3 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1135
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1135)
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.066 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalan
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity : NickName Rithsh UserId 3bba1556-0ab0-4ca5-890b-8fec0429c1a8 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:18.073 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBas
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity : NickName Rakshith UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:18.078 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(St
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity : NickName Rajesh UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:18.083 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(Stre
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom 3 profile null? True : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1142
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1142)
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:18.089 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessa
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom new player : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1145
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1145)
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:18.095 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallb
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity : ShowToastMessage 3/4 Joined the game : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1147)
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.100 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBo
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerEnteredRoom totalActivePlayers 4 Game.totalPlayers 4 isMC True newPlayer.ActorNumber 4 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1135
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1135)
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.751 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalan
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity : NickName Rithsh UserId 3bba1556-0ab0-4ca5-890b-8fec0429c1a8 : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:18.762 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBas
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity : NickName Rakshith UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:18.772 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(St
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity : NickName Rajesh UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:18.777 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(Stre
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity : NickName UserId : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1139
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1139)
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:18.782 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuff
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom 4 profile null? True : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1142
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1142)
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:18.787 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessa
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity : OnPlayerEnteredRoom new player : => member name: OnPlayerEnteredRoom : => source line number: 1145
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1145)
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:2913)
06-02 17:21:18.792 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallb
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity : ShowToastMessage 4/4 Joined the game : => member name: ShowToastMessage : => source line number: 229
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowToastMessage(String, Single) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:229)
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1147)
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.798 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBo
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Starting the game.. : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1162)
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3883)
06-02 17:21:18.804 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity : LoadLevelWithDelay : => member name: LoadLevelWithDelay : => source line number: 1396
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:LoadLevelWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1396)
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:CloseRoomAndStartPrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2240)
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 17:21:18.843 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Joining the game : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:LoadLevelWithDelay() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1397)
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:CloseRoomAndStartPrivateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2240)
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 17:21:18.845 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity : LoadGameScene : => member name: LoadGameScene : => source line number: 1413
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity : IntroScreenUIController:LoadGameScene() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\IntroScreenUIController.cs:1413)
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 17:21:19.352 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.484 2299 2543 D Unity : Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
06-02 17:21:19.595 2299 2376 D Unity : UnloadTime: 62.398125 ms
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 17:21:19.606 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.739 2299 2376 D Unity : System memory in use before: 45.5 MB.
06-02 17:21:19.940 2299 2376 D Unity : System memory in use after: 45.5 MB.
06-02 17:21:19.940 2299 2376 D Unity :
06-02 17:21:19.940 2299 2376 D Unity : Unloading 2521 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 6518.
06-02 17:21:19.940 2299 2376 D Unity : Total: 201.556198 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.269375 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.428385 ms MarkObjects: 188.857395 ms DeleteObjects: 6.994635 ms)
06-02 17:21:19.940 2299 2376 D Unity :
06-02 17:21:20.023 2299 2543 D Unity : Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 17:21:20.094 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity : cam.aspect : 0.4976959 aspect 0.49 width 1080 height 2170 : => member name: Init : => source line number: 68
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity : UIRootScaler:Init() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:68)
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity : UIRootScaler:OnEnable() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\Utils\UIRootScaler.cs:44)
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 17:21:21.319 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity : CloseScreen GameplayScreen tweening FalseforceClose True : => member name: CloseScreen : => source line number: 129
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity : UIScreen:CloseScreen(Boolean, ScreenTweenCallback) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIScreen.cs:129)
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity : UIController:HideAllScreens() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:59)
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity : UIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:49)
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity : GameSceneUIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\GameSceneUIController.cs:82)
06-02 17:21:21.327 2299 2376 I Unity : UIController:Start() (at H:\Projects\
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox.cs ShowLoadingScreen Please wait : => member name: ShowLoadingScreen : => source line number: 156
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:ShowLoadingScreen(String, Boolean, Action, Boolean, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:156)
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity : GameSceneUIController:InitApp() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\GameSceneUIController.cs:88)
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity : UIController:Start() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\UIController.cs:31)
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 17:21:21.386 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.468 2299 2376 D Unity : System memory in use before: 45.5 MB.
06-02 17:21:21.721 2299 2376 D Unity : System memory in use after: 45.9 MB.
06-02 17:21:21.721 2299 2376 D Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.721 2299 2376 D Unity : Unloading 2 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 8562.
06-02 17:21:21.721 2299 2376 D Unity : Total: 252.481927 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.495573 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.628855 ms MarkObjects: 247.183906 ms DeleteObjects: 0.167604 ms)
06-02 17:21:21.721 2299 2376 D Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity : ^*^CreateGame OnlinePrivate isNewGame True : => member name: CreateGame : => source line number: 101
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:101)
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 17:21:21.723 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity : SendStartGameMessage................... : => member name: SendStartGameMessage : => source line number: 2269
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendStartGameMessage() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2269)
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:153)
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 17:21:21.725 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity : ****RaiseEvent **** 0 : => member name: RaiseEvent : => source line number: 1574
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:RaiseEvent(Byte, Object, RaiseEventOptions) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1574)
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:SendStartGameMessage() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2273)
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:CreateGame() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:153)
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity : (Filename: H Line: 0)
06-02 17:21:21.728 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 1 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 1 senderId 3 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 17:21:22.078 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity : OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile count 2 isNewGame True totalActivePlayers 4 _punGameState JoinedGame : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2289
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2289)
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 17:21:22.090 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\Loa
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity : ****OnEvent **** 1 IsCustomHeavyData False lastReceivedEvent 1 senderId 4 contentType System.Byte[] : => member name: OnEvent : => source line number: 1612
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1612)
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3018)
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.PeerBase:DeserializeMessageAndCallback(StreamBuffer)
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.EnetPeer:DispatchIncomingCommands()
06-02 17:21:22.505 2299 2376 I Unity : ExitGames.Client.Photon.P
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity : OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile count 3 isNewGame True totalActivePlayers 4 _punGameState JoinedGame : => member name: OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile : => source line number: 2289
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnMCReceiveOtherPlayersProfile(PUNOnJoinGameMessage) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:2289)
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:Photon.Realtime.IOnEventCallback.OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1739)
06-02 17:21:22.510 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\Loa
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager : OnPlayerLeftRoom IsInactive False _showingLoadingScreenAfterReconnection False totalPlayer 3 id 2 Game.totalPlayers 4 lastReceivedEvent 1 : => member name: OnPlayerLeftRoom : => source line number: 1175
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1175)
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3893)
06-02 17:21:42.658 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Ph
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox.cs HideLoadingScreen : => member name: HideLoadingScreen : => source line number: 184
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:HideLoadingScreen() (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:184)
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1185)
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3893)
06-02 17:21:42.670 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Asse
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity : OnPhotonPlayerLeftTheRoom 2 : => member name: OnPhotonPlayerLeftTheRoom : => source line number: 213
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnPhotonPlayerLeftTheRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:213)
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1225)
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3893)
06-02 17:21:42.676 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData) (at H:\Projects\
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity : SGM.cs OnPhotonPlayerLeftTheRoom Show Dialog : => member name: OnPhotonPlayerLeftTheRoom : => source line number: 230
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnPhotonPlayerLeftTheRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:230)
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1225)
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs:3893)
06-02 17:21:42.682 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingClient:OnEvent(EventData)
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity : Show Dialog : => member name: Show : => source line number: 99
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity :
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity : UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity : Game:Log(String, LogType, Nullable`1, GameObject, String, Int32) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:483)
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity : DialogBox:Show(String, String, String, Callback, Boolean, Boolean, Single, Boolean) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\UI\DialogBox\DialogBox.cs:99)
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity : SkipBo.SkipBoGameManager:OnPhotonPlayerLeftTheRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\SkipBoGame\SkipBoGameManager.cs:231)
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity : PhotonManager:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\SkipBoGame\Assets\Scripts\Managers\PhotonManager.cs:1225)
06-02 17:21:42.688 2299 2376 I Unity : Photon.Realtime.InRoomCallbacksContainer:OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player) (at H:\Projects\Sathyaraj\SkipBoGameGit\Ski
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