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Last active August 1, 2021 14:08
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[CUE]( の練習で CloudFormation のテンプレート定義を適当に書き下してみた。
package cfn
Template:: close({
AWSTemplateFormatVersion?: "2010-09-09"
Transform?: string | [...string]
Description?: string
Metadata?: [string]: Value
Parameters?: [string]: Parameter
Mappings?: [string]: [string]: [string]: _
Conditions?: [string]: Condition
Resources: [string]: Resource
Outputs?: [string]: Output
Parameter:: {} //TODO
Condition:: {} //TODO
Mapping:: {} //TODO
Resource:: {
Type: string
DependsOn?: string | [...string]
DeletionPolicy?: "Delete" | "Retain" | "Snapshot"
UpdateReplacePolicy?: "Delete" | "Retain" | "Snapshot"
CreationPolicy?: close({
AutoScalingCreationPolicy?: close({ MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent: uint & <=100 | *100 })
ResourceSignal?: close({
Count?: uint | *1
Timeout?: =~#"^PT(\d+H)?(\d+M)?(\d+S)?$"# | *"PT5M"
(Type == "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup" & {
AutoScalingReplacingUpdate?: close({ WillReplace?: bool })
AutoScalingRollingUpdate?: close({
AutoScalingRollingUpdate?: uint & >=1 | *1
MinInstancesInService?: uint | *0
MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent?: uint & <=100 | *100
PauseTime?: =~#"^PT(\d+H)?(\d+M)?(\d+S)?$"# | *"PT0S" | *"PT5M" & WaitOnResourceSignals == true
SuspendProcesses?: [...("Launch"|"Terminate"|"HealthCheck"|"ReplaceUnhealthy"|"AZRebalance"|"AlarmNotification"|"ScheduledActions"|"AddToLoadBalancer")] & [_, ...]
WaitOnResourceSignals?: bool | *false
if MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent != null | PauseTime != null | WaitOnResourceSignals != null { MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent:_, PauseTime:_, WaitOnResourceSignals:_ }
AutoScalingScheduledAction?: close({IgnoreUnmodifiedGroupSizeProperties: bool|*true})
}) |
(Type == "AWS::Lambda::Alias" & {CodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate: {AfterAllowTrafficHook?: String, ApplicationName: String, BeforeAllowTrafficHook?: String, DeploymentGroupName: String}}) |
(Type == "AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup" & {UseOnlineResharding: Bool})
MetaData?: {
[string]: Value
"AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication"?: [string]:
close({ type: "basic", username: String, password: String, uris: [...String] }) |
close({ type: "S3", accessKeyId: String, secretKey: String, buckets: [...String], roleName: String })
"AWS::CloudFormation::Init"?: _ //TODO
"AWS::CloudFormation::Interface"?: close({
ParameterGroups?: [...close({ Label: Label, Parameters: [...Value] })]
ParameterLabels?: [string]: Label
Label:: close({default?: string})
Output:: close({
Description?: string
Value: Value
Condition?: Value
Export?: close({Name: Value})
Value:: null | bool | number | string | [...Value] | { [string]: Value } | Ref
Bool:: bool | "true" | "false" | Ref | BoolFn
String:: string | Ref | StringFn
Number:: number | Ref | NumberFn
Ref:: close({Ref: !="^AWS::" & String}) | PseudoParameter
PseudoParameter:: close({Ref: "AWS::AccountId" | "AWS::Region" | "AWS::NotificationARNs" | "AWS::NoValue" | "AWS::Partition" | "AWS::Region" | "AWS::StackId" | "AWS::StackName" | "AWS::URLSuffix"})
xBuiltinFn:: close({[=~"^Fn::"]: _})
BuiltinFn:: //
{"Fn::Base64": String} |
{"Fn::Cidr": [String, Numner, Number]} |
{"Fn::FindInMap": [String, String, String]} |
{"Fn::GetAtt": [(string|Ref), string]} |
{"Fn::GetAZs": String | "" | {Ref: "AWS::Region"}} |
{"Fn::ImportValue": String} |
{"Fn::Join": [String, [...String]]} |
{"Fn::Select": [Number, Value]} |
{"Fn::Split": [String, String]} |
{"Fn::Sub": String | [String, {[string]: Value}]} |
{"Fn::Transform": close({Name: String, Parameters?: [string]: Value}) } |
BoolFn | Ref
BoolFn:: close({[=~"^Fn::"]: _})
BoolFn:: //
{"Fn::And": [...(Bool|{Condition:string})]} |
{"Fn::Equals": [Value, Value]} |
{"Fn::If": [string, Value, Value]} |
{"Fn::Not": [Bool]} |
{"Fn::Or": [...(Bool|{Condition:string})]}
StringFn=BuiltinFn //TODO
NumberFn=BuiltinFn //TODO
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