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Created September 13, 2016 13:08
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Sort objects hierarchically in recursive multidimensional arrays in Yii
$sections = Section::model()->findAll(
array('order'=>'parent ASC NULLS FIRST,"order"')); //PostgreSQL FTW
$entryRecords = array();
$entryPaths = array();
foreach ($sections as $section) {
$section->children = array();
$entryPaths[$section->id] = array();
if ($section->parent === NULL) {
$entryRecords[$section->order] = $section;
} else {
$pathRef =& $entryRecords;
foreach ($entryPaths[$section->parent] as $path) {
$pathRef =& $pathRef[$path]->children;
$pathRef[] = $section;
$entryPaths[$section->id] = $entryPaths[$section->parent];
$entryPaths[$section->id][] = $section->order;
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