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Created August 23, 2018 10:39
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modelling a level of the game "undead"
import data.set.basic tactic.interactive
import data.list.basic
-- todo -- there's some way of deriving decidable eq here I think
inductive square
| vampire : square
| ghost : square
| zombie : square
namespace square
definition nomirror : square → ℕ
| vampire := 1
| ghost := 0
| zombie := 1
definition mirror : square → ℕ
| vampire := 0
| ghost := 1
| zombie := 1
end square
open square
instance XXX : decidable_eq square
| vampire vampire := is_true rfl
| vampire ghost := is_false (λ h,square.no_confusion h)
| vampire zombie := is_false (λ h,square.no_confusion h)
| ghost vampire := is_false (λ h,square.no_confusion h)
| ghost ghost := is_true rfl
| ghost zombie := is_false (λ h,square.no_confusion h)
| zombie vampire := is_false (λ h,square.no_confusion h)
| zombie ghost := is_false (λ h,square.no_confusion h)
| zombie zombie := is_true rfl
variables a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ : square
/- the 16 equations -/
definition e₁ := a₁.nomirror + a₃.nomirror + a₆.nomirror + a₈.nomirror = 3
definition e₂ := a₁.mirror = 0
definition e₃ := a₂.nomirror + a₄.nomirror + a₄.mirror + a₅.mirror = 2
definition e₄ := 0 = 0
definition e₅ := 0 = 0
definition e₆ := a₅.nomirror + a₄.nomirror + a₄.mirror + a₂.mirror = 3
definition e₇ := a₇.nomirror + a₇.mirror + a₅.mirror + a₂.mirror + a₃.mirror = 3
definition e₈ := 0 = 0
definition e₉ := 0 = 0
definition e₁₀ := a₉.mirror + a₈.mirror = 1
definition e₁₁ := a₉.nomirror + a₆.mirror = 2
definition e₁₂ := a₈.nomirror + a₆.nomirror + a₃.nomirror + a₁.nomirror = 3
definition e₁₃ := a₈.nomirror + a₉.nomirror = 2
definition e₁₄ := a₆.nomirror + a₉.mirror = 1
definition e₁₅ := a₃.nomirror + a₂.mirror + a₅.mirror + a₇.mirror + a₇.mirror = 3
definition e₁₆ := a₁.nomirror = 1
definition is_solved := (e₁ a₁ a₃ a₆ a₈) ∧ (e₂ a₁) ∧ (e₃ a₂ a₄ a₅) ∧ (e₄) ∧ (e₅) ∧ (e₆ a₂ a₄ a₅) ∧ (e₇ a₂ a₃ a₅ a₇)
∧ (e₈) ∧ (e₉) ∧ (e₁₀ a₈ a₉) ∧ (e₁₁ a₆ a₉) ∧ (e₁₂ a₁ a₃ a₆ a₈)
∧ (e₁₃ a₈ a₉) ∧ (e₁₄ a₆ a₉) ∧ (e₁₅ a₂ a₃ a₅ a₇) ∧ (e₁₆ a₁)
∧ list.length (list.filter (λ a, a = vampire) [a₁,a₂,a₃,a₄,a₅,a₆,a₇,a₈,a₉]) = 3
∧ list.length (list.filter (λ a, a = ghost) [a₁,a₂,a₃,a₄,a₅,a₆,a₇,a₈,a₉]) = 3
∧ list.length (list.filter (λ a, a = zombie) [a₁,a₂,a₃,a₄,a₅,a₆,a₇,a₈,a₉]) = 3
lemma not_vampire (a : square) : ¬ (a = vampire) → a.mirror = 1 :=
intro H,
cases a,exfalso,apply H,refl,refl,refl
lemma not_ghost (a : square) : ¬ (a = ghost) → a.nomirror = 1 :=
intro H,
cases a,refl,exfalso,apply H,refl,refl
lemma not_zombie (a : square) : ¬ (a = zombie) → a.mirror + a.nomirror = 1 :=
intro H,
cases a,refl,refl,exfalso,apply H,refl,
lemma square_1_is_vampire (Hsolved : is_solved a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉) : a₁ = vampire :=
rcases Hsolved with ⟨h₁,h₂,h₃,h₄,h₅,h₆,h₇,h₈,h₉,h₁₀,h₁₁,h₁₂,h₁₃,h₁₄,h₁₅,h₁₆,HV,HG,HZ⟩,
cases a₁,
cases h₂,
cases h₂
lemma square_2_not_vampire (Hsolved : is_solved a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉) : ¬ a₂ = vampire :=
rcases Hsolved with ⟨h₁,h₂,h₃,h₄,h₅,h₆,h₇,h₈,h₉,h₁₀,h₁₁,h₁₂,h₁₃,h₁₄,h₁₅,h₁₆,HV,HG,HZ⟩,
intro H2,
rw H2 at h₃,
rw H2 at h₆,
cases a₄;cases a₅;cases h₃;cases h₆
lemma square_4_not_zombie (Hsolved : is_solved a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉) : ¬ a₄ = zombie :=
rcases Hsolved with ⟨h₁,h₂,h₃,h₄,h₅,h₆,h₇,h₈,h₉,h₁₀,h₁₁,h₁₂,h₁₃,h₁₄,h₁₅,h₁₆,HV,HG,HZ⟩,
intro H4,
rw H4 at h₃,
rw H4 at h₆,
cases a₂;cases a₅;cases h₃;cases h₆,
lemma square_5_not_ghost (Hsolved : is_solved a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉) : ¬ a₅ = ghost :=
rcases Hsolved with ⟨h₁,h₂,h₃,h₄,h₅,h₆,h₇,h₈,h₉,h₁₀,h₁₁,h₁₂,h₁₃,h₁₄,h₁₅,h₁₆,HV,HG,HZ⟩,
intro H5,
rw H5 at h₃,
rw H5 at h₆,
cases a₂;cases a₄;cases h₃;cases h₆,
lemma square_6_not_vampire (Hsolved : is_solved a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉) : ¬ a₆ = vampire :=
rcases Hsolved with ⟨h₁,h₂,h₃,h₄,h₅,h₆,h₇,h₈,h₉,h₁₀,h₁₁,h₁₂,h₁₃,h₁₄,h₁₅,h₁₆,HV,HG,HZ⟩,
intro H6,
rw H6 at h₁₁,
cases a₉;cases h₁₁,
lemma square_8_not_ghost (Hsolved : is_solved a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉) : ¬ a₈ = ghost :=
rcases Hsolved with ⟨h₁,h₂,h₃,h₄,h₅,h₆,h₇,h₈,h₉,h₁₀,h₁₁,h₁₂,h₁₃,h₁₄,h₁₅,h₁₆,HV,HG,HZ⟩,
intro H8,
rw H8 at h₁₃,
cases a₉;cases h₁₃,
lemma square_9_not_ghost (Hsolved : is_solved a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉) : ¬ a₉ = ghost :=
rcases Hsolved with ⟨h₁,h₂,h₃,h₄,h₅,h₆,h₇,h₈,h₉,h₁₀,h₁₁,h₁₂,h₁₃,h₁₄,h₁₅,h₁₆,HV,HG,HZ⟩,
intro H9,
rw H9 at h₁₁,
cases a₆;cases h₁₁,
lemma what_i_know (Hsolved : is_solved a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉) :
a₁ = vampire
∧ mirror a₂ = 1
∧ mirror a₄ + nomirror a₄ = 1
∧ nomirror a₅ = 1
∧ mirror a₆ = 1
∧ nomirror a₈ = 1
∧ nomirror a₉ = 1
have H1 : a₁ = vampire := square_1_is_vampire a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ Hsolved,
have H2 : ¬ a₂ = vampire := square_2_not_vampire a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ Hsolved,
have H4 : ¬ a₄ = zombie := square_4_not_zombie a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ Hsolved,
have H5 : ¬ a₅ = ghost := square_5_not_ghost a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ Hsolved,
have H6 : ¬ a₆ = vampire := square_6_not_vampire a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ Hsolved,
have H8 : ¬ a₈ = ghost := square_8_not_ghost a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ Hsolved,
have H9 : ¬ a₉ = ghost := square_9_not_ghost a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ Hsolved,
have H2m : a₂.mirror = 1 := not_vampire a₂ H2,
have H4z : a₄.mirror + a₄.nomirror = 1 := not_zombie a₄ H4,
have H5g : a₅.nomirror = 1 := not_ghost a₅ H5,
have H6v : a₆.mirror = 1 := not_vampire a₆ H6,
have H8g : a₈.nomirror = 1 := not_ghost a₈ H8,
have H9g : a₉.nomirror = 1 := not_ghost a₉ H9,
clear H2,clear H4,clear H5,clear H6,clear H8,clear H9,
exact ⟨H1,H2m,H4z,H5g,H6v,H8g,H9g⟩
-- I want to finish the job now doing some slicker version of this case by case analysis
lemma square_7_not_zombie (Hsolved : is_solved a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉) : ¬ a₇ = zombie :=
have H := what_i_know a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ Hsolved,
rcases (what_i_know a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ Hsolved) with ⟨H1,H2m,H4z,H5g,H6v,H8g,H9g⟩,
rcases Hsolved with ⟨h₁,h₂,h₃,h₄,h₅,h₆,h₇,h₈,h₉,h₁₀,h₁₁,h₁₂,h₁₃,h₁₄,h₁₅,h₁₆,HV,HG,HZ⟩,
rw H1 at *,clear H1,
rw H2m at *,clear H2m,
rw H5g at *,clear H5g,
clear h₂, clear h₁₆,
intro H7,
rw H7 at *,clear H7,
cases a₂;cases a₃;cases a₅;cases h₇;cases h₁₅,
cases a₄;cases a₆;cases a₈;cases a₉;revert HV;try {exact dec_trivial};cases h₁₀;cases h₁₁;
cases h₁₃,
lemma equations_so_far (a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ : square)
(H1 : a₁ = vampire)
(H2 : ¬ a₂ = vampire)
(H4 : ¬ a₄ = zombie)
(H5 : ¬ a₅ = ghost)
(H6 : ¬ a₆ = vampire)
(H7 : ¬ a₇ = zombie)
(H8 : ¬ a₈ = ghost)
(H9 : ¬ a₉ = ghost) :
is_solved a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ :=
unfold is_solved,
unfold e₁,unfold e₂,unfold e₃,unfold e₄,unfold e₅,unfold e₆,unfold e₇,unfold e₈,
unfold e₉,unfold e₁₀,unfold e₁₁,unfold e₁₂,unfold e₁₃,unfold e₁₄,unfold e₁₅,unfold e₁₆,
rw H1,
have H2v : a₂.mirror = 1,
cases a₂,exfalso,apply H2,refl,refl,refl,
rw H2v,clear H2v,
have H4z : a₄.mirror + a₄.nomirror = 1,
cases a₄,refl,refl,exfalso,apply H4,refl,
-- unused
have H5g : a₅.nomirror = 1,
cases a₅,refl,exfalso,apply H5,refl,refl,
rw H5g,clear H5g,
have H6v : a₆.mirror = 1,
cases a₆,exfalso,apply H6,refl,refl,refl,
rw H6v,clear H6v,
have H8g : a₈.nomirror = 1,
cases a₈,refl,exfalso,apply H8,refl,refl,
rw H8g,clear H8g,
have H9g : a₉.nomirror = 1,
cases a₉,refl,exfalso,apply H9,refl,refl,
rw H9g,clear H9g,
unfold mirror,unfold nomirror,simp,
split,rw ←add_assoc,rw H4z,
repeat {sorry},
-- final boss
theorem unique_solution : ∃! (a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ : square),
is_solved a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ a₅ a₆ a₇ a₈ a₉ := begin
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