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Created November 21, 2019 09:13
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conditionally complete lattice structure on with_top(conditionally complete lattice)
import order.conditionally_complete_lattice
open lattice
open_locale classical
/- with_top -/
noncomputable instance with_top.conditionally_complete_lattice.has_Sup
{α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice α] : has_Sup (with_top α) :=
⟨λ S, if ⊤ ∈ S then ⊤ else
let So := (coe ⁻¹' S : set α) in
if bdd_above So then ↑(Sup So) else ⊤⟩
noncomputable instance with_top.conditionally_complete_lattice.has_Inf
{α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice α] : has_Inf (with_top α) :=
⟨λ S, if S ⊆ {⊤} then ⊤ else ↑(Inf (coe ⁻¹' S) : α)⟩
noncomputable instance {α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice α] :
conditionally_complete_lattice (with_top α) :=
{ le_cSup := λ S a hS haS,
let So := (coe ⁻¹' S : set α) in
show a ≤ (ite (⊤ ∈ S) ⊤ (ite (bdd_above So) ↑(Sup So) ⊤)),
begin split_ifs,
{ exact le_top},
{ cases a, contradiction, exact with_top.some_le_some.2 (le_cSup h_1 haS)},
{ exact le_top},
cSup_le := λ S a hS haS,
let So := (coe ⁻¹' S : set α) in
show (ite (⊤ ∈ S) ⊤ (ite (bdd_above So) ↑(Sup So) ⊤)) ≤ a,
begin split_ifs,
{ exact haS h},
{ cases a, exact le_top, apply with_top.some_le_some.2,
refine cSup_le _ _,
{ intro h1, apply hS, ext x, cases x, simpa using h, show So x ↔ _, rw h1, refl},
{ intros b hb, exact with_top.some_le_some.1 (haS hb)}
{ cases a, exact le_refl _,
exfalso, apply h_1, use a, intros b hb, exact with_top.some_le_some.1 (haS hb)},
cInf_le := λ S a hS haS,
show (ite (S ⊆ {⊤}) ⊤ ↑(Inf (coe ⁻¹' S))) ≤ a,
cases a, exact le_top,
{ rcases (h haS) with ⟨⟨⟩⟩, cases h_1},
{ refine with_top.some_le_some.2 (cInf_le _ haS),
cases hS with a ha,
cases a with a,
{ use a, intros b hb, exact false.elim (with_top.not_top_le_coe b (ha hb))},
{ use a, intros b hb, refine with_top.some_le_some.1 (ha hb)}
le_cInf := λ S a hS haS,
show a ≤ (ite (S ⊆ {⊤}) ⊤ ↑(Inf (coe ⁻¹' S))),
cases a with a,
{ split_ifs, exact le_refl _,
exfalso, apply h, intros s hs, simpa using top_le_iff.1 (haS hs),
{ split_ifs, exact le_top,
refine with_top.some_le_some.2 (le_cInf _ _),
{ intro h2, apply h, intros a ha, cases a, left, refl,
exfalso, apply set.not_mem_empty a_1, rw ←h2, exact ha
{ intros b hb, exact with_top.some_le_some.1 (haS hb) }
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