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Created January 21, 2023 17:51
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a proof of irrationality of sqrt(2) following
import data.real.irrational
import tactic
open real
example : irrational (sqrt 2) :=
rintro ⟨q, hq⟩,
have hqnum : 0 ≤ q.num,
{ rw rat.num_nonneg_iff_zero_le,
have := sqrt_nonneg 2,
rw ← hq at this,
assumption_mod_cast, },
let R := {n : ℕ | n ≠ 0 ∧ ∃ m : ℕ, sqrt 2 * n = m},
have hR : ∃ n, n ∈ R,
{ refine ⟨q.denom, q.denom_ne_zero, _⟩,
use q.num.nat_abs,
rw [← hq],
nth_rewrite 0 [← q.num_div_denom],
field_simp [q.denom_ne_zero],
nth_rewrite 0 int.eq_nat_abs_of_zero_le hqnum,
simp [-int.coe_nat_abs], },
let k := nat.find hR,
have hk : k ∈ R := nat.find_spec hR,
have hk2 : 0 < k := nat.pos_of_ne_zero hk.1,
cases hk.2 with m hm,
set x' := (sqrt 2 - 1) * k with hkx',
have foo : (1 : ℝ) < sqrt 2,
{ nth_rewrite 0 ← sqrt_one, apply sqrt_lt_sqrt; norm_num },
have hx' : 0 < x' := mul_pos (by norm_num [foo]) (by assumption_mod_cast),
have hk₀ : ∃ k₀ : ℤ, x' = k₀,
{ use m - k, change _ * _ = _, rw [sub_mul, hm], push_cast, ring, },
cases hk₀ with k₀ hk₀,
obtain ⟨k', hk'⟩ : ∃ k' : ℕ, x' = k',
{ use k₀.nat_abs, rw hk₀, rw hk₀ at hx', norm_cast at hx',
nth_rewrite 0 int.eq_nat_abs_of_zero_le hx'.le, refl, },
have hk'2 : 0 < k',
{ rw hk' at hx', exact_mod_cast hx', },
have foo' : sqrt 2 < 2,
{ nth_rewrite 1 ← (show sqrt 4 = 2, by {rw sqrt_eq_iff_sq_eq; norm_num } ),
apply sqrt_lt_sqrt; norm_num, },
have hk'k : k' < k,
{ suffices : (sqrt 2 - 1) * k < k, change x' < k at this, rw hk' at this, assumption_mod_cast,
have : (0 : ℝ) < k, assumption_mod_cast,
apply nat.find_min hR hk'k ⟨hk'', _⟩,
rw ← hk',
use 2 * k - m,
rw [hkx', ← mul_assoc, mul_sub, ← sqrt_mul, sqrt_mul_self, mul_one, sub_mul, hm, nat.cast_sub];
try {norm_num},
suffices : (m : ℝ) ≤ 2 * k,
{ assumption_mod_cast, },
rw ← hm,
have hk3 : (0 : ℝ) < k, assumption_mod_cast,
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