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Last active August 22, 2023 17:31
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minimising Oliver's simp example
set_option autoImplicit true
class Zero (α : Type u) where
zero : α
instance Zero.toOfNat0 {α} [Zero α] : OfNat α (nat_lit 0) where
ofNat := ‹Zero α›.1
instance Zero.ofOfNat0 {α} [OfNat α (nat_lit 0)] : Zero α where
zero := 0
class One (α : Type u) where
one : α
instance One.toOfNat1 {α} [One α] : OfNat α (nat_lit 1) where
ofNat := ‹One α›.1
instance One.ofOfNat1 {α} [OfNat α (nat_lit 1)] : One α where
one := 1
class MulZeroClass (M₀ : Type _) extends Mul M₀, Zero M₀ where
zero_mul : ∀ a : M₀, 0 * a = 0
mul_zero : ∀ a : M₀, a * 0 = 0
class AddSemigroup (G : Type u) extends Add G where
add_assoc : ∀ a b c : G, a + b + c = a + (b + c)
class Semigroup (G : Type u) extends Mul G where
mul_assoc : ∀ a b c : G, a * b * c = a * (b * c)
class CommSemigroup (G : Type u) extends Semigroup G where
mul_comm : ∀ a b : G, a * b = b * a
class AddCommSemigroup (G : Type u) extends AddSemigroup G where
add_comm : ∀ a b : G, a + b = b + a
class SemigroupWithZero (S₀ : Type _) extends Semigroup S₀, MulZeroClass S₀
class MulOneClass (M : Type u) extends One M, Mul M where
one_mul : ∀ a : M, 1 * a = a
mul_one : ∀ a : M, a * 1 = a
class AddZeroClass (M : Type u) extends Zero M, Add M where
zero_add : ∀ a : M, 0 + a = a
add_zero : ∀ a : M, a + 0 = a
class MulZeroOneClass (M₀ : Type u) extends MulOneClass M₀, MulZeroClass M₀
class AddMonoid (M : Type u) extends AddSemigroup M, AddZeroClass M where
class Monoid (M : Type u) extends Semigroup M, MulOneClass M where
structure Units (α : Type u) [Monoid α] where
val : α
inv : α
val_inv : val * inv = 1
inv_val : inv * val = 1
postfix:1024 "ˣ" => Units
class Inv (α : Type u) where
inv : α → α
postfix:max "⁻¹" => Inv.inv
instance [Monoid α] : Inv αˣ :=
⟨fun u => ⟨u.2, u.1, u.4, u.3⟩⟩
instance [Monoid α] : CoeHead αˣ α :=
def divp [Monoid α] (a : α) (u : Units α) : α :=
a * (u⁻¹ : αˣ)
infixl:70 " /ₚ " => divp
class MonoidWithZero (M₀ : Type u) extends Monoid M₀, MulZeroOneClass M₀, SemigroupWithZero M₀
class LeftCancelSemigroup (G : Type u) extends Semigroup G where
mul_left_cancel : ∀ a b c : G, a * b = a * c → b = c
class LeftCancelMonoid (M : Type u) extends LeftCancelSemigroup M, Monoid M
class RightCancelSemigroup (G : Type u) extends Semigroup G where
mul_right_cancel : ∀ a b c : G, a * b = c * b → a = c
class RightCancelMonoid (M : Type u) extends RightCancelSemigroup M, Monoid M
class AddCommMonoid (M : Type u) extends AddMonoid M, AddCommSemigroup M
class SubNegMonoid (G : Type u) extends AddMonoid G, Neg G, Sub G where
sub a b := a + -b
sub_eq_add_neg : ∀ a b : G, a - b = a + -b := by intros; rfl
class AddGroup (A : Type u) extends SubNegMonoid A where
add_left_neg : ∀ a : A, -a + a = 0
class AddMonoidWithOne (R : Type u) extends AddMonoid R, One R where
class CommMonoid (M : Type u) extends Monoid M, CommSemigroup M
class AddGroupWithOne (R : Type u) extends AddMonoidWithOne R, AddGroup R where
class AddCommGroup (G : Type u) extends AddGroup G, AddCommMonoid G
class Distrib (R : Type _) extends Mul R, Add R where
protected left_distrib : ∀ a b c : R, a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
protected right_distrib : ∀ a b c : R, (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c
class NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring (α : Type u) extends AddCommMonoid α, Distrib α, MulZeroClass α
class AddCommMonoidWithOne (R : Type _) extends AddMonoidWithOne R, AddCommMonoid R
class NonAssocSemiring (α : Type u) extends NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α, MulZeroOneClass α,
AddCommMonoidWithOne α
class NonUnitalSemiring (α : Type u) extends NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α, SemigroupWithZero α
class Semiring (α : Type u) extends NonUnitalSemiring α, NonAssocSemiring α, MonoidWithZero α
class CommSemiring (R : Type u) extends Semiring R, CommMonoid R
class Ring (R : Type u) extends Semiring R, AddCommGroup R, AddGroupWithOne R
class CommRing (α : Type u) extends Ring α, CommMonoid α
section RingHom
def Function.Injective (f : α → β) : Prop :=
∀ ⦃a₁ a₂⦄, f a₁ = f a₂ → a₁ = a₂
class FunLike (F : Sort _) (α : outParam (Sort _)) (β : outParam <| α → Sort _) where
/-- The coercion from `F` to a function. -/
coe : F → ∀ a : α, β a
/-- The coercion to functions must be injective. -/
coe_injective' : Function.Injective coe
section Dependent
/-! ### `FunLike F α β` where `β` depends on `a : α` -/
variable (F α : Sort _) (β : α → Sort _)
namespace FunLike
variable {F α β} [i : FunLike F α β]
instance (priority := 100) hasCoeToFun : CoeFun F fun _ ↦ ∀ a : α, β a where coe := FunLike.coe
-- #eval Lean.Elab.Command.liftTermElabM do
-- Std.Tactic.Coe.registerCoercion ``FunLike.coe
-- (some { numArgs := 5, coercee := 4, type := .coeFun })
end FunLike
end Dependent
structure ZeroHom (M : Type _) (N : Type _) [Zero M] [Zero N] where
/-- The underlying function -/
toFun : M → N
/-- The proposition that the function preserves 0 -/
map_zero' : toFun 0 = 0
class ZeroHomClass (F : Type _) (M N : outParam (Type _)) [Zero M] [Zero N]
extends FunLike F M fun _ => N where
/-- The proposition that the function preserves 0 -/
map_zero : ∀ f : F, f 0 = 0
instance ZeroHom.zeroHomClass {M N : Type _} [Zero M] [Zero N] : ZeroHomClass (ZeroHom M N) M N where
coe := ZeroHom.toFun
coe_injective' f g h := by cases f; cases g; congr
map_zero := ZeroHom.map_zero'
def ZeroHomClass.toZeroHom {M N F : Type _} [Zero M] [Zero N] [ZeroHomClass F M N] (f : F) : ZeroHom M N where
toFun := f
map_zero' := map_zero f
instance {M N F : Type _} [Zero M] [Zero N] [ZeroHomClass F M N] : CoeTC F (ZeroHom M N) :=
structure OneHom (M : Type _) (N : Type _) [One M] [One N] where
/-- The underlying function -/
toFun : M → N
/-- The proposition that the function preserves 1 -/
map_one' : toFun 1 = 1
class OneHomClass (F : Type _) (M N : outParam (Type _)) [One M] [One N]
extends FunLike F M fun _ => N where
/-- The proposition that the function preserves 1 -/
map_one : ∀ f : F, f 1 = 1
instance OneHom.oneHomClass {M N : Type _} [One M] [One N] : OneHomClass (OneHom M N) M N where
coe := OneHom.toFun
coe_injective' f g h := by cases f; cases g; congr
map_one := OneHom.map_one'
/-- Turn an element of a type `F` satisfying `OneHomClass F M N` into an actual
`OneHom`. This is declared as the default coercion from `F` to `OneHom M N`. -/
def OneHomClass.toOneHom {M N F : Type _} [One M] [One N] [OneHomClass F M N] (f : F) : OneHom M N where
toFun := f
map_one' := map_one f
/-- Any type satisfying `OneHomClass` can be cast into `OneHom` via `OneHomClass.toOneHom`. -/
instance {M N F : Type _} [One M] [One N] [OneHomClass F M N] : CoeTC F (OneHom M N) :=
structure AddHom (M : Type _) (N : Type _) [Add M] [Add N] where
/-- The underlying function -/
toFun : M → N
/-- The proposition that the function preserves addition -/
map_add' : ∀ x y, toFun (x + y) = toFun x + toFun y
class AddHomClass (F : Type _) (M N : outParam (Type _)) [Add M] [Add N]
extends FunLike F M fun _ => N where
/-- The proposition that the function preserves addition -/
map_add : ∀ (f : F) (x y : M), f (x + y) = f x + f y
instance AddHom.addHomClass {M N : Type _} [Add M] [Add N] : AddHomClass (AddHom M N) M N where
coe := AddHom.toFun
coe_injective' f g h := by cases f; cases g; congr
map_add := AddHom.map_add'
def AddHomClass.toAddHom {M N F : Type _} [Add M] [Add N] [AddHomClass F M N] (f : F) : AddHom M N where
toFun := f
map_add' := map_add f
instance {M N F : Type _} [Add M] [Add N] [AddHomClass F M N] : CoeTC F (AddHom M N) :=
structure MulHom (M : Type _) (N : Type _) [Mul M] [Mul N] where
toFun : M → N
map_mul' : ∀ x y, toFun (x * y) = toFun x * toFun y
/-- `M →ₙ* N` denotes the type of multiplication-preserving maps from `M` to `N`. -/
infixr:25 " →ₙ* " => MulHom
class MulHomClass (F : Type _) (M N : outParam (Type _)) [Mul M] [Mul N]
extends FunLike F M fun _ => N where
map_mul : ∀ (f : F) (x y : M), f (x * y) = f x * f y
instance MulHom.mulHomClass {M N : Type _} [Mul M] [Mul N] : MulHomClass (M →ₙ* N) M N where
coe := MulHom.toFun
coe_injective' f g h := by cases f; cases g; congr
map_mul := MulHom.map_mul'
def MulHomClass.toMulHom {M N F : Type _} [Mul M] [Mul N] [MulHomClass F M N] (f : F) : M →ₙ* N where
toFun := f
map_mul' := map_mul f
instance {M N F : Type _} [Mul M] [Mul N] [MulHomClass F M N] : CoeTC F (M →ₙ* N) :=
structure AddMonoidHom (M : Type _) (N : Type _) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] extends
ZeroHom M N, AddHom M N
infixr:25 " →+ " => AddMonoidHom
class AddMonoidHomClass (F : Type _) (M N : outParam (Type _)) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N]
extends AddHomClass F M N, ZeroHomClass F M N
instance AddMonoidHom.addMonoidHomClass {M : Type _} {N : Type _} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] : AddMonoidHomClass (M →+ N) M N where
coe f := f.toFun
coe_injective' f g h := sorry
map_add := AddMonoidHom.map_add'
map_zero f := f.toZeroHom.map_zero'
instance AddMonoidHom.coeToZeroHom [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
Coe (M →+ N) (ZeroHom M N) := ⟨AddMonoidHom.toZeroHom⟩
instance AddMonoidHom.coeToAddHom [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
Coe (M →+ N) (AddHom M N) := ⟨AddMonoidHom.toAddHom⟩
def AddMonoidHomClass.toAddMonoidHom {M N F : Type _} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddMonoidHomClass F M N] (f : F) : M →+ N :=
{ (f : AddHom M N), (f : ZeroHom M N) with }
instance [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddMonoidHomClass F M N] : CoeTC F (M →+ N) :=
structure MonoidHom (M : Type _) (N : Type _) [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] extends
OneHom M N, M →ₙ* N
infixr:25 " →* " => MonoidHom
class MonoidHomClass (F : Type _) (M N : outParam (Type _)) [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N]
extends MulHomClass F M N, OneHomClass F M N
instance MonoidHom.monoidHomClass {M : Type _} {N : Type _} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] : MonoidHomClass (M →* N) M N where
coe f := f.toFun
coe_injective' f g h := sorry
map_mul := MonoidHom.map_mul'
map_one f := f.toOneHom.map_one'
instance MonoidHom.coeToOneHom [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
Coe (M →* N) (OneHom M N) := ⟨MonoidHom.toOneHom⟩
instance MonoidHom.coeToMulHom [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
Coe (M →* N) (M →ₙ* N) := ⟨MonoidHom.toMulHom⟩
def MonoidHomClass.toMonoidHom {M N F : Type _} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [MonoidHomClass F M N] (f : F) : M →* N :=
{ (f : M →ₙ* N), (f : OneHom M N) with }
instance [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [MonoidHomClass F M N] : CoeTC F (M →* N) :=
## Rings
structure MonoidWithZeroHom (M : Type _) (N : Type _)
[MulZeroOneClass M] [MulZeroOneClass N] extends ZeroHom M N, MonoidHom M N
/-- `M →*₀ N` denotes the type of zero-preserving monoid homomorphisms from `M` to `N`. -/
infixr:25 " →*₀ " => MonoidWithZeroHom
structure NonUnitalRingHom (α β : Type _) [NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α]
[NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring β] extends α →ₙ* β, α →+ β
class MonoidWithZeroHomClass (F : Type _) (M N : outParam (Type _)) [MulZeroOneClass M]
[MulZeroOneClass N] extends MonoidHomClass F M N, ZeroHomClass F M N
instance MonoidWithZeroHom.monoidWithZeroHomClass {M : Type _} {N : Type _} [MulZeroOneClass M]
[MulZeroOneClass N] : MonoidWithZeroHomClass (M →*₀ N) M N where
coe f := f.toFun
coe_injective' f g h := sorry
map_mul := MonoidWithZeroHom.map_mul'
map_one := MonoidWithZeroHom.map_one'
map_zero f := f.map_zero'
-- def MonoidWithZeroHomClass.toMonoidWithZeroHom {M N F : Type _} [MulZeroOneClass M] [MulZeroOneClass N]
-- [MonoidWithZeroHomClass F M N] (f : F) : M →*₀ N :=
-- { (f : M →* N), (f : ZeroHom M N) with }
-- /-- Any type satisfying `MonoidWithZeroHomClass` can be cast into `MonoidWithZeroHom` via
-- `MonoidWithZeroHomClass.toMonoidWithZeroHom`. -/
-- instance [MonoidWithZeroHomClass F M N] : CoeTC F (M →*₀ N) :=
-- ⟨MonoidWithZeroHomClass.toMonoidWithZeroHom⟩
/-- `MonoidWithZeroHom` down-cast to a `MonoidHom`, forgetting the 0-preserving property. -/
instance MonoidWithZeroHom.coeToMonoidHom [MulZeroOneClass M] [MulZeroOneClass N] :
Coe (M →*₀ N) (M →* N) := ⟨MonoidWithZeroHom.toMonoidHom⟩
--attribute [coe] MonoidWithZeroHom.toZeroHom
/-- `MonoidWithZeroHom` down-cast to a `ZeroHom`, forgetting the monoidal property. -/
instance MonoidWithZeroHom.coeToZeroHom [MulZeroOneClass M] [MulZeroOneClass N] :
Coe (M →*₀ N) (ZeroHom M N) := ⟨MonoidWithZeroHom.toZeroHom⟩
/-- `α →ₙ+* β` denotes the type of non-unital ring homomorphisms from `α` to `β`. -/
infixr:25 " →ₙ+* " => NonUnitalRingHom
structure RingHom (α : Type _) (β : Type _) [NonAssocSemiring α] [NonAssocSemiring β] extends
α →* β, α →+ β, α →ₙ+* β, α →*₀ β
/-- `α →+* β` denotes the type of ring homomorphisms from `α` to `β`. -/
infixr:25 " →+* " => RingHom
class RingHomClass (F : Type _) (α β : outParam (Type _)) [NonAssocSemiring α]
[NonAssocSemiring β] extends MonoidHomClass F α β, AddMonoidHomClass F α β,
MonoidWithZeroHomClass F α β
def RingHomClass.toRingHom {F α β : Type _} {_ : NonAssocSemiring α}
{_ : NonAssocSemiring β} [RingHomClass F α β] (f : F) : α →+* β :=
{ (f : α →* β), (f : α →+ β) with }
/-- Any type satisfying `RingHomClass` can be cast into `RingHom` via `RingHomClass.toRingHom`. -/
instance {F α β : Type _} {_ : NonAssocSemiring α}
{_ : NonAssocSemiring β} [RingHomClass F α β] : CoeTC F (α →+* β) :=
instance instRingHomClass {_ : NonAssocSemiring α} {_ : NonAssocSemiring β} : RingHomClass (α →+* β) α β where
coe f := f.toFun
coe_injective' f g h := by
cases f
cases g
apply FunLike.coe_injective'
exact h
map_add := RingHom.map_add'
map_zero := RingHom.map_zero'
map_mul f := f.map_mul'
map_one f := f.map_one'
def (α : Type _) [NonAssocSemiring α] : α →+* α := by
refine' { toFun := } <;> intros <;> rfl
end RingHom
section Module
open Function
universe u v w
variable {α R k S M M₂ M₃ ι : Type _}
class HSMul (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (γ : outParam (Type w)) where
/-- `a • b` computes the product of `a` and `b`.
The meaning of this notation is type-dependent. -/
hSMul : α → β → γ
class SMul (M : Type _) (α : Type _) where
smul : M → α → α
infixr:73 " • " => HSMul.hSMul
instance instHSMul {α β : Type _} [SMul α β] : HSMul α β β where
hSMul := SMul.smul
class MulAction (α : Type _) (β : Type _) [Monoid α] extends SMul α β where
/-- One is the neutral element for `•` -/
protected one_smul : ∀ b : β, (1 : α) • b = b
/-- Associativity of `•` and `*` -/
mul_smul : ∀ (x y : α) (b : β), (x * y) • b = x • y • b
class DistribMulAction (M A : Type _) [Monoid M] [AddMonoid A] extends MulAction M A where
/-- Multiplying `0` by a scalar gives `0` -/
smul_zero : ∀ a : M, a • (0 : A) = 0
/-- Scalar multiplication distributes across addition -/
smul_add : ∀ (a : M) (x y : A), a • (x + y) = a • x + a • y
instance (priority := 910) Monoid.toMulAction (M : Type _) [Monoid M] :
MulAction M M where
smul := (· * ·)
one_smul := one_mul
mul_smul := sorry
class SMulZeroClass (M A : Type _) [Zero A] extends SMul M A where
/-- Multiplying `0` by a scalar gives `0` -/
smul_zero : ∀ a : M, a • (0 : A) = 0
/-- `SMulWithZero` is a class consisting of a Type `R` with `0 ∈ R` and a scalar multiplication
of `R` on a Type `M` with `0`, such that the equality `r • m = 0` holds if at least one among `r`
or `m` equals `0`. -/
class SMulWithZero (R M : Type _) [Zero R] [Zero M] extends SMulZeroClass R M where
/-- Scalar multiplication by the scalar `0` is `0`. -/
zero_smul : ∀ m : M, (0 : R) • m = 0
instance MulZeroClass.toSMulWithZero (R : Type _) [MulZeroClass R] : SMulWithZero R R where
smul := (· * ·)
smul_zero := mul_zero
zero_smul := zero_mul
class MulActionWithZero (R : Type _) (M : Type _) [MonoidWithZero R] [Zero M] extends MulAction R M where
smul_zero : ∀ r : R, r • (0 : M) = 0
zero_smul : ∀ m : M, (0 : R) • m = 0
-- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance (priority := 100) MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero (R M : Type _) [MonoidWithZero R] [Zero M]
[m : MulActionWithZero R M] : SMulWithZero R M :=
{ m with }
/-- See also `Semiring.toModule` -/
instance MonoidWithZero.toMulActionWithZero (R : Type _) [MonoidWithZero R] : MulActionWithZero R R :=
{ MulZeroClass.toSMulWithZero R, Monoid.toMulAction R with }
class Module (R : Type u) (M : Type v) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] extends
DistribMulAction R M where
protected add_smul : ∀ (r s : R) (x : M), (r + s) • x = r • x + s • x
protected zero_smul : ∀ x : M, (0 : R) • x = 0
end Module
section AddCommMonoid
variable [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] (r s : R) (x y : M)
-- see Note [lower instance priority]
/-- A module over a semiring automatically inherits a `MulActionWithZero` structure. -/
instance (priority := 100) Module.toMulActionWithZero : MulActionWithZero R M :=
{ (inferInstance : MulAction R M) with
smul_zero := sorry
zero_smul := sorry }
end AddCommMonoid
section Algebra
class Algebra (R : Type u) (A : Type v) [CommSemiring R] [Semiring A] extends SMul R A,
R →+* A where
commutes' : ∀ r x, toRingHom r * x = x * toRingHom r
smul_def' : ∀ r x, r • x = toRingHom r * x
/-- Creating an algebra from a morphism to the center of a semiring. -/
def RingHom.toAlgebra' {R S} [CommSemiring R] [Semiring S] (i : R →+* S)
(h : ∀ c x, i c * x = x * i c) : Algebra R S where
smul c x := i c * x
commutes' := h
smul_def' _ _ := rfl
toRingHom := i
/-- Creating an algebra from a morphism to a commutative semiring. -/
def RingHom.toAlgebra {R S} [CommSemiring R] [CommSemiring S] (i : R →+* S) : Algebra R S :=
i.toAlgebra' fun _ => sorry
namespace Algebra
instance id {R : Type _} [CommSemiring R] : Algebra R R :=
( R).toAlgebra
end Algebra
instance (priority := 910) Semiring.toModule [Semiring R] : Module R R where
smul_add := sorry
add_smul := sorry
zero_smul := sorry
smul_zero := sorry
end Algebra
namespace Pi
universe v w
variable {I : Type v}
variable {f : I → Type w}
instance instZero [∀ i, Zero <| f i] : Zero (∀ i : I, f i) :=
⟨fun _ => 0⟩
variable {M}
instance instSMul [∀ i, SMul M <| f i] : SMul M (∀ i : I, f i) :=
⟨fun s x => fun i => s • x i⟩
universe x
variable {α : Type x}
instance smulWithZero [Zero α] [∀ i, Zero (f i)] [∀ i, SMulWithZero α (f i)] :
SMulWithZero α (∀ i, f i) :=
{ Pi.instSMul with
-- already this is odd:
-- smul_zero := fun a => funext fun i => SMulZeroClass.smul_zero a -- "failed to synthesize instance `SMulZeroClass α (f i)`"
smul_zero := fun a => funext fun i => @SMulZeroClass.smul_zero _ (f i) _ _ a -- needs the @
zero_smul := fun _ => funext fun _ => SMulWithZero.zero_smul _ }
instance mulAction (α) {m : Monoid α} [∀ i, MulAction α <| f i] :
@MulAction α (∀ i : I, f i) m where
smul := (· • ·)
mul_smul _ _ _ := funext fun _ => MulAction.mul_smul _ _ _
one_smul _ := funext fun _ => MulAction.one_smul _
end Pi
section oliver_example
theorem Pi.smul_apply {I : Type} {f : I → Type} {β : Type} [∀ i, SMul β (f i)] (x : ∀ i, f i) (b : β) (i : I) : (b • x) i = b • (x i) :=
instance (R : Type) [CommRing R] : CommSemiring R where
mul_comm := CommRing.mul_comm
--set_option trace.Meta.isDefEq true in
example {α R : Type} [CommRing R] (f : α → R) (r : R) (a : α) :
(r • f) a = r • (f a) := by
let bar : SMul R R := SMulZeroClass.toSMul -- comment out to make `simp` work without `_`
simp only [Pi.smul_apply] -- fails with bar, succeeds with `Pi.smul_apply _`
end oliver_example
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