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Created January 15, 2019 18:47
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import algebra.ring group_theory.submonoid ring_theory.ideals linear_algebra.basic
import tactic.ring
namespace localization_alt
universes u v w
variables {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {C : Type w}
variables [comm_ring A] [comm_ring B] [comm_ring C]
variables (S : set A) [is_submonoid S] (f : A → B) [is_ring_hom f]
/- This is essentially the same logic as units.ext, but in more
convenient form.
lemma comm_monoid.inv_unique {M : Type*} [comm_monoid M]
{a ai₁ ai₂ : M} (e₁ : a * ai₁ = 1) (e₂ : a * ai₂ = 1) : ai₁ = ai₂ :=
ai₁ = ai₁ * 1 : (mul_one ai₁).symm
... = (ai₁ * a) * ai₂ : by rw[← e₂,mul_assoc]
... = ai₂ : by rw[mul_comm ai₁ a,e₁,one_mul]
def ker : ideal A :=
carrier := λ a, f a = 0,
zero := is_ring_hom.map_zero f,
add := begin
intros a1 a2 fa1z fa2z,
change f a1 = 0 at fa1z,
change f a2 = 0 at fa2z,
show f (a1 + a2) = 0,
simp[is_ring_hom.map_add f,fa1z,fa2z]
smul := begin
intros a1 a2 fa2z,
change f a2 = 0 at fa2z,
show f (a1 * a2) = 0,
simp[is_ring_hom.map_mul f,fa2z],
def inverts_data (S : set A) (f : A → B) : Type* :=
∀ s : S, {si : B // (f s) * si = 1}
def inverts (S : set A) (f : A → B) : Prop :=
∀ s : S, ∃ si : B, (f s) * si = 1
lemma inverts_subsingleton (S : set A) (f : A → B) :
subsingleton (inverts_data S f) :=
intros fi1 fi2,
funext s,
rcases (fi1 s) with ⟨si1,e1⟩,
rcases (fi2 s) with ⟨si2,e2⟩,
apply subtype.eq,
exact comm_monoid.inv_unique e1 e2,
def inverts_of_data (h : inverts_data S f) : inverts S f :=
λ s, ⟨(h s).1,(h s).2⟩
noncomputable def inverts_some (h : inverts S f) : inverts_data S f :=
λ s, ⟨classical.some (h s),classical.some_spec (h s)⟩
def has_denom_data (S : set A) (f : A → B) :=
∀ b : B, {sa : S × A // (f sa.1) * b = f sa.2 }
def has_denom (S : set A) (f : A → B) : Prop :=
∀ b : B, ∃ (sa : S × A), (f sa.1) * b = (f sa.2)
def has_denom_of_data (h : has_denom_data S f) : has_denom S f :=
λ b, ⟨(h b).1,(h b).2⟩
noncomputable def has_denom_some (h : has_denom S f) : has_denom_data S f :=
λ b, ⟨classical.some (h b),classical.some_spec (h b)⟩
def ann_aux (S : set A) [is_submonoid S] : Type* :=
{ as : A × S // as.1 * as.2 = 0 }
namespace ann_aux
def zero : ann_aux S := ⟨⟨0,1⟩,by simp⟩
def add (as bt : ann_aux S) : ann_aux S := begin
rcases as with ⟨⟨a,s⟩,asz0⟩,
rcases bt with ⟨⟨b,t⟩,btz0⟩,
have h : (a + b) * (s * t) = 0 := calc
(a + b) * (s * t) = (a * s) * t + (b * t) * s : by ring
... = 0 : by rw[asz0,btz0,zero_mul,zero_mul,zero_add],
exact ⟨⟨a + b,s * t⟩,h⟩,
def smul (a : A) (bt : ann_aux S) : ann_aux S := begin
rcases bt with ⟨⟨b,t⟩,eb0⟩,
have eab : (a * b) * t = 0 :=
((mul_assoc a b t).trans (congr_arg (λ x, a * x) eb0)).trans (mul_zero a),
exact ⟨⟨a * b,t⟩,eab⟩,
end ann_aux
def submonoid_ann (S : set A) [is_submonoid S] : ideal A :=
{ carrier := λ a, ∃ as : ann_aux S, as.1.1 = a,
zero := ⟨ S,rfl⟩,
add := λ _ _ ⟨⟨⟨a,s⟩,ea0⟩,rfl⟩ ⟨⟨⟨b,t⟩,eb0⟩,rfl⟩, ⟨ann_aux.add S ⟨⟨a,s⟩,ea0⟩ ⟨⟨b,t⟩,eb0⟩,rfl⟩,
smul := λ a _ ⟨⟨⟨b,t⟩,eb0⟩,rfl⟩, ⟨ann_aux.smul S a ⟨⟨b,t⟩,eb0⟩,begin rw ann_aux.smul,refl,end⟩
lemma inverts_ker (hf : inverts S f) : submonoid_ann S ≤ ker f :=
apply submodule.le_def'.mpr,
rintros _ ⟨⟨⟨a,s⟩,asz⟩,rfl⟩,
simp at asz ⊢,
rcases (hf s) with ⟨si,e1⟩,
show f a = 0,
exact calc
f a = (f a) * 1 : (mul_one (f a)).symm
... = (f a) * ((f s) * si) : by rw[← e1]
... = ((f a) * (f s)) * si : by rw[mul_assoc]
... = 0 : by rw[← is_ring_hom.map_mul f,asz,is_ring_hom.map_zero f,zero_mul],
structure is_localization_data :=
(inverts : inverts_data S f)
(has_denom : has_denom_data S f)
(ker_eq : ker f = submonoid_ann S)
def is_localization : Prop :=
(inverts S f) ∧ (has_denom S f) ∧ (ker f = submonoid_ann S)
lemma localization_epi (hf : is_localization S f)
(g₁ g₂ : B → C) [is_ring_hom g₁] [is_ring_hom g₂]
(e : g₁ ∘ f = g₂ ∘ f) : g₁ = g₂ :=
have e' : ∀ x, g₁ (f x) = g₂ (f x) :=
λ x, @congr_fun _ _ (g₁ ∘ f) (g₂ ∘ f) e x,
ext b,
rcases hf.2.1 b with ⟨⟨s,a⟩,e1⟩,
rcases hf.1 s with ⟨si,e2⟩,
have e3 : b = (f a) * si := calc
b = 1 * b : (one_mul b).symm
... = ((f s) * si) * b : by rw[← e2]
... = (f a) * si : by rw[mul_assoc (f s) si b,mul_comm si b,← mul_assoc,e1],
have e4 : g₁ (f s) * (g₁ si) = 1 :=
by simp[(is_ring_hom.map_mul g₁).symm,e2,(is_ring_hom.map_one g₁)],
have e5 : g₁ (f s) * (g₂ si) = 1 :=
by simp[(e' s),(is_ring_hom.map_mul g₂).symm,e2,(is_ring_hom.map_one g₂)],
have e6 : g₁ si = g₂ si := comm_monoid.inv_unique e4 e5,
exact calc
g₁ b = g₁ (f a) * g₁ si : by rw[e3,is_ring_hom.map_mul g₁]
... = g₂ (f a) * g₂ si : by rw[e' a,e6]
... = g₂ b : by rw[← is_ring_hom.map_mul g₂,← e3],
section localization_initial
variables (hf : is_localization_data S f) (g : A → C) [is_ring_hom g] (hg : inverts_data S g)
def is_localization_initial
(hf : is_localization_data S f) (g : A → C) [is_ring_hom g] (hg : inverts_data S g)
: B → C := λ b, g (hf.has_denom b).1.2 * (hg (hf.has_denom b).1.1).1
lemma useful (hf : is_localization_data S f) (g : A → C) [is_ring_hom g] (hg : inverts_data S g) :
∀ a₁ a₂ : A, f a₁ = f a₂ → g a₁ = g a₂ := sorry -- proof is embedded in map_one below
instance (hf : is_localization_data S f) (g : A → C) [is_ring_hom g] (hg : inverts_data S g) :
is_ring_hom (is_localization_initial S f hf g hg) :=
{ map_one := begin
unfold is_localization_initial,
rcases (hf.has_denom 1) with ⟨⟨s,a⟩,h⟩,
show g a * (hg s).val = 1,
change f s * 1 = f a at h,
rw mul_one at h,
have h2 := (hg s).property,
have h3 : a - s ∈ ker f,
show f (a - s) = 0,
rw is_ring_hom.map_sub f,
rw h,
rw sub_self,
suffices : g a = g s,
rw this; exact h2,
-- know f s = f a, want g s = g a
-- this should be a lemma
have h4 := hf.ker_eq,
rw h4 at h3,
cases h3 with t Ht,
rcases t with ⟨⟨b,t⟩,h5⟩,
change b = a - s at Ht,
change b * t = 0 at h5,
rw Ht at h5,
rw sub_mul at h5,
rw sub_eq_zero at h5,
have h6 : g (a * t) = g (s * t),
rw h5,
rw is_ring_hom.map_mul g at h6,
rw is_ring_hom.map_mul g at h6,
rcases hg t with ⟨u,hu⟩,
calc g a = g a * 1 : by rw mul_one
... = g a * (g t * u) : by rw hu
... = (g a * g t) * u : by rw mul_assoc
... = (g s * g t) * u : by rw h6
... = g s * (g t * u) : by rw mul_assoc
... = g s : by rw [hu,mul_one]
map_add := begin
intros x y,
unfold is_localization_initial,
rcases (hf.has_denom (x + y)) with ⟨⟨s3,a3⟩,h3⟩,
change f s3 * (x + y) = f a3 at h3,
rcases (hf.has_denom x) with ⟨⟨s1,a1⟩,h1⟩,
change f s1 * x = f a1 at h1,
rcases (hf.has_denom y) with ⟨⟨s2,a2⟩,h2⟩,
change f s2 * y = f a2 at h2,
show g a3 * (hg s3).val = g a1 * (hg s1).val + g a2 * (hg s2).val,
rcases (hg s3) with ⟨t3,H3⟩,
rcases (hg s1) with ⟨t1,H1⟩,
rcases (hg s2) with ⟨t2,H2⟩,
show g a3 * t3 = g a1 * t1 + g a2 * t2,
h3 : f ↑s3 * (x + y) = f a3,
s1 : ↥S,
a1 : A,
h1 : f ↑s1 * x = f a1,
s2 : ↥S,
a2 : A,
h2 : f ↑s2 * y = f a2,
t3 : C,
H3 : g ↑s3 * t3 = 1,
t1 : C,
H1 : g ↑s1 * t1 = 1,
t2 : C,
H2 : g ↑s2 * t2 = 1
⊢ g a3 * t3 = g a1 * t1 + g a2 * t2
Idea now is to cancel the t's by multiplying by g s1 g s2 g s3, which is a unit because of
inverts_data g. Then our goal is
g(a3 s1 s2) = g(a1 s2 s3) + g(s1 a2 s3)
and hence our goal is g(a3 s1 s2 - a1 s2 s3 - s1 a2 s3) = 0.
But deom f(s1 x) = f (a1) etc I can deduce that
a3s2s1 - s3a2s1 - s3s2a1 is in ker(f)
so by the lemma f(z)=0 -> g(z)=0 we're done.
map_mul := begin
intros x y,
unfold is_localization_initial,
rcases (hf.has_denom (x * y)) with ⟨⟨s3,a3⟩,h3⟩,
change f s3 * (x * y) = f a3 at h3,
rcases (hf.has_denom x) with ⟨⟨s1,a1⟩,h1⟩,
change f s1 * x = f a1 at h1,
rcases (hf.has_denom y) with ⟨⟨s2,a2⟩,h2⟩,
change f s2 * y = f a2 at h2,
show g a3 * (hg s3).val = g a1 * (hg s1).val * (g a2 * (hg s2).val),
rcases (hg s3) with ⟨t3,H3⟩,
rcases (hg s1) with ⟨t1,H1⟩,
rcases (hg s2) with ⟨t2,H2⟩,
show g a3 * t3 = g a1 * t1 * (g a2 * t2),
lemma is_localization_initial_comp
(hf : is_localization_data S f) (g : A → C) [is_ring_hom g] (hg : inverts_data S g) :
∀ a : A, (is_localization_initial S f hf g hg (f a) = g a) := begin
intro a,
unfold is_localization_initial,
rcases (hf.has_denom (f a)) with ⟨⟨s1,a1⟩,h1⟩,
change f s1 * f a = f a1 at h1,
show g a1 * (hg s1).val = g a,
rcases (hg s1) with ⟨t1,H1⟩,
show g a1 * t1 = g a,
end localization_initial
end localization_alt
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