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Created November 17, 2019 08:03
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$$[-\infty,\infty]$$ is acomplete lattice
import data.real.basic
/-- ereal : The set $$[-\infty,+\infty]$$ -/
def ereal := with_bot (with_top ℝ)
instance : linear_order ereal :=
by unfold ereal; apply_instance
instance : lattice.has_top ereal :=
by unfold ereal; apply_instance
instance : lattice.has_bot ereal :=
by -- guess what
unfold ereal; apply_instance
instance : has_zero ereal := by unfold ereal; apply_instance instance : lattice.order_bot ereal := by unfold ereal; apply_instance
def ereal.neg : ereal → ereal
| none := ⊤
| (some none) := ⊥
| (some (some x)) := (↑(↑-x : with_top ℝ) : with_bot (with_top ℝ))
instance : has_neg ereal := ⟨ereal.neg⟩
def ereal.neg_le_of (a b : ereal) : -a ≤ b → -b ≤ a :=
intro h,
cases a with a,
cases b with b,
change _ ≤ ⊥ at h,
rw lattice.le_bot_iff at h,
cases h,
change ⊤ ≤ _ at h,
rw lattice.top_le_iff at h,
cases b with b, cases h, exact le_refl _,
cases h,
cases a with a,
change _ ≤ ⊤,
exact lattice.le_top,
cases b with b,
change _ ≤ ⊥ at h,
rw lattice.le_bot_iff at h,
cases h,
cases b with b,
change ⊥ ≤ _,
exact lattice.bot_le,
change (↑(↑(-a) : with_top ℝ) : with_bot (with_top ℝ)) ≤ _ at h,
unfold_coes at h,
replace h : -a ≤ b := by simpa using h,
change (↑(↑(-b) : with_top ℝ) : with_bot (with_top ℝ)) ≤ _,
suffices : -b ≤ a,
simp [this],
exact neg_le_of_neg_le h,
def ereal.neg_neg (a : ereal) : - (- a) = a :=
cases a with a,
cases a with a,
unfold has_neg.neg,
dsimp [ereal.neg],
dsimp [ereal.neg],
rw neg_neg, refl,
def ereal.neg_le {a b : ereal} : -a ≤ b ↔ -b ≤ a := ⟨ereal.neg_le_of a b, ereal.neg_le_of b a⟩
def ereal.le_neg_of (a b : ereal) : a ≤ -b → b ≤ -a :=
intro h,
rw ←ereal.neg_neg b,
apply ereal.neg_le_of,
rwa ereal.neg_neg,
def has_Sup (X : set ereal) : Prop := ∃ l : ereal, is_lub X l
local attribute [instance, priority 10] classical.prop_decidable
def Sup_exists (X : set ereal) : has_Sup X :=
let Xoc : set (with_top ℝ) := λ x, X (↑x : with_bot _),
exact dite (Xoc = ∅) (λ h, begin
use ⊥,
{ intros x hx,
cases x, exact le_refl none,
apply set.not_mem_empty x,
rw ←h,
exact hx,
intros u hu,
exact lattice.bot_le,
end) (λ h, dite (⊤ ∈ Xoc) (λ h2, ⟨⊤, begin
split, intros x hx, exact lattice.le_top,
intros x hx,
apply hx,
exact h2,
end⟩) begin
intro htop,
let Xoo : set ℝ := λ (x : ℝ), Xoc (↑ x),
by_cases h2 : nonempty (upper_bounds Xoo),
{ rcases h2 with ⟨b, hb⟩,
use (↑(↑(real.Sup Xoo : real) : with_top ℝ) : with_bot (with_top ℝ)),
{ intros x hx,
cases x, exact lattice.bot_le,
change (↑x : with_bot (with_top ℝ)) ≤ _,
change x ∈ Xoc at hx,
cases x with x, exact false.elim (htop hx),
change (↑(↑x : with_top ℝ) : with_bot (with_top ℝ)) ≤ _,
change x ∈ Xoo at hx,
have h3 : x ≤ real.Sup Xoo,
apply real.le_Sup,
{ use b,
exact hb,
{ exact hx},
simp [h3],
{ intros c hc,
cases c with c,
replace h : ∃ x : with_top ℝ, x ∈ Xoc,
apply classical.by_contradiction,
intro h4, apply h,
ext x,
split, swap, intro h, cases h,
intro hx,
exfalso, apply h4,
use x, assumption,
cases h with x hx,
replace hc := hc (↑x : with_bot _) hx,
replace hc := lattice.le_bot_iff.1 hc,
cases hc,
change (↑c : with_bot _) ∈ _ at hc,
cases c with c,
unfold_coes, simp,
suffices : real.Sup Xoo ≤ c,
unfold_coes, simp [this],
refine (real.Sup_le Xoo _ _).2 _,
apply classical.by_contradiction,
intro h2,
apply h,
ext x,
split, swap, rintro ⟨⟩,
intro h3,
cases x with x, exfalso, apply htop, exact h3,
exfalso, apply h2, use x, exact h3,
use b,
exact hb,
intros x hx,
replace hc := hc (↑(↑x : with_top ℝ) : with_bot (with_top ℝ)) hx,
unfold_coes at hc,
simpa using hc,
{ use ⊤,
split, intros x hx, exact lattice.le_top,
intros b hb,
rw lattice.top_le_iff,
cases b with b,
apply h,
ext x,
split, swap, rintro ⟨⟩,
intro hx,
replace hb : ↑x ≤ ⊥ := hb (↑x : with_bot _) hx,
rw lattice.le_bot_iff at hb,
cases hb,
cases b with b, refl,
apply h2,
use b,
intros x hx,
replace hb := hb (↑(↑x : with_top ℝ) : with_bot (with_top ℝ)) hx,
unfold_coes at hb,
simpa using hb,
noncomputable def ereal.Sup := λ X, classical.some (Sup_exists X)
noncomputable instance : lattice.has_Sup ereal := ⟨ereal.Sup⟩
/-- The set $$[-\infty,+\infty]$$ is a
<a href="">complete lattice.</a> -/
noncomputable instance : lattice.complete_lattice (ereal) :=
{ top := ⊤,
le_top := λ _, lattice.le_top,
bot := ⊥,
bot_le := @lattice.bot_le _ _,
Sup := ereal.Sup,
Inf := λ X, -classical.some (Sup_exists ({mx | ∃ x ∈ X, mx = -x})),
le_Sup := begin
intros X x hx,
have h := classical.some_spec (Sup_exists X),
exact h.1 _ hx,
Sup_le := begin
intros X b hb,
have h := classical.some_spec (Sup_exists X),
cases h with h1 h2,
change ereal.Sup X ∈ _ at h2,
apply h2,
exact hb,
Inf_le := begin
intros X x hx,
have h := classical.some_spec (Sup_exists ({mx | ∃ x ∈ X, mx = -x})),
rw ←ereal.neg_le,
apply h.1,
use x, use hx,
le_Inf := begin
intros X b hb,
have h := classical.some_spec (Sup_exists ({mx | ∃ x ∈ X, mx = -x})),
cases h with h1 h2,
change ereal.Sup {mx | ∃ x ∈ X, mx = -x} ∈ _ at h2,
apply ereal.le_neg_of,
apply h2,
intros mx hmx,
apply ereal.le_neg_of,
apply hb,
rcases hmx with ⟨x, hx, hmx⟩,
rw hmx,
rwa ereal.neg_neg,
..with_bot.lattice }
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