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kchien /
Created August 26, 2022 17:01 — forked from juanje/
Connect services with docker-compose at multirepo project

Connect services with docker-compose at multirepo project

Sometimes you have a project with different services (or microservices) and each one of them has its own repository. At those cases, tests the whole project (and its interactions) can be challenging.

With Docker and Docker Compose you can run easily each service from its repo, but for making them to see each other you (usually) need to manually create a network with Docker, assume so facts (as directories names) or do some crazy network configurations.


You have the final configuration here.

kchien / How to connect a PS3
Created October 10, 2015 18:41 — forked from hlung/How to connect a PS3
How to connect PS3 controller on Mac OSX, PC

How to connect PS3 controller on Mac OSX, PC, etc.

This is how you connect PS3 controller to Mac OSX, PC, etc. when previously connected to a PS3. You will need a Mini USB cable. Overcome your laziness, get up of your chair, and go get one!

A big misconception is that keep holding PS button will reset the controller's pairing. It DOES NOT! From my testings, the controller keeps paring with the last machine it was CONNECTED VIA A USB CABLE.

Here are the steps:

// WTF's added by me, class cut down for brevity.
public class ModelAndView {
// WTF?!
/** View instance or view name String */
private Object view;
public ModelAndView(String viewName) {
this.view = viewName;

FreeBSD on a MacBook Pro

Since 2008 or 2009 I work on Apple hardware and OS: back then I grew tired of Linux desktop (which is going to be MASSIVE NEXT YEAR, at least since 2001), and switched to something that Just Works. Six years later, it less and less Just Works, started turning into spyware and nagware, and doesn't need much less maintenance than Linux desktop — at least for my work, which is system administration and software development, probably it is better for the mythical End User person. Work needed to get software I need running is not less obscure than work I'd need to do on Linux or othe Unix-like system. I am finding myself turning away from GUI programs that I used to appreciate, and most of the time I use OSX to just run a terminal, Firefox, and Emacs. GUI that used to be nice and unintrusive, got annoying. Either I came full circle in the last 15 years of my computer usage, or the OSX experience degraded in last 5 years. Again, this is from a sysadmin/developer ki

// ==UserScript==
// @name Kanji.koohii Stroke Order
// @namespace koohiistroke
// @description Adds kanji stroke order to the study and review sections on
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @version 1.1