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Created June 21, 2016 01:58
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5:18 PM]
Ace Subido ok! im up!

[5:21 PM]
First time I saw it was watching PewDiPie scare himself in youtube. Wanted to buy one ever since. I feel like hindi siya magiging super mainstream in our lives likened to the mobile phone, since you only use it for immersive experiences. In the future though, when it’s less bulkier than how it’s currently built 😄 +Buddy Magsipoc @acesubido: what are your thoughts on VR Posted in #amaJune 16th at 4:43 PM

[5:23 PM]
Dala ng tadhana 🙂 I didn’t aim to study any language, most of my jobs are referred by friends. C# was the main programming language in my first job. My 2nd job was C# as well. 3rd job was anything JVM (Groovy/Grails/Scala). then AELOGICA 🙂

so far, Ruby is like my most favorite language I’ve ever used an come across with. Super easy to get instantly productive. Ang downside sa kanyang super flexibility, super random lang din basahin yung mga Ruby codebase na ma-encounter mo in your lifetime. Eumir Gas Parts @acesubido: what made you switch from ASP to Ruby? Posted in #amaJune 17th at 9:55 AM

[5:24 PM]
Oo hahaha, pero hindi na para sa hair, para sa scalp na 🙂 hahahaha Kyel John David @acesubido: Pag kalbo ba nag sha-shampoo parin? Posted in #amaJune 17th at 10:00 AM

[5:26 PM]
Ken-Lauren Daganio

super random lang din basahin yung mga Ruby codebase na ma-encounter mo in your lifetime. hahahahahahaha

[5:28 PM]
Ace Subido Grabe, hirap nito. Dami hahaha, pero just maybe one, and usually for fresh grads.

"Learn fast by reading slowly." Marc Ignacio @acesubido: any interesting anecdote (at any point in your career) worth mentioning? Posted in #amaJune 17th at 10:40 AM

[5:28 PM]


@radamanthus: @acesubido: alin ang pinakamabilis makapagkalbo: ASP, Ruby o Javascript (edited)

[5:47 PM]
Ace Subido To answer this question, I’ll just plug in what Amihan does as @alistair may have mentioned, we do consulting for companies. One of the main offerings, aside from Acaleph, are “Big Data” solutions (a.k.a. apps and a bunch of baremetal servers with Hadoop delivered somewhere).

Here's what I do to fulfill that:

  • I constantly talk with Sales/Marketing about what it could be used for and it’s technical bits, so that they can talk about it with a client (solutioning)
  • When a client is “matched” with the solution, and it’s turn for the “technical bit”. I talk to the client (consulting). After talking to them I put away the long sleeves and suit then dive into it; whether via VPN or going into a datacenter in Japan or some random place.

In short: I deploy and maintain Hadoop-Spark clusters, and train others to do so too. I try to democratize the process of maintaining, building and developing apps on top of one.

Because really, distributed computing and storage is just a different monster in it’s own light. To make it simple, Hadoop may be the “Rails” of distributed computing/storage, but it’s still not “conventional” enough. It’s a swiss knife, and sometimes all the client needs is a machete. Seriously, my dream platform for this ecosystem is along the lines of Heroku: “git push” a Spark Job to a Hadoop Cluster.

Aside from trying to slash off the ugly heads of the technical difficulty, you also have to deal with the ugly head of “Big Data Buzzword”. You gotta break it down and try to lower down expectations that it’s not some magical solution. That tech is mostly about people and not the tech. With Hadoop being open source, companies are forced to invest in people so that they’re get-goers with learning new stuff and diving into the command line. They’re forced not to rely on some XXXXXUSD procured “enterprise” software. If the tech is not “demystified”, the hacker ethos of "finding out what’s inside the black box, what makes it tick" is destroyed. It encourages your "IT Experts” to lounge around just clicking stuff and waiting for support every time something goes wrong.

The business world has been bombarded with the term, but they’ve yet to see a successfully implemented cluster that does all the magical words they’ve been spewed at: such as “Single Customer View”, “Machine Learning Robots vs Wrestlers”, “Deep Learning Dragon Fighter Solution” or the others. That’s where we come in, because we’ve successfully made those buzzwords into something real and valuable 🙂

@headgeekette @acesubido could you describe what you're doing now? (edited)

[5:49 PM]
Philippine Time 😄 sorry late replies but I’ve been bombarded with other stuff 😞 huhuhuhu


@radamanthus: @acesubido: saang timezone trabaho mo? (edited)

[5:55 PM]
Alistair Israel

“git push” a Spark Job to a Hadoop Cluster. Possible soon with Kubernetes and Acaleph Navale 😉 1

[5:57 PM]
Charo Nuguid @acesubido: what do you do after work?

[6:02 PM]
Ace Subido - Go home, cook dinner

  • Watch a random movie with wife, or keep her company while she does her photoshoots
  • Play Dota 2 or, if im up for it, open my terminal and write some ansible/bash/ruby stuff to make my work easier hahahahaha Charo Nuguid @acesubido: what do you do after work? Posted in #amaJune 17th at 5:57 PM

[6:02 PM]
Andre Marcelo-Tanner @acesubido: What did you want to be growing up?

[6:07 PM]
Ronnel Ocampo joined #ama

[6:08 PM]
Ace Subido I wanted to be an Astronaut 🙂 because, well either the romanticism is strong in this one, or I just loved the idea of space. I was seriously considering getting myself into being a Pilot since I looked it up and saw it was part of the requirements in being an astronaut. When I was in grade school, Dune 2 and Final Fantasy came and invaded my life like how Hitler invaded Poland. Like a caveman discovering fire, I encountered the magic of 100PHP One-To-Sawa PC shops which drowned me with Starcraft and Red Alert. So I shifted my dreams, some of us has been here I guess (special mention @corroded): I wanted to be a Game Developer.

After being allured by DLSU’s CCS curriculum, I went in filled with hopes and dreams: As a freshman, after dancing with C++ and pointers like an awkwared teenager in Senior Prom: I told myself “well, so much for being a game dev”.

EDIT: Grammar Andre Marcelo-Tanner @acesubido: What did you want to be growing up? Posted in #amaJune 17th at 6:02 PM (edited)

[6:09 PM]
Alistair Israel

As a freshman, after dancing with C++ and pointers like an awkwared teenager in Senior Prom: I told myself “well, so much for being a game dev”. :laughing: (edited)

[6:12 PM]
Andre Marcelo-Tanner @acesubido: What was your big break in life?

[6:15 PM]
i wonder how many people wanted to be game devs and ended up web devs 🙂 ✋ 8

[6:29 PM]
Ace Subido Not to be cheesy: when I proposed at 24 years old, and I got a yes. My friends/family are my cheering squad and I get a lot of support from them, but my wife is definitely my greatest supporter. 3 years married now. Without her, I probably would not be where I am today. I would be a programmer that will not strive to be excellent in what I do. Andre Marcelo-Tanner @acesubido: What was your big break in life? Posted in #amaJune 17th at 6:12 PM (edited) 4

[6:30 PM]
Andre Marcelo-Tanner 👍

[6:30 PM]
@acesubido: Followup question, biggest break professionally 🙂

[6:31 PM]
Ace Subido @kyeljohn: kung may kanin club, may kalbo club, join na.

maraming benefits:

  • achieve the famous 3 minute ligo
  • makes you move like an airbender. be one with the world and feel the vibrations of the air.
  • saitama is the new black
  • solar flare ni krillin is achievable (edited) 5

[6:32 PM]
Kyel John David @acesubido: patiently waiting for my britney spears break down moment. 😂 (Circa 2007 when she shaved her head). (edited)

[6:34 PM]
@acesubido: You've been to various organizations, jumping from one language/platform to another but where do you see yourself 5 years from now? (edited)

[6:34 PM]
AJ Villalobos @acesubido: what's your mindset when you proposed? or before your proposed? did you already plan it for a while? what convinced you that ​she's the one​? 🙂 (edited)

[6:37 PM]
David Marquez @acesubido: what's your MMR? :kappa: 7 1 1

[6:55 PM]
Ace Subido I don’t know. Definitely still married. If I asked myself 5 years ago "where do I see myself 5 years from now”. Hadoop, Ruby and Amihan probably won’t be my answer hahaha. This won’t be another cheesy facebook quote but: life’s a journey, so I just do my best with what’s now. My best now leads me to another thing, and it goes on.

The thing with career goals is that we place an “idea" of what we want to be, but it’s much more better to make do with what you have. So I’ve tried stopping trying to be a “Mark Zuckerburg” or “I want my own company”, because it won’t happen, I’m not “Mark Zuckerburg” or a “a Ruby CTO”. I’m “Ace Subido". I’m doing my best now.

In the next 5 years, that small shell script I’m making to make my work easier might blow up into a product, I don’t know, or maybe I’ll be in Amihan doing more stuff.

PS: A VP Engineering/CTO position looks nice, but you know what, they barely code either and deal with A TON of problems that CANNOT be solved with code, only by powerpoint and strategically well-thought sentences (tama ba @alistair hahaha). Kyel John David @acesubido: You've been to various organizations, jumping from one language/platform to another but where do you see yourself 5 years from now? Posted in #amaJune 17th at 6:34 PM (edited) 2

[6:57 PM]
Alistair Israel

A VP Engineering/CTO position looks nice, but you know what, they barely code either (tama ba @alistair hahaha). I still code a lot in Excel and PowerPoint!

[7:00 PM]
Ace Subido Don’t have MMR pa 😞 does defeating Medium bots count? LOL David Marquez @acesubido: what's your MMR? :kappa: Posted in #amaJune 17th at 6:37 PM

[7:15 PM]
carl q tablante @acesubido: what genre of music do you usually listen to?

[7:17 PM]

After being allured by DLSU’s CCS curriculum, I went in filled with hopes and dreams: As a freshman, after dancing with C++ and pointers like an awkwared teenager in Senior Prom: I told myself “well, so much for being a game dev”.

lol this seems to be a common response after going through CCS 😄

[7:26 PM]
David Marquez ^ Can confirm with my batch. Haha.

[7:28 PM]
Ace Subido My first big break professionally:

TL;DR: My first real job.

After graduation (I graduated late, because Dota and being in a Rock Band), I wanted to go to a Japanese Software firm. So I went to a local company that does C# apps for banks in Japan. The General Manager was Japanese. Before I get to be regularized, I need to pass JLPT 3 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test). I pass JLPT 4, but I failed JLPT 3. To everyone’s surprise in the office, he kicked me off the job because I didn’t pass it, despite accepting the previous batches in, even if they failed.

Fired from first job within 3 months, fresh graduate with low scores, nowhere to go. After 2 months of existential angst: my big break came. My college buddy called me up, he said, his brother works for a San Francisco based SaaS POS company (this was in 2009), and they’re looking to set up shop in the Philippines. The only caveat: nightshift and I didn’t meet any of his brother’s requirements. So I went in: what have I got to lose?

I went in at 11pm, long-sleeves and black slacks. Arrived at the office in Ortigas. The place looked like some underground dungeon. Dart boards, XBox, sofa beds and a Billiard table with 2 dudes sleeping on top of it, wearing shorts and slippers. I couldn’t classify it back then, but now that I look back at it: that was a startup.

Fast-forward the story: I got in and one other guy. 2 Filipinos. After 6 months of coding with my partner, The CEO in the US liked the setup so much that he promoted my college buddy’s brother to General Manager of the Philippine branch and he hired 10+ other fresh graduates.

From there on it was crazy, me and my partner learned a lot from those 14 hour shifts. No mentor, no one to learn from, me and my partner split responsibilities: DevOps, Learning/Training C#, Product/Project Management, Integration with Payment backends, L3 Support, talking to CEO’s via email when they have questions about accounts. On top of that we had to manage 12 other fresh graduates roughly our age, keeping them motivated and keeping them from installing Dota in their computers.

We learned a whole lot. To give numbers, we had 30,000 POS systems (C#) pumping sales in our C# backend in AWS where managers can see their store performance in some ASP.NET website. I remember vividly that we dreaded Black Friday. Fresh grads, circa 2009-2010. What can you expect, as fresh grads we barely knew how to do MVC how much more to optimize a monster.

After being baptized by fire, and feeling the health effects of the nightshift, making sure I appointed successor(s), I left circa (2012-2013). I didn’t have problems getting a job after that.

@acesubido: Followup question, biggest break professionally 🙂 Andre Marcelo-Tanner 👍 Posted in #amaJune 17th at 6:30 PM (edited)

[7:35 PM]
Ace Subido Genre? Hmm rockerz pfowhz me. Pero I enjoy any genre 🙂 pop, pop rock, opm, alternative, grunge. I like acid jazz as well. carl q tablante @acesubido: what genre of music do you usually listen to? Posted in #amaJune 17th at 7:15 PM

[7:48 PM]
Ace Subido

what's your mindset when you proposed? or before your proposed? did you already plan it for a while? Why wait? If it’s about money: when will I have “enough” money, I will never have "enough" money. She liked our cheap wedding (link here: If it’s about my issues or her issues, even if I wait until I'm 80 I'm still going to have issues. It’s called being a “human". So why not go through life together?

did you already plan it for a while? Yep I did 🙂

what convinced you that ​she's the one​? The only time na “she’s the one” is if I'm already at the altar. Trying to know if "she’s the one" is too clinical and I can’t predict the future, unless I’m God. I go by with what I know: she’s a friend of mine for a long time. We know each other’s priorities and values, and we agree in a lot of things. It doesn’t matter if I’m an introvert and she’s outgoing, compatibility of our personalities matters lightly if you can’t agree on what’s valuable in your life. We stick together, even through bad times. So G! Let’s do this! #kapitLang #tapangNgLoob

Take my answers lightly, relationships have their own stories, no comparing 😄 AJ Villalobos @acesubido: what's your mindset when you proposed? or before your proposed? did you already plan it for a while? what convinced you that ​she's the one​? 🙂 Posted in #amaJune 17th at 6:34 PM (edited) 3

[7:49 PM]
Charo Nuguid @acesubido: do you still jam? Where do you play?

[7:53 PM]
Ace Subido Yep I do, I play in a church: Victory Fort Taguig, near Market Market 😄 Charo Nuguid @acesubido: do you still jam? Where do you play? Posted in #amaJune 17th at 7:49 PM (edited)

[7:57 PM]
David Marquez @acesubido: what're your MBTI's? Haha.

[8:03 PM]
AJ Villalobos @acesubido: you nailed all my doubts! Really really great answer especially the first one. :hugging_face:

[8:03 PM]
Ace Subido INTJ ata ako, yun ang naalala ko. tapos Strengths Finder ko is:

  • Connectedness
  • Responsibility (Double-edged sword right here. Being emotionally attached to anything assigned to me is both a win and a loss: you don’t need to give me a deadline because I feel obliged to finish it, which causes me to go for death marches if it’s not possible. Although, “Strategic” and “Connectedness” tries saves me from that pitfall.)
  • Strategic
  • Communication
  • Deliberative David Marquez @acesubido: what're your MBTI's? Haha. Posted in #amaJune 17th at 7:57 PM (edited)

[8:04 PM]
May mga hindi pa ba ako nasagot? hahaha

[8:05 PM]
David Marquez Yeah, I was wondering. Been reading up on MBTI a lot and there's quite the connection with INTJ/ENFPs. 😂

[8:16 PM]
Andre Marcelo-Tanner @acesubido: Biggest inspiration in life thats not your wife 😄

[8:23 PM]
Ace Subido ^ nice question 😄 sagutin ko to pagnakauwi nako hehehe packing up my stuff 🙂 (edited)

[9:25 PM]
ejelome joined #ama. Also, @jerico joined.

----- June 18th ----- [9:04 AM]
+Buddy Magsipoc @acesubido: what's your current pet project

[9:39 AM]
jm Roxas joined #ama

[9:57 AM]
Ace Subido Hindi ako makapagpin-point ng specific person 🙂 since you took out my wife from the choices, answering this suddenly became very hard hahahahaha.

Marami akong naging inspiration career-wise, pero for the past 3-4 years there’s this specific person that tops the list. He’s a guy from HackerNews, his name is “patio11” (Patrick Mckenzie). His comments and his blog is absolute gold and can be compiled into it’s own book as some have said. He’s a Ruby/Rails guy but he doesn’t talk about it, he’s not highly technical, and I think I don’t need to have one specific person to follow if I wanted to learn technical stuff, reading code in Github does that for me.

Instead, I get to share sentiments and learn from him about things that most programmers don’t touch on in their blogs: salary negotiation, professionalism, spinning off small products into businesses, career related topics, charging customers, and talking to enterprises. The difference with him and other people that talk about these things is that he does it in a very relatable way, since he’s a programmer himself. Grass-roots ba. Andre Marcelo-Tanner @acesubido: Biggest inspiration in life thats not your wife 😄 Posted in #amaJune 17th at 8:16 PM

[10:01 AM]
In my frustration, I scrape these 2 pages every 5 minutes, parse it with nokigiri, dump it into a csv file and try to answer the age-old question:

Anong mas traffic, C5 o EDSA? Interaksyon | TV5-MMDA Traffic Monitoring System Live and online! Metro Manila intersection reports updated every 10 to 15 minutes by the MMDA MetroBase. Check out the latest traffic situation on EDSA, C5, Roxas Boulevard, Quezon Avenue, SLEX and España at (58KB) +Buddy Magsipoc @acesubido: what's your current pet project Posted in #amaJune 18th at 9:04 AM (edited)

[10:55 AM]
norvin joined #ama

[11:07 PM]
Jolo Balbin @acesubido: di kita naaabutan sa AGSX! (edited)

[11:28 PM]
Eumir Gas Parts hayup ka ace yung tanong ko di mo sinagot! 4

----- June 19th ----- [12:00 AM]
+Buddy Magsipoc hahaha

[11:16 PM]
Ace Subido HAHAHAHA, wait ano ba yung tanong mo?! Eumir Gas Parts hayup ka ace yung tanong ko di mo sinagot! Posted in #amaJune 18th at 11:28 PM

----- Yesterday June 20th, 2016 ----- [7:04 AM]
Joan Tiffany Siy joined #ama

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