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Created May 28, 2015 14:45
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* The base configurations of the WordPress.
* This file has the following configurations: MySQL settings, Table Prefix,
* Secret Keys, WordPress Language, and ABSPATH. You can find more information
* by visiting {@link Editing
* wp-config.php} Codex page. You can get the MySQL settings from your web host.
* This file is used by the wp-config.php creation script during the
* installation. You don't have to use the web site, you can just copy this file
* to "wp-config.php" and fill in the values.
* @package WordPress
// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'appfoliowebsite' );
/** MySQL database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'wp' );
/** MySQL database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'wp' );
/** MySQL hostname */
define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );
/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
/** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */
define('DB_COLLATE', '');
* Authentication Unique Keys and Salts.
* Change these to different unique phrases!
* You can generate these using the {@link secret-key service}
* You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies. This will force all users to have to log in again.
* @since 2.6.0
define('AUTH_KEY', 'd4IDlpf]Bd[<bUN0kHRi$#f?>J~ljIp56uLq[RnH9 c--W#/%%pY?Rf&k{k9f#^4');
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'E9t#ReA|>uiEAz+)-Ts^Ek^@Dhth3mb:50;hM&fyJB~`<&Pd)c-<R5zRS8V`Su,~');
define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'N&-c]9>_~,NNHF?>O|p^;tyb?6y%fq]^@L|FU{[{xLf+mzW]@ys@0@]V8%}XS!*?');
define('NONCE_KEY', '|+wu$YpIt!Fk!%W-N!VunJPYKMoOqy}c[UZ+/+;nWcW_NVm&P,+!Uph9c%&I>+`@');
define('AUTH_SALT', ',.q`^C}-tkAL`j6e]Itz[[V;&n]@sQaV&6!+8c)QSWk_)cq,I-7+Dbu=8csS]6)A');
define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'uKdMdjA@rw!@:MeT;I2| &W`s1oNwZZd/qL~DSti%Q2gcWpI=qqblRBe#Uz%AXY=');
define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'YFTNp`V$3JNr=,&ECtBLzs{4RMNGY/@/)I+C+Lh[;2]!H&wKBo:kC3%CZ=i*=@DF');
define('NONCE_SALT', '9b6la.s*!}b$*A+YiVfg:0Iu}`S}hT.}26$~Hxay}KkWI+oSj$MXC[JKZ16WV^,E');
* WordPress Database Table prefix.
* You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique
* prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!
$table_prefix = 'wp_';
* WordPress Localized Language, defaults to English.
* Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the chosen
* language must be installed to wp-content/languages. For example, install
* to wp-content/languages and set WPLANG to 'de_DE' to enable German
* language support.
define('WPLANG', '');
* For developers: WordPress debugging mode.
* Change this to true to enable the display of notices during development.
* It is strongly recommended that plugin and theme developers use WP_DEBUG
* in their development environments.
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Enable MultiSite
define('MULTISITE', true);
define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', true);
define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', '');
define('PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/');
define('SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);
define('BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') )
define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');
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