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This coding challenge is designed for you to show off your skills to the 3Play Media Developer team. You
should have the following challenge completed by the time you come in for your in-person interview so we
can take a look at it together. While all of the basic requirements of this project should be met, you're
encouraged to make this project your own and implement any additional features that you see fit.
Feel free to ask whatever questions, use whatever resources and provide whatever documentation
you'd like during the completion of this project.
This coding challenge is designed for you to show off your skills to the 3Play Media Developer team. You
should have the following challenge completed by the time you come in for your in-person interview so we
can take a look at it together. While all of the basic requirements of this project should be met, you're
encouraged to make this project your own and implement any additional features that you see fit.
Feel free to ask whatever questions, use whatever resources and provide whatever documentation
you'd like during the completion of this project.