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Last active June 9, 2017 15:10
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Coding Challenge
This coding challenge is designed for you to show off your skills to the 3Play Media Developer team. You
should have the following challenge completed by the time you come in for your in-person interview so we
can take a look at it together. While all of the basic requirements of this project should be met, you're
encouraged to make this project your own and implement any additional features that you see fit.
Feel free to ask whatever questions, use whatever resources and provide whatever documentation
you'd like during the completion of this project.
The Challenge:
Welcome to the Celebrity Name Game!
The Celebrity Name Game is a game that consists of matching pictures of actors from a movie to those
actors' names. What might a game like that look like?
A user would come to your website and be able to enter a movie title of his/her choosing. Once he/she
has submitted a movie title, five different pictures of actors from that movie should appear on the page.
Underneath those pictures, should be a shuffled list of names, each of which should correspond to one of
the pictures above. Next, a user should be able to match up each of the actors' names with one of the
pictures. After they've matched all of them, there should be some sort of scoring mechanism so they can
see how they did!
Technical Requirements:
1. One or more API integrations should be used to complete this project, we leave which API(s) up to you!
2. When a user submits a movie title, the actor name and picture data should be retrieved via AJAX request.
3. The pictures of the actors and their names should be in random order, it is a game after all!
4. The matching mechanism can be implemented in a number of ways, examples range from matching pictures
and names by numbering them or by creating a more complex UI using jQuery UI. Again, we leave the final
design to you!
5. Some effort should be put into implementing basic styling. (e.g. formatting the images, positioning)
6. The scoring mechanism should add to a user's score when there are positive matches. Mismatches should
not be counted.
7. OPTIONAL BONUS: Create a user system so that players can create an account and track their scores.
Display the top 5 user scores on a leaderboard.
8. Implement one additional feature of your choosing.
9. Put your site out on to the web!
Possible Hosting Solutions:
-Digital Ocean
10. Links to the Github repository and the website should be sent to us before coming in for the interview.
Lastly, be prepared to discuss your design decisions, some possible error conditions you've handled and future
features you could implement with a bit more time.
1. IMDB Gem-
2. Wikipedia Gem-
3. Google Search Gem-
4. jQuery UI-
5. Bootstrap-
Feel free to use one, all or none of these resources. We've provided them so that you have a few things
to get started with, but they are by no means required.
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