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Last active February 15, 2021 18:15
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Basic FLE hello world with shell, demonstrating per-user keys (json pointers)
Simple demonstration using MongoDB Client-Side Field Level Encryption (local key version)
using json pointer for per-user/per-document dynamic key selection
This pattern might be useful for Right to Be Forgotten GDPR use case.
Note: FLE schemas with json pointer dynamic key IDs require randomized mode and automatic encryption
Decryption -- whether randomized or deterministic -- is always automatic, assuming the data key is available/cached.
If deterministic (searchable) mode is required, consider dynamic user key selection
at the app level via explicit encryption methods (versus automatic), e.g.:
firstName: 'Alan',
ssn: db.getMongo().encrypt( $userIdKey, "901-01-0002" , ENC_DETERM ),
dob: db.getMongo().encrypt( $userIdKey, new Date('1912-06-23'), ENC_DETERM ))
Requires Enterprise 4.2+ shell (comes with built-in mongocryptd) and a MongoDB 4.2+ database
Local, stand-alone, replica set cluster, or Atlas MongoDB will all work.
To use this, just open Mongo shell, with this file, e.g.:
mongo --nodb --shell hello_world_shell_local_per_user.js
var demoDB = "demoFLE"
var keyVaultColl = "__keystore" // nothing special about this key vault collection name, but make it stand out
const ENC_DETERM = 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic'
const ENC_RANDOM = 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random'
print("\n\nBeginning FLE demo... \n")
var env = {}
env.connStr = "localhost"
// Don't use this keyString to protect anything that matters and DEFINITELY NOT IN PRODUCTION
// Generate value with command line: echo $(head -c 96 /dev/urandom | base64 | tr -d '\n')
env.keyString = "Bd3ab6v14VHyMXKTUSKB8QxDL2Wb70NcCEL3cmbfs28jY7wqZ2BEHKdBZnz64NTCYJboqmZpf+2cmXf9X7A7oTRNk25MTZq5/pZHc7bsM5TsdyH+fvzd826VQXLVKwsU";
var localDevMasterKey = { key: BinData( 0, env.keyString ) }
var clientSideFLEOptions = {
kmsProviders : { local : localDevMasterKey } ,
schemaMap: {}, // on first invocation prior to field key generation, this should be empty
keyVaultNamespace: demoDB + "." + keyVaultColl
print("Setting up an FLE Mongo client session... \n")
var encryptedSession = new Mongo(env.connStr, clientSideFLEOptions);
// Non-interactive mongo shell script equivalent of "use demoFLE"
db = encryptedSession.getDB( demoDB )
// Wipe sandbox. Approximate Atlas equivalent of: db.dropDatabase()
print("Wiping FLE demo sandbox... \n\n")
var keyVault = encryptedSession.getKeyVault();
print("Creating user-specific data keys... \n\n")
printjson( keyVault.createKey("local", "", ["u0001"]) )
printjson( keyVault.createKey("local", "", ["u0002"]) )
printjson( keyVault.createKey("local", "", ["u0003"]) )
print("\nAttempting to retrieve field keys... \n")
var records = db.getCollection( keyVaultColl ).find().pretty()
while (records.hasNext()) {
print("\nSetting server-side json schema for automatic encryption on `people` collection... \n\n")
collMod: "people",
validator: {
$jsonSchema: {
"bsonType": "object",
"properties": {
"ssn": {
"encrypt": {
"bsonType": "string",
"algorithm": ENC_RANDOM,
"keyId": "/userid"
"dob": {
"encrypt": {
"bsonType": "date",
"algorithm": ENC_RANDOM,
"keyId": "/userid"
print("Attempting to insert sample documents with automatic encryption using per-user keys... \n")
try {
var res = null
res = db.people.insert({
firstName: 'Grace',
lastName: 'Hopper',
userid: 'u0001',
ssn: '901-01-0001',
dob: new Date('1989-12-13'),
address: {
street: '123 Main Street',
city: 'Omaha',
state: 'Nebraska',
zip: '90210'
contact: {
mobile: '202-555-1234',
email: '',
} catch (err) {
res = err
print("Result: " + res)
try {
var res = null
res = db.people.insert({
firstName: 'Alan',
lastName: 'Turing',
userid: 'u0002',
ssn: '901-01-0002',
dob: new Date('1912-06-23'),
address: {
street: '456 Oak Lane',
city: 'Cleveland',
state: 'Ohio',
zip: '23210'
contact: {
mobile: '202-123-1234',
email: '',
} catch (err) {
res = err
print("Result: " + res + "\n\n")
print("Dumping decrypted documents from `people`...")
var records = db.people.find().pretty()
while (records.hasNext()) {
print("\nDeleting user data key for userid: `u0002`... \n\n")
res = db.getCollection('__keystore').deleteOne({"keyAltNames": ["u0002"]})
print("\nEstablishing a new Mongo client session (to flush cached keys)... \n\n")
encryptedSession = new Mongo(env.connStr, clientSideFLEOptions);
db = encryptedSession.getDB( demoDB )
print("Dumping updated key vault...")
try {
var r = db.getCollection( keyVaultColl ).find()
while (r.hasNext()) {
} catch (err) {
print("\nAttempting to fetch & decrypt document with userid key u0001...")
try {
var r = db.people.find({"userid":"u0001"}).pretty()
while (r.hasNext()) {
} catch (err) {
print("\nAttempting to fetch & decrypt document with deleted userid key u0002 (should fail)...")
try {
var r = db.people.find({"userid":"u0002"}).pretty()
while (r.hasNext()) {
} catch (err) {
r = err
print("\nDemo complete.\n\n")
$ mongo --nodb --shell hello.js
MongoDB shell version v4.4.2
type "help" for help
Beginning FLE demo...
Setting up an FLE Mongo client session...
Wiping FLE demo sandbox...
Creating user-specific data keys...
Attempting to retrieve field keys...
"_id" : UUID("cd570387-d0dd-4816-a957-578eee7fab0d"),
"keyMaterial" : BinData(0,"uEG8D6EGfBCpWrix/wtdaOpoDEqJY0Hm3pwlZmza4Wgv4CMSbCTB6cTkTrdEGjd8Gl/FzVzlzQ2RlW3G/Pn7cLkX06gB1uwlemZ8hIAtfM5jQ7YhWaYvtvw3Hn9EuOAoI2thjuocm5Er5Do2wasc2OK8gFCM9cqrEh5hUQ+nRBWrSZTlfo+BdZ9JhzW8HVQVSiLjkPHhm1iVDdRe6l2gOw=="),
"creationDate" : ISODate("2021-02-11T02:59:45.536Z"),
"updateDate" : ISODate("2021-02-11T02:59:45.536Z"),
"status" : 0,
"version" : NumberLong(0),
"masterKey" : {
"provider" : "local"
"keyAltNames" : [
"_id" : UUID("8734d8dd-cd82-4e19-9ba5-b189d9a168f9"),
"keyMaterial" : BinData(0,"mB20SIAlOUcqwXVN06o0qV2KzofM2HZk5WftF+KB/YQPiLhuckd6VTo4m6/NE1Z9dLIVBxnftnqA9KD4O/4vfvEJ9ByXPiqo0BHX42BG2ODKtZJ+EKEVR72DG1ZjtHjChVF2febUC+uTwpBO7o14XYRihMgcCCt8Akc+UdBxWHzFO0jHcR9hdE07UTaDDoDBeR5JgMDnuRaXA09yTpT1Sg=="),
"creationDate" : ISODate("2021-02-11T02:59:45.543Z"),
"updateDate" : ISODate("2021-02-11T02:59:45.543Z"),
"status" : 0,
"version" : NumberLong(0),
"masterKey" : {
"provider" : "local"
"keyAltNames" : [
"_id" : UUID("ff7ebf5b-6774-4ff7-acc6-c79aa6532349"),
"keyMaterial" : BinData(0,"d8tJ7FFihiPqoGRg8hPYeifWpB3iI8rLBZ4uUyjDM1J0dk4CrVwa8PcqvzrDYUkZHw7+8ggxINJxLFO6KCH52afxOJ0rS3KqQs2HIkGSc6ywDqndJeGd2n/md6RBcG1LCR50imSX+ZWwBhyJeGtRJ91bBGeLxmL9tlPgmdTj59es7M2oOaE7xrbmvFfpdb1mEehhsNOcROvqWl1XvCs8zA=="),
"creationDate" : ISODate("2021-02-11T02:59:45.544Z"),
"updateDate" : ISODate("2021-02-11T02:59:45.544Z"),
"status" : 0,
"version" : NumberLong(0),
"masterKey" : {
"provider" : "local"
"keyAltNames" : [
Setting server-side json schema for automatic encryption on `people` collection...
Attempting to insert sample documents with automatic encryption using per-user keys...
Result: WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
Result: WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
Dumping decrypted documents from `people`...
"_id" : ObjectId("60249da12559abae59dfca34"),
"firstName" : "Grace",
"lastName" : "Hopper",
"userid" : "u0001",
"ssn" : "901-01-0001",
"dob" : ISODate("1989-12-13T00:00:00Z"),
"address" : {
"street" : "123 Main Street",
"city" : "Omaha",
"state" : "Nebraska",
"zip" : "90210"
"contact" : {
"mobile" : "202-555-1234",
"email" : ""
"_id" : ObjectId("60249da12559abae59dfca35"),
"firstName" : "Alan",
"lastName" : "Turing",
"userid" : "u0002",
"ssn" : "901-01-0002",
"dob" : ISODate("1912-06-23T00:00:00Z"),
"address" : {
"street" : "456 Oak Lane",
"city" : "Cleveland",
"state" : "Ohio",
"zip" : "23210"
"contact" : {
"mobile" : "202-123-1234",
"email" : ""
Deleting user data key for userid: `u0002`...
{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 1 }
Establishing a new Mongo client session (to flush cached keys)...
Dumping updated key vault...
"_id" : UUID("cd570387-d0dd-4816-a957-578eee7fab0d"),
"keyMaterial" : BinData(0,"uEG8D6EGfBCpWrix/wtdaOpoDEqJY0Hm3pwlZmza4Wgv4CMSbCTB6cTkTrdEGjd8Gl/FzVzlzQ2RlW3G/Pn7cLkX06gB1uwlemZ8hIAtfM5jQ7YhWaYvtvw3Hn9EuOAoI2thjuocm5Er5Do2wasc2OK8gFCM9cqrEh5hUQ+nRBWrSZTlfo+BdZ9JhzW8HVQVSiLjkPHhm1iVDdRe6l2gOw=="),
"creationDate" : ISODate("2021-02-11T02:59:45.536Z"),
"updateDate" : ISODate("2021-02-11T02:59:45.536Z"),
"status" : 0,
"version" : NumberLong(0),
"masterKey" : {
"provider" : "local"
"keyAltNames" : [
"_id" : UUID("ff7ebf5b-6774-4ff7-acc6-c79aa6532349"),
"keyMaterial" : BinData(0,"d8tJ7FFihiPqoGRg8hPYeifWpB3iI8rLBZ4uUyjDM1J0dk4CrVwa8PcqvzrDYUkZHw7+8ggxINJxLFO6KCH52afxOJ0rS3KqQs2HIkGSc6ywDqndJeGd2n/md6RBcG1LCR50imSX+ZWwBhyJeGtRJ91bBGeLxmL9tlPgmdTj59es7M2oOaE7xrbmvFfpdb1mEehhsNOcROvqWl1XvCs8zA=="),
"creationDate" : ISODate("2021-02-11T02:59:45.544Z"),
"updateDate" : ISODate("2021-02-11T02:59:45.544Z"),
"status" : 0,
"version" : NumberLong(0),
"masterKey" : {
"provider" : "local"
"keyAltNames" : [
Attempting to fetch & decrypt document with userid key u0001...
"_id" : ObjectId("60249da12559abae59dfca34"),
"firstName" : "Grace",
"lastName" : "Hopper",
"userid" : "u0001",
"ssn" : "901-01-0001",
"dob" : ISODate("1989-12-13T00:00:00Z"),
"address" : {
"street" : "123 Main Street",
"city" : "Omaha",
"state" : "Nebraska",
"zip" : "90210"
"contact" : {
"mobile" : "202-555-1234",
"email" : ""
Attempting to fetch & decrypt document with deleted userid key u0002 (should fail)...
Error: Invalid keyID.
Demo complete.
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