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Created June 23, 2017 19:57
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Scale and Render an Image for Visual Search

Render an Image for Visual Search

On the way to building Visual Search for the Pinterest browser extension, we had to solve the surprisingly complex problem of loading and resizing an image to fit vertically within the available space but only take up half the available width, and then render a visible selector box.

This is one of the testing prototypes we made along the way. Load it up, drag in an image, and watch your console for fake API queries.

(function (w, d, a) {
var $ = w[a.k] = {
"a": a, "w": w, "d": d,
"s": {},
"v": {},
"f": (function () {
return {
// get a DOM property or text attribute
get: function (el, att) {
var v = null;
if (typeof el[att] !== 'undefined') {
v = el[att];
} else {
v = el.getAttribute(att);
return v;
// set a DOM property or text attribute
set: function (el, att, string) {
if (typeof el[att] === 'string') {
el[att] = string;
} else {
el.setAttribute(att, string);
// create a DOM element
make: function (obj) {
var el = false, tag, att, key;
for (tag in obj) {
if (obj[tag].hasOwnProperty) {
el = $.d.createElement(tag);
for (att in obj[tag]) {
if (obj[tag][att] && obj[tag][att].hasOwnProperty) {
if (typeof obj[tag][att] === 'string') {
$.f.set(el, att, obj[tag][att]);
} else {
if (att === 'style') {
for (key in obj[tag][att]) {
if ( {
// modern browsers, obj[tag][att][key], 'important');
} else {
// be nice to IE8[key] = obj[tag][att][key];
return el;
listen : function (el, ev, fn, detach) {
if (!detach) {
// add listener
if (typeof $.w.addEventListener !== 'undefined') {
el.addEventListener(ev, fn, false);
} else if (typeof $.w.attachEvent !== 'undefined') {
el.attachEvent('on' + ev, fn);
} else {
// remove listener
if (typeof el.removeEventListener !== 'undefined') {
el.removeEventListener(ev, fn, false);
} else if (typeof el.detachEvent !== 'undefined') {
el.detachEvent('on' + ev, fn);
// scale one rectangle to always fit inside another
scale: function (o) {
// expects: { 'expand': BOOL|UNDEFINED, 'a': { 'h': NUMBER, 'w': NUMBER }, 'b': { 'h': NUMBER, 'w': NUMBER } }
// returns: { 'n': : { 'h': NUMBER, 'w': NUMBER }, expand': BOOL|UNDEFINED, 'a': { 'h': NUMBER, 'w': NUMBER }, 'b': { 'h': NUMBER, 'w': NUMBER } }
// default: return originals
o.n = {
'h': o.a.h,
'w': o.a.w
// get aspect ratios for image and container
var ratio = {
'a': o.n.h / o.n.w,
'b': o.b.h / o.b.w
// fit width; scale height
var fitWidth = function () {
o.n.w = o.b.w;
o.n.h = o.n.w * ratio.a;
// fit height; scale width
var fitHeight = function () {
o.n.h = o.b.h;
o.n.w = o.n.h / ratio.a;
// decide if we need to fit to width or height
var getFit = function () {
if (ratio.a < ratio.b) {
// image is proportionally wider than container
} else {
// image is proportionally taller than container
// trivial condition: we are not expanding, and our image fits inside the container
if (!o.expand) {
if (o.n.h <= o.b.h && o.n.w <= o.b.w) {
return o;
// image size is changing
if (ratio.a === 1) {
// scale the square image to fit the smaller side of the rectangular container
o.n.w = o.n.h = Math.min(o.b.h, o.b.w);
} else {
// look at the shape of our container
if (ratio.b === 1) {
// square container
if (ratio.a > 1) {
// portrait image in square container; fit to height
} else {
// landscape image in square container; fit to width
} else {
// rectangular container
if (ratio.a > 1) {
// portrait image
if (ratio.b < 1) {
// portrait image in lansdcape container; fit to height
} else {
// portrait image in portrait container; decide if we need to fit to height or width
} else {
// landscape image
if (ratio.b > 1) {
// landscape image in portrait container; fit to width
} else {
// landscape image in landscape container; decide if we need to fit to height or width
return o;
edit: function (scaledImg) {
// send the query off to the API
var query = function (o) {
// where are we over the canvas?
var getPos = function (e) {
var rect = $.s.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: e.clientX - rect.left,
y: e.clientY -
var select = function (hazCorners) {
// corner width, length, and style
var lw = 6;
var ll = 25;
var ls = '#ffe';
// redraw the selector
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, scaledImg.n.w, scaledImg.n.h);
// outer shape: always the entire canvas
ctx.lineTo(scaledImg.n.w, 0);
ctx.lineTo(scaledImg.n.w, scaledImg.n.h);
ctx.lineTo(0, scaledImg.n.h);
var minX = ~~Math.min(box.x1, box.x2);
var minY = ~~Math.min(box.y1, box.y2);
var maxX = ~~Math.max(box.x1, box.x2);
var maxY = ~~Math.max(box.y1, box.y2);
// pass to query
var selectX = minX;
var selectY = minY;
var selectH = maxX - minX;
var selectW = maxY - minY;
// inner shape: only the selected area
ctx.moveTo(minX, minY);
ctx.lineTo(maxX, minY);
ctx.lineTo(maxX, maxY);
ctx.lineTo(minX, maxY);
// fill outside the selected area with 50% black
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,.50)";
ctx.mozFillRule = 'evenodd'; // elderly Firefox
ctx.fill('evenodd'); // modern browsers
// draw the selector corners
if (hazCorners) {
ctx.strokeStyle = ls;
ctx.lineWidth = lw;
ctx.moveTo(minX + lw / 2, minY + ll);
ctx.lineTo(minX + lw / 2, minY + lw / 2);
ctx.lineTo(minX + ll, minY + lw / 2);
ctx.moveTo(maxX - lw / 2, minY + ll);
ctx.lineTo(maxX - lw / 2, minY + lw / 2);
ctx.lineTo(maxX - ll, minY + lw / 2);
ctx.moveTo(maxX - lw / 2, maxY - ll);
ctx.lineTo(maxX - lw / 2, maxY - lw / 2);
ctx.lineTo(maxX - ll, maxY - lw / 2);
ctx.moveTo(minX + lw / 2, maxY - ll);
ctx.lineTo(minX + lw / 2, maxY - lw / 2);
ctx.lineTo(minX + ll, maxY - lw / 2);
var mouseDown = function (e) {
var p = getPos(e);
box.x1 = box.x2 = p.x;
box.y1 = box.y2 = p.y;
selecting = true;
var mouseMove = function (e) {
if (selecting) {
var p = getPos(e);
box.x2 = p.x;
box.y2 = p.y;
var mouseUp = function () {
if (selecting) {
selecting = false;
var mouseOut = function (e) {
if (selecting) {
var p = getPos(e);
// keep selector inside canvas
if (p.x < 0) {
box.x2 = 0;
if (p.x > scaledImg.n.w) {
box.x2 = scaledImg.n.w;
if (p.y < 0) {
box.y2 = 0;
if (p.y > scaledImg.n.h) {
box.y2 = scaledImg.n.h;
selecting = false;
var ctx = $.s.canvas.getContext('2d');
var selecting = false;
// when the search preview first comes up, let's animate the selector box just a little bit
var currentAccio = 1;
var maxAccio = Math.min(scaledImg.n.h, scaledImg.n.w) / 20;
var accioDelay = maxAccio + 10;
// selector box; start at 100%
var box = {};
// "attract mode" animates a selection box on load and runs search, so we know what's going on
var accio = function () {
// select the middle of the image
box = {
'x1': currentAccio,
'y1': currentAccio,
'x2': scaledImg.n.w - currentAccio,
'y2': scaledImg.n.h - currentAccio
currentAccio = currentAccio + 1;
if (currentAccio < maxAccio) {
accioDelay = accioDelay - 2;
if (!accioDelay) {
accioDelay = 1;
$.w.setTimeout(accio, accioDelay);
} else {
// done animating; let's run that query
$.w.setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
$.f.listen($.s.canvas, 'mousedown', mouseDown);
$.f.listen($.s.canvas, 'mousemove', mouseMove);
$.f.listen($.s.canvas, 'mouseup', mouseUp);
$.f.listen($.s.canvas, 'mouseout', mouseOut);
// image has loaded; let's show it
render: function (img) {
$.s.output.className = '';
$ = $.s.container.offsetHeight + 'px';
var scaledImg = $.f.scale({
'expand': $.a.expand,
'a': {
'h': img.naturalHeight,
'w': img.naturalWidth
'b': {
'h': $.s.container.offsetHeight,
'w': $.s.container.offsetWidth / 2 - $.a.gutter / 2
img.height = scaledImg.n.h;
img.width = scaledImg.n.w;
$ = img.width + 'px';
$.s.canvas = $.f.make({'CANVAS': {
'height': scaledImg.n.h + '',
'width': scaledImg.n.w + ''
// start the edit
load : function (file) {
$.s.progress.className = 'hidden';
var reader = new FileReader();
if (file.type.match(/^image\//)) {
reader.addEventListener("loadend", function (e) {
var t = new Image();
t.onload = function () {
t.src =;
}, false);
drop : function (e) {
$.s.input.className = 'hidden';
$.s.progress.className = '';
var data = e.dataTransfer;
for (var i = 0, n = data.files.length; i < n; i++) {
halt : function (e) {
init : function () {
$.d.b = $.d.body;
for (var i = 0; i < $.a.s.length; i = i + 1) {
$.s[$.a.s[i]] = $.d.getElementById($.a.s[i]);
$.v.msg = $.a.str.en;
if (typeof FileReader !== "function") {
$.s.input.innerHTML = $.v.msg.compat;
} else {
$.f.listen($.s.input, 'dragenter', $.f.halt);
$.f.listen($.s.input, 'dragover', $.f.halt);
$.f.listen($.s.input, 'drop', $.f.drop);
$.s.input.innerHTML = $.v.msg.ready;
$.w.addEventListener("load", $.f.init, false);
}(window, document, {
'k': 'I',
'expand': false,
'gutter': 40,
'str': {
'en': {
'ready': 'READY FOR FILE',
'progress': 'READING FILE'
's': ['input', 'output', 'progress', 'container']
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="presentation.css">
<div id="container">
<div id="input"></div>
<div id="progress" class="hidden"></div>
<div id="output" class="hidden"></div>
<script src="behavior.js"></script>
html, body {
height: 100%;
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: center;
#container {
width: 90%;
height: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
#input {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
background: #efe;
text-align: center;
border: 2px solid #000;
#output {
background: #eee;
text-align: left;
position: relative;
#output canvas {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
cursor: crosshair;
.hidden {
display: none!important;
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