'use strict'; |
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; /** |
* @name match-sorter |
* @license MIT license. |
* @copyright (c) 2016 Kent C. Dodds |
* @author Kent C. Dodds <kent@doddsfamily.us> |
*/ |
var _diacritic = require('diacritic'); |
var _diacritic2 = _interopRequireDefault(_diacritic); |
var _globalObject = require('global-object'); |
var _globalObject2 = _interopRequireDefault(_globalObject); |
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } |
var rankings = { |
EQUAL: 6, |
}; |
matchSorter.rankings = rankings; |
/** |
* Takes an array of items and a value and returns a new array with the items that match the given value |
* @param {Array} items - the items to sort |
* @param {String} value - the value to use for ranking |
* @param {Object} options - Some options to configure the sorter |
* @return {Array} - the new sorted array |
*/ |
function matchSorter(items, value) { |
var options = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? {} : arguments[2]; |
var keys = options.keys; |
var _options$threshold = options.threshold; |
var threshold = _options$threshold === undefined ? rankings.MATCHES : _options$threshold; |
var matchedItems = items.reduce(reduceItemsToRanked, []); |
return matchedItems.sort(sortRankedItems).map(function (_ref) { |
var item = _ref.item; |
return item; |
}); |
function reduceItemsToRanked(matches, item, index) { |
var _getHighestRanking = getHighestRanking(item, keys, value, options); |
var rank = _getHighestRanking.rank; |
var keyIndex = _getHighestRanking.keyIndex; |
if (rank >= threshold) { |
matches.push({ item: item, rank: rank, index: index, keyIndex: keyIndex }); |
} |
return matches; |
} |
} |
/** |
* Gets the highest ranking for value for the given item based on its values for the given keys |
* @param {*} item - the item to rank |
* @param {Array} keys - the keys to get values from the item for the ranking |
* @param {String} value - the value to rank against |
* @param {Object} options - options to control the ranking |
* @return {Number} - the highest ranking |
*/ |
function getHighestRanking(item, keys, value, options) { |
if (!keys) { |
return { rank: getMatchRanking(item, value, options), keyIndex: -1 }; |
} |
var valuesToRank = getAllValuesToRank(item, keys); |
return valuesToRank.reduce(function (_ref2, itemValue, i) { |
var rank = _ref2.rank; |
var keyIndex = _ref2.keyIndex; |
var newRank = getMatchRanking(itemValue, value, options); |
if (newRank > rank) { |
rank = newRank; |
keyIndex = i; |
} |
return { rank: rank, keyIndex: keyIndex }; |
}, { rank: rankings.NO_MATCH, keyIndex: -1 }); |
} |
/** |
* Gives a rankings score based on how well the two strings match. |
* @param {String} testString - the string to test against |
* @param {String} stringToRank - the string to rank |
* @param {Object} options - options for the match (like keepDiacritics for comparison) |
* @returns {Number} the ranking for how well stringToRank matches testString |
*/ |
function getMatchRanking(testString, stringToRank, options) { |
/* eslint complexity:[2, 8] */ |
testString = prepareValueForComparison(testString, options); |
stringToRank = prepareValueForComparison(stringToRank, options); |
// too long |
if (stringToRank.length > testString.length) { |
return rankings.NO_MATCH; |
} |
// equals |
if (testString === stringToRank) { |
return rankings.EQUAL; |
} |
// starts with |
if (testString.indexOf(stringToRank) === 0) { |
return rankings.STARTS_WITH; |
} |
// word starts with |
if (testString.indexOf(' ' + stringToRank) !== -1) { |
return rankings.WORD_STARTS_WITH; |
} |
// contains |
if (testString.indexOf(stringToRank) !== -1) { |
return rankings.CONTAINS; |
} else if (stringToRank.length === 1) { |
// If the only character in the given stringToRank |
// isn't even contained in the testString, then |
// it's definitely not a match. |
return rankings.NO_MATCH; |
} |
// acronym |
if (getAcronym(testString).indexOf(stringToRank) !== -1) { |
return rankings.ACRONYM; |
} |
return stringsByCharOrder(testString, stringToRank); |
} |
/** |
* Generates an acronym for a string. |
* |
* @param {String} string the string for which to produce the acronym |
* @returns {String} the acronym |
*/ |
function getAcronym(string) { |
var acronym = ''; |
var wordsInString = string.split(' '); |
wordsInString.forEach(function (wordInString) { |
var splitByHyphenWords = wordInString.split('-'); |
splitByHyphenWords.forEach(function (splitByHyphenWord) { |
acronym += splitByHyphenWord.substr(0, 1); |
}); |
}); |
return acronym; |
} |
/** |
* Returns a rankings.matches or noMatch score based on whether |
* the characters in the stringToRank are found in order in the |
* testString |
* @param {String} testString - the string to test against |
* @param {String} stringToRank - the string to rank |
* @returns {Number} the ranking for how well stringToRank matches testString |
*/ |
function stringsByCharOrder(testString, stringToRank) { |
var charNumber = 0; |
function findMatchingCharacter(matchChar, string) { |
var found = false; |
for (var j = charNumber; j < string.length; j++) { |
var stringChar = string[j]; |
if (stringChar === matchChar) { |
found = true; |
charNumber = j + 1; |
break; |
} |
} |
return found; |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < stringToRank.length; i++) { |
var matchChar = stringToRank[i]; |
var found = findMatchingCharacter(matchChar, testString); |
if (!found) { |
return rankings.NO_MATCH; |
} |
} |
return rankings.MATCHES; |
} |
/** |
* Sorts items that have a rank, index, and keyIndex |
* @param {Object} a - the first item to sort |
* @param {Object} b - the second item to sort |
* @return {Number} -1 if a should come first, 1 if b should come first |
* Note: will never return 0 |
*/ |
function sortRankedItems(a, b) { |
var aFirst = -1; |
var bFirst = 1; |
var aRank = a.rank; |
var aIndex = a.index; |
var aKeyIndex = a.keyIndex; |
var bRank = b.rank; |
var bIndex = b.index; |
var bKeyIndex = b.keyIndex; |
var same = aRank === bRank; |
if (same) { |
if (aKeyIndex === bKeyIndex) { |
return aIndex < bIndex ? aFirst : bFirst; |
} else { |
return aKeyIndex < bKeyIndex ? aFirst : bFirst; |
} |
} else { |
return aRank > bRank ? aFirst : bFirst; |
} |
} |
/** |
* Prepares value for comparison by stringifying it, removing diacritics (if specified), and toLowerCase-ing it |
* @param {String} value - the value to clean |
* @param {Object} options - {keepDiacritics: whether to remove diacritics} |
* @return {String} the prepared value |
*/ |
function prepareValueForComparison(value, _ref3) { |
var keepDiacritics = _ref3.keepDiacritics; |
value = '' + value; // toString |
if (!keepDiacritics) { |
value = _diacritic2.default.clean(value); |
} |
return value.toLowerCase(); |
} |
/** |
* Gets value for key in item at arbitrarily nested keypath |
* @param {Object} item - the item |
* @param {Object|Function} key - the potentially nested keypath or property callback |
* @return {String} - the value at nested keypath |
*/ |
function getItemValue(item, key) { |
if (typeof key === 'function') { |
return key(item); |
} |
var isNested = key.indexOf('.') !== -1; |
if (!isNested) { |
return item[key]; |
} |
return key.split('.').reduce(function (itemObj, nestedKey) { |
return itemObj[nestedKey]; |
}, item); |
} |
/** |
* Gets all the values for the given keys in the given item and returns an array of those values |
* @param {Object} item - the item from which the values will be retrieved |
* @param {Array} keys - the keys to use to retrieve the values |
* @return {Array} the values in an array |
*/ |
function getAllValuesToRank(item, keys) { |
return keys.reduce(function (allVals, key) { |
return allVals.concat(getItemValue(item, key)); |
}, []); |
} |
// some manual ✨ magic umd ✨ here because Rollup isn't capable of exposing our module the way we want |
// see dist-test/index.js |
/* istanbul ignore next */ |
if ((typeof exports === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(exports)) === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined') { |
matchSorter.default = matchSorter; |
module.exports = matchSorter; |
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); |
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { |
// eslint-disable-line |
define(function () { |
return matchSorter; |
}); // eslint-disable-line |
} else { |
_globalObject2.default.matchSorter = matchSorter; // eslint-disable-line |
} |
I noticed that there are a few statements in the slice that don't really need to be (like
). Like I said, it's definitely still a work in progress!