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[BROKEN DOES NOT WORK] DayZ Animated texture class for animating textures directly from config.cpp without any scripting
* Title: Hiddenselection Animated Texture and Material 1.0.0
* Author: Kerkkoh
* Brief: Animates singular hiddenSelection's texture and material based
* on a constant interval and pre-defined animation phases. Performance
* impact is dependent on m_interval and m_render_distance. Configurable
* within the cfgVehicles class of your object with a single line script
* required.
* Example configuration:
* class CfgVehicles
* {
* class HouseNoDestruct;
* class Land_YourAnimatedObject: HouseNoDestruct
* {
* scope = 2;
* displayName = "Land_YourAnimatedObject";
* model = "yourobjects\youranimatedobject.p3d";
* hiddenSelections[] = {"animatedSection"};
* hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"yourobjects\data\defaultStage.paa"};
* hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"yourobjects\data\defaultStage.rvmat"};
* class AnimatedTexture {
* enabled = 1;
* loop = 1;
* increment = 1;
* interval = 100;
* intervalRandomness = 0;
* renderDistance = 10.0;
* distanceResetsToDefault = 1;
* selectionToAnimate = "animatedSection";
* // Use empty strings if you want no changes for that stage in texture or material
* hiddenSelectionsTexturePhases[] = {"yourobjects\data\stage0.paa", "yourobjects\data\stage1.paa"};
* hiddenSelectionsMaterialPhases[] = {"yourobjects\data\stage0.rvmat", "yourobjects\data\stage1.rvmat"};
* };
* };
* };
* You must add
* class Land_YourAnimatedObject : AnimatedTextureBuildingSuper {}
* within a script file so that the animations work properly.
// Change BuildingSuper to something different if your class inherits something
// different by default. Apparently multiple inheritance is not supported, so you'll
// just have to duplicate this class for each type.
class AnimatedTextureBuildingSuper : BuildingSuper
// -- Configure these in the inheriting class constructor or in cfgVehicles > yourclass > AnimatedTexture --
// Determines whether the animation is playing or not
protected bool m_enabled = true;
// Whether to loop after reaching the last animation step or not
protected bool m_loop = true;
// Increment (or negative for decrement) on each animation step
protected int m_increment = 1;
// Animation interval in ms, values of <=20 are possible but not advisable
protected int m_interval = 500;
// Animation (additive one-time) randomness in ms
protected int m_interval_randomness = 0;
// Animation is only played if the camera (player) is closer than this value
protected float m_render_distance = 20.0;
// If camera is further than render distance, reset texture/material back to default
// from hiddenSelectionsTextures/Materials
protected bool m_distance_resets_to_default = true;
// Which hiddenSelection should be animated
protected string m_selection_to_animate = "animated";
// -- -------------------------------------------------- --
// If you want to manually control the animation phases (think displays that react
// to user actions etc.) use SetAnimationPhase (first param is index within the texture
// & material array) and set m_enabled to false
// ***If you want a phase to only change the texture
// and not the material, use an empty string in that phase***
private string m_cfg_texture_array = "hiddenSelectionsTexturePhases";
private string m_cfg_material_array = "hiddenSelectionsMaterialPhases";
private int m_selection_index = -1;
private autoptr array<string> m_textures = new array<string>;
private autoptr array<string> m_materials = new array<string>;
private autoptr array<string> m_hidden_selections_textures = new array<string>;
private autoptr array<string> m_hidden_selections_materials = new array<string>;
private int m_phases_count = -1;
protected int m_animation_phase = 0;
private string m_anim_config_path = "CfgVehicles " + GetType() + " AnimatedTexture "
bool ConfigEntryExists(string entry)
return GetGame().ConfigIsExisting(m_anim_config_path + entry);
void AnimatedTextureBuildingSuper()
if (GetGame().IsServer()) return;
// You can override these in inheriting class' constructor or within
// the AnimatedTexture class inside of your item's class
if (ConfigIsExisting("AnimatedTexture"))
if (ConfigEntryExists("enabled"))
m_enabled = GetGame().ConfigGetInt(m_anim_config_path + "enabled") == 1;
if (ConfigEntryExists("loop"))
m_loop = GetGame().ConfigGetInt(m_anim_config_path + "loop") == 1;
if (ConfigEntryExists("increment"))
m_increment = GetGame().ConfigGetInt(m_anim_config_path + "increment");
if (ConfigEntryExists("interval"))
m_interval = GetGame().ConfigGetInt(m_anim_config_path + "interval");
if (ConfigEntryExists("intervalRandomness"))
m_interval_randomness = GetGame().ConfigGetInt(m_anim_config_path + "intervalRandomness");
if (ConfigEntryExists("renderDistance"))
m_render_distance = GetGame().ConfigGetFloat(m_anim_config_path + "renderDistance");
if (ConfigEntryExists("distanceResetsToDefault"))
m_distance_resets_to_default = GetGame().ConfigGetInt(m_anim_config_path + "distanceResetsToDefault") == 1;
if (ConfigEntryExists("selectionToAnimate"))
m_selection_to_animate = GetGame().ConfigGetTextOut(m_anim_config_path + "selectionToAnimate");
// Inheriting class should have some time to set its values
GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY).CallLater(this.Init, 20);
void Init()
m_selection_index = GetHiddenSelectionIndex(m_selection_to_animate);
string config_class_path = "CfgVehicles " + GetType();
string config_array_path;
config_array_path = config_class_path + " AnimatedTexture " + m_cfg_texture_array;
GetGame().ConfigGetTextArray(config_array_path, m_textures);
config_array_path = config_class_path + " AnimatedTexture " + m_cfg_material_array;
GetGame().ConfigGetTextArray(config_array_path, m_materials);
config_array_path = config_class_path + " hiddenSelectionsTextures";
GetGame().ConfigGetTextArray(config_array_path, m_hidden_selections_textures);
config_array_path = config_class_path + " hiddenSelectionsMaterials";
GetGame().ConfigGetTextArray(config_array_path, m_hidden_selections_materials);
m_phases_count = m_textures.Count();
if (ValidValues())
GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY).CallLater(this.AnimationTick, m_interval + Math.RandomInt(0, m_interval_randomness), true);
string error = "AnimatedTextureBase :: You have an error in the configuration:\n";
if (m_textures.Count() != m_materials.Count())
error += string.Format("-> The amount of textures and materials don't match up in %1 (%2) and %3 (%4).\n", m_cfg_texture_array, m_textures.Count(), m_cfg_material_array, m_materials.Count());
if (m_phases_count == 0)
error += string.Format("-> Either textures and materials arrays aren't called %1 and %2 or they are empty.\n", m_cfg_texture_array, m_cfg_material_array);
else if (m_increment >= m_phases_count)
error += string.Format("-> The increment of animation phases (%1) must be smaller than the amount of animation phases (%2).\n", m_increment, m_phases_count);
if (m_selection_index == -1)
error += string.Format("-> Couldn't find the hiddenselection (%1) within the object.\n", m_selection_to_animate);
bool ValidValues()
return m_textures.Count() == m_materials.Count() && m_phases_count > 0 && m_increment < m_phases_count && m_selection_index != -1;
bool ShouldRender()
return m_enabled && vector.Distance(GetPosition(), GetGame().GetCurrentCameraPosition()) <= m_render_distance;
void UpdateVisuals()
string texture_phase = m_textures.Get(m_animation_phase);
string material_phase = m_materials.Get(m_animation_phase);
if (texture_phase != "")
SetObjectTexture(m_selection_index, texture_phase);
if (material_phase != "")
SetObjectMaterial(m_selection_index, material_phase);
void ResetVisuals()
m_animation_phase = 0;
SetObjectTexture(m_selection_index, m_hidden_selections_textures.Get(m_selection_index));
SetObjectMaterial(m_selection_index, m_hidden_selections_materials.Get(m_selection_index));
void SetAnimationPhase(int phase, bool update_visuals = true, bool force = false)
m_animation_phase = phase;
if (!force && m_loop)
if (m_animation_phase == m_phases_count)
m_animation_phase = 0;
else if (m_animation_phase == 0)
m_animation_phase = m_phases_count;
if (update_visuals) UpdateVisuals();
void AnimationTick()
if (ShouldRender())
SetAnimationPhase(m_animation_phase + m_increment);
} else if (m_distance_resets_to_default) {
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kerkkoh commented Sep 23, 2022

Sadly broken by an update around a year ago. If anyone wants to debug and fix it, would be appreciated.

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