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Created February 21, 2011 22:11
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Save kevinbringard/837797 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Shell script to install nova and it's dependencies on CentOS 5.x. I't sonly been tested with KVM and the OpenStack Bexar release
# This should get most (if not all of the dependencies for openstack on CentOS 5.5 installed for you
# Based on
# Define some constants
BASE=$( pwd )
# Add the euca2ools repo
cat >/etc/yum.repos.d/euca2ools.repo << EUCA_REPO_CONF_EOF
# Add the epel repo
rpm -Uvh ''
# Install the necessary packages
yum -y install dnsmasq vblade kpartx kvm gawk iptables ebtables bzr screen euca2ools curl rabbitmq-server gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake swig openldap openldap-servers python26 python26-devel python26-distribute git openssl-devel python26-tools mysql-server qemu kmod-kvm libxml2.x86_64 libxslt libxslt-devel mysql-devel libvirt vconfig lzop xz xen-devel sudo
# Create directories to build software that needs to be compile from source
mkdir -p $BUILDDIR && cd $BUILDDIR
# Build and install the AoE tools
wget -c
tar -zxvf aoetools-32.tar.gz
cd aoetools-32
make install
cd $BASE
cat > /etc/udev/rules.d/60-aoe.rules << AOE_RULES_EOF
SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="discover", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0220"
SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="err", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0440"
SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="interfaces", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0220"
SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="revalidate", NAME="etherd/%k", GROUP="disk", MODE="0220"
# aoe block devices
KERNEL=="etherd*", NAME="%k", GROUP="disk"
# Make sure the correct kernel modules are installed
modprobe aoe
modprobe kvm
modprobe nbd
# The qemu-img that comes with centos doesn't support the argument format openstack uses, so we have to replace it with a wrapper
mv -iv /usr/bin/qemu-img /usr/bin/qemu-img.bin
cat > /usr/bin/qemu-img <<EOF
CHANGED_ARGS=\$(echo \$* | sed "s/-o cluster_size=2M,backing_file=/-b /g")
/usr/bin/qemu-img.bin \$CHANGED_ARGS
chmod +x /usr/bin/qemu-img
# Install the necessary python modules
easy_install-2.6 twisted sqlalchemy mox greenlet carrot python-daemon eventlet tornado IPy routes lxml MySQL-python sphinx webob netaddr paste pastedeploy glance Cheetah
easy_install-2.6 python-daemon==1.5.5
easy_install-2.6 lockfile==0.8
easy_install-2.6 boto==1.9b
easy_install-2.6 python-gflags==1.4
easy_install-2.6 sqlalchemy-migrate==0.6
# Build and install the libxml2 2.7.3 for python 2.6 (the one that comes with RHEL/CentOS 5 is compiled for Python 2.4)
wget -c ""
tar -zxvf libxml2-2.7.3.tar.gz
cd libxml2-2.7.3
./configure --with-python=/usr/bin/python26 --prefix=/usr
make all
make install
cd python
python2.6 install
cd $BASE
# Make a small change to the opensslconf header so that M2Crypto installs properly
sed -i 's_opensslconf-\(.*\)_/usr/include/openssl/opensslconf-\1_' /usr/include/openssl/opensslconf.h
easy_install-2.6 M2Crypto
# We have to build corutils so we can get the 'truncate' binary. It is not included with the coreutils that comes with RHEL/CentOS 5
tar -zxvf coreutils-8.9.tar.gz
cd coreutils-8.9
cp src/truncate /usr/bin/
cd $BASE
# We want to remove the libvirt that yum installed, as it is too old. We'll add newer ones below
yum -y remove libvirt
# You will likely need to update the location of these RPMs
rpm -Uvh http://${RPMHOST}/libvirt/libvirt-0.8.7-2.x86_64.rpm http://{$RPMHOST}/libvirt/libvirt-client-0.8.7-2.x86_64.rpm http://${RPMHOST}/libvirt/libvirt-devel-0.8.7-2.x86_64.rpm http://${RPMHOST}/libvirt/libvirt-python26-0.8.7-2.x86_64.rpm
# Make sure it's started
/etc/init.d/libvirtd start
# Create the necessary directories for nova
mkdir -p /etc/nova /var/log/nova /var/lib/nova/CA
# Download, extract, and install nova
cd $BUILDDIR && wget -O nova.tar.gz
NOVADIR=$( tar -zxvf nova.tar.gz | awk -F\/ '{ print $1 }' | head -1 )
cd $NOVADIR && python2.6 install
# Copy the configuration files and CA templates into place
cp etc/nova-api.conf /etc/nova
rsync -av CA/ /var/lib/nova/CA/
# You'll want to change this to be the location of your nova.conf (check the variables at the top of this script), or comment it out and add /etc/nova/nova.conf manually
wget http://${RPMHOST}/${NOVACONF} -O /etc/nova/nova.conf
cd $BASE
# In our environment we use eth1 as our bridge device, so we need to make sure it comes up configured correctly. You may need to edit this or take it out entirely
for i in $NETWORK_DEVICES; do
mv $NETWORK_LOCATION/ifcfg-${i} $NETWORK_LOCATION/ifcfg-${i}.bak
cat > $NETWORK_LOCATION/ifcfg-${i} << __EOF_
ifup ${i}
# Make sure libvirtd starts automatically at boot
chkconfig --add libvirtd
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Hey n0ts, thanks for the note. I probably should have been more descriptive in the description... I've only tested it with KVM and the Bexar release. Ultimately I gave up on using Cent 5.x for OpenStack because it uses enough newer features that the Cent repos just couldn't keep up. If you have the option, Ubuntu 10.10+ works quite well, and I've had pretty good luck following this: Hope that helps!

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n0ts commented May 27, 2011

Hi, kevinbringard. Thanks for your response. I'll try to Ubuntu 10. Thanks for your help.

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