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Created October 17, 2011 04:51
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Help me refactor this Clojure code.
(defn add-phone
"Add a phone number to a given service. There are a few steps we have to take:
- Validate the service name and token
- Validate the phone number
- Send a text message to the number
- Store the number in the database
request - an authorized HTTP request
201 Resource Created - phone number added to a service
400 Bad Request - invalid phone number or bad request"
[request auth-type]
(println "Url requested is " (:request-method request) " " (:uri request))
(println request)
(def auth-header ((:headers request) "authorization"))
(def auth-map (utils/get-auth-header auth-type auth-header))
(if (model/invalid-user-and-pass auth-map auth-type)
{:status 401,
:headers {"WWW-Authenticate" "Basic realm=\"\""}}
(def raw-phone-no (:phone_number (:params request)))
(def service-name (:service-name auth-map))
(if raw-phone-no
(def valid-phone-no (utils/parse-phone-no raw-phone-no))
; XXX get the service id some other way.
(def service-map (model/service-in-db service-name))
(def service-id (service-map :id))
; XXX check that service doesn't already have phone number
(model/store-phone-no :numbers service-id valid-phone-no)
(twilio/send-sms-verify twilio/sms-url valid-phone-no service-name)
; XXX jsonify this, send more information, document it.
{:status 201,
:body (json/json-str {
:service_name service-name,
:phone_number valid-phone-no,
:status "active",
:uri (:uri request)
; should have some kind of unique id for the phone number
; here.
; also return the date
{:status 400,
:body (json/json-str {:error "Please include a phone_number."})})))))
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