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An Implementation of the robust subspace projection technique described in: A. Leonardis and H. Bischof. Robust recognition using eigenimages. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 78:99--118, 2000. based off of source provided by the original authors
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Kevin Hughes
# Date: May 2013
An Implementation of the robust subspace projection technique described in:
A. Leonardis and H. Bischof. Robust recognition using eigenimages.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 78:99--118, 2000.
Implementation based off of source provided by the original authors
import numpy as np
def robust_project(X, Xm, U, k=300, r=0.85, s=100, n=3):
""" robust_project """
# X ... image vector
# Xm ... mean vector
# U ... eigenvectors
# k ... k*K is the initial number of selected pixels
# r ... reduction factor in alpha trimming
# s ... s*K is stopping criterion
# n ... number of iterations
#return ... resulting coefficient vector
""" authors params: k=48, r=0.85, s=24, n=3 """
if X.shape != Xm.shape:
raise ValueError("robust_project X and Xm must be the same shape")
if X.size != U.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("robust_project X must have the same number of cols as U")
K,M = U.shape
if k*K > X.size:
raise ValueError("robust_project k is too large, k*K is > than len(X)")
if s > k:
raise ValueError("robust_project s must be less than k")
if r <= 0 or r >= 1:
raise ValueError("robust_project r must be between 0 and 1")
# mean center X
Xd = X - Xm
# run n iterations to get n candidate projection coeffs
a_cands = []
errors = []
for i in range(n):
# get k*K random points
idx = np.arange(M)
idx = idx[:(k*K)]
nbp = len(idx)
B = Xd[:,idx]
A = U[:,idx]
# solve lstq squares for the random subset
x, residuals, rank, s_vals = np.linalg.lstsq(A.transpose(),B)
err = np.absolute(,x) - B)
#alpha trimming
while(nbp > s*K):
errh = np.sort(err)
err_marg = errh[np.ceil(r*nbp)]
# trim
idx = np.where(err <= err_marg)[0]
nbp = len(idx)
B = B[:,idx]
A = A[:,idx]
# solve lstq squares for the trimmed random subset
x, residuals, rank, s_vals = np.linalg.lstsq(A.transpose(),B)
err = np.absolute(,x) - B)
errors.append(np.sum(err) / nbp)
# Select best the projection coefficients
idx = np.argsort(errors)
return a_cands[idx[0]]
def face_example():
demonstrates the drawbacks of naive lst sqrs projection
when corrupted data is present. Shows how the robust projection
function handles this problem.
This example will download and extract the orl faces dataset. Then it will
perform PCA on a set of faces. The mean is reshaped, normalized and then
displayed. The same is done for the first 6 eigenvectors. The first face is
projected and reconstructed, the result is then visualized.
Next the data is corrupted to demonstate the robust projection method. The
corrupted face is projected and reconstructed using both the standard projection
and the robust projection. The results are displayed and also saved to file along
with the corrupted_face.
from os.path import join, exists
import urllib
import zipfile
import cv2
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
# get the data
if not exists('orl_faces'):
print 'downloading orl faces from %s' % ORL_FACES_URL
urllib.urlretrieve(ORL_FACES_URL, '')
print 'extracing'
zfile = zipfile.ZipFile("",)
pathToORL = 'orl_faces/'
faces = []
for i in range(1,20+1):
for j in range(1,1+1):
path = pathToORL + 's' + str(i) + '/' + str(j) + '.pgm'
face = cv2.imread(path,0)
imgW = faces[0].shape[1]
imgH = faces[0].shape[0]
faces_rowvecs = []
for (i,face) in enumerate (faces):
faceData = np.vstack(faces_rowvecs)
k = 50
pca = PCA(k)
# mean
mean = pca.mean_
mean = mean.reshape(imgH,imgW)
mean = cv2.normalize(mean,norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
cv2.imshow("pca mean",mean)
cv2.moveWindow("pca mean",(1)*(imgW+10), 100)
# eigenvectors
#for i in range(k):
for i in range(6):
eigenvector = pca.components_[i,:]
eigenvector = eigenvector.reshape(imgH,imgW)
eigenvector = cv2.normalize(eigenvector,alpha=0,beta=255,norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
eigenvector = eigenvector.astype(np.uint8)
cv2.moveWindow("pca"+str(i),(i+3)*(imgW+10), 100)
#cv2.imwrite("eigenface_"+str(i)+".png", eigenvector)
# reconstructions
face = faces[0]
cv2.imshow("face", face)
cv2.moveWindow("face",(0+3)*(imgW+10), 300)
face = face.flatten("C")
proj = pca.transform(face)
recon = pca.inverse_transform(proj)
recon = recon.reshape(imgH,imgW)
recon = cv2.normalize(recon,norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
cv2.imshow("recon", recon)
cv2.moveWindow("recon",(1+3)*(imgW+10), 300)
# corrupted data
face = faces[0]
#cv2.imwrite("face.png", face)
# top quarter white
#face[0:imgH/2, 0:imgW/2] = 255
# salt and pepper slash just salt
idx = np.arange(face.size)
idx = idx[:(int(face.size * 0.25))]
face = face.flatten("C")
face[idx] = 255
face = face.reshape(imgH,imgW)
cv2.imshow("face D", face)
cv2.moveWindow("face D",(2+3)*(imgW+10), 300)
cv2.imwrite("corrupted_face.png", face)
# non robust projection
face = face.flatten("C")
proj = pca.transform(face)
recon = pca.inverse_transform(proj)
recon = recon.reshape(imgH,imgW)
recon = cv2.normalize(recon,alpha=0,beta=255,norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
recon = recon.astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imshow("recon D", recon)
cv2.moveWindow("recon D",(3+3)*(imgW+10), 300)
cv2.imwrite("pca_reconstruction.png", recon)
# robust projection
proj = robust_project(face, pca.mean_, pca.components_, 48, 0.85, 24, 100)
recon = pca.inverse_transform(proj)
recon = recon.reshape(imgH,imgW)
recon = cv2.normalize(recon,alpha=0,beta=255,norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
recon = recon.astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imshow("recon R", recon)
cv2.moveWindow("recon R",(4+3)*(imgW+10), 300)
cv2.imwrite("robust_pca_reconstruction.png", recon)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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