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Klaus Hebsgaard khebbie

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rstackhouse / gist:1162357
Created August 22, 2011 13:22
Configure NLog Programmatically
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using NLog;
using NLog.Common;
using NLog.Targets;
using NLog.Config;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
anissen /
Created January 8, 2012 12:12
Processing.js demonstration (server included) using zappa, coffeekup and node.js in 30 (!) lines of code
require('zappa') ->
@get '/': -> @render 'index', layout: no
@view index: ->
doctype 5
html ->
head ->
title 'Zappa + CoffeeKup + Processing'
style '''body { background-image:url(''); text-align: center; } header { font-family: 'Lobster Two', cursive; font-size: 28px; color: white; text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px brown; }'''
link rel: 'stylesheet', href: ''
script src: ''
jdkanani / notepad.html
Last active June 16, 2024 13:44 — forked from jakeonrails/Ruby Notepad Bookmarklet
This bookmarklet gives you a code editor in your browser with a single click.
data:text/html, <style type="text/css">.e{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;}</style><div class="e" id="editor"></div><script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script><script>var e=ace.edit("editor");e.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai");e.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/ruby");</script>
For other language: Instead of `ace/mode/ruby`, Use
Markdown -> `ace/mode/markdown`
Python -> `ace/mode/python`
C/C++ -> `ace/mode/c_cpp`
Javscript -> `ace/mode/javascript`
Java -> `ace/mode/java`
Scala- -> `ace/mode/scala`
robmiller / .gitconfig
Created July 17, 2013 07:52
Some useful Git aliases that I use every day
# Working with branches
# Get the current branch name (not so useful in itself, but used in
# other aliases)
branch-name = "!git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"
# Push the current branch to the remote "origin", and set it to track
# the upstream branch
publish = "!git push -u origin $(git branch-name)"
lshoo / gist:9785645
Created March 26, 2014 15:13
Slick2 generic dao
import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
import scala.slick.driver._
trait Profile {
val profile: JdbcProfile
ekristen /
Last active January 16, 2024 16:15
Bash Script for Nagios to Check Status of Docker Container
# Author: Erik Kristensen
# Email:
# License: MIT
# Nagios Usage: check_nrpe!check_docker_container!_container_id_
# Usage: ./ _container_id_
# Depending on your docker configuration, root might be required. If your nrpe user has rights
# to talk to the docker daemon, then root is not required. This is why root privileges are not
masha256 /
Last active August 3, 2017 08:53
Google Column Chart for Dashing


A Dashing widget to show a Google Visualizations Column Chart on a dashboard.


Copy the, google_column.html and google_column.scss file to into /widgets/google_column directory.

Add the following to the dashboard layout file:

favadi /
Last active June 5, 2021 15:25
Compile latest emacs version (24.5) in Ubuntu 14.04
# Build latest version of Emacs, version management with stow
# OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
# version: 24.5
# Toolkit: lucid
# Warning, use updated version of this script in:
set -e

How to setup AWS lambda function to talk to the internet and VPC

I'm going to walk you through the steps for setting up a AWS Lambda to talk to the internet and a VPC. Let's dive in.

So it might be really unintuitive at first but lambda functions have three states.

  1. No VPC, where it can talk openly to the web, but can't talk to any of your AWS services.
  2. VPC, the default setting where the lambda function can talk to your AWS services but can't talk to the web.
  3. VPC with NAT, The best of both worlds, AWS services and web.
dshnkao / umenu
Last active December 19, 2023 14:59
open firefox history using fzf or rofi
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Relying on rofi / fzf is a bit limited
# e.g
# umenu "places.sqlite" "rofi -dmenu --no-sort"
# umenu "places.sqlite" "fzf --no-sort --exact"
DB_PATH=${1:?ARG 1: path to firefox database}