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Last active July 14, 2020 23:09
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Oh-Crop DTR

Group Member Names: Maddy Randle, Kelsha Darby, Mike Hernandez, Ryan Camp, Kimala Cochran

Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):

  • Ryan - hopes to learn the front end and be a productive memeber of the front end team.
  • Maddie - Feel confident making another project in React Native after this one, wants us all to be proud and excited to show the results. This will look like us reaching our MVP.
  • Kelsha - Learning Python and being able to talk to it in an interview. As a team we get our MVP completed and that we get along.
  • Mike - Learn Python for resume. Love for the project to be the flagship to show off and be proud about as a talking point. We will be sucessful if the project is sweet and we are better friends with the people in our group at the end of the project.
  • Kimala - Learn React Native and have a flagship project to show off. Get along with everyone and produce a kick butt project.

Team strengths & collaboration styles (consider discussing your Pairin qualities here):

  • Ryan - Quick learner, figure things out likes to experiment and get up to speed on things quickly. Enjoys all kinds of collaboration while working. A pusher, a propel to get the task pushed forward.
  • Maddie - Half and half, trial and error alone but loves the value behind rubber ducking it with others. Quite organized in code, no console.logs! Likes to keep things clean.
  • Kelsha - Good with either working alone or together. Works faster alone but gains understanding on a new framework when working with others. Faster alone, further together.
  • Mike - Will enjoy working together while learning new framework. Managing and organizing and presenting things are enjoyed.
  • Kimala - Half and half as well, can work by myself but I get a lot of value out of pairing. I think I have a great view of both the bigger picture and the small details during a project and I make a really good cheerleader!

How we can use our strengths to overcome obstacles:

Ryan can drive the group to meet the goals, Mike is organized. Maddie is a great manager and is organized and is willing to do what she can. Kimala will encourage everyone and cheer the project on. Ryan is available for helping at all times.

Schedule Expectations (When are we available to work together and individually? What constraints do we have?):

  • Sundays off for group work -
  • Ryan - Cool with whatever
  • Maddie - Wants a one day
  • Kelsha - Has pets and needs a half a weekend day to, sometimes dinner with the fam at 7ish
  • Mike - Done on Sundays by 2pm (let's make this happen) - but otherwise is a night owl - dog walk and dinner at 5:30
  • Kimala - Open scheduling

Communication Expectations (How and how often will we communicate? How do we keep lines of communication open? How will we make decisions as a team?):

  • 10-15 min purposeful standup
  • Slack - Ryan and Kimala are available most times on Slack, call Kelsha on Slack if she doesn't answer your message and you need her right away. We will make decisions as a team together. We could vote if people are not agreeing amicably. Just keep talking until we have a decision.

Abilities & Growth Expectations (Technical strengths and areas for desired improvement):

  • Ryan - New language and framework is placing him out of his comfort zone. Wants to be able to actually make a feature and reference what he's learning later and get some exposure.
  • Maddie - Wants to learn enough about React Native to implement it going forward. And be able to communicate better technically.
  • Kelsha - Wants to learn Python and better able to speak technically. Picks stuff up fast and enjoys,
  • Mike - Python for the resume and present this project as an example. Really prove to himself that he can learn something that he wasn't taught.
  • Kimala - Really prove to herself that he can learn something that he wasn't taught. And be able to communicate better technically.

Workload Expectations (What features do we each want to work on?):

Workflow Expectations (Git workflow/Tools/Code Review/Reviewing Pull Requests/Debugging and Problem-solving Techniques):

We are going to rebase. PR Template from the channel. Miro for wireframing. Git Projects Travis (or CircleCI if it's learning curve isn't too high)

Expectations for giving and receiving feedback:

Please be straight forward as possible. You can talk to him and he won't take offence. Be timely. If it needs to change bring it up sooner before it's a big issue.

Project management tools we will use (GitHub projects or Trello are popular tools):

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