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Vladimir Fadeev kirlf

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kirlf /
Last active May 17, 2024 10:59 — forked from jasonrdsouza/
Simple Huffman coding implementation
# Python 3.8
import math
from queue import Queue
from collections import Counter
class HuffmanCodes:
def __init__(self):
def __huffman_tree_to_table(self, root, prefix, lookup_table):
clear all; close all; clc
%% Initialization
% channel parameters
sigmaS = 1; %signal power
sigmaN = 0.01; %noise power
% CSI (channel state information):
channel = [0.722-1j*0.779; -0.257-1j*0.722; -0.789-1j*1.862];
Developed by Vladimir Fadeev
Kazan, 2017 / 2020
Python 3.7
The result is uploaded in
# coding=utf-8
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.linalg as LA
import scipy.optimize as optim
class UnivFitFunc:
def __init__(self, err=5, Nmax=1000):
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
from clickhouse_driver import Client
client = Client('localhost')
db_name = "db_name"
tables_list = ["table_1", "table_2"]
db_table_list = ["{db}.{tb}".format(db=db_name, tb=tb) for tb in tables_list]
FROM mysql://user:password@mysql57:3306/mysql_db
INTO postgresql://user:password@pgsql:5432/pg_db
CAST type int with extra auto_increment when (< precision 10) to serial drop typemod drop not null,
type int with extra auto_increment when (<= 10 precision) to bigserial drop typemod drop not null,
type int when (< precision 10) to int drop typemod,
type int when (<= 10 precision) to bigint drop typemod,
type tinyint with extra auto_increment to serial drop not null,
type smallint with extra auto_increment to serial drop not null,
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import math
from collections import deque
class Node:
A node of the binary search tree
# Input format: JSONEachRow
# Note: ClickHouse should works on localhost, or port forwarding should be used in this example:
cat <FILE NAME>.json | curl 'http://localhost:8123/?input_format_skip_unknown_fields=1&query=INSERT%20INTO%20<DATABASE NAME>.<TABLE NAME>%20FORMAT%20JSONEachRow' --data-binary @-