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Last active April 27, 2017 14:28
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Debug which functions access .Random.seed

Who is touching the .Random.seed?

Inspired by a Stack Overflow question, here’s a way of tracking what’s been modifying the .Random.seed.

Since R makes static analysis impossible in general, the following is a runtime tracer that injects itself into the .Random.seed variable via an active binding:

Getting .Random.seed; called from sample(10)
Setting .Random.seed; called from sample(10)
 [1]  2  5  9  8  7  4  1  6 10  3

The user can control whether all or only specific calls are logged …

debug_random_seed(ignore =
Getting .Random.seed; called from sample(10)
Setting .Random.seed; called from sample(10)
 [1]  8  1  9  5  2  3  7  4 10  6
 [1]  3  4  7  5  1  2  9  8 10  6

… whether only to log getter or setter (default is both) …

debug_random_seed(what = 'setter')
Setting .Random.seed; called from sample(10)
[1]  2  9  8  5  3  7  4  6 10  1

… and, finally, the user can switch debugging off again.

 [1]  4  6 10  8  9  3  1  7  5  2
debug_random_seed = local({
function (what = c('both', 'getter', 'setter'), ignore = NULL) {
seed_scope = parent.env(environment())
what = match.arg(what)
if (is.function(ignore)) ignore = list(ignore)
if (exists('.Random.seed', globalenv())) {
if (bindingIsActive('.Random.seed', globalenv())) {
warning('.Random.seed is already being debugged')
} else {
# Save existing seed before deleting
assign('random_seed', .Random.seed, seed_scope)
rm(.Random.seed, envir = globalenv())
debug_seed = function (new_value) {
mode = if (missing(new_value)) 'getter' else 'setter'
if (sys.nframe() > 1 &&
! any(vapply(ignore, identical, logical(1), sys.function(1))) &&
what %in% c('both', mode)
) {
msg = if (mode == 'getter')
'Getting .Random.seed'
'Setting .Random.seed'
message(msg, '; called from ', strtrim(deparse(, 50))
if (mode == 'setter') {
assign('random_seed', new_value, seed_scope)
makeActiveBinding('.Random.seed', debug_seed, globalenv())
undebug_random_seed = function () {
if (! (exists('.Random.seed', globalenv()) &&
bindingIsActive('.Random.seed', globalenv()))) {
warning('.Random.seed is not being debugged')
seed = suppressMessages(.Random.seed)
rm('.Random.seed', envir = globalenv())
assign('.Random.seed', seed, globalenv())
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