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Created November 18, 2021 20:38
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Big SPARQL query that makes kittens cry
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX pr: <>
PREFIX metago: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX providedBy: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of_or_within: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of_or_within_negative_effect: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of_or_within_positive_effect: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of_negative_effect: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of_positive_effect: <>
PREFIX regulates: <>
PREFIX negatively_regulates: <>
PREFIX positively_regulates: <>
PREFIX directly_regulates: <>
PREFIX directly_positively_regulates: <>
PREFIX directly_negatively_regulates: <>
PREFIX directly_activates: <>
PREFIX indirectly_activates: <>
PREFIX directly_inhibits: <>
PREFIX indirectly_inhibits: <>
PREFIX transitively_provides_input_for: <>
PREFIX immediately_causally_upstream_of: <>
PREFIX directly_provides_input_for: <>
PREFIX enabled_by: <>
SELECT distinct ?gocam ?title
VALUES ?causal { causally_upstream_of_or_within: causally_upstream_of_or_within_negative_effect: causally_upstream_of_or_within_positive_effect: causally_upstream_of: causally_upstream_of_negative_effect: causally_upstream_of_positive_effect: regulates: negatively_regulates: positively_regulates: directly_regulates: directly_positively_regulates: directly_negatively_regulates: directly_activates: indirectly_activates: directly_inhibits: indirectly_inhibits: transitively_provides_input_for: immediately_causally_upstream_of: directly_provides_input_for: }
VALUES ?causal2 { causally_upstream_of_or_within: causally_upstream_of_or_within_negative_effect: causally_upstream_of_or_within_positive_effect: causally_upstream_of: causally_upstream_of_negative_effect: causally_upstream_of_positive_effect: regulates: negatively_regulates: positively_regulates: directly_regulates: directly_positively_regulates: directly_negatively_regulates: directly_activates: indirectly_activates: directly_inhibits: indirectly_inhibits: transitively_provides_input_for: immediately_causally_upstream_of: directly_provides_input_for: }
GRAPH ?gocam { ?gocam metago:graphType metago:noctuaCam . ?s enabled_by: ?gpnode . ?gpnode rdf:type ?identifier . ?gocam dc:title ?title . ?ind1 ?causal ?ind2 . ?ind2 ?causal2 ?ind3 . ?ind1 enabled_by: ?gpnode1 . ?ind2 enabled_by: ?gpnode2 . ?ind3 enabled_by: ?gpnode3 . ?gpnode1 rdf:type ?gp1 . ?gpnode2 rdf:type ?gp2 . ?gpnode3 rdf:type ?gp3 .
FILTER(?gp1 = <> || ?gp2 = <> || ?gp3 = <>) } ?ind1 rdf:type MF: . ?ind2 rdf:type MF: . ?ind3 rdf:type MF: }
ORDER BY ?gocam
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