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Created May 28, 2021 18:00
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--- # OWASP ZAP automation configuration file, for more details see
env: # The environment, mandatory
contexts: # List of 1 or more contexts, mandatory
- name: context 1 # Name to be used to refer to this context in other jobs, mandatory
url: # The top level url, mandatory, everything under this will be included
includePaths: # TBA: An optional list of regexes to include
excludePaths: # TBA: An optional list of regexes to exclude
authentication: # TBA: In time to cover all auth configs
failOnError: true # If set exit on an error
failOnWarning: true # If set exit on a warning
progressToStdout: true # If set will write job progress to stdout
- type: addOns # Add-on management
updateAddOns: true # Update any add-ons that have new versions
install: # A list of non standard add-ons to install from the ZAP Marketplace
uninstall: # A list of standard add-ons to uninstall
- type: passiveScan-config # Passive scan configuration
maxAlertsPerRule: 10 # Int: Maximum number of alerts to raise per rule
scanOnlyInScope: true # Bool: Only scan URLs in scope (recommended)
maxBodySizeInBytesToScan: # Int: Maximum body size to scan, default: 0 - will scan all messages
rules: # A list of one or more passive scan rules and associated settings which override the defaults
- type: spider # The traditional spider - fast but doesnt handle modern apps so well
context: # String: Name of the context to spider, default: first context
url: # String: Url to start spidering from, default: first context URL
failIfFoundUrlsLessThan: # Int: Fail if spider finds less than the specified number of URLs, default: 0
warnIfFoundUrlsLessThan: # Int: Warn if spider finds less than the specified number of URLs, default: 0
maxDuration: # Int: The max time in minutes the spider will be allowed to run for, default: 0 unlimited
maxDepth: # Int: The maximum tree depth to explore, default 5
maxChildren: # Int: The maximum number of children to add to each node in the tree
acceptCookies: # Bool: Whether the spider will accept cookies, default: true
handleODataParametersVisited: # Bool: Whether the spider will handle OData responses, default: false
handleParameters: # Enum [ignore_completely, ignore_value, use_all]: How query string parameters are used when checking if a URI has already been visited, default: use_all
maxParseSizeBytes: # Int: The max size of a response that will be parsed, default: 2621440 - 2.5 Mb
parseComments: # Bool: Whether the spider will parse HTML comments in order to find URLs, default: true
parseGit: # Bool: Whether the spider will parse Git metadata in order to find URLs, default: false
parseRobotsTxt: # Bool: Whether the spider will parse 'robots.txt' files in order to find URLs, default: true
parseSitemapXml: # Bool: Whether the spider will parse 'sitemap.xml' files in order to find URLs, default: true
parseSVNEntries: # Bool: Whether the spider will parse SVN metadata in order to find URLs, default: false
postForm: # Bool: Whether the spider will submit POST forms, default: true
processForm: # Bool: Whether the spider will process forms, default: true
requestWaitTime: # Int: The time between the requests sent to a server in milliseconds, default: 200
sendRefererHeader: # Bool: Whether the spider will send the referer header, default: true
threadCount: # Int: The number of spider threads, default: 2
userAgent: # String: The user agent to use in requests, default: '' - use the default ZAP one
- type: passiveScan-wait # Passive scan wait for the passive scanner to finish
maxDuration: 5 # Int: The max time to wait for the passive scanner, default: 0 unlimited
- type: activeScan # The active scanner - this actively attacks the target so should only be used with permission
context: # String: Name of the context to attack, default: first context
policy: # String: Name of the scan policy to be used, default: Default Policy
maxRuleDurationInMins: # Int: The max time in minutes any individual rule will be allowed to run for, default: 0 unlimited
maxScanDurationInMins: # Int: The max time in minutes the active scanner will be allowed to run for, default: 0 unlimited
addQueryParam: # Bool: If set will add an extra query parameter to requests that do not have one, default: false
defaultPolicy: # String: The name of the default scan policy to use, default: Default Policy
delayInMs: # Int: The delay in milliseconds between each request, use to reduce the strain on the target, default 0
handleAntiCSRFTokens: # Bool: If set then automatically handle anti CSRF tokens, default: false
injectPluginIdInHeader: # Bool: If set then the relevant rule Id will be injected into the X-ZAP-Scan-ID header of each request, default: false
scanHeadersAllRequests: # Bool: If set then the headers of requests that do not include any parameters will be scanned, default: false
threadPerHost: # Int: The max number of threads per host, default: 2
policyDefinition: # The policy definition - only used if the 'policy' is not set
defaultStrength: Medium # String: The default Attack Strength for all rules, one of Low, Medium, High, Insane (not recommended), default: Medium
defaultThreshold: Medium # String: The default Alert Threshold for all rules, one of Off, Low, Medium, High, default: Medium
rules: # A list of one or more active scan rules and associated settings which override the defaults
- id: 40012
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