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Last active January 10, 2021 18:01
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import data.sym2
import data.fintype.basic
import algebra.big_operators
import tactic
open_locale big_operators
universes u v
structure link (V : Type u) (E : Type v) :=
(fst : V) (via : E) (snd : V)
namespace link
variables {V : Type u} {E : Type v}
@[simps] def rev (x : link V E) : link V E := ⟨x.snd, x.via, x.fst⟩
/-- Are the two links for the same edge? -/
def same_edge (x y : link V E) : Prop := x = y ∨ x = y.rev
def is_loop (x : link V E) : Prop := x.fst = x.snd
instance [decidable_eq V] (x : link V E) : decidable x.is_loop :=
by { unfold is_loop, apply_instance }
end link
Chou, C.-T.
Melham, T. F. & Camilleri, J. (Eds.)
A formal theory of undirected graphs in higher-order logic
Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and Its Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994, 144-157
Finiteness: can say [fintype V], [fintype E], and [∀ v, fintype (G.darts_at v)]
structure multigraph₁ (V : Type u) (E : Type v) :=
(links : set (link V E))
(link_rev : link.rev '' links ⊆ links)
(has_edges : link.via '' links = set.univ)
(efficient : ∀ {x y : link V E}, x ∈ links → y ∈ links → x.via = y.via → link.same_edge x y)
namespace multigraph₁
variables {V : Type u} {E : Type v}
/-- The set of links that start at a given vertex. -/
def links_at (G : multigraph₁ V E) (v : V) : set (link V E) := {x | x ∈ G.links ∧ x.fst = v}
/-- The set of vertices neighboring a vertex. -/
def neighbor_set (G : multigraph₁ V E) (v : V) : set V := link.snd '' G.links_at v
/-- The set of incident edges at a vertex. -/
def incidence_set (G : multigraph₁ V E) (v : V) : set E := link.via '' G.links_at v
lemma has_edges' (G : multigraph₁ V E) (e : E) : ∃ (x : link V E), x ∈ G.links ∧ x.via = e :=
have h : e ∈ set.univ := set.mem_univ _,
rw ←G.has_edges at h,
exact h,
/-- The halves of each edge. Loop edges have two halves, hence `side`. -/
structure darts_at [decidable_eq V] (G : multigraph₁ V E) (v : V) :=
(x : link V E)
(hx : x ∈ G.links_at v)
(side : if x.is_loop then bool else unit)
def degree [decidable_eq V] (G : multigraph₁ V E) (v : V) [fintype (G.darts_at v)] : ℕ :=
fintype.card (G.darts_at v)
instance [decidable_eq E] (G : multigraph₁ V E) (v : V) :
decidable_eq (G.incidence_set v) :=
by { rintros ⟨e₁, he₁⟩ ⟨e₂, he₂⟩, apply_instance, }
instance [decidable_eq V] [decidable_eq E] (G : multigraph₁ V E) (v : V) [fintype (G.darts_at v)] :
fintype (G.incidence_set v) :=
let f : G.darts_at v → G.incidence_set v := λ d, ⟨d.x.via, d.x, d.hx, rfl⟩,
have h : function.surjective f,
{ rintro ⟨e, x, hx, rfl⟩,
let d : G.darts_at v,
{ use [x, hx],
{ exact tt, },
{ exact (), }, },
use d, },
exact fintype.of_surjective f h,
end multigraph₁
/-- Finiteness: can say [fintype V], [fintype E], and [∀ v, fintype (G.darts_at v)]
structure multigraph₂ (V : Type u) (E : Type v) :=
(ends : E → sym2 V)
namespace multigraph₂
variables {V : Type u} {E : Type v}
/-- The set of vertices neighboring a vertex. -/
def neighbor_set (G : multigraph₂ V E) (v : V) : set V := {w : V | ⟦(v, w)⟧ ∈ G.ends '' set.univ}
/-- The set of incident edges at a vertex. -/
def incidence_set (G : multigraph₂ V E) (v : V) : set E := {e : E | v ∈ G.ends e}
def is_loop (G : multigraph₂ V E) (e : E) : Prop := (G.ends e).is_diag
/-- The halves of each edge. Loop edges have two halves, hence `side`.
(A different version of `multigraph₁.darts_at`.) -/
@[derive decidable_eq]
inductive darts_at (G : multigraph₂ V E) (v : V)
| standard (e : E) (hi : e ∈ G.incidence_set v) (hs : ¬G.is_loop e) : darts_at
| loop (e : E) (hi : e ∈ G.incidence_set v) (hl : G.is_loop e) (side : bool) : darts_at
def degree (G : multigraph₂ V E) (v : V) [fintype (G.darts_at v)] : ℕ := fintype.card (G.darts_at v)
instance [decidable_eq V] (G : multigraph₂ V E) (v : V) (e : E) : decidable (e ∈ G.incidence_set v) :=
by { dunfold incidence_set, apply_instance }
instance [decidable_eq V] (G : multigraph₂ V E) (e : E) : decidable (G.is_loop e) :=
by { dunfold is_loop, apply_instance }
instance [decidable_eq V] [decidable_eq E] (G : multigraph₂ V E)
[fintype E] (v : V) : fintype (G.darts_at v) :=
let es := (finset.univ : finset E).filter (λ e, v ∈ G.ends e),
let f : E → finset (G.darts_at v),
{ intro e,
by_cases hi : e ∈ G.incidence_set v,
by_cases hl : G.is_loop e,
exact {darts_at.loop e hi hl ff, darts_at.loop e hi hl tt},
exact {darts_at.standard e hi hl},
exact ∅, },
use finset.univ.bind f,
rintro (⟨e, hi, hl⟩|⟨e, hi, hl, side⟩);
rw finset.mem_bind;
use e;
simp only [finset.mem_univ, true_and];
simp [f, hi, hl],
cases side; simp,
end multigraph₂
/-- A multigraph is a collection of "darts" (oriented edges) along with a
fixed-point free involution on darts, a surjective map to edges, and a map to vertices.
The map `via : dart → E` is the quotient map by the involution.
Finiteness: [fintype V], [fintype E], and [∀ v, fintype (G.darts_at v)]
structure multigraph₃ (V : Type u) (E : Type v) :=
(dart : Type v)
(rev : dart → dart)
(rev_invol : function.involutive rev)
(rev_ne : ∀ (d : dart), rev d ≠ d)
(via : dart → E)
(via_rev : ∀ (d : dart), via (rev d) = via d)
(fst : dart → V)
(has_edges: function.surjective via)
(is_quo: ∀ {d d' : dart}, via d = via d' → d = d' ∨ d = rev d')
namespace multigraph₃
variables {V : Type u} {E : Type v}
/-- The vertex opposite the dart. -/
def snd (G : multigraph₃ V E) (d : G.dart) : V := G.fst (G.rev d)
@[simp] lemma rev_rev (G : multigraph₃ V E) (d : G.dart) : G.rev (G.rev d) = d :=
G.rev_invol d
def darts_at (G : multigraph₃ V E) (v : V) : set G.dart := {d | G.fst d = v}
/-- The set of vertices neighboring a vertex. -/
def neighbor_set (G : multigraph₃ V E) (v : V) : set V := G.snd '' G.darts_at v
/-- The set of incident edges at a vertex. -/
def incidence_set (G : multigraph₃ V E) (v : V) : set E := G.via '' G.darts_at v
def is_loop (G : multigraph₃ V E) (e : E) : Prop :=
∃ (d : G.dart), G.via d = e ∧ G.fst d = G.snd d
def degree (G : multigraph₃ V E) (v : V) [fintype (G.darts_at v)] : ℕ := fintype.card (G.darts_at v)
/-- A function with this class has an associated computation for the preimages. -/
class finite_preimages {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (f : α → β) :=
(preimage : β → finset α)
(is_preimage : ∀ (b : β) (a : α), f a = b ↔ a ∈ preimage b)
instance (G : multigraph₃ V E) : finite_preimages G.via :=
{ exact λ e, let d := classical.some (G.has_edges e) in {d, G.rev d}, },
{ intros e d,
have hd := classical.some_spec (G.has_edges e),
{ rintro rfl,
cases G.is_quo hd with h h; simp [h], },
{ simp, rintro (rfl|rfl),
exact hd,
rw G.via_rev,
exact hd, }, },
instance (G : multigraph₃ V E) [fintype E] : fintype G.dart :=
haveI : finite_preimages G.via := infer_instance,
use finset.univ.bind (finite_preimages.preimage G.via),
intro d,
rw finset.mem_bind,
use G.via d,
simp only [finset.mem_univ, true_and],
rw ←finite_preimages.is_preimage,
instance finite_darts_at_from_edges (G : multigraph₃ V E)
[fintype E] (v : V) : fintype (G.darts_at v) :=
by { dunfold darts_at, apply_instance }
instance finite_darts_at_from_darts [decidable_eq V] (G : multigraph₃ V E)
[fintype G.dart] (v : V) : fintype (G.darts_at v) :=
by { dunfold darts_at, apply_instance }
end multigraph₃
Like multigraph₃, but make darts more important than edges.
A multigraph is a collection of darts (half edges) with maps to V, and the darts are
put together into edges via an involution.
Downside: definition of multigraph with labeled edges needs to be something like
having a labeling function `f : D → L` such that `f (G.rev d) = f d`.
finiteness: with [fintype V], [fintype D], and [∀ v, fintype (G.darts_at v)]
structure multigraph₄ (V : Type u) (D : Type v) :=
(rev : D → D)
(rev_invol : function.involutive rev)
(rev_ne : ∀ (d : D), rev d ≠ d)
(fst : D → V)
namespace multigraph₄
variables {V : Type u} {D : Type v}
def snd (G : multigraph₄ V D) (d : D) : V := G.fst (G.rev d)
@[simp] lemma rev_rev (G : multigraph₄ V D) (d : D) : G.rev (G.rev d) = d :=
G.rev_invol d
def same_edge (G : multigraph₄ V D) (d d' : D) : Prop := d = d' ∨ d = G.rev d'
def edge_setoid (G : multigraph₄ V D) : setoid D :=
{ r := G.same_edge,
iseqv := begin
{ intro x, exact or.inl rfl, },
{ rintros x y (rfl|rfl); simp [same_edge], },
{ rintros x y z (rfl|rfl) (rfl|rfl); simp [same_edge], },
end }
def edge (G : multigraph₄ V D) : Type v := quotient G.edge_setoid
def via (G : multigraph₄ V D) (d : D) : G.edge := _ G.edge_setoid d
def darts_at (G : multigraph₄ V D) (v : V) : set D := {d | G.fst d = v}
/-- The set of vertices neighboring a vertex. -/
def neighbor_set (G : multigraph₄ V D) (v : V) : set V := G.snd '' G.darts_at v
/-- The set of incident edges at a vertex. -/
def incidence_set (G : multigraph₄ V D) (v : V) : set G.edge := G.via '' G.darts_at v
def dart_of_loop (G : multigraph₄ V D) (d : D) : Prop := G.fst d = G.snd d
def is_loop (G : multigraph₄ V D) (e : G.edge) : Prop := ∃ (d : D), G.via d = e ∧ G.dart_of_loop d
def degree (G : multigraph₄ V D) (v : V) [fintype (G.darts_at v)] : ℕ := fintype.card (G.darts_at v)
end multigraph₄
Similar to what is in hedetniemi. It is in some sense dual to multigraph₄.
finiteness: [fintype V] and [∀ v w, fintype (edges v w)], but having finitely many edges is more awkward,
as is local finiteness
it's less clear how to have labeled edges.
Note: rev could be asserting equalities, but then would need to figure out to do loop edges
(which are essentially handled with rev_ne)
structure multigraph₅ (V : Type u) :=
(edges : V → V → Type v)
(rev : Π {v w : V}, edges v w ≃ edges w v)
(rev_rev : ∀ {v w : V} (e : edges v w), rev (rev e) = e)
(rev_ne : ∀ {v : V} (e : edges v v), rev e ≠ e)
namespace multigraph₅
variables {V : Type u}
/-- The set of vertices neighboring a vertex. -/
def neighbor_set (G : multigraph₅ V) (v : V) : set V := {w | nonempty (G.edges v w)}
/-- A dart is a vertex along with an incident edge. -/
def darts_at (G : multigraph₅ V) (v : V) : Type (max u v) := Σ (w : V), G.edges v w
structure link (G : multigraph₅ V) :=
(fst snd : V)
(via : G.edges fst snd)
namespace link
variables {G : multigraph₅ V}
def rev (x : : :=
{ fst := x.snd,
snd := x.fst,
via := G.rev x.via }
@[simp] lemma rev_rev (x : : x.rev.rev = x :=
by { cases x with fst snd via, simp [rev, G.rev_rev] }
def rev_setoid : setoid :=
{ r := λ x y, x = y ∨ x = y.rev,
iseqv := begin
{ intro x, simp, },
{ rintros x y (rfl|rfl); simp, },
{ rintros x y z (rfl|rfl) (rfl|rfl); simp, },
end }
end link
/-- The set of all edges, which are links modulo `rev`. -/
def E (G : multigraph₅ V) : Type (max u v) := @quotient link.rev_setoid
/-- The edge in `E` associated to an edge in one of the edge sets. -/
def via (G : multigraph₅ V) {v w : V} (e : G.edges v w) : G.E := link.rev_setoid ( v w e)
/-- The set of incident edges at a vertex. -/
def incidence_set (G : multigraph₅ V) (v : V) : set G.E :=
{e' : G.E | ∃ (w : V) (e : G.edges v w), G.via e = e'}
/-- degree seems to need finiteness of `V` -- though there are probably clever ways of
indicating local finiteness -/
def degree (G : multigraph₅ V) (v : V) [fintype V] [∀ w, fintype (G.edges v w)] : ℕ :=
∑ (w : V), fintype.card (G.edges v w)
end multigraph₅
@[derive decidable_eq]
inductive inc_type
| none
| standard
| loop
def inc_type.val : inc_type → ℕ
| inc_type.none := 0
| inc_type.standard := 1
| inc_type.loop := 2
Suggestion by Peter Nelson. I needed a `finset` to formalize it (so that the `sum` property could
be a sum), but the `sum` property can surely be rewritten without `ends` and `ends_prop`.
(`ends` is determined by `sum` and `inc`).
Finiteness: [fintype V], [fintype E], [∀ v, fintype (G.incidence_set v)]
structure multigraph₆ (V : Type u) (E : Type v) :=
(inc : V → E → inc_type)
(ends : E → finset V)
(ends_prop : ∀ v e, inc v e ≠ inc_type.none ↔ v ∈ ends e)
(sum : ∀ e, (∑ v in ends e, (inc v e).val) = 2)
-- or:
--(sum : ∀ e, (ends e).sum (λ v, (inc v e).val) = 2)
namespace multigraph₆
variables {V : Type u} {E : Type v}
def is_incident (G : multigraph₆ V E) (v : V) (e : E) : Prop := v e ≠ inc_type.none
/-- The set of incident edges at a vertex. -/
def incidence_set (G : multigraph₆ V E) (v : V) : set E := {e | G.is_incident v e}
/-- Check that `w` is opposite `v` through `e`. -/
def is_opp (G : multigraph₆ V E) (v : V) (e : E) (w : V) : Prop :=
match v e with
| inc_type.none := false
| inc_type.loop := v = w
| inc_type.standard := v e = inc_type.standard ∧ v ≠ w
/-- The set of vertices neighboring a vertex. -/
def neighbor_set (G : multigraph₆ V E) (v : V) : set V :=
{w | ∃ e, G.is_opp v e w }
def is_loop (G : multigraph₆ V E) (e : E) : Prop :=
∃ v, v e = inc_type.loop
def degree (G : multigraph₆ V E) (v : V) [fintype (G.incidence_set v)] :=
∑ e in (G.incidence_set v).to_finset, ( v e).val
-- or:
--(G.incidence_set v).to_finset.sum (λ e, ( v e).val)
end multigraph₆
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