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the polynomial ring is the universal pointed ring
import algebra
import tactic
# Polynomials as the universal pointed ring
A "pointed commutative ring" is a ring with an additional element,
which we call `point`. Homomorphisms of pointed commutative rings are
ring homomorphisms that implement the class `pointed_hom`.
There is an adjunction between commutative rings and pointed
commutative rings. Left adjoint to the forgetful functor is the
functor `poly` that adjoins an additional element, called the
"variable". The pointed commutative ring `poly R` is the polynomial
ring R[x]. The map `to_poly R : R → poly R` is the natural inclusion.
Given a homomorphism `f` from a commutative ring R to a pointed
commutative ring R', ` f` gives the induced homomorphism
`poly R → R'`. This satisfies some universal properties
`to_poly.univ` and `to_poly.univ_uniq`, showing `poly R` is initial.
universes u v
inductive pre_poly (R : Type u) : Type u
| incl (x : R) : pre_poly
| var : pre_poly
| add (a b : pre_poly) : pre_poly
| mul (a b : pre_poly) : pre_poly
open pre_poly
inductive pre_poly_rel' (R : Type u) [ring R] : pre_poly R → pre_poly R → Type u
| refl {a : pre_poly R} : pre_poly_rel' a a
| symm {a b : pre_poly R} (hab : pre_poly_rel' a b) : pre_poly_rel' b a
| trans {a b c : pre_poly R}
(hab : pre_poly_rel' a b) (hbc : pre_poly_rel' b c) : pre_poly_rel' a c
| congr_add {a b a' b' : pre_poly R}
(ha : pre_poly_rel' a a') (hb : pre_poly_rel' b b') :
pre_poly_rel' (add a b) (add a' b')
| congr_mul {a b a' b' : pre_poly R}
(ha : pre_poly_rel' a a') (hb : pre_poly_rel' b b') :
pre_poly_rel' (mul a b) (mul a' b')
| add_assoc' (a b c : pre_poly R) : pre_poly_rel' (add (add a b) c) (add a (add b c))
| mul_assoc' (a b c : pre_poly R) : pre_poly_rel' (mul (mul a b) c) (mul a (mul b c))
| add_incl (x y : R) :
pre_poly_rel' (add (incl x) (incl y)) (incl (x + y))
| mul_incl (x y : R) :
pre_poly_rel' (mul (incl x) (incl y)) (incl (x * y))
| zero_add (a : pre_poly R) : pre_poly_rel' (add (incl 0) a) a
| add_zero (a : pre_poly R) : pre_poly_rel' (add a (incl 0)) a
| one_mul (a : pre_poly R) : pre_poly_rel' (mul (incl 1) a) a
| mul_one (a : pre_poly R) : pre_poly_rel' (mul a (incl 1)) a
| add_comm (a b : pre_poly R) : pre_poly_rel' (add a b) (add b a)
| mul_comm (a b : pre_poly R) : pre_poly_rel' (mul a b) (mul b a)
| left_distrib (a b c : pre_poly R) : pre_poly_rel' (mul a (add b c)) (add (mul a b) (mul a c))
| right_distrib (a b c : pre_poly R) : pre_poly_rel' (mul (add a b) c) (add (mul a c) (mul b c))
| add_left_neg (a : pre_poly R) : pre_poly_rel' (add (mul (incl (-1)) a) a) (incl 0)
inductive pre_poly_rel (R : Type u) [ring R] : pre_poly R → pre_poly R → Prop
| rel {a b : pre_poly R} (r : pre_poly_rel' R a b) : pre_poly_rel a b
A quick way to convert a `pre_poly_rel'` to a `pre_poly_rel`.
lemma pre_poly_rel'.rel {R : Type u} [ring R] {a b : pre_poly R} :
pre_poly_rel' R a b → pre_poly_rel R a b :=
lemma pre_poly_rel.refl {R : Type u} [ring R] {a : pre_poly R} :
pre_poly_rel R a a :=
pre_poly_rel.rel pre_poly_rel'.refl
lemma pre_poly_rel.symm {R : Type u} [ring R] {a b : pre_poly R} :
pre_poly_rel R a b → pre_poly_rel R b a
| ⟨r⟩ := r.symm.rel
lemma pre_poly_rel.trans {R : Type u} [ring R] {a b c : pre_poly R} :
pre_poly_rel R a b → pre_poly_rel R b c → pre_poly_rel R a c
| ⟨rab⟩ ⟨rbc⟩ := (rab.trans rbc).rel
instance pre_poly.setoid (R : Type u) [ring R] : setoid (pre_poly R) :=
{ r := pre_poly_rel R,
iseqv := begin
split, apply pre_poly_rel.refl,
split, apply pre_poly_rel.symm,
apply pre_poly_rel.trans
end }
The universal pointed ring that envelops a given ring (i.e., it's the polynomial ring with one variable).
def poly (R : Type u) [ring R] := quotient (pre_poly.setoid R)
class pointed_comm_ring (R : Type u) extends comm_ring R :=
(point : R)
open pointed_comm_ring
class pointed_hom {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [pointed_comm_ring α] [pointed_comm_ring β] (f : α →+* β) : Prop :=
(map_point : f point = point)
instance poly.pointed_comm_ring (R : Type u) [ring R] : pointed_comm_ring (poly R) :=
{ add := λ a b, quotient.lift_on₂ a b
(λ a b, ⟦add a b⟧)
(λ a b a' b' ⟨ha⟩ ⟨hb⟩,
quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.congr_add ha hb).rel),
mul := λ a b, quotient.lift_on₂ a b
(λ a b, ⟦mul a b⟧)
(λ a b a' b' ⟨ha⟩ ⟨hb⟩,
quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.congr_mul ha hb).rel),
neg := λ a, quotient.lift_on a
(λ a, ⟦mul (incl (-1)) a⟧)
(λ a a' ⟨ha⟩, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.congr_mul pre_poly_rel'.refl ha).rel),
zero := ⟦incl 0⟧,
one := ⟦incl 1⟧,
point := ⟦var⟧,
add_assoc := λ a b c,
quotient.induction_on₃ a b c (λ a b c, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.add_assoc' a b c).rel),
mul_assoc := λ a b c,
quotient.induction_on₃ a b c (λ a b c, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.mul_assoc' a b c).rel),
zero_add := λ a,
quotient.induction_on a (λ a, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.zero_add a).rel),
add_zero := λ a,
quotient.induction_on a (λ a, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.add_zero a).rel),
one_mul := λ a,
quotient.induction_on a (λ a, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.one_mul a).rel),
mul_one := λ a,
quotient.induction_on a (λ a, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.mul_one a).rel),
mul_comm := λ a b,
quotient.induction_on₂ a b (λ a b, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.mul_comm a b).rel),
add_comm := λ a b,
quotient.induction_on₂ a b (λ a b, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.add_comm a b).rel),
left_distrib := λ a b c,
quotient.induction_on₃ a b c (λ a b c, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.left_distrib a b c).rel),
right_distrib := λ a b c,
quotient.induction_on₃ a b c (λ a b c, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.right_distrib a b c).rel),
add_left_neg := λ a,
quotient.induction_on a (λ a, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.add_left_neg a).rel) }
The canonical inclusion map from a ring into its polynomial ring
def to_poly (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] : R →+* poly R :=
{ to_fun := λ x, ⟦incl x⟧,
map_zero' := rfl,
map_one' := rfl,
map_add' := λ x y, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.add_incl x y).symm.rel,
map_mul' := λ x y, quotient.sound (pre_poly_rel'.mul_incl x y).symm.rel }
def to_poly.map_aux {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] {R' : Type v} [pointed_comm_ring R']
(f : R →+* R') : pre_poly R → R'
| (incl x) := f x
| var := pointed_comm_ring.point
| (add a b) := to_poly.map_aux a + to_poly.map_aux b
| (mul a b) := to_poly.map_aux a * to_poly.map_aux b
namespace to_poly.map_aux
open pre_poly_rel'
Show that `to_poly.map_aux` sends equivalent expressions to equal terms.
lemma well_def {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] {R' : Type v} [pointed_comm_ring R'] (f : R →+* R') :
Π {a b : pre_poly R}, pre_poly_rel' R a b → to_poly.map_aux f a = to_poly.map_aux f b
| a b refl := rfl
| a b (symm h) := (well_def h).symm
| a b (trans hac hcb) := eq.trans (well_def hac) (well_def hcb)
| _ _ (congr_add ha hb) := by { simp [to_poly.map_aux, well_def ha, well_def hb] }
| _ _ (congr_mul ha hb) := by { simp [to_poly.map_aux, well_def ha, well_def hb] }
| _ _ (add_assoc' a b c) := by { simp [to_poly.map_aux, add_assoc], }
| _ _ (mul_assoc' a b c) := by { simp [to_poly.map_aux, mul_assoc], }
| _ _ (add_incl x y) := by { simp [to_poly.map_aux], }
| _ _ (mul_incl x y) := by { simp [to_poly.map_aux], }
| _ _ (zero_add a) := by { simp [to_poly.map_aux] }
| _ _ (add_zero a) := by { simp [to_poly.map_aux] }
| _ _ (one_mul a) := by { simp [to_poly.map_aux] }
| _ _ (mul_one a) := by { simp [to_poly.map_aux] }
| _ _ (add_comm a b) := by { dsimp [to_poly.map_aux], ring }
| _ _ (mul_comm a b) := by { dsimp [to_poly.map_aux], ring }
| _ _ (left_distrib a b c) := by { dsimp [to_poly.map_aux], ring }
| _ _ (right_distrib a b c) := by { dsimp [to_poly.map_aux], ring }
| _ _ (add_left_neg a) := by { simp [to_poly.map_aux] }
end to_poly.map_aux
Given a map from a commutative ring to a pointed commutative ring, lift it to being a map from the polynomial ring
def {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] {R' : Type v} [pointed_comm_ring R']
(f : R →+* R') : poly R →+* R' :=
{ to_fun := λ x, quotient.lift_on x (to_poly.map_aux f)
(λ a b ⟨hab⟩, to_poly.map_aux.well_def f hab),
map_zero' := begin
change quotient.lift_on ⟦incl 0⟧ (to_poly.map_aux f) _ = 0,
simp [to_poly.map_aux],
map_one' := begin
change quotient.lift_on ⟦incl 1⟧ (to_poly.map_aux f) _ = 1,
simp [to_poly.map_aux],
map_add' := λ x y, quotient.induction_on₂ x y (λ x y, begin
change quotient.lift_on ⟦add x y⟧ (to_poly.map_aux f) _ = _,
simp [to_poly.map_aux],
map_mul' := λ x y, quotient.induction_on₂ x y (λ x y, begin
change quotient.lift_on ⟦mul x y⟧ (to_poly.map_aux f) _ = _,
simp [to_poly.map_aux],
end) }
instance {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] {R' : Type v} [pointed_comm_ring R'] (f : R →+* R') :
pointed_hom ( f) :=
{ map_point := rfl }
Given a homomorphism from a commutative ring to a pointed ring, it factors through the polynomial ring.
lemma to_poly.univ (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] (R' : Type v) [pointed_comm_ring R']
(f : R →+* R') :
( f).comp (to_poly R) = f :=
by { ext, refl }
The homomorphism ` f` is the unique map that fits into the commutative
triangle in `to_poly.univ`.
lemma to_poly.univ_uniq (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] (R' : Type v) [pointed_comm_ring R']
(f : R →+* R')
(g : poly R →+* R') [pointed_hom g] (h : f = g.comp (to_poly R)) :
g = f :=
subst f, ext, refine quotient.ind (λ x, _) x,
induction x,
convert pointed_hom.map_point, apply_instance,
have hm : ⟦x_a.add x_b⟧ = @has_add.add (poly R) _ ⟦x_a⟧ ⟦x_b⟧ := rfl,
rw hm, simp [, x_ih_a, x_ih_b],
have hm : ⟦x_a.mul x_b⟧ = @has_mul.mul (poly R) _ ⟦x_a⟧ ⟦x_b⟧ := rfl,
rw hm, simp [, x_ih_a, x_ih_b],
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