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import algebra
# Universal enveloping group of a monoid
`envel_gp M` is the universal group that factors homomorphisms from a
given monoid to a group.
For a monoid action on a type `α`, `envel_action M α` is the universal
action that factors homomorphisms of a given monoid action to a group
`quoA M α` is the quotient of `α` by the monoid action `M` using `quot`.
`quoB M α` is the quotient of `envel_action M α` by the group `envel_gp M`.
`quoA_equiv_quoB` is the equivalence between these two.
(Reference for the enveloping group: Bergman, "An invitation to
general algebra and universal constructions.")
universes u v
Formal expressions for group generated by M.
inductive pre_envel_gp (M : Type*)
| incl (x : M) : pre_envel_gp
| mul (a b : pre_envel_gp) : pre_envel_gp
| inv (a : pre_envel_gp) : pre_envel_gp
open pre_envel_gp
Relations on `pre_envel_gp M` for group with relations drawn from the monoid M.
inductive pre_envel_gp_rel' (M : Type u) [monoid M] : pre_envel_gp M → pre_envel_gp M → Type u
| refl {a : pre_envel_gp M} : pre_envel_gp_rel' a a
| symm {a b : pre_envel_gp M} (h : pre_envel_gp_rel' a b) : pre_envel_gp_rel' b a
| trans {a b c : pre_envel_gp M} (hab : pre_envel_gp_rel' a b) (hbc : pre_envel_gp_rel' b c) : pre_envel_gp_rel' a c
| congr_mul (a b a' b' : pre_envel_gp M) (ha : pre_envel_gp_rel' a a') (hb : pre_envel_gp_rel' b b') : pre_envel_gp_rel' (mul a b) (mul a' b')
| congr_inv (a a' : pre_envel_gp M) (ha : pre_envel_gp_rel' a a') : pre_envel_gp_rel' (inv a) (inv a')
| assoc (a b c : pre_envel_gp M) : pre_envel_gp_rel' (mul (mul a b) c) (mul a (mul b c))
| one_mul (a : pre_envel_gp M) : pre_envel_gp_rel' (mul (incl 1) a) a
| mul_one (a : pre_envel_gp M) : pre_envel_gp_rel' (mul a (incl 1)) a
| mul_left_inv (a : pre_envel_gp M) : pre_envel_gp_rel' (mul (inv a) a) (incl 1)
| mul_incl (x y : M) : pre_envel_gp_rel' (mul (incl x) (incl y)) (incl (x * y))
The above relation as a `Prop`.
inductive pre_envel_gp_rel (M : Type u) [monoid M] : pre_envel_gp M → pre_envel_gp M → Prop
| rel {a b : pre_envel_gp M} (r : pre_envel_gp_rel' M a b) : pre_envel_gp_rel a b
def pre_envel_gp_rel'.rel {M : Type u} [monoid M] {a b : pre_envel_gp M} : pre_envel_gp_rel' M a b → pre_envel_gp_rel M a b :=
lemma pre_envel_gp_rel.refl {M : Type u} [monoid M] {a : pre_envel_gp M} : pre_envel_gp_rel M a a :=
pre_envel_gp_rel.rel pre_envel_gp_rel'.refl
lemma pre_envel_gp_rel.symm {M : Type u} [monoid M] {a b : pre_envel_gp M} : pre_envel_gp_rel M a b → pre_envel_gp_rel M b a
| ⟨r⟩ := r.symm.rel
lemma pre_envel_gp_rel.trans {M : Type u} [monoid M] {a b c : pre_envel_gp M} :
pre_envel_gp_rel M a b → pre_envel_gp_rel M b c → pre_envel_gp_rel M a c
| ⟨rab⟩ ⟨rbc⟩ := (rab.trans rbc).rel
instance pre_envel_gp.setoid (M : Type*) [monoid M] : setoid (pre_envel_gp M) :=
{ r := pre_envel_gp_rel M,
iseqv := begin
split, apply pre_envel_gp_rel.refl,
split, apply pre_envel_gp_rel.symm,
apply pre_envel_gp_rel.trans
end }
The universal enveloping group for the monoid M.
def envel_gp (M : Type*) [monoid M] := quotient (pre_envel_gp.setoid M)
instance (M : Type*) [monoid M] : group (envel_gp M) :=
{ mul := λ a b, quotient.lift_on₂ a b
(λ a b, ⟦pre_envel_gp.mul a b⟧)
(λ a b a' b' ha hb,
begin cases ha, cases hb, apply quotient.sound, apply (pre_envel_gp_rel'.congr_mul a b a' b' ha_r hb_r).rel end),
one := ⟦incl 1⟧,
inv := λ a, quotient.lift_on a
(λ a, ⟦pre_envel_gp.inv a⟧)
(λ a a' ha,
begin cases ha, apply quotient.sound, apply (pre_envel_gp_rel'.congr_inv a a' ha_r).rel end),
mul_assoc := λ a b c, begin
refine quotient.ind (λ a, _) a,
refine quotient.ind (λ b, _) b,
refine quotient.ind (λ c, _) c,
apply quotient.sound, exact (pre_envel_gp_rel'.assoc a b c).rel,
one_mul := λ a, begin
refine quotient.ind (λ a, _) a,
apply quotient.sound, exact (pre_envel_gp_rel'.one_mul a).rel,
mul_one := λ a, begin
refine quotient.ind (λ a, _) a,
apply quotient.sound, exact (pre_envel_gp_rel'.mul_one a).rel,
mul_left_inv := λ a, begin
refine quotient.ind (λ a, _) a,
apply quotient.sound, exact (pre_envel_gp_rel'.mul_left_inv a).rel,
end }
The canonical homomorphism from a monoid to its enveloping group.
Satisfies universal properties defined by `` and `to_envel_gp.univ`.
def to_envel_gp (M : Type*) [monoid M] : M →* envel_gp M :=
{ to_fun := λ x, ⟦incl x⟧,
map_one' := rfl,
map_mul' := begin
intros x y,
apply quotient.sound, exact (pre_envel_gp_rel'.mul_incl x y).symm.rel,
end }
def to_envel_gp.map_aux {M : Type*} [monoid M] {G : Type*} [group G] (f : M →* G) : pre_envel_gp M → G
| (incl x) := f x
| (mul a b) := to_envel_gp.map_aux a * to_envel_gp.map_aux b
| (inv a) := (to_envel_gp.map_aux a)⁻¹
namespace to_envel_gp.map_aux
open pre_envel_gp_rel'
lemma well_def {M : Type*} [monoid M] {G : Type*} [group G] (f : M →* G) :
Π {a b : pre_envel_gp M}, pre_envel_gp_rel' M a b → to_envel_gp.map_aux f a = to_envel_gp.map_aux f b
| a b refl := rfl
| a b (symm h) := (well_def h).symm
| a b (trans hac hcb) := eq.trans (well_def hac) (well_def hcb)
| _ _ (congr_mul a b a' b' ha hb) := by { dsimp [to_envel_gp.map_aux], rw well_def ha, rw well_def hb, }
| _ _ (congr_inv a a' ha) := by { dsimp [to_envel_gp.map_aux], rw well_def ha }
| _ _ (assoc a b c) := by { apply mul_assoc }
| _ _ (one_mul a) := by { dsimp [to_envel_gp.map_aux], simp, }
| _ _ (mul_one a) := by { dsimp [to_envel_gp.map_aux], simp, }
| _ _ (mul_left_inv a) := by { dsimp [to_envel_gp.map_aux], simp, }
| _ _ (mul_incl x y) := by { dsimp [to_envel_gp.map_aux], simp, }
end to_envel_gp.map_aux
Given a map from a monoid to a group, lift it to being a map from the enveloping group.
def {M : Type*} [monoid M] {G : Type*} [group G] (f : M →* G) : envel_gp M →* G :=
{ to_fun := λ x, quotient.lift_on x (to_envel_gp.map_aux f) begin
intros a b hab, cases hab, apply to_envel_gp.map_aux.well_def f hab_r,
map_one' := begin
change quotient.lift_on ⟦incl 1⟧ (to_envel_gp.map_aux f) _ = 1,
simp [to_envel_gp.map_aux],
map_mul' := λ x y, begin
refine quotient.ind (λ x, _) x,
refine quotient.ind (λ y, _) y,
change quotient.lift_on ⟦mul x y⟧ (to_envel_gp.map_aux f) _ = _,
simp [to_envel_gp.map_aux],
end }
Given a homomorphism from a monoid to a group, it factors through the enveloping group.
lemma to_envel_gp.univ (M : Type*) [monoid M] (G : Type*) [group G] (f : M →* G) :
( f).comp (to_envel_gp M) = f :=
by { ext, refl }
The homomorphism ` f` is the unique map that fits into the commutative
triangle in `to_envel_gp.univ`.
lemma to_envel_gp.univ_uniq (M : Type*) [monoid M] (G : Type*) [group G] (f : M →* G)
(g : envel_gp M →* G) (h : f = g.comp (to_envel_gp M)) :
g = f :=
subst f, ext, refine quotient.ind (λ x, _) x,
induction x,
dunfold, simp [to_envel_gp.map_aux, to_envel_gp],
have hm : ⟦x_a.mul x_b⟧ = @has_mul.mul (envel_gp M) _ ⟦x_a⟧ ⟦x_b⟧ := rfl,
rw hm, simp [x_ih_a, x_ih_b],
have hm : ⟦x_a.inv⟧ = @has_inv.inv (envel_gp M) _ ⟦x_a⟧ := rfl,
rw hm, simp [x_ih],
## Monoid actions
Formal expressions for a group generated by a monoid acting a type.
inductive pre_envel_action (M : Type u) [monoid M] (α : Type v) : Type (max u v)
| incl (x : α) : pre_envel_action
| act (a : pre_envel_gp M) (x : pre_envel_action) : pre_envel_action
open pre_envel_action
Relations for a group generated by a monoid acting on a type.
inductive pre_envel_action_rel' (M : Type u) [monoid M] (α : Type v) [mul_action M α] : pre_envel_action M α → pre_envel_action M α → Type (max u v)
| refl {a : pre_envel_action M α} : pre_envel_action_rel' a a
| symm {a b : pre_envel_action M α} (h : pre_envel_action_rel' a b) : pre_envel_action_rel' b a
| trans {a b c : pre_envel_action M α} (hab : pre_envel_action_rel' a b) (hbc : pre_envel_action_rel' b c) : pre_envel_action_rel' a c
| congr_act (a a' : pre_envel_gp M) (ha : pre_envel_gp_rel' M a a') (x x' : pre_envel_action M α) (hx : pre_envel_action_rel' x x') :
pre_envel_action_rel' (act a x) (act a' x')
| assoc (a b : pre_envel_gp M) (x : pre_envel_action M α) :
pre_envel_action_rel' (act (mul a b) x) (act a (act b x))
| apply (m : M) (x : α) : pre_envel_action_rel' (act (incl m) (incl x)) (incl (m • x))
| one_mul (x : pre_envel_action M α) : pre_envel_action_rel' (act (incl 1) x) x
The above relation as a `Prop`.
inductive pre_envel_action_rel (M : Type u) [monoid M] (α : Type v) [mul_action M α] : pre_envel_action M α → pre_envel_action M α → Prop
| rel {a b : pre_envel_action M α} (r : pre_envel_action_rel' M α a b) : pre_envel_action_rel a b
def pre_envel_action_rel'.rel {M : Type u} [monoid M] {α : Type v} [mul_action M α] {a b : pre_envel_action M α} :
pre_envel_action_rel' M α a b → pre_envel_action_rel M α a b :=
lemma pre_envel_action_rel.refl {M : Type u} [monoid M] {α : Type v} [mul_action M α] {a : pre_envel_action M α} : pre_envel_action_rel M α a a :=
pre_envel_action_rel.rel pre_envel_action_rel'.refl
lemma pre_envel_action_rel.symm {M : Type u} [monoid M] {α : Type v} [mul_action M α] {a b : pre_envel_action M α} :
pre_envel_action_rel M α a b → pre_envel_action_rel M α b a
| ⟨r⟩ := r.symm.rel
lemma pre_envel_action_rel.trans {M : Type u} [monoid M] {α : Type v} [mul_action M α] {a b c : pre_envel_action M α} :
pre_envel_action_rel M α a b → pre_envel_action_rel M α b c → pre_envel_action_rel M α a c
| ⟨rab⟩ ⟨rbc⟩ := (rab.trans rbc).rel
instance pre_envel_action.setoid (M : Type u) [monoid M] (α : Type v) [mul_action M α] : setoid (pre_envel_action M α) :=
{ r := pre_envel_action_rel M α,
iseqv := begin
split, apply pre_envel_action_rel.refl,
split, apply pre_envel_action_rel.symm,
apply pre_envel_action_rel.trans,
end }
The universal enveloping group action for the monoid action.
def envel_action (M : Type u) [monoid M] (α : Type v) [mul_action M α] := quotient (pre_envel_action.setoid M α)
Include the acted-upon set into its enveloping group action
def envel_action.incl (M : Type u) [monoid M] (α : Type v) [mul_action M α] :
α → envel_action M α :=
λ x, ⟦pre_envel_action.incl x⟧
instance envel_action.envel_mul_action (M : Type u) [monoid M] {α : Type v} [mul_action M α] : mul_action (envel_gp M) (envel_action M α) :=
{ smul := λ m x, quotient.lift_on₂ m x (λ m x, ⟦pre_envel_action.act m x⟧) (begin
intros m x m' x' hm hx, apply quotient.sound, cases hm, cases hx,
exact (pre_envel_action_rel'.congr_act _ _ hm_r _ _ hx_r).rel,
one_smul := λ b, begin
refine quotient.ind (λ b, _) b,
apply quotient.sound, split, apply pre_envel_action_rel'.one_mul,
mul_smul := λ a b x, begin
refine quotient.ind (λ a, _) a,
refine quotient.ind (λ b, _) b,
refine quotient.ind (λ x, _) x,
apply quotient.sound, split,
apply pre_envel_action_rel'.assoc,
end }
instance envel_action.mul_action (M : Type u) [monoid M] {α : Type v} [mul_action M α] : mul_action M (envel_action M α) :=
{ smul := λ m x, (to_envel_gp M m) • x,
one_smul := by simp,
mul_smul := begin
intros x y b, change (to_envel_gp M (x * y)) • b = _,
rw ←mul_smul, congr, simp,
end }
The maps `to_envel_gp` and `envel_action.incl` intertwine a monoid action.
lemma envel_action_hom (M : Type u) [monoid M] {α : Type v} [mul_action M α] (m : M) (x : α) :
(to_envel_gp M m) • (envel_action.incl M α x) = envel_action.incl M α (m • x) :=
convert_to _ = m • envel_action.incl M α x,
apply quotient.sound, exact (pre_envel_action_rel'.apply m x).rel.symm,
def action_induce_aux
(M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*)
(G : Type*) [group G] (β : Type*) [mul_action G β]
(f : M →* G) (f' : α → β) :
pre_envel_action M α → β
| (incl x) := f' x
| (act a b) := to_envel_gp.map_aux f a • action_induce_aux b
namespace action_induce_aux
open pre_envel_action_rel'
lemma well_def
(M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α]
(G : Type*) [group G] (β : Type*) [mul_action G β]
(f : M →* G) (f' : α → β) (h : ∀ (m : M) (x : α), f' (m • x) = f m • f' x) :
Π {a b : pre_envel_action M α}, pre_envel_action_rel' M α a b → action_induce_aux M α G β f f' a = action_induce_aux M α G β f f' b
| a b refl := rfl
| a b (symm h) := (well_def h).symm
| a b (trans hac hcb) := eq.trans (well_def hac) (well_def hcb)
| _ _ (congr_act a a' ha x x' hx) := by {
dsimp [action_induce_aux],
rw [to_envel_gp.map_aux.well_def f ha, well_def hx], }
| _ _ (assoc a b x) := by { apply mul_smul }
| _ _ (apply m x) := by { dsimp [action_induce_aux, to_envel_gp.map_aux], simp [h] }
| _ _ (one_mul a) := by { dsimp [action_induce_aux, to_envel_gp.map_aux], simp, }
end action_induce_aux
Given a monoid action and a homomorphism to a group action, induce a homomorphism from
`envel_action M α` to the group action.
This is the map for the universal property.
def action_induce
{M : Type*} [monoid M] {α : Type*} [mul_action M α]
{G : Type*} [group G] {β : Type*} [mul_action G β]
(f : M →* G) (f' : α → β) (h : ∀ (m : M) (x : α), f' (m • x) = f m • f' x) :
envel_action M α → β :=
λ m, quotient.lift_on m (action_induce_aux M α G β f f')
(λ a b ⟨hab⟩, action_induce_aux.well_def M α G β f f' h hab)
Check that this indeed intertwines.
lemma action_induce_is_hom
{M : Type*} [monoid M] {α : Type*} [mul_action M α]
{G : Type*} [group G] {β : Type*} [mul_action G β]
(f : M →* G) (f' : α → β) (h : ∀ (m : M) (x : α), f' (m • x) = f m • f' x)
(g : envel_gp M) (x : envel_action M α) :
action_induce f f' h (g • x) = f g • action_induce f f' h x :=
refine quotient.ind (λ g, _) g,
refine quotient.ind (λ x, _) x,
def quoA.rel (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] :=
(λ (x y : α), ∃ (a : M), x = a • y)
The quotient of a set by a monoid action, using `quot`.
def quoA (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α]
:= quot (quoA.rel M α)
def quoB.setoid (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] :=
mul_action.orbit_rel (envel_gp M) (envel_action M α)
The quotient of a set by a monoid action, indirectly as the quotient of the
enveloping group on the corresponding enveloping action.
def quoB (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α]
:= quotient (quoB.setoid M α)
def quoB.rel' (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] :
pre_envel_action M α → pre_envel_action M α → Prop :=
λ a b, ∃ (m : pre_envel_gp M), pre_envel_action_rel M α a (act m b)
lemma quoB.eqv (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] (a b : pre_envel_action M α) :
@setoid.r _ (quoB.setoid M α) ( _ (pre_envel_action.setoid M α) a) ( _ _ b)
↔ quoB.rel' M α a b :=
change _ ∈ _ ↔ _,
dsimp [mul_action.orbit], dsimp [quoB.rel'], split,
rintro ⟨g, hg⟩, dsimp at hg,
refine quotient.ind (λ g hg, _) g hg,
use g, exact (quotient.exact hg).symm,
rintro ⟨g, hg⟩, use ⟦g⟧, apply quotient.sound, exact hg.symm,
section quoB_rel'_equiv
variables {M : Type*} [monoid M] {α : Type*} [mul_action M α]
def quoB.rel'.refl {a : pre_envel_action M α} : quoB.rel' M α a a :=
by { rw ←quoB.eqv, convert setoid.refl _ }
def quoB.rel'.symm {a b : pre_envel_action M α} : quoB.rel' M α a b → quoB.rel' M α b a :=
by { repeat { rw ←quoB.eqv }, intro h, exact @setoid.symm _ (quoB.setoid M α) _ _ h, }
def quoB.rel'.trans {a b c : pre_envel_action M α} : quoB.rel' M α a b → quoB.rel' M α b c → quoB.rel' M α a c :=
by { repeat { rw ←quoB.eqv }, intros h₁ h₂, exact @setoid.trans _ (quoB.setoid M α) _ _ _ h₁ h₂, }
end quoB_rel'_equiv
def quoA_to_quoB (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] : quoA M α → quoB M α :=
λ x, quot.lift_on x (λ x, _ (mul_action.orbit_rel (envel_gp M) (envel_action M α))
(envel_action.incl M α x)) (begin
rintros x x' ⟨m, hm⟩,
apply quotient.sound,
use to_envel_gp M m,
dsimp, simp [hm],
In `quoB`, two elements are related if they are related by multiplication by `envel_gp M`,
so we can strip away the action to get an equivalent term. See `quoB.strip_action_eqv`.
def quoB.strip_action (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] : pre_envel_action M α → α
| (incl x) := x
| (act a x) := quoB.strip_action x
lemma quoB.rel'.strip (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] (a : pre_envel_gp M) (x : pre_envel_action M α) :
quoB.rel' M α (act a x) x :=
use a,
lemma quoB.rel'.strip_act (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] (a : pre_envel_gp M) (x y : pre_envel_action M α) :
quoB.rel' M α (act a x) y ↔ quoB.rel' M α x y :=
split, intro h, exact quoB.rel'.trans (quoB.rel'.strip M α a x).symm h,
intro h, refine quoB.rel'.trans (quoB.rel'.strip M α a x) h,
lemma quoB.strip_action_eqv (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] (a : pre_envel_action M α) :
quoB.rel' M α a (incl (quoB.strip_action M α a)) :=
induction a,
dsimp [quoB.strip_action], refl,
dsimp [quoB.strip_action], rw quoB.rel'.strip_act, exact a_ih,
open pre_envel_action_rel'
lemma quoB.strip_eqv' (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] : Π {a b : pre_envel_action M α},
pre_envel_action_rel' M α a b → eqv_gen (quoA.rel M α) (quoB.strip_action M α a) (quoB.strip_action M α b)
| a b refl := eqv_gen.refl _
| a b (symm h) := by { apply eqv_gen.symm, apply quoB.strip_eqv' h }
| a b (trans h₁ h₂) := eqv_gen.trans _ _ _ (quoB.strip_eqv' h₁) (quoB.strip_eqv' h₂)
| _ _ (congr_act a a' ha x x' hx) := quoB.strip_eqv' hx
| _ _ (assoc a b x) := eqv_gen.refl _
| _ _ (apply m x) := by { dsimp [quoB.strip_action], apply eqv_gen.symm, apply eqv_gen.rel, use m, }
| _ _ (one_mul x) := eqv_gen.refl _
def quoB_to_quoA (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] : quoB M α → quoA M α :=
λ x, quot.lift_on x (λ x', quotient.lift_on x' (λ x'', (quoA.rel M α) (quoB.strip_action M α x'')) (begin
intros a a' ha, cases ha, apply quot.eqv_gen_sound, apply quoB.strip_eqv', exact ha_r,
end)) (begin
intros a a' ha, dsimp, cases ha, subst a, dsimp,
refine quotient.ind (λ a', _) a',
refine quotient.ind (λ ha_w, _) ha_w,
lemma quoA_equiv_quoB (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α] : quoA M α ≃ quoB M α :=
{ to_fun := quoA_to_quoB M α,
inv_fun := quoB_to_quoA M α,
left_inv := begin
intro x, induction x, refl, refl,
right_inv := begin
intro x, refine @quotient.ind _ (quoB.setoid M α) _ (λ x, _) x,
refine quotient.ind (λ x, _) x,
cases x, refl,
apply quotient.sound, change @setoid.r _ (quoB.setoid M α) _ _,
apply (quoB.eqv M α _ _).mpr,
dsimp [quoB.strip_action],
refine quoB.rel'.trans _ (quoB.rel'.strip M α x_a x_x).symm,
exact (quoB.strip_action_eqv M α x_x).symm,
end }
lemma quoB_reduce (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α]
(a : envel_gp M) (x : envel_action M α) : _ (quoB.setoid M α) (a • x) = _ (quoB.setoid M α) x :=
refine quotient.ind (λ a, _) a,
refine quotient.ind (λ x, _) x,
apply quotient.sound,
change @setoid.r _ (quoB.setoid M α) _ _,
apply (quoB.eqv M α _ _).mpr,
apply quoB.rel'.strip,
lemma quoB_reduce_incl (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α]
(a : M) (x : α) : _ (quoB.setoid M α) (envel_action.incl M α (a • x)) = _ (quoB.setoid M α) (envel_action.incl M α x) :=
apply quotient.sound,
change @setoid.r _ (quoB.setoid M α) _ _,
apply (quoB.eqv M α _ _).mpr,
use a, exact (pre_envel_action_rel'.apply a x).symm.rel,
lemma quoA_reduce (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α]
(m : M) (x : α) :
( (quoA.rel M α) (m • x)) = _ x :=
by { apply quot.sound, use m }
A little silly, but shows that the equivalence sends equivalence classes to equivalence classes.
lemma quoA_equiv_quoB.hom (M : Type*) [monoid M] (α : Type*) [mul_action M α]
(m : M) (x : α) :
quoA_equiv_quoB M α ( (quoA.rel M α) (m • x)) = _ (quoB.setoid M α) (to_envel_gp M m • envel_action.incl M α x) :=
simp, change (quoA_equiv_quoB M α).to_fun _ = _,
delta quoA_equiv_quoB, dsimp, refl,
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