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Created June 22, 2023 17:40
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Copyright (c) 2021 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Leonardo de Moura
import Lean.Elab.App
import Lean.Elab.BuiltinNotation
/-! # Auxiliary elaboration functions: AKA custom elaborators -/
Overrides to Lean/Elab/Extra.lean by Kyle Miller
Includes elaborators for left and right actions (for `HPow.hPow`).
namespace Lean.Elab.Term
open Meta
namespace OpV2
The elaborator for `binop%`, `binop_lazy%`, and `unop%` terms.
It works as follows:
1- Expand macros.
2- Convert `Syntax` object corresponding to the `binop%` (`binop_lazy%` and `unop%`) term into a `Tree`.
The `toTree` method visits nested `binop%` (`binop_lazy%` and `unop%`) terms and parentheses.
3- Synthesize pending metavariables without applying default instances and using the
`(mayPostpone := true)`.
4- Tries to compute a maximal type for the tree computed at step 2.
We say a type α is smaller than type β if there is a (nondependent) coercion from α to β.
We are currently ignoring the case we may have cycles in the coercion graph.
If there are "uncomparable" types α and β in the tree, we skip the next step.
We say two types are "uncomparable" if there isn't a coercion between them.
Note that two types may be "uncomparable" because some typing information may still be missing.
5- We traverse the tree and inject coercions to the "maximal" type when needed.
Recall that the coercions are expanded eagerly by the elaborator.
a) Given `n : Nat` and `i : Nat`, it can successfully elaborate `n + i` and `i + n`. Recall that Lean 3
fails on the former.
b) The coercions are inserted in the "leaves" like in Lean 3.
c) There are no coercions "hidden" inside instances, and we can elaborate
axiom Int.add_comm (i j : Int) : i + j = j + i
example (n : Nat) (i : Int) : n + i = i + n := by
rw [Int.add_comm]
Recall that the `rw` tactic used to fail because our old `binop%` elaborator would hide
coercions inside of a `HAdd` instance.
In the new `binop%` and related elaborators the decision whether a coercion will be inserted or not
is made at `binop%` elaboration time. This was not the case in the old elaborator.
For example, an instance, such as `HAdd Int ?m ?n`, could be created when executing
the `binop%` elaborator, and only resolved much later. We try to minimize this problem
by synthesizing pending metavariables at step 3.
For types containing heterogeneous operators (e.g., matrix multiplication), step 4 will fail
and we will skip coercion insertion. For example, `x : Matrix Real 5 4` and `y : Matrix Real 4 8`,
there is no coercion `Matrix Real 5 4` from `Matrix Real 4 8` and vice-versa, but
`x * y` is elaborated successfully and has type `Matrix Real 5 8`.
open Parser
/-- Left action; the right argument can participate in the operator coercion elaborator. -/
syntax (name := leftact) "leftact% " ident ppSpace term:max ppSpace term:max : term
/-- Right action; the left argument can participate in the operator coercion elaborator. -/
syntax (name := rightact) "rightact% " ident ppSpace term:max ppSpace term:max : term
private inductive Tree where
Leaf of the tree.
We store the `infoTrees` generated when elaborating `val`. These trees become
subtrees of the infotree nodes generated for `op` nodes.
| term (ref : Syntax) (infoTrees : PersistentArray InfoTree) (val : Expr)
`ref` is the original syntax that expanded into `binop%`.
| binop (ref : Syntax) (lazy : Bool) (f : Expr) (lhs rhs : Tree)
`ref` is the original syntax that expanded into `unop%`.
| unop (ref : Syntax) (f : Expr) (arg : Tree)
`ref` is the original syntax that expanded into `action%`.
`right` is whether this is a right action (vs a left action); if it is a right (resp. left)
action, then the `rhs` (resp. `lhs`) is not processed.
| action (ref : Syntax) (right : Bool) (f : Expr) (lhs rhs : Tree)
Used for assembling the info tree. We store this information
to make sure "go to definition" behaves similarly to notation defined without using `binop%` helper elaborator.
| macroExpansion (macroName : Name) (stx stx' : Syntax) (nested : Tree)
private partial def toTree (s : Syntax) : TermElabM Tree := do
Remark: ew used to use `expandMacros` here, but this is a bad idiom
because we do not record the macro expansion information in the info tree.
We now manually expand the notation in the `go` function, and save
the macro declaration names in the `op` nodes.
let result ← go s
synthesizeSyntheticMVars (mayPostpone := true)
return result
go (s : Syntax) := do
match s with
| `(binop% $f $lhs $rhs) => processBinOp (lazy := false) s f lhs rhs
| `(binop_lazy% $f $lhs $rhs) => processBinOp (lazy := true) s f lhs rhs
| `(unop% $f $arg) => processUnOp s f arg
| `(leftact% $f $lhs $rhs) => processAction (right := false) s f lhs rhs
| `(rightact% $f $lhs $rhs) => processAction (right := true) s f lhs rhs
| `(($e)) =>
if hasCDot e then
processLeaf s
go e
| _ =>
withRef s do
match (← liftMacroM <| expandMacroImpl? (← getEnv) s) with
| some (macroName, s?) =>
let s' ← liftMacroM <| liftExcept s?
withPushMacroExpansionStack s s' do
return .macroExpansion macroName s s' (← go s')
| none => processLeaf s
processBinOp (ref : Syntax) (f lhs rhs : Syntax) (lazy : Bool) := do
let some f ← resolveId? f | throwUnknownConstant f.getId
return .binop (lazy := lazy) ref f (← go lhs) (← go rhs)
processUnOp (ref : Syntax) (f arg : Syntax) := do
let some f ← resolveId? f | throwUnknownConstant f.getId
return .unop ref f (← go arg)
processAction (ref : Syntax) (f lhs rhs : Syntax) (right : Bool) := do
let some f ← resolveId? f | throwUnknownConstant f.getId
if right then
return .action ref right f (← go lhs) (← processLeaf rhs)
return .action ref right f (← processLeaf lhs) (← go rhs)
processLeaf (s : Syntax) := do
let e ← elabTerm s none
let info ← getResetInfoTrees
return .term s info e
-- Auxiliary function used at `analyze`
private def hasCoe (fromType toType : Expr) : TermElabM Bool := do
if (← getEnv).contains ``CoeT then
withLocalDeclD `x fromType fun x => do
match ← coerceSimple? x toType with
| .some _ => return true
| .none => return false
| .undef => return false -- TODO: should we do something smarter here?
return false
private structure AnalyzeResult where
max? : Option Expr := none
hasUncomparable : Bool := false -- `true` if there are two types `α` and `β` where we don't have coercions in any direction.
private def isUnknow : Expr → Bool
| .mvar .. => true
| .app f _ => isUnknow f
| .letE _ _ _ b _ => isUnknow b
| .mdata _ b => isUnknow b
| _ => false
private def analyze (t : Tree) (expectedType? : Option Expr) : TermElabM AnalyzeResult := do
let max? ←
match expectedType? with
| none => pure none
| some expectedType =>
let expectedType ← instantiateMVars expectedType
if isUnknow expectedType then pure none else pure (some expectedType)
(go t *> get).run' { max? }
go (t : Tree) : StateRefT AnalyzeResult TermElabM Unit := do
unless (← get).hasUncomparable do
match t with
| .macroExpansion _ _ _ nested => go nested
| .binop _ _ _ lhs rhs => go lhs; go rhs
| .unop _ _ arg => go arg
| .action _ right _ lhs rhs => if right then go lhs else go rhs
| .term _ _ val =>
let type ← instantiateMVars (← inferType val)
unless isUnknow type do
match (← get).max? with
| none => modify fun s => { s with max? := type }
| some max =>
unless (← withNewMCtxDepth <| isDefEqGuarded max type) do
if (← hasCoe type max) then
return ()
else if (← hasCoe max type) then
modify fun s => { s with max? := type }
trace[Elab.binop] "uncomparable types: {max}, {type}"
modify fun s => { s with hasUncomparable := true }
private def mkBinOp (f : Expr) (lhs rhs : Expr) : TermElabM Expr := do
elabAppArgs f #[] #[Arg.expr lhs, Arg.expr rhs] (expectedType? := none) (explicit := false) (ellipsis := false) (resultIsOutParamSupport := false)
private def mkUnOp (f : Expr) (arg : Expr) : TermElabM Expr := do
elabAppArgs f #[] #[Arg.expr arg] (expectedType? := none) (explicit := false) (ellipsis := false) (resultIsOutParamSupport := false)
private def toExprCore (t : Tree) : TermElabM Expr := do
match t with
| .term _ trees e =>
modifyInfoState (fun s => { s with trees := s.trees ++ trees }); return e
| .binop ref lazy f lhs rhs =>
withRef ref <| withInfoContext' ref (mkInfo := mkTermInfo .anonymous ref) do
let lhs ← toExprCore lhs
let mut rhs ← toExprCore rhs
if lazy then
rhs ← mkFunUnit rhs
mkBinOp f lhs rhs
| .unop ref f arg =>
withRef ref <| withInfoContext' ref (mkInfo := mkTermInfo .anonymous ref) do
mkUnOp f (← toExprCore arg)
| .action ref _ f lhs rhs =>
withRef ref <| withInfoContext' ref (mkInfo := mkTermInfo .anonymous ref) do
mkBinOp f (← toExprCore lhs) (← toExprCore rhs)
| .macroExpansion macroName stx stx' nested =>
withRef stx <| withInfoContext' stx (mkInfo := mkTermInfo macroName stx) do
withMacroExpansion stx stx' do
toExprCore nested
Auxiliary function to decide whether we should coerce `f`'s argument to `maxType` or not.
- `f` is a binary operator.
- `lhs == true` (`lhs == false`) if are trying to coerce the left-argument (right-argument).
This function assumes `f` is a heterogeneous operator (e.g., `HAdd.hAdd`, `HMul.hMul`, etc).
It returns true IF
- `f` is a constant of the form `Cls.op` where `Cls` is a class name, and
- `maxType` is of the form `C ...` where `C` is a constant, and
- There are more than one default instance. That is, it assumes the class `Cls` for the heterogeneous operator `f`, and
always has the monomorphic instance. (e.g., for `HAdd`, we have `instance [Add α] : HAdd α α α`), and
- If `lhs == true`, then there is a default instance of the form `Cls _ (C ..) _`, and
- If `lhs == false`, then there is a default instance of the form `Cls (C ..) _ _`.
The motivation is to support default instances such as
@[default_instance high]
instance [Mul α] : HMul α (Array α) (Array α) where
hMul a as := (a * ·)
#eval 2 * #[3, 4, 5]
If the type of an argument is unknown we should not coerce it to `maxType` because it would prevent
the default instance above from being even tried.
private def hasHeterogeneousDefaultInstances (f : Expr) (maxType : Expr) (lhs : Bool) : MetaM Bool := do
let .const fName .. := f | return false
let .const typeName .. := maxType.getAppFn | return false
let className := fName.getPrefix
let defInstances ← getDefaultInstances className
if defInstances.length ≤ 1 then return false
for (instName, _) in defInstances do
if let .app (.app (.app _heteroClass lhsType) rhsType) _resultType :=
(← getConstInfo instName).type.getForallBody then
if lhs && rhsType.isAppOf typeName then return true
if !lhs && lhsType.isAppOf typeName then return true
return false
Return `true` if polymorphic function `f` has a homogenous instance of `maxType`.
The coercions to `maxType` only makes sense if such instance exists.
For example, suppose `maxType` is `Int`, and `f` is `HPow.hPow`. Then,
adding coercions to `maxType` only make sense if we have an instance `HPow Int Int Int`.
private def hasHomogeneousInstance (f : Expr) (maxType : Expr) : MetaM Bool := do
let .const fName .. := f | return false
let className := fName.getPrefix
let inst ← mkAppM className #[maxType, maxType, maxType]
return (← trySynthInstance inst) matches .some _
catch _ =>
return false
Try to coerce elements in the `t` to `maxType` when needed.
If the type of an element in `t` is unknown we only coerce it to `maxType` if `maxType` does not have heterogeneous
default instances. This extra check is approximated by `hasHeterogeneousDefaultInstances`.
Remark: If `maxType` does not implement heterogeneous default instances, we do want to assign unknown types `?m` to
`maxType` because it produces better type information propagation. Our test suite has many tests that would break if
we don't do this. For example, consider the term
eq_of_isEqvAux a b hsz (i+1) (Nat.succ_le_of_lt h) heqv.2
`Nat.succ_le_of_lt h` type depends on `i+1`, but `i+1` only reduces to `Nat.succ i` if we know that `1` is a `Nat`.
There are several other examples like that in our test suite, and one can find them by just replacing the
`← hasHeterogeneousDefaultInstances f maxType lhs` test with `true`
Remark: if `hasHeterogeneousDefaultInstances` implementation is not good enough we should refine it in the future.
private partial def applyCoe (t : Tree) (maxType : Expr) (isPred : Bool) : TermElabM Tree := do
go t none false isPred
go (t : Tree) (f? : Option Expr) (lhs : Bool) (isPred : Bool) : TermElabM Tree := do
match t with
| .binop ref lazy f lhs rhs =>
We only keep applying coercions to `maxType` if `f` is predicate or
`f` has a homogenous instance with `maxType`. See `hasHomogeneousInstance` for additional details.
Remark: We assume `binrel%` elaborator is only used with homogenous predicates.
if (← pure isPred <||> hasHomogeneousInstance f maxType) then
return .binop ref lazy f (← go lhs f true false) (← go rhs f false false)
let r ← withRef ref do
mkBinOp f (← toExpr lhs none) (← toExpr rhs none)
let infoTrees ← getResetInfoTrees
return .term ref infoTrees r
| .unop ref f arg =>
return .unop ref f (← go arg none false false)
| .action ref right f lhs rhs =>
if right then
return .action ref right f (← go lhs none false false) rhs
return .action ref right f lhs (← go rhs none false false)
| .term ref trees e =>
let type ← instantiateMVars (← inferType e)
trace[Elab.binop] "visiting {e} : {type} =?= {maxType}"
if isUnknow type then
if let some f := f? then
if (← hasHeterogeneousDefaultInstances f maxType lhs) then
-- See comment at `hasHeterogeneousDefaultInstances`
return t
if (← isDefEqGuarded maxType type) then
return t
trace[Elab.binop] "added coercion: {e} : {type} => {maxType}"
withRef ref <| return .term ref trees (← mkCoe maxType e)
| .macroExpansion macroName stx stx' nested =>
withRef stx <| withPushMacroExpansionStack stx stx' do
return .macroExpansion macroName stx stx' (← go nested f? lhs isPred)
private partial def toExpr (tree : Tree) (expectedType? : Option Expr) : TermElabM Expr := do
let r ← analyze tree expectedType?
trace[Elab.binop] "hasUncomparable: {r.hasUncomparable}, maxType: {r.max?}"
if r.hasUncomparable || r.max?.isNone then
let result ← toExprCore tree
ensureHasType expectedType? result
let result ← toExprCore (← applyCoe tree r.max?.get! (isPred := false))
trace[Elab.binop] "result: {result}"
ensureHasType expectedType? result
def elabOp : TermElab := fun stx expectedType? => do
toExpr (← toTree stx) expectedType?
@[term_elab binop]
def elabBinOp : TermElab := elabOp
@[term_elab binop_lazy]
def elabBinOpLazy : TermElab := elabOp
@[term_elab unop]
def elabUnOp : TermElab := elabOp
@[term_elab leftact]
def elabLeftAct : TermElab := elabOp
@[term_elab rightact]
def elabRightAct : TermElab := elabOp
end OpV2
macro_rules | `($x ^ $y) => `(rightact% HPow.hPow $x $y)
end Lean.Elab.Term
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