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Knut Behrends knbknb

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rdivyanshu / hat.rkt
Last active May 16, 2024 08:15
Hat tiling
#lang racket
(require metapict)
(require metapict/pict)
(struct M-edge (turn) #:transparent)
(struct X+ M-edge () #:transparent)
(struct X- M-edge () #:transparent)
(struct A+ M-edge () #:transparent)
jthomasmock / guess_keyword.R
Created September 13, 2023 01:36
Guess the Keyword of the day with R!
# get_json_data(date)
# score_letters(letters)
# read_keywords() on mac
# split_char(word) into words
# limit_words(words, str_length) to specific length and lower case
# top_words(word, words_in, top_n = 50) - combo of split_char, limit_words
jthomasmock / copilot_keyword.R
Created September 13, 2023 01:35
Solving the Keyword game with R, with a little help from RStudio and Copilot!
# create a function to solve the Keyword game
# this game uses a 6 letter horizontal word at the
# intersection of 6 other words, where a missing letter from each of the vertical words
# accounts for one letter of the mystery 6 letter length horizontal word
# how to play

Reinforcement Learning for Language Models

Yoav Goldberg, April 2023.

Why RL?

With the release of the ChatGPT model and followup large language models (LLMs), there was a lot of discussion of the importance of "RLHF training", that is, "reinforcement learning from human feedback". I was puzzled for a while as to why RL (Reinforcement Learning) is better than learning from demonstrations (a.k.a supervised learning) for training language models. Shouldn't learning from demonstrations (or, in language model terminology "instruction fine tuning", learning to immitate human written answers) be sufficient? I came up with a theoretical argument that was somewhat convincing. But I came to realize there is an additional argumment which not only supports the case of RL training, but also requires it, in particular for models like ChatGPT. This additional argument is spelled out in (the first half of) a talk by John Schulman from OpenAI. This post pretty much

knbknb /
Last active March 8, 2023 14:13 — forked from riccardopedrielli/
Ubuntu workstation setup
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeu
trap 'STATUS=${?}; echo "${0}: Error on line ${LINENO}: ${BASH_COMMAND}"; exit ${STATUS}' ERR
trap 'rm -rf ${tempDir}' EXIT
readonly supportedUbuntuVersion="22.04"
readonly tempDir="/tmp/setup"
readonly devDir="${HOME}/dev"
readonly scriptsDir="${devDir}/scripts"
georgestagg / mandeldrop.R
Created July 26, 2022 19:03
Mandelbrot set, transformed into a teardrop shape, in R and Rcpp
m <- mandeldrop(xlims[[1]], xlims[[2]], ylims[[1]], ylims[[2]], 1560, 2160, 512)
# Colour palette from
wch / pluck_recursive.R
Created March 10, 2022 04:21
From a tree, recursively pluck all elements with a particular name
# @drob's version from
pluck_recursive <- function(lst, name) {
if (is.list(lst)) {
if (!is.null(lst[[name]])) {
return(unname(unlist(purrr::map(lst, pluck_recursive, name))))
# What's the most natural way to express this code in base R?
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
mtcars %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(disp), n = n())
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#> cyl mean n
#> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#> 1 4 105. 11
#> 2 6 183. 7
chrishoerl /
Last active July 3, 2024 12:46
Bulk delete gitlab pipelines older than a given date
# Purpose: Bulk-delete GitLab pipelines older than a given date
# Author:
# GitLab API: v4
# Requirements: jq must be instaled ($ sudo apt install jq)
# API example:
# API example:<projectid>/pipelines
# NOTE: Script is just a dryrun. To really delete pipelines, simply uncomment line 49 to activate
isteves /
Last active May 4, 2020 15:28
Trying to grok tidyselect

Trying to grok tidyselect

Key takeaways:

  • everything inside vars(...) is exactly the same as the stuff inside select(...)!!!
  • vars() is used for all scoped variants of dplyr verbs (I assume bc the variables need to “fit” into a single argument, .vars. In select(...), the ellipses take everything)
  • vars_select() is probably more of a developer-facing function (seen in select_helpers documentation)

Some "gotchas":