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Last active April 24, 2021 21:44
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animejs/anime.js type definitions for TypeScript. See also
declare var anime: AnimeStatic;
declare var animejs: AnimeStatic;
/** Query selector string. Same as jQuery. */
declare type target = string | Element | NodeList | Object | any[];
declare interface AnimeStatic {
(params?: AnimInput) : AnimInstance;
version : string;
* Change all animations speed (from 0 to 1).
speed : number;
* Return an Array of all active Anime instances.
running : AnimInstance[];
* Remove one or multiple targets from the animation.
remove(targets: target) : void;
* Get current valid value from an element.
getValue(targets: target, propName: string) : string | number;
* Create a path Function for motion path animation.
* Accepts either a DOM node or CSS selector.
path(path, percent: number) : (prop: string)=> {el: SVGPathElement[], property: string, totalLength:number};
* An helper for line drawing animation.
* Sets the 'stroke-dasharray' to the total path length and return its value.
setDashoffset(el: SVGPathElement) : number;
* Return the complete list of built in easing functions
easings: Easings;
* Return a custom Bézier curve easing function
bezier(x1: number, x2: number, y1: number, y2: number) : (x) => number;
* Create a timeline to synchronise other Anime instances.
timeline(params? :TimelineInput) : TimelineInstance ;
* Generate a random number between two numbers.
random(min: number, max: number) : number;
interface AnimInput extends Targets, AnimatableProperties {
interface Targets{
* The targets property defines the elements or JS Objects to animate.
* | Types | Examples
* | ------------- | ---------------
* | CSS Selectors | `'div'`, `'.item'`, `'path'`
* | DOM Element | `document.querySelector('.item')`
* | NodeList | `document.querySelectorAll('.item')`
* | `Object` | `{prop1: 100, prop2: 200}`
* | `Array` | `['div', '.item', domNode]`
targets : target;
* | Types | Examples
* | --- | ---
* | CSS | `opacity`, `backgroundColor`, `fontSize` ...
* | Transforms | `translateX`, `rotate`, `scale` ...
* | Object properties | Any `Object` property containing numerical values
* | DOM attributes | Any DOM attributes containing numerical values
* | SVG attributes | Any SVG attributes containing numerical values
interface AnimatableProperties {
// Transformations
translateX: animatableProperty;
translateY: animatableProperty;
rotate: animatableProperty;
scale: animatableProperty;
// CSS
opacity: animatableProperty;
color: animatableProperty;
backgroundColor: animatableProperty;
left: animatableProperty;
top: animatableProperty;
border: animatableProperty;
// SVG
points: animatableProperty;
strokeDashoffset: animatableProperty;
// DOM
value: animatableProperty;
round: number; // Remove decimals by rounding the value
// Custom Props
[prop: string]: any
/** Single value
* Defines the end value of the animation.
* Start value is the original target value, or default transforms value.
declare type propertyValue = number | string;
declare type FunctionBasedValues = (el: Element, index?: number, targetsLength?: number) => propertyValue;
declare type FromToValues = [propertyValue, propertyValue];
declare type propertyValues = propertyValue | FromToValues | FunctionBasedValues;
* Defines duration, delay and easing for each property animations.
* Can be set globally, or individually to each properties:
* | Names | Defaults | Types | Info
* | --- | --- | --- | ---
* | duration | `1000` | `number`, `function` | millisecond
* | delay | `0` | `number`, `function` | millisecond
* | easing | `'easeOutElastic'` | `function` | [See Easing functions](#easing-functions)
* | elasticity | `500` | `number`, `function` | Range [0 - 1000]
* | round | `false` | `number`, `boolean`, `function` | Power of 10
export type PropertyParameters =
value: propertyValues,
duration?: FunctionBasedValues | number,
delay: FunctionBasedValues | number,
elasticity : FunctionBasedValues | number,
easing?: Easing | Function
round : number | boolean | Function
* Keyframes are defined using an Array of property Object.
* Instance's duration is divided by the number of keyframes of each properties if not specified.
declare type Keyframes = PropertyParameters[];
declare type animatableProperty = propertyValues | PropertyParameters | Keyframes;
* Parameters relative to the animation to specify the direction, the number of loops or autoplay.
export type animationParameters = {
loop: boolean | number;
direction: 'normal'|'reverse'|'alternate';
autoplay: boolean;
* Instance
interface AnimInstance extends
animationCallbacks, animationParameters, instanceParams {
/** timeline children */
children: AnimInstance[],
animatables: FunctionBasedValues[],
animations: any[], // ????
currentTime: number;
progress: number;
paused: boolean;
began: boolean;
completed: boolean;
reversed: boolean;
remaining: boolean;
interface instanceParams {
offset: FunctionBasedValues;
duration: FunctionBasedValues,
delay: FunctionBasedValues,
declare type animCallback = (AnimInstance)=>{} ;
interface animationCallbacks {
update: animCallback;
begin: animCallback;
complete: animCallback;
run: animCallback;
interface TimelineInput extends AnimInput, instanceParams{
interface TimelineInstance extends AnimInstance {
add(params: AnimInput);
interface Easings {
easeInElastic(a: any, b: any): any;
easeInOutElastic(b: any, c: any): any;
easeOutElastic(b: any, c: any): any;
easeInBack(h: any): any;
easeInCirc(h: any): any;
easeInCubic(h: any): any;
easeInExpo(h: any): any;
easeInOutBack(h: any): any;
easeInOutCirc(h: any): any;
easeInOutCubic(h: any): any;
easeInOutExpo(h: any): any
easeInOutQuad(h: any): any;
easeInOutQuart(h: any): any;
easeInOutQuint(h: any): any;
easeInOutSine(h: any): any;
easeInQuad(h: any): any;
easeInQuart(h: any): any;
easeInQuint(h: any): any;
easeInSine(h: any): any;
easeOutBack(h: any): any;
easeOutCirc(h: any): any;
easeOutCubic(h: any): any;
easeOutExpo(h: any): any;
easeOutQuad(h: any): any;
easeOutQuart(h: any): any;
easeOutQuint(h: any): any;
easeOutSine(h: any): any;
export type Easing =
'easeInSine' |
'easeOutSine' |
'easeInOutSine' |
'easeInCirc' |
'easeOutCirc' |
'easeInOutCirc' |
'easeInElastic' |
'easeOutElastic' |
'easeInOutElastic' |
'easeInBack' |
'easeOutBack' |
'easeInOutBack' |
'easeInBounce' |
'easeOutBounce' |
'easeInOutBounce' |
'easeInQuad' |
'easeOutQuad' |
'easeInOutQuad' |
'easeInCubic' |
'easeOutCubic' |
'easeInOutCubic' |
'easeInQuart' |
'easeOutQuart' |
'easeInOutQuart' |
'easeInQuint' |
'easeOutQuint' |
'easeInOutQuint' |
'easeInExpo' |
'easeOutExpo' |
'easeInOutExpo' |
'linear' |
[number, number, number, number];
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