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Last active April 21, 2024 09:10
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C++ source code to compute pi with Chudnovsky formula and Binary Splitting Algorithm using GMP libarary.
* Computing pi by Binary Splitting Algorithm with GMP libarary.
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <gmpxx.h>
using namespace std;
struct PQT
mpz_class P, Q, T;
class Chudnovsky
// Declaration
mpz_class A, B, C, D, E, C3_24; // GMP Integer
int DIGITS, PREC, N; // Integer
double DIGITS_PER_TERM; // Long
clock_t t0, t1, t2; // Time
PQT compPQT(int n1, int n2); // Computer PQT (by BSA)
Chudnovsky(); // Constructor
void compPi(); // Compute PI
* Constructor
// Constants
DIGITS = 100;
A = 13591409;
B = 545140134;
C = 640320;
D = 426880;
E = 10005;
DIGITS_PER_TERM = 14.1816474627254776555; // = log(53360^3) / log(10)
C3_24 = C * C * C / 24;
PREC = DIGITS * log2(10);
* Compute PQT (by Binary Splitting Algorithm)
PQT Chudnovsky::compPQT(int n1, int n2)
int m;
PQT res;
if (n1 + 1 == n2) {
res.P = (2 * n2 - 1);
res.P *= (6 * n2 - 1);
res.P *= (6 * n2 - 5);
res.Q = C3_24 * n2 * n2 * n2;
res.T = (A + B * n2) * res.P;
if ((n2 & 1) == 1) res.T = - res.T;
} else {
m = (n1 + n2) / 2;
PQT res1 = compPQT(n1, m);
PQT res2 = compPQT(m, n2);
res.P = res1.P * res2.P;
res.Q = res1.Q * res2.Q;
res.T = res1.T * res2.Q + res1.P * res2.T;
return res;
* Compute PI
void Chudnovsky::compPi()
cout << "**** PI Computation ( " << DIGITS << " digits )" << endl;
// Time (start)
t0 = clock();
// Compute Pi
PQT PQT = compPQT(0, N);
mpf_class pi(0, PREC);
pi = D * sqrt((mpf_class)E) * PQT.Q;
pi /= (A * PQT.Q + PQT.T);
// Time (end of computation)
t1 = clock();
cout << "TIME (COMPUTE): "
<< (double)(t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC
<< " seconds." << endl;
// Output
ofstream ofs ("pi.txt");
ofs.precision(DIGITS + 1);
ofs << pi << endl;
// Time (end of writing)
t2 = clock();
cout << "TIME (WRITE) : "
<< (double)(t2 - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC
<< " seconds." << endl;
int main()
// Instantiation
Chudnovsky objMain;
// Compute PI
catch (...) {
cout << "ERROR!" << endl;
return -1;
return 0;
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Try to compile with -lgmp and -lgmpxx flags:
g++ -lgmp -lgmpxx chudnovsky.cpp

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