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!**************************************************** | |
! 線形計画法(シンプレックス法) | |
! | |
! * 入力はテキストファイルをパイプ処理 | |
! 1行目: 行数 列数 変数の数 | |
! 2行目以降: 1行に列数分の係数 * 行数 | |
! | |
! date name version | |
! 2018.12.05 mk-mode.com 1.00 新規作成 | |
! | |
! Copyright(C) 2018 mk-mode.com All Rights Reserved. | |
!**************************************************** | |
! | |
module const | |
! SP: 単精度(4), DP: 倍精度(8) | |
integer, parameter :: SP = kind(1.0) | |
integer(SP), parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind(2 * precision(1.0_SP)) | |
end module const | |
module simplex | |
use const | |
implicit none | |
private | |
public :: solve | |
contains | |
! 線形計画法 | |
! | |
! :param(in) integer(4) n_row: 元数 | |
! :param(in) integer(4) n_col: 元数 | |
! :param(inout) real(8) a(n_row,n_col): 係数配列 | |
subroutine solve(n_row, n_col, a) | |
implicit none | |
integer(SP), intent(in) :: n_row, n_col | |
real(DP), intent(inout) :: a(n_row, n_col) | |
integer(SP) :: x, y ! 最小値の行・列インデックス | |
real(DP) :: c_min ! 最小値 | |
real(DP) :: a_tmp(n_row - 1) ! 作業用配列 | |
integer(SP) :: i, j | |
real(DP) :: d | |
do | |
! 列選択 | |
c_min = minval(a(n_row, :)) | |
y = minloc(a(n_row, :), 1) | |
if (c_min >= 0.0_DP) exit | |
! 行選択 | |
a_tmp = a(1:n_row-1,n_col) / a(1:n_row-1, y) | |
x = minloc(a_tmp, 1) | |
! ピボット係数を p で除算 | |
a(x, :) = a(x, :) / a(x, y) | |
! ピボット列の掃き出し | |
do i = 1, n_row | |
if (i == x) cycle | |
d = a(i, y) | |
a(i, :) = a(i, :) - d * a(x, :) | |
end do | |
end do | |
end subroutine solve | |
end module simplex | |
program linear_programming | |
use const | |
use simplex | |
implicit none | |
integer(SP) :: n_row, n_col, n_var ! 行数、列数、変数の数 | |
real(DP), allocatable :: a(:, :) ! 係数行列 | |
character(20) :: f ! 書式文字列 | |
integer(SP) :: i, j, flag | |
real(DP) :: v | |
! 行数、列数、変数の数の取得 | |
read (*, *) n_row, n_col, n_var | |
print '(A)', "Number:" | |
print '(" rows = ", I0)', n_row | |
print '(" colmuns = ", I0)', n_col | |
print '(" variables = ", I0)', n_var | |
! 係数行列メモリ確保 | |
allocate(a(n_row, n_col)) | |
! 係数行列読み込み | |
do i = 1, n_row | |
read (*, *) a(i, :) | |
end do | |
print '(A)', "Coefficients:" | |
write (f, '("(", I0, "(F8.4, 2X)", ")")') n_col | |
print f, a(1:n_row, :) | |
! 線形計画法で解く | |
call solve(n_row, n_col, a) | |
! 結果出力 | |
print '(A)', "Answer:" | |
do j = 1, n_var | |
flag = -1 | |
do i = 1, n_row | |
if (a(i, j) == 1.0_DP) flag = i | |
end do | |
if (flag == -1) then | |
v = 0.0_DP | |
else | |
v = a(flag, n_col) | |
end if | |
print '(" x", I0, " = ", F8.4)', j, v | |
end do | |
print '(" z = ", F8.4)', a(n_row, n_col) | |
! 係数行列メモリ解放 | |
deallocate(a) | |
end program linear_programming |
Nowadays, the practice of writing "All rights reserved" may not make sense.
However, the author name display has the advantage of being able to clearly indicate the right holder.
So I dare to write it.
- I'm sorry for the poor English.
Can you supply an example? An input file. Better would be a hardwired example called as a subroutine.
What would be the text file for this example?
Maximize :
15 X1 + 17 X2 + 20 X3
0 X1 + 1 X2 - 1 X3 <= 2
3 X1 + 3 X2 + 5 X3 <= 15
3 X1 + 2 X2 + 1 X3 <= 8
0 <= X1
0 <= X2
0 <= X3
The text file for this example:
Imagine an algorithm)
(Filename: data.txt)
4 7 3
0 1 -1 1 0 0 2
3 3 5 0 1 0 15
3 2 1 0 0 1 8
15 17 20 0 0 0 0
And then, run it like this:
cat data.txt | ./simplex
Then, it should look like this:
rows = 4
colmuns = 7
variables = 3
0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000
3.0000 3.0000 5.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 15.0000
3.0000 2.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 8.0000
15.0000 17.0000 20.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
x1 = 0.0000
x2 = 2.0000
x3 = 8.0000
z = 0.0000
- Depending on the compilation environment, the output direction of "Coefficients" may be switched.
WolframAlpha.com and Mathematica (on my computer) give entirely different answers than yours.
You can run this same example in WolframAlpha by clicking on this in url:
In the line and in the code:
colmuns = 7
print '(" colmuns = ", I0)', n_col
The correct spelling is:
should it be negatives:
-15 -17 -20 0 0 0 0
Your code did not agree with Wolfram Alpha results or 2 other LPs
Here's what fixed it.
! 1.. Avoid division by zero: Add a small tolerance (eps) to prevent
! divisions by zero or very small values.
! 2.. Prevent cycling (Bland's Rule): Implement Bland's Rule to avoid
! cycles by selecting the first valid pivot instead of the
! smallest negative value.
! 3.. Iteration limit: Add a maximum iteration limit to prevent
! infinite loops.
module simplex
use const
implicit none
public :: solve
! Linear Programming
! :param(in) integer(4) n_row: Number of rows
! :param(in) integer(4) n_col: Number of columns
! :param(inout) real(8) a(n_row,n_col): Coefficient Array
subroutine solve(n_row, n_col, a)
implicit none
integer(SP), intent(in) :: n_row, n_col
real(DP), intent(inout) :: a(n_row, n_col)
integer(SP) :: x, y ! row/column index of minimum value
real(DP) :: a_tmp(n_row - 1) ! working array for ratios
integer(SP) :: i, iter ! iteration counter
real(DP) :: d, eps ! pivot factor and epsilon
integer(SP), parameter :: max_iter = 1000 ! maximum number of iterations
eps = 1.0E-8 ! Small tolerance to avoid division by zero or very small values
iter = 0 ! Initialize iteration counter
do while (iter < max_iter)
iter = iter + 1
! Column selection (Bland's Rule: Choose the first negative entry in the last row)
y = 0
do i = 1, n_col-1
if (a(n_row, i) < -eps) then
y = i
end if
end do
if (y == 0) exit ! Optimal solution found if no negative entries in the last row
! Line selection (choose pivot row with the smallest positive ratio)
do i = 1, n_row-1
if (a(i, y) > eps) then
a_tmp(i) = a(i, n_col) / a(i, y)
a_tmp(i) = HUGE(1.0_DP) ! Set to large value if division is invalid
end if
end do
x = minloc(a_tmp, 1)
! Check for degenerate case where no valid pivot row is found
if (a(x, y) < eps) exit
! Divide the pivot row by the pivot element
a(x, :) = a(x, :) / a(x, y)
! Pivot Column Sweep
do i = 1, n_row
if (i == x) cycle ! Skip the pivot row
d = a(i, y)
a(i, :) = a(i, :) - d * a(x, :) ! Adjust all other rows
end do
end do
if (iter >= max_iter) then
print *, "Reached maximum number of iterations (", max_iter, "). Exiting loop."
end if
end subroutine solve
end module
Thank you for pointing that out.
If I modify it as you suggested, it will become your code, so I will not modify it.
(Currently, I do not have an environment where I can use Fortran95, so I cannot try it out...)
In the future, if you see this code, please keep in mind that this point was made.
You have a very restrictive license used here. All rights reserved means nobody can use it. Was that your intent?