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Last active July 17, 2023 21:18
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Fortran 95 source code to solve a linear programming by simplex method.
! 線形計画法(シンプレックス法)
! * 入力はテキストファイルをパイプ処理
! 1行目: 行数 列数 変数の数
! 2行目以降: 1行に列数分の係数 * 行数
! date name version
! 2018.12.05 1.00 新規作成
! Copyright(C) 2018 All Rights Reserved.
module const
! SP: 単精度(4), DP: 倍精度(8)
integer, parameter :: SP = kind(1.0)
integer(SP), parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind(2 * precision(1.0_SP))
end module const
module simplex
use const
implicit none
public :: solve
! 線形計画法
! :param(in) integer(4) n_row: 元数
! :param(in) integer(4) n_col: 元数
! :param(inout) real(8) a(n_row,n_col): 係数配列
subroutine solve(n_row, n_col, a)
implicit none
integer(SP), intent(in) :: n_row, n_col
real(DP), intent(inout) :: a(n_row, n_col)
integer(SP) :: x, y ! 最小値の行・列インデックス
real(DP) :: c_min ! 最小値
real(DP) :: a_tmp(n_row - 1) ! 作業用配列
integer(SP) :: i, j
real(DP) :: d
! 列選択
c_min = minval(a(n_row, :))
y = minloc(a(n_row, :), 1)
if (c_min >= 0.0_DP) exit
! 行選択
a_tmp = a(1:n_row-1,n_col) / a(1:n_row-1, y)
x = minloc(a_tmp, 1)
! ピボット係数を p で除算
a(x, :) = a(x, :) / a(x, y)
! ピボット列の掃き出し
do i = 1, n_row
if (i == x) cycle
d = a(i, y)
a(i, :) = a(i, :) - d * a(x, :)
end do
end do
end subroutine solve
end module simplex
program linear_programming
use const
use simplex
implicit none
integer(SP) :: n_row, n_col, n_var ! 行数、列数、変数の数
real(DP), allocatable :: a(:, :) ! 係数行列
character(20) :: f ! 書式文字列
integer(SP) :: i, j, flag
real(DP) :: v
! 行数、列数、変数の数の取得
read (*, *) n_row, n_col, n_var
print '(A)', "Number:"
print '(" rows = ", I0)', n_row
print '(" colmuns = ", I0)', n_col
print '(" variables = ", I0)', n_var
! 係数行列メモリ確保
allocate(a(n_row, n_col))
! 係数行列読み込み
do i = 1, n_row
read (*, *) a(i, :)
end do
print '(A)', "Coefficients:"
write (f, '("(", I0, "(F8.4, 2X)", ")")') n_col
print f, a(1:n_row, :)
! 線形計画法で解く
call solve(n_row, n_col, a)
! 結果出力
print '(A)', "Answer:"
do j = 1, n_var
flag = -1
do i = 1, n_row
if (a(i, j) == 1.0_DP) flag = i
end do
if (flag == -1) then
v = 0.0_DP
v = a(flag, n_col)
end if
print '(" x", I0, " = ", F8.4)', j, v
end do
print '(" z = ", F8.4)', a(n_row, n_col)
! 係数行列メモリ解放
end program linear_programming
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The text file for this example:
Imagine an algorithm)

(Filename: data.txt)

4 7 3
 0  1 -1 1 0 0  2
 3  3  5 0 1 0 15
 3  2  1 0 0 1  8
15 17 20 0 0 0  0

And then, run it like this:

cat data.txt | ./simplex

Then, it should look like this:

  rows      = 4
  colmuns   = 7
  variables = 3
  0.0000    1.0000   -1.0000    1.0000    0.0000    0.0000    2.0000
  3.0000    3.0000    5.0000    0.0000    1.0000    0.0000   15.0000
  3.0000    2.0000    1.0000    0.0000    0.0000    1.0000    8.0000
 15.0000   17.0000   20.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
  x1 =   0.0000
  x2 =   2.0000
  x3 =   8.0000
  z  =   0.0000
  • Depending on the compilation environment, the output direction of "Coefficients" may be switched.

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kmutiny commented Jul 17, 2023

In the line and in the code:

colmuns = 7
print '(" colmuns = ", I0)', n_col

The correct spelling is:


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